All about Andrea

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Busty MILF will do anything to protect her younger sister.
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A big thank you to Matt - the driving force behind 'How to Ruin a Perfect Marriage' - who gave me the basis for the plot.

Cheers mate.


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I've always been popular with the boys. Have been since puberty. And it's not because I'm stunningly beautiful, because I'm not. For starters my nose is a bit too long, my upper lip is too thin and my bottom lip is too thick. But I am aware that some days I can look attractive, helped mainly by my startlingly clear green eyes. But I know that I look really hot when I get my makeup on especially when I brush my long dark hair off my face.

I'm not tall, I'm only 5'5" and whilst my butts okay my legs are way too skinny for my liking. But it seems that men never get that far south down my body to even appraise them.

Of course you've probably already guessed what the problem is that attracts men to me like bees to honey. It's my boobs. By any stretch of the imagination they are huge. Not obscenely, fake tit job massive, just naturally large with very little sag and shaped like breasts should be.

I don't know how they got to be this big but after puberty arrived they started to grow and then just carried on. I'm now in a 32GG bra and even that's becoming a little bit tight.

My name is Eva and I am thirty six years old, married to Dwayne and mother to Kyle, aged six. I don't need to work but I do dabble a bit with interior design. I go to classes at the local college two nights a week to learn more and one day when Kyle is older, I plan to go into it full-time. But for now I'm happy as things are.

Dwayne is a sweetheart. I realized I'd fallen for him after our third date because that's how long it took him before he touched my breasts. Every other man I'd ever dated plus some that I didn't couldn't wait to get their hands on them. Much later, when I asked Dwayne about it he'd told me that it was my eyes that had first attracted him to me and that the size of my breasts was unimportant to him. I admit I was surprised although I've often wondered why men become so fixated on that particular female body part, even to the point of obsession. In my opinion they're just breasts, designed to hold milk to feed our babies. On the other hand I confess that we women do play on that male weakness, even to the extent of sometimes shamelessly flaunting and using our prominent upper body features to get what we want.

As well as a husband and a son I also have a sister. Andrea is seven years younger than me and more like a daughter than a sibling. When I was eighteen and she was barely eleven our parents were killed in a car crash. With just an elderly maternal grandfather to take us in, I took on the burden and responsibility of raising her, willingly forgoing my planned college education.

She took the loss of our parents very hard and struggled to cope with the trauma of our loss. Every day was a challenge but we managed to work through most of her issues and insecurities. She was and still is a great kid although she often lacks confidence, which wasn't helped one bit by her High School Prom night. It was a tale too often told. Stood up by her supposed date just for a laugh.

Mitch Dubois. He was one of the popular guys at High School although he wasn't a jock. Andrea crushed on him heavily after she worked with him on some school project. He came to our house on more than one occasion because of the project and I was glad when it ended. I don't know why but he didn't endear himself to me one little bit but Andrea gushed about him so much I made myself move past my disquiet about his character. I figured he was far too cocky for his own good. Brash, reasonably good looking, he soon had Andrea twisted around his little finger. I could see straight through him though. Plus I could see him lewdly ogling my breasts when he thought I wasn't looking.

Andrea was over the moon when he asked her to be his Prom date. It was all she talked about for weeks. But on Prom night he never arrived to pick her up. Devastated by his actions Andrea was inconsolable for weeks. Eventually I went looking for him to find out why he'd been so callous, only to find that he and his parents had suddenly just upped and moved. Word was they'd left town.

Satisfied he would never cross our path again I forgot about him and we all got on with our lives. But I vowed there and then that my little sister would never have to suffer that kind of disappointment and hurt again. And there was nothing I wouldn't do to ensure that.

Anyway I met and then married Dwayne and had Kyle, whilst Andrea left High School and also forgoing college, got a job with the local newspaper. She had aspirations to be a reporter but after an initial role as general dogsbody they gave her a job as a copy writer, a position so far she'd not progressed beyond.

She dated from time to time but nobody stuck around for very long. In one of our heart to hearts she admitted she still had feelings for Mitch. I admit I was shocked. I had no idea she still carried that much of a torch for him. I probably should have given her a good talking-to but I was scared about her mental fragility at that time so ducked the issue. Maybe I shouldn't have.

Even after all these years Andrea and I are still incredibly close and we usually make time to meet up two or three times a week at a local coffee shop to catch up. It gives Andrea a chance to get the things off her chest that are bothering her. I am still like a mother to her, giving her sound advice, which she by and large ignores.

This particular day she was almost gushing when she sat down at our usual table. She seemed very excitable, her blue eyes were flashing and it was all she could do just to sit still.

"Guess what," she said as she vigorously stirred her coffee, "guess who's back in town?"

"I have absolutely no idea," I replied as I lifted my cup of latte to my lips and took a sip.

"Don't you listen to KMCY?" she asked. We don't live in a large city but the town is big enough that we have a couple of local radio stations.

"Talk radio? No thank you. I prefer to listen to music rather than to some loudmouth presenter giving us his biased views on the world," I countered. "And since when did you take such an interest in talk radio?"

She beamed with obvious delight. "Since Mitch took over the morning slot."

"Mitch who?" I answered casually.

"Mitch Dubois," she exclaimed delightedly.

"Mitch Dubois ... as in your Mitch Dubois?" I exclaimed back in response. I closed my mouth realizing that it had been gaping open. "You seem awfully pleased," I added.

"I am," she gushed, "I can't wait to see him again. I wonder if he's changed much?"

I shook my head. "I can't believe it. Have you forgotten what he did to you?"

"Oh come on sis, that was years ago. I'm sure he's forgotten all about it. I certainly have. If I do meet him again I hope you're not going to ruin it for me."

I wasn't sure what she meant by that. But she was right. She was my little sister and I should and would be supportive of her.

"No of course not," I said reaching over and putting my hand on top of hers. I gave it a squeeze. "You know I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks Mom," she said with a cheeky grin. I laughed with her at her feeble attempt at sarcastic humor.

I had my back to the door but I sensed someone had walked into the coffee shop when Andrea's head jerked up.

"Ohhh my God ... he's here. He's just walked in," she blurted out in a loud whisper. I turned around quickly, twisting my body in my seat. It was unmistakably Mitch Dubois. Older of course but better looking with maturity and just oozing self confidence.

"You should call him over," I said matter-of-factly, turning back to Andrea.

"Nooo, I can't do that," she said, coloring up bright red. "I just couldn't," she added when she saw my questioning look.

I took matters in hand. I twisted around in my seat, raised my arm above my head and waved it. "Mitch ... Mitch. Over here."

"Eva ... what are you doing?" Andrea hissed at me, leaning forward, her eyes blazing.

I turned back around. "Helping you out," I replied with a sly grin.

I turned back to see Mitch was making his way over to our table. "There you go," I said smiling wickedly, "you can thank me later."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Mitch began as he arrived at our table. His voice was deep. A rich, sonorous tone. Ideal for radio.

"Of course you do," I said, "surely you remember Andrea Sonnet. You were at school together. And I'm ..."

"Eva Sonnet," he interrupted, "ah yes, I remember you. How could I forget," he said with an easy smile. I noticed his eyes were resting on my boobs, which were fetchingly displayed beneath a tight green tee shirt. But then every top I wore was tight with these two puppies beneath them.

"Eva Kenning now; I'm married," I said flashing him my wedding ring.

"What a shame," he replied quietly, still with that easy smile on his lips.

"Won't you join us?" I asked.

"Why not," he smiled again as he pulled up another chair and sat down.

Andrea so far hadn't said a word but was sitting there with a silly grin on her face. She obviously still had a massive crush on him. But it didn't look like she was going to speak anytime soon so it was up to me to move this along.

"So how long have you been back in town Mitch?" I asked.

"A couple of months. I've been in LA for a few years but my management team thought it would be good for me if I came back here."

"So what do you do?" I asked. I looked over at Andrea and could see her eyes blazing. I knew she was itching to give me a quick kick under the table.

"I'm the morning DJ on Radio KMCY," he replied.

"Ohhhh ..." I countered vacantly, "that's the talk radio station, isn't it? I don't listen to it. I prefer music. Were you doing that in LA?"

"Yes," he replied. I could sense by his body language there was more than a trace of bitterness even though he masked it well with his permanent smile. He quickly changed the subject, which piqued my curiosity even more. Something definitely wasn't right. But he kept on smiling and we carried on chatting for quite a while before I sensed Andrea was growing impatient. She clearly wanted me to direct the conversation around to her. So I did and she finally spoke to him. I gave them another ten minutes of my time and then made my excuses and left.

A few days later Andrea rang me. She had two things to tell me. The first was that it seemed things were already progressing nicely between her and Mitch. She was excited because they'd been out together although it had only been a lunch date, so I was not to read too much into it. After regaling me with the details of where they went and what they'd eaten and what they'd talked about she then told me the other reason for her call. Mitch had moved into a new apartment and was renovating it. Trying to be helpful she'd told him I was an interior designer and maybe I could have a look and perhaps give him a few pointers. He thought it was a great idea. All I had to do was go around and talk to him.

I admit I was hesitant. I was by no means an expert at this. I am an enthusiastic amateur bolstered by some courses at night school. But I went anyway.

Arriving around seven in the evening Mitch met me at the door and thrust a glass of perfectly chilled white wine into my hand. He then led me through room after room of his loft apartment.

The size was daunting and I told him I was way out of my depth but he just smiled and put my mind at rest when he said the only rooms he wanted fixing up were the living room and the master bedroom. The rest could wait until he had more money. It made sense.

Over the next few weeks I met up with him every few days. The flirting started immediately, which was easy to dismiss. But as time moved on I became so consumed with the project I ignored his increasingly blatant attempts to feel me up. It became tiring trying to fend him off.

On more than one occasion I had to flash my wedding ring at him and remind him I was taken. I even joked that if he was that keen to get into our family maybe he should marry Andrea. That shut him up until he said the only person he wanted to marry was me. That jolted me and I got angry but he laughed it off as a joke.

During this time it soon became clear that Andrea wasn't happy that I was seeing a lot more of him than her. And she told me so on our next coffee and cake day. I countered by saying it was her fault for telling him I could refurbish his apartment but if it bothered her that much I would stop doing it.

She admitted that she was being needlessly jealous and I reminded her that she had absolutely no reason to be suspicious. I was happily married and found Mitch to be probably the most obnoxious man I'd ever met.

The next time he tried to get really touchy feely was when he was choosing his bed linen. He wanted my help as he said he couldn't decide between red or blue satin sheets. Which would I prefer? Without realizing; fool that I am; I started to tell him. I preferred white. It was a neutral color and would go with anything. He said that was a great idea as laying on the bed the combination of my long dark hair spread around my head would contrast nicely with the cool whiteness of the sheets. It would be some sight to behold. Of course I got his meaning straight away and as my anger grew he made various suggestions of what he would do to me on the bedding before I stormed out.

There was no doubt he was good looking and he knew it; but he was also arrogant, cocky and if truth be known, a complete and utter asshole! I couldn't wait to finish the job and I nearly didn't go back. But professional pride; even though I was by no means a professional; meant I felt obliged to see it through to completion. I did however scale back my visits and never did see if the final finishing touches that I'd suggested to him were fully implemented. I just couldn't bring myself to go back there a final time.

It was a few days later before I spoke to Andrea again. She was so excited. Mitch had asked her out on a proper date. I told her to be careful and she had laughed and called me mom again. I admit I was worried. There was no doubt that Mitch was a charmer but I had the uneasy feeling it was all an act. An act designed to get him one thing and one thing only. And I didn't want Andrea to get hurt and especially by him. Not again.

What worried me the most was that she was at that vulnerable age. Fast approaching her thirtieth birthday she was still single. I knew she longed to be married and I knew she was desperate to have kids. The trouble was the men she dated picked up on that dangerous vibe and I had the feeling that all they had to do was push the right buttons and she was putty in their hands.

It was late, around midnight and I was standing butt naked in our bedroom in front of my husband trying hard to entice him into having sex with me. We too had been out earlier and I was still wearing my makeup and my high heels. Dwayne however seemed more interested in going to sleep than indulging me.

I couldn't remember the last time we'd had sex and I felt really horny as I clambered on top of him and let my breasts dangle down into his face. I was hoping that his lips would feel my hard, swollen nipples brushing across them and that this wanton act might just tempt him into action. Then the phone rang.

"Shit," I exclaimed. I knew it would be Andrea. Only she would call this late. I reached out, grabbed the phone and rolled off Dwayne and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hi Andrea," I said.

The reply was almost unintelligible, broken up as it was by her pitiful sobs.

"Calm down Andrea," I said. "Breathe." I repeated the word several times and slowly I could hear her breathing returning to normal. "Now tell me what's the matter."

"It's Mitch ..."

I rolled my eyes. Now why didn't that surprise me? Of course it was. It was always Mitch. He was a first rate asshole.

"... we've had a massive argument and he's walked off and left me and I don't know what to do. I don't even know where I am."

"Okay," I said jumping off the bed, "I'm on my way. I'll find out where you are as I drive. Let me get dressed and I'll call you back."

"Okay," she replied.

I hung up and grabbed my panties and pulled them on as at the same time I reached inside the wardrobe and grabbed my jeans. With precious minutes ticking away, I grabbed hold of a white sweater that had a full length zip. It looked like a tracksuit top but was far more fashionable than that and much more expensive. But it was quick and easy to get into. I turned to Dwayne. He had already turned on his side and was clearly drifting off to sleep.

"I've got to go get Andi," I said.

"Huh huh," he murmured in response.

I stormed out of the house, jumped into my car and hitting the gas I sped off to rescue my sister. I called her up and she told me that Mitch had taken her out for a drink before dragging her off to some triple X rated cinema as a 'fun' end to their night out. She'd hated every minute of it and asked to leave. He'd got angry and stormed off. She didn't know where he was because they'd gone out in a cab because he didn't want to drink and drive.

I asked her the name of the cinema and pulling over to the side of the road, googled the address. I told her I would be there as soon as I could and hit the gas again. As I drove I was seething. The selfish, thoughtless bastard. It was bad enough that he treated her so poorly but to walk away and leave her alone in a seedy part of town ... well ... that wasn't good enough. I just wanted to rip off his testicles and ram them down his throat.

I let out a huge sigh of relief when I spotted Andi. She started to cry as soon as she got inside the car. I calmed her down and drove her home. I was still seething with rage and decided that I would go and find that selfish sonofabitch and tell him exactly what I thought of him. When I told Andrea what I was going to do she pleaded with me not to do it. She had calmed down so much she was now defending his actions. She even blamed herself. Now that was just too much.

I told her I wouldn't go but as soon as I drove away my blood started to boil again. How dare he abuse my sister and hurt her like that.

I wasn't thinking straight. I had no idea where he was or how to find him. All I had was a burning desire to confront him. My starting point was the triple X cinema. Just along from there was a strip mall with several bars. Maybe he was in one of those.

I pulled over and parked up. I clambered out and walked towards the blinking neon light that hung above the first bar, ignoring the lewd comments about my breasts from several men that were loitering around the area. I hadn't thought this out at all. I took a deep breath. I had to do this. This was for Andrea.

Mitch wasn't in the first two bars I went inside but as luck would have it I spotted him as he left the third. I called out his name and he looked surprised to see me. But he let me walk all the way up to him, his eyes fixed firmly onto my bra-less breasts, which were moving about quite freely under my top.

"YOU BASTARD," I screamed at him as I swung my arm and slapped him hard across the face. The resounding noise echoed around the near deserted street.

He grinned back at me as he ruefully rubbed his cheek. My nostrils were flaring and my eyes were wild with anger. The cocky, arrogant bastard. I swung again but he swayed back and I missed.

"Calm down Eva," he said as he grabbed my wrist preventing me from hitting him again. I swung at him with my other arm but he surprised me by pulling me into his chest. He held me tight as I struggled to release myself from his strong, manly grip. I eventually stopped struggling. I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Besides, he smelled so good. His cologne was so strong and masculine and sexy.