Alternate Dimensions Pt. 04

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Brad & Rebecca uncover the blasherberry mystery.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/28/2017
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I spit this out tonight, from start to finish. Hopefully, mistakes are minimal. Again, short bursts. I think I have two, maybe three chapters left, but I know where I'm going with it.

If this is your first chapter to read, it is likely difficult to follow. It is SOFTCORE, but heavy on a free-use sex theme. It will get harder in the future. However, I am moving this to sci-fi, as there is little erotic sex in it, to this point. Lots of nudity and awkward situations, though. Cheers!


It was ten in the morning and Brad and Rebecca had already made it back to the library in that strange, alternate universe. Brad was determined to discover a book on blasherberries, but none seemed to be found.

Rebecca and he were standing between the aisle in the Resources section, as Brad perused books on gardening, hoping he could find something there. "I know it's called blasherberry, but we don't know if it's an actual fruit, or vegetable, or a synthetic compound."

Brad was whispering his thoughts to Rebecca as he squeezed her right breast. Rebecca hadn't eaten any blasherberry-based foods recently, and didn't take much pleasure from the awkward fondling. Still, she endured it, keeping up appearances.

It still baffled Rebecca. Sure, she'd experienced the blasherberries herself. That feeling - that NEED - to be touched... but seeing all these people in this world just casually going about their business while getting groped, touched, squeezed and molested, was still a new and shocking thing to witness.

"Maybe we should go ask the clerk?" asked Rebecca.

"Might be good idea," Brad responded, looking up to the counter. The woman from yesterday was there. Brad assumed she was the head librarian, in her late 40s or early 50s, with enormous, hanging udders. "She was the one who gave us the evil eye yesterday."

"Oh, we were fine. Come on. I wanna go see other places today, too. Let's just ask and get this over with."

Brad and Rebecca walked to the clerk's station and the middle aged woman looked up. She was a brunette, with streaks of gray, and was shapely, yet still held it together. 'Probably hot as fuck in her youth,' thought Brad.

She stepped forward. There was a cavity in the counter, allowing the clerks to get fairly close to the visitors. "Yes?" she whispered.

Like any library, silence was appreciated and Brad leaned in, whispering back, "Ma'am, do you have any books on blasherberries, or with information on blasherberries?"

The woman crossed her brow and stood up straight, her tits swinging back, before settling in place. She then stepped closer, leaning over the counter, allowing her tits to hang before both Brad and Rebecca. Rebecca realized, without missing a beat, that the woman was expecting to get groped. She kicked Brad's shoe and he whipped his head around to her. "Yeah?"

Rebecca made eye movements to the librarian's tits and Brad got the message. "Oh, oh!," he said, almost too loudly. He quickly turned back to the woman and reached out, fumbling one of her tits with both hands. What was he supposed to do with all this? He gently began brushing up and down with the back of his hands.

An older, dark-skinned man, perhaps in his late sixties, was passing when he noticed the unusual exchange between Brad and the librarian. Stopping for a moment, he went over to them, coming up next to Rebecca. She turned, acknowledging his presence and smiled, trying to act casual.

A bit difficult to do when the first thing one does when greeting them is to grab your tits. That's exactly what the man did to her, as he nodded back. "Nice meeting you. I'm Jake Turner."

Unlike Brad, this man did put some real oomph into his touch. Even without the pleasure of being on blasherberries, Rebecca enjoyed it. He knew how to work a breast. "I'm Rebecca, this is Brad."

"I'll be right with you, sir," said the librarian, before turning back to Brad. She briefly looked down at his lame attempts at groping, before saying, "Look, son. I don't know what prank you're tying to pull, but you know darn well you won't be finding that kind of stuff here. Not leave me to my business. I'm busy."

She stood back up, disengaging from Brad and turned to the man fondling Rebecca. "Yes?"

Brad, looking confused and dejected, but not wishing to argue with the woman, turned and reached for Rebecca's hand, before remembering that would raise suspicion. He quickly shifted his hand to her closest breast, pulling on it as he rushed them back to the Resource section.

Jake Turner, the man who had approached Rebecca, watched them for a moment before moving closer to the librarian and groping her properly. She smiled and said, "I don't know what it is with young people these days."

"Let's quickly check their history books again," said Brad. "Maybe find something more recent so we can at least determine how long this had been going on."

"Sounds like a plan," sighed Rebecca, getting ever more bored, but forced to follow behind as Brad pulled on her breast. As they passed one of the tables, she eyed a dish that was once again filled to the brim with those delightfully delicious blasherberry mints. Without even thinking, she was able to swipe a couple without Brad noticing.

'I know he doesn't want me doing these now, but this is boring and I'm hungry. Besides, one won't affect me too much.' She made up lame reasons in her head to excuse her behavior.

Brad shoveled the two into an aisle, pulling out one of the more recent history books. He flipped through a few pages. Sure enough, the photos with women showed them all nude, some being actively groped. State leaders, politicians, professionals, you name it. He flipped toward the front.

"Come on, Brad, don't forget. You need to keep touching me."

Brad didn't think there was anyone around to see, so it didn't matter, but maybe she was right. Maybe the place had cameras or something. Without looking away from his book, he reached out, found a boob and began twisting and groping again. This time, for whatever reason, Rebecca found the exercise more tolerable. She was getting tired of having to remind Brad to keep doing it, though. Her tits were pretty fucking nice and he should appreciate it.

Flipping to the front of the book, Brad discovered no new evidence. He checked the publication date.

"Printed three years ago. Looks to cover about twenty or so years of events, so based off what we know from that other book, something happened between the '80s and '90s here."

"You go, Sherlock," said Rebecca, wishing Brad would tug harder.

Just then, the two were interrupted by a voice. "Hey, you!" They turned to see Jake Turner, the black man they had only just met. He whispered again. "You need to get out of here. Come on, follow me. Put the book down."

Jake pulled on Rebecca's shoulders and twisted her around, pushing her past him, walking her in front of himself, as he hustled the two to a side door. He kept one hand fully on Rebecca's ass, while the other squeezed at her hips. The experience was wholly different than when Brad did touched her. He was watching now, taking notice.

"What is this about?" whispered Brad, as they made their way outside. The man pressed on, leading the two across the block and down a short alley. He turned to face them, before snatching Brad by his collar and pushing him to the wall.

"Now just who the fuck are you? Why are you here? Are you with the A.B.A.?"

Brad, scared, glanced to Rebecca and then back to the man pinning him to the outside brick wall. He may have been sixty or so, but he was strong. "Sir, I don't... uh... I don't..."

The man let loose of Brad and stepped back. "Hmm, you're not so dangerous, are you? Ignorant or stupid, maybe."

"Hey," interjected Rebecca. "Play nice. Why are you treating us this way?"

"Look, I don't know where you two been, or where you came from, but if you stay here much longer, you're gonna you're gonna get capped."

"I don't... uh, I don't get it. What?" Brad asked.

"Just what the fuck do you think you are doing, asking for a book on blasherberries in a PUBLIC LIBRARY? Are you fucking dumb?" The man was whisper-screaming and wide eyed. "If you're with the A.B.A., you damn lucky she thought you to be a prankster."

Brad and Rebecca kept passing glances, but neither of them could make heads or tails of the meaning behind the man's words. Brad, quick-thinking, decided to push on the clues. "Mr. Turner, you said the A.B.A."

He perked up quick, but paused, then asked "So you're with the A.B.A.?"

Rebecca stepped closer to Jake and instinctively the man reached out and began groping her breasts. 'That's much better,' she thought, as she went back to focusing on the conversation.

"So you are with the A.B.A.?" he asked again.

"Uh..." Brad wasn't sure which way to go, when Rebecca suddenly butted in, "What's that stand for again?"

Jake chuckled, giving her nipples a twist, sending a sharp tingle to her spine, which she liked. "Well, now I know I don't gotta worry too much. You obviously ain't with them."

Brad was peeved his partner had jumped in. He was hoping to find out more, so he just asked. "What does A.B.A. stand for?"

"Anti-Blasherberry Alliance. Use to be a physical fighting force, but now they're supposedly trying to find ways to rid the world of blasherberries permanently. Attack the plant, not the people making or moving it." Jake huffed and kicked at the ground. "Now, I know you folks ain't from around here, or you'd know this! What's your story?"

Brad sighed, looking at Rebecca. He shook his head once, and was about to say something, when she broke in once again. "We're not from this world." Brad almost choked on his tongue, but Rebecca continued, "Fuck it. Tell him the truth. Maybe he can help us navigate this place, or at least help us figure out what you want to know."

Brad mouthed, "You're taking a big risk," when Jake stepped back, disengaging from Rebecca.

"Something in the way she just said that, makes me think it's actually true." He eyed the two suspiciously.

Brad gave in to Rebecca. 'Fuck it. Tell him everything.'

"Well, it's not so much a different world dimension..."

... and thirty minutes later, Jake Turner, the elderly, black stranger, was shaking his head in disbelief. "So you're telling me there's another world like this one, where women behave like they used to here, before blasherberries?"

"That's what I'm saying," said Brad.

"You don't know, you really don't know."

"Know what?" asked Brad.

"The reason I thought you might be with the A.B.A. is because you were looking for material on how they're grown, or where its grown, maybe. That information is top secret."


"What's it been? Over twenty-five years now? There was meteor. It hit the ground and changed everything. A new fruit developed and it became highly sought after for its flavor, but it causes this."

Rebecca had stepped forward, and once again without a care, the man went back to rubbing and groping her body as he told his tale.

"Rebecca, you don't have to do that right now," said Brad. "Nobody can see us in this alley."

"I'm afraid she does," said Jake. "She's obviously eaten something."

Rebecca shifted her eyes slowly to Brad, trying to soften the blame. "It was just two mints."

Brad shook his head. "Nice willpower, Rebecca."

Jake continued, "We tried everything. First, we tried not engaging with the women when they demanded to be fondled... but then they just made our lives miserable. Work performance nosedived around the globe, wives went on strike against their husbands, refusing to have sex, there were union and teacher strikes. They were determined to sink the economy if they didn't get their way."

"The women were?" asked Rebecca. Sure, she needed to be fondled while on blasherberries, but that seemed obsessive, to say the least.

"The worst was when, in secret, the men of NATO formed a coalition to seize every blasherberry field. When the supply was squeezed so badly, that many women couldn't get it, we went to war."

Brad scoffed, "Really?"

Jake's tone was serious. "I mean war. Out and out, literal war. It lasted seven weeks. They were unstoppable. While one in ten men might want to join the military, all of the women were willing to join their side. All of them. It was a slaughter." He dropped his head. "There's not many left today that remember."

"Jesus," sighed Brad.

"After the war ended, they controlled everything. The government, they took over large corporations, centralizing them. They especially took over all documents relating to blasherberries. They supply the demand, in secret, ensuring a peaceful existence."

"Peaceful?" scoffed Brad, again.

"It's worked... but there are still those that want to end it. I thought it strange that a woman might be in the A.B.A.," Jake pointed at Rebecca and continued, "But hey, here's hoping."

"Nope, we're not in any rebel group, but we did want to know how this all happened."

Jake spoke to Brad, a pleading look in his eye. "You mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"Your world... it's normal? A meteor never hit?"

"No, none that made blasherberries."

"Take me with you."

Brad jumped back. Rebecca almost did, too, but she didn't want Jake to stop groping her. "What? Why?" she asked. "Your home is here."

"It's never been the same. I lost most of my friends. Due to my age and involvement with the war, I'm shunned here. I could make a life for myself in your world."

Rebecca shrugged her shoulders. "Why not?"

Brad spoke. "We have no idea of the implications of a long-term transplant might be. I can't think of any, but she's right, this is your home."

"It ain't my fuckin' home. And hey, as much as I enjoy these lovely breasts of yours," he said to Rebecca, "I would much rather things go back to the way they used to be, when it took a little effort to get to second base."

Rebecca smile and shrugged. "I don't see the problem."

Brad explained the method of transportation to Jake, and where they had left the transporter. "Meet us at the Metro-Park tonight at 6 p.m. So you know, I don't think you should bring anything."

"Certainly not blasherberries," he replied.

"We'll let you visit for a few days, and then decide where to go from there."

"I am ever so grateful," said Jake.

Rebecca turned to Brad. "Now that we know all about this business, can we just enjoy one fucking day in a new dimension? Let's go exploring!"

Jake was nodding his head to Brad, "You better do what she wants. I'll see you there at six. Thank you."

Brad grabbed Rebecca by the tits and waved to Jake as they walked out of the alley and to the street. "Come on, Rebecca. You said you only took two mints?"

She laughed. "Yeah, but I am really hungry. Can we go find something to eat?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I go through pretty much all Fictional Worlds I read about with a fine-toothed comb, including this one, and so far, I haven't found any major plot holes or whatever to criticize. EAGERLY ANTICIPATING MORE

chipmonk9chipmonk9over 3 years ago
Your work may have been stolen

I think your works has been stolen and posted on Amazon thought you should know incase it wasn't you who did it contact me.If you don't contact me I'll try to inform Amazon my self.

TREKnRayTREKnRayabout 5 years ago
Blasherberry Wars

With the changes in food supplies with climate change, we very well could be in for World War Blasherberry. There already have been wars over food supply and demand. The current refugee crisis has a lot to do with food shortages. Some of it due to climate change as well as manipulation of supplies as in Chile in 1973 and Venezuela now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I have got to say that I wasn't sure where you were going in the first story. However, the series has developed really well. Looking forward to future developments.

canoodlistcanoodlistabout 6 years ago
Keep me guessing?

I've read all 4 parts now. It is different. I hadn't delved into much of the sci-fi here yet. This story makes me regret that. I hope you update this often and I look forward to where ever you are going with this plot. Thanks.

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