All Class Reunion Ch. 02

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Pregnant wife reconnects with high school jock.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 01/23/2005
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Please see "All Class Reunion" in the Loving Wives category for the first part of this story.

The funeral home was quiet. The only sound was the soft music playing through unseen speakers. It was a typical funeral home atmosphere. Overdone with velvet and gold paint. It was cool inside but the air conditioning could not eliminate a damp and musty smell.

It had been more than a year since I had been in my hometown. The last time that I visited was the day that the baby was born. My wife's mother had called earlier that morning to tell me that my wife had gone into early labor. By the time that I arrived at the hospital she had given birth and when I walked into her hospital room she was sitting up in bed holding the little boy.

I instantly knew that it was not mine. It looked nothing like me or my wife. It looked like the Jock that she had fucked. I told her that I wanted a DNA test to prove paternity and then I turned and walked out of the room.

It took another day before I could schedule an appointment with the hospital's clinic and after letting them take a sample from the inside of my cheek, I left without seeing her or the baby again. On my way back home, I stopped in to see her mother and to tell her that I didn't believe the baby was mine and to inform her that I was going to file for a divorce.

She told me that she was sorry that things had turned out the way that they did but that she was not surprised about my decision to divorce her daughter. She said that things hadn't been going well and that her daughter had moved into an apartment with him. His wife had left him when word got around about what had happened.

She suspected that he was abusing her. She had come back home the week before with bruises on her arms. Her mother didn't believe the story that the bruises were from him picking her up after she tripped and fell. I told her that I was sorry to hear that but that I didn't feel any sympathy for her. I left after telling her to call me if she needed anything. She never called me but I heard the news the day before yesterday when my ex-sister-in-law called to tell me that their mother had died.

Now, 14-months later I was back. The DNA test had confirmed my suspicions and the divorce was final about two month's ago. I had immersed myself in my work and I found that I practically lived at the office.

There were only a few people in the funeral home. It was the afternoon viewing and I had arrived early with the plan of paying my respects and heading back home. I had always liked my mother-in-law. We always got along fine and I'm sure that part of the reason for her dying could be attributed to the stress of dealing with her daughter's problems.

I signed the guest book and turned to leave just as my ex-wife and her sister walked through the door. I had been hoping to get away before the family arrived but there was no way out now.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw me standing by the entrance to the parlor. Her sister came to me and held out her hand. I pulled her to me and hugged her and told her that I was sorry for her loss.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

"Fine," I replied. "I'm OK."

My ex-wife stood quietly behind her sister. She had lost a great deal of weight and she was wearing sunglasses and a long-sleeved black blouse and slacks. I wondered how she could see in the dim interior of the funeral home and why was she wearing long sleeves in 90-plus degree weather. A glance confirmed that she was not wearing a wedding ring.

"Hello," she said.

"I'm sorry about your mother," I told her. "She was a fine woman and I'm sorry that she is gone."

"Thank you," she replied. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, just fine," I answered.

Several people had entered the funeral home and we were blocking the entrance to the viewing room. Her sister took my arm and led me back inside where we stood in front of the casket.

I moved aside to let the other people view the body. I felt a little awkward about leaving so soon so I decided to stay a while longer and I found a seat on one of the folding chairs that were lined up in rows in the small room.

One of the women stepped away from the group at the side of the casket. At first, I thought that she was a young girl. She couldn't have been much more than five-foot tall. She turned towards me, smiled and walked to where I was sitting.

"How are you?" she said, holding out her hand. "It's been years since I've seen you."

I stood and took her hand. She had her hair in a sort of ponytail and she looked familiar but I couldn't place her.

"You don't remember me, do you?"

"I'm sorry, I don't," I replied.

"I was two year's behind you in school. I was the head cheerleader the year that you graduated."

I wasn't much into sports in high school and after she introduced herself I still couldn't place her. She seemed nervous and as she chattered away I heard that she was recently divorced and had just moved out of her mother's house and into her own apartment.

"I feel like I'm a teenager again!" she said.

We chatted about the town and how much it had changed in the past years. She told me that she worked as a secretary in a branch bank and that she didn't have any children. It was getting late and I was getting hungry. I was enjoying her company since I hadn't talked this long with a woman, outside of workplace subjects, for over a year.

Looking up at the family around the casket she said, "She doesn't look well, does she?"

"Do you mean my ex-wife?" I asked.

"Yes. I've heard that the police are regular visitors to their apartment. I'll bet that's why she's wearing those long sleeves and sunglasses. I don't' know where he is. He should be here with her."

"Are they living together?" I asked and immediately regretted appearing as if I was still interested in her well-being.

"That's what I hear," she whispered. "It reminds me of my marriage. I waited too long to get a divorce. I should have left him a long time before I got up the nerve to do it!"

"Were you in an abusive relationship?"

"Yes," she said. "He stopped being nice to me a few months after we were married."

Her body suddenly shuddered and she wrapped her arms around herself as if she was chilled.

"I'm sorry," she said and grasped my forearm. "I still get that feeling of fear when I remember what it was like."

"Would you like to go somewhere and get a cup of coffee or something to eat," I asked.

She stared at me for such a long moment that I thought that she was going to refuse my invitation.

"Sure. Do you want to follow me or shall we ride together?"

"I plan on driving back tonight so I'll follow you. I can leave straight from the restaurant."

Dinner was nice. I enjoyed her company and we tried, without too much success, to keep our conversation away from the subject of our ex-spouses.

She had been the head cheerleader in high school and she went steady with the school's star Jock. They had gotten married less than a year after graduation and things went down hill from that point. He couldn't handle his sudden anonymity after being the center of attention all through high school. He suddenly found himself just another slob working at a nothing job.

She worked as a waitress several nights a week as well as on some weekends. He wanted to party at night but she couldn't because of her working hours. After the first few months he wasn't always there to greet her when she came home from work at ten o'clock at night. He began drinking and he became abusive when he was drunk.

At first, he would only yell at her but as his drinking got worse he would push her now and then. One night he came home drunk and demanded sex. She refused and he slapped her and forced himself on her. Afterwards he told her that he liked it that way because she felt tighter and he could get off better.

"He told me that if I was wet, he couldn't feel anything and he liked it better when I was dry. It hurt when he did it that way and I began to keep a tube of KY Jelly hidden under the mattress on my side of the bed. If I could put just a little on me before he entered me it wouldn't hurt too much. If he noticed that I wasn't dry he would slap me and tell me that if I wasn't careful he would have to kill me before he fucked me!"

She was clearly embarrassed and she had tears running down her cheeks as she looked down at the table.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. I've never told anyone else about it before!"

I held her hands in mine and dabbed at her tears with my napkin.

"I don't mind, it's better to tell someone than to keep it all bottled up inside."

"One night he saw me getting the KY and he really started hitting me. He threatened to do it in my other place if I told anyone or if I tried to use it again. I managed to stay away from him as much as possible after that. I told him that they had changed my shift and I couldn't get off until midnight. I still got off at ten but I would either sit around the restaurant and talk or drive around by myself until I had to go home. Most nights he was already drunk and passed out before I got home. I'd sleep on the couch and I would pretend to be asleep when he got up to go to work the next morning."

The waiter was giving us the eye. He had been back to our table two or three times after we got the check to ask us if we needed anything else.

"Well, I'd better be going. It's a three-hour drive and it's getting late. I'll get a coffee to go."

"I'm not sure why I'm doing this but do you want to go back to my apartment and have a cup of coffee? I'll make you another one for the drive home."

I must admit that the first thing that flashed across my mind was sex. I hadn't been with a woman since my ex-wife and I was getting tired of masturbating.

"You dirty old man," I admonished myself.

"OK, but only for a little while. I've got to get going."

"Follow me," she laughed. "It's not far."

Her apartment was actually a cute little bungalow behind her landlord's house. It had been converted from a one-car garage and it was tiny.

I settled down on the sofa since it was the only comfortable looking chair type piece of furniture in the combination kitchen/living room. There was a stool next to the kitchen counter and an end table, coffee table, and a television made up the rest of the room's furniture.

"I plan on buying some more furniture when I can afford it," she laughed. "I wasn't paying rent when I was living with my mother."

She bustled around getting the water and the coffee grounds ready.

"I have to change. I can't stand these pantyhose any longer. I'll be right back. Make yourself at home."

She disappeared through the doorway next to the kitchen sink. I figured that the bedroom had to be smaller than this room unless it was a very long garage. I heard the coffee pot beep and got up to see if I could help. I found the cream in the nearly empty refrigerator and the sugar was in a bowl on the counter. I had two cups poured when she came back into the room. She had changed into a skirt and blouse and she was barefoot. The toenails on her tiny feet were painted the same color pink as her fingernails.

"How domestic of you!" she laughed.

"I've been alone for so long that I don't think twice about it anymore," I replied.

"She sounds like a fun person," I thought.

We sat and talked some more. I wanted to prolong it but I had to get going before I got too tired to drive home.

"I'll take that coffee to go now," I said.

"Sure, let me get it for you," she replied and bent to pick up my cup and saucer from the coffee table. She tripped over my feet and ended up sitting sideways in my lap. She barely weighed anything.

"Nothing like being forward," she giggled. "My mother would never approve."

Her nearness triggered something in me and I put my hand on her waist and leaned towards her. Our faces were only inches apart and we looked at each other for a moment. As if on cue, our eyes looked down at each other's lips and then back up. She moved and I moved and our lips touched.

The kiss was soft and sweet. She kept her hands in her lap and I kept my hand on her waist. We parted and moved a little back from each other. Her tongue came out and touched her upper lip.

"That was nice. Let's do it again," she breathed as she moved in for another kiss.

Her arm slid under mine and she snuggled against my chest. I tightened my arm around her waist and my other hand ended up holding the outside of her thigh.

This kiss was longer and a little more intense. I was debating with myself about where my tongue should be when she solved my dilemma for me. I felt her lips open a tiny bit and the tip of her tongue touched my lips. My tongue followed and I could taste the coffee in her mouth. She tasted sweet and we gently caressed each other's tongues and lips until we were both panting onto each other's faces.

"My mother would definitely not approve of this," she said and she kissed me again.

I was getting hard and she giggled and snorted against my face when she felt it.

"You like me too, don't you?" she whispered into my mouth while squirming her butt against my rapidly stiffening erection.

My hand migrated from her thigh to her breast. Her breasts were as tiny as she was. I felt the padding of her bra as I gently fondled her. She giggled again.

"Not much there is there? Here, let me help," she said as she unbuttoned her shirt. She opened her front-clasp bra and snuggled back against my chest. "There! They are all yours, what there is of them. Please be gentle."

I was gentle. Her breasts were just tiny mounds but I was obviously doing something right because she purred and pushed herself against my hand when I teased her nipples.

Our kisses were still gentle but mostly wet as we alternately sucked and pressed our flattened tongues against one another's.

It was time for more exploring and she must have agreed because she spread her thighs to allow easy access when my fingers moved down over her little belly and up under her skirt. Her panties were soaking wet. I moved my fingers against the slippery nylon and she hunched herself up to give me more room to play.

"My place may be small but I do have bed," she said.

I didn't even answer her but I just slid my arm under her knees and standing up I carried her into the bedroom. I stood her up on the bed and she was still not tall enough for me to kiss her without bending down. She was removing her clothes and I was following suit while we tried to keep a kiss going. It was no use and she got naked before I got my shoes and socks off.

"I haven't been with a man since I was married," she confessed. "Please make love to me and don't hurt me."

"I won't hurt you," I replied and we lay together on our sides with our arms around each other. We explored each other's bodies while continuing our never-ending kiss.

"Now, please! Now!" she demanded and unwrapping herself from me she lay back and brought her knees almost up to her chest while spreading her knees almost flat out to the sides.

She was so tiny that her I had to be careful not to smother her against my lower chest.

I held my upper body off of her as I settled between her thighs. She reached down and held me in her little hand. She brought her other hand down between us and cupped my balls.

Looking down between us she said, "Make love to me!"

With both of her hands on my erection she rubbed it up and down against herself before wrapping her legs around mine and pulling me towards her so that she could insert the head into her pussy. She pulled herself up against me with her legs and engulfed me. I tried to hold back but I only lasted about 20-seconds before I came. I wasn't too quick for her because she came at the same time.

Afterwards we lay with our arms around each other. She had my semi-erect cock trapped between her thighs and she was sliding them back and forth, stroking me back to hardness.

"Roll over onto your back. I want to do it again," she said and pushed against my chest.

Squatting over me she reached down to guide me into herself as she lowered onto my cock. When our pubic hair met, she rested her hands on my chest and began moving on me. She used my full length as her body rose and fell. The squishing sounds of our juices and the aroma of her sex brought me quickly to another orgasm. Her cunt squeezed me in a vice grip and she fell onto my chest.

I could feel her nipples poking into my stomach as we lay with our sweat-covered bodies pressed tightly together. She raised her head and rested her chin on my breastbone.

I caressed her back and shoulders as she looked up at me and said, "I wonder if we are somehow related."

I was puzzled by her comment. "What do you mean?"

"You haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

I was still puzzled. "Figured what out?"

My hands froze on her shoulders when she said, "I don't know exactly how to tell you this, but here goes – my ex-husband is the father of your ex-wife's son."

"You mean, you''re...," I groped for words.

"Yep! What goes around comes around, if you know what I mean."

I pulled her up so that I could kiss her through our laughter.

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Norseman123Norseman1232 days ago

Yeah nice 5*****

LechemanLechemanabout 2 months ago

Well, that was an interesting twist.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This story is trash. No build up to anything. No emotion. Both of them are essentially crashing the funeral. You can deduce her role in the story, which Is later confirmed, but it reads like a stranger meeting a guy, telling her life story to said guy, then they have dinner, coffee, and sex. Then turns out it's a revenge fuck, even though they're both already out of shitty situations. Then laugh and kiss. Utter shit.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Knew who she was at the funeral. No story as it ended toon where

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Husband is an ass. He laughs about his wife being a guy who abuses her. A real man would have stopped it. Obviously that not this guy. In my life I did stop my ex’s abusive husband not out of love for her but did not want her abused anymore than if it was a stranger being abused I would still have stepped up. Now I am happily married and my ex is as well and both her my current wife friends and family look on me as one of the good guys.

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