Alyson Gets Used

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White MILF gets bound and used to save her husband.
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Harry, my husband, and I were at the local watering hole. It was a Saturday night and a group of black guys had dropped in that were not locals. They had gotten louder and more rowdy as the evening wore on and, of course, Harry had had more than a few and he had begun grumbling about their behavior.

Finally, things began to go south as my husband shouted a few choice words insulting their heritage, lifestyle, wives, mothers and anything else he could think of.

Before I knew what was happening the men were all standing each one trying to be more belligerent than the other. I thought sure that Harry was going to get his ass kicked any time now.

Now I'm not too worried about Harry. He's big, mouthy, over weight and an obnoxious drunk but he can take care of himself. Well usually. I wasn't so sure this evening since he was clearly outnumbered. But my real worry was for myself. These guys were primed and out for blood. There was no telling what they would do to me when they were finished with Harry.

I guess I should introduce us. You've already met my husband Harry. My name is Alyson. I'm in my mid forties so a little of the shine is worn off but I like to think that I am still attractive. I've got natural blond hair which I have currently cut just below my shoulders. I think that my figure is at least a little above average and my weight comes in at around one hundred thirty-five pounds which is well spread over my five foot six inch frame.

My breasts are thirty-six with a "C" cup. I'll admit that they aren't as perky as they were in my teens but come on, they still look damn good. I have a fair complexion as my blond hair would seem to indicate but my areola and nipples are large and much darker than most. No piercings and no tattoos.

My point being that I was more than a little uncomfortable trusting these strangers to leave me alone after they finished beating the shit out of Harry.

As things turned out I did not have to worry about that at all. Before any punches were thrown the owner of the bar came over to the group. After he got everyone's attention he told Harry and I to return to our table and wait. He even sent over a waitress to get us a complimentary drink.

As Harry and I sat and watched we could hear raised voices and there was a lot of gesticulating. Finally it seems that whatever the owner had said calmed the group down and they returned to their table.

The owner came over and sat down with us." I've worked out a solution that has that bunch of hot heads calmed down but you two are going to owe me big. By the way my name is Robbie."

"I'm Harry and this is my wife Alyson." my husband said as he offered his hand. "Robbie I really want to thank you for intervening and stopping that thing. I am a bit more sober now and it is clear that I was in way over my head. I know that we owe you but I'm really not sure what we can do to repay you for your help."

"Well" Robbie said. "Those guys wanted your head and I really could only think of one way to get you out of that situation. They demanded either you or your wife."

"WHAT?" both Harry and I said at the same time.

"Now relax. I told them that I would come over and talk to you if they would settle down. Your wife is a pretty lady Harry and I can see why they would rather spend time with her instead of beating you up. The question is "Are you willing to give your wife to them."

Alyson said "Just a damn minute. Why are you talking to him? He's the asshole that caused the problem in the first place. Shouldn't you be talking to me?"

"Be quiet Alyson." Harry said. "I'll decide what we are going to do. If these guys want your company over at their table I don't see anything wrong with that. Besides that you like the attention. What the hell do you care if they get you drinks and squeeze your tits?"

"Well Harry that is not exactly what they had in mind. Oh it may start that way but at some point the stakes are going to go up quite a bit. They intend to fuck your pretty wife and they expect you to watch and possibly even help. They figure that the best way to get even with you is to humiliate your wife and to leave you with the picture in your mind to always remember." Harry said.

"And then there is the problem of what you owe me."

"I've already acknowledged that we owe you for helping out." Harry said.

Alyson piped up with "Speak for yourself asshole. You caused the trouble with your big mouth and now you think that you can buy your way out of this with my body? No offense Robbie, you're a nice looking guy and all even for a black man, but my body is not for sale."

"Alyson I don't recall asking for your opinion. You'll do as you're told. If I can keep from getting my brains beaten out by letting those guys use you for a plaything then you can bet where you are going to be this evening. What I don't understand is what you expect to get out of this Robbie."

"Well why I don't go back over and talk with them some more. Let me work out the details and then I will come back over here and get things moving. Please don't think about leaving while I am over there. I have spoken to the bouncer and if you try to leave Harry he has been instructed to stop you. Then he will hand you back over to the boys to finish what you started. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded his head and Robbie returned to the other table.

As soon as he was out of earshot Alyson demanded to know what the hell was he thinking. "I'm not going with those guys. You know that I don't like blacks and I have no intention of having their hands all over my body much less servicing their cocks. And just what the hell does Robbie have in mind? How is he expecting you to pay him back?"

Harry said "I guess we will know pretty soon. Here he comes back."

Alyson looked over to see Robbie on the way back to our table. Then she glanced over and shuddered as she saw the wide smiles of the men at the other table.

Robbie sat back down and said "It's all arranged."

"Alyson you are going to go over and sit with them while Harry here acts as their waiter. He will be expected to get drinks from the bar for them. Now I don't know for sure Alyson but if I were a betting man I would suggest that you get used to the thought of black hands on your body. I'm quite sure that you are going to be thoroughly felt up and every square inch of that fine body will be explored. Harry you will be expected to stay and watch the degradation of your wife when you aren't getting drinks."

"I will be gone for a while. I have something to set up. When I return I will take you and Alyson into the back room. That's where I'll get repaid and then the guys you pissed off will receive their payment." Robbie looked at us both and asked "Agreed?"

Harry immediately said "Yes!" The more sober he got the more willing he became to use me to get himself out of trouble. I started to say something but Harry cut me off saying "Just do what the man says Alyson. It can't be so bad. You let a bunch of black guys play with you for a while and then you fuck them. A black cock is no different than any other cock. What's the big deal? Just do what the man says."

Taking my hand Robbie got up and said "Come on Harry. It's time for some payback."

I allowed myself to be led over to the other table. They made room in the booth for me to sit sandwiched in between two of the guys. Almost immediately I felt hands fondling my tits. One of the guys farther away wedged his foot between my knees. Meanwhile Harry was sent off for the first round of drinks.

By the time he had returned my blouse was open and my naked tits were out for all to see. Black hands were all over me squeezing my breasts, pinching my nipples and one hand had even begun to work its' way between my legs and up my skirt. Harry just stood there gaping as the guy beside me turned my head and kissed me sticking his tongue half way down my throat.

When Harry returned with the next round of drinks he found me sitting on the table. My tits were still exposed and attracting a lot of attention but now they also had my dress pulled up. My legs were spread and there was a black head between my thighs using his talented tongue on my clit. They kept turning me around on the table so that each guy got a chance at my white married pussy.

I know that Harry was a little startled by what was going on. After all here was his wife of ten years having a party with a group of black guys. What I think bothered him most is the same thing that was bothering me. I was enjoying it. The different tongues splitting my pussy lips felt heavenly. I was being used like a slut or a whore and I loved it.

That was when Robbie came back and said that it was time for his fun. He told the guys that they would have another chance at me in a little while.

Robbie led us into the back of the bar. It was a fairly large room with what was probably a dining room table as the main piece of furniture. There were a number of chairs and lights around the room. Robbie looked at me and smiled. "This is when the real fun begins."

"Alyson I enjoy bondage. I especially enjoy tying up white women. It is even more erotic when their husband is present and helps. This is how you pay me back. I am going to have some fun tying you up and filming the whole thing. I have quite a collection of videos of white wives that have spent time in this room in various forms of restraint but you will be the first one that I subsequently present for the use of a bunch of horny black guys. You should be proud. It's quite an honor."

"Harry I want you to get the rest of the clothes off of Alyson and then have her stand in the middle of the room."

Harry quickly complied removing the rest of my clothes and my underwear. Now I stood in the middle of the room completely naked while Robbie walked around me examining his prize. He cupped my tits and pinched the nipples. He continued around me stopping behind me to admire my ass. I yelped as the flat of his hand landed on my right ass cheek and then, before I could recover, the left ass cheek received the same treatment.

"Alyson I'm going to have those tits of yours tightly bound. I hope you are ready."

"Bend over at the waist so that your tits hang free of your body." he instructed. As I did what I was told he reached over to a rack and selected a piece of rope. He told Harry to hold one end as he began to loop the rope around my breast tightly near the base. Now he instructed Harry to hold that end of the rope and used the other end to wrap the rope tightly around my other breast. Then he had me stand up. When I was standing up straight he tied the two rope ends together with a strong knot between my breasts.

The pressure was quite intense but not too painful. I looked down at my breasts. With the ropes tightly tied at the base of my breasts the rest of my tits were pushed outward and constrained until it looked like two balloons with nipples.

Next Robbie pulled my arms behind my back and tied my wrists together. Finally he took another rope and tied my elbows together forcing me to arch my back.

He stopped to admire his handiwork stepping back to get a camera. I had totally forgotten that he said he was going to film and photograph everything. He took several pictures of me standing there. He even had Harry take a few pictures of him sucking on my straining nipples.

"Now for the part I am going to enjoy the most" Robbie said. "Harry I bet you have never seen anything like what I am about to do to your wife. I'm pretty sure that Alyson has never been hung by her tits before."

Wait! What? Hung by my tits? My mind spun out of control as he began to lower a hook from above that I had not noticed before. When the hook was low enough he attached it to the rope. "Harry I want you to stand over there and take pictures. That way you will not block the video camera."

With that final instruction he began to raise the rope pulley. In a few moments I was standing on my tip toes trying my best to ease the strain on my tits. The pain wasn't excruciating but it certainly wasn't pleasant. Almost all of my weight was being supported by my breasts.

Moments later I was off the ground. I was swinging free in the air supported only by the ropes wrapped around my breasts. I glared at Harry as he stepped in to get close-ups of my tits and the abrasive ropes.

While I was concentrating on glaring at my husband Robbie had moved around behind me and then I felt the sting as he used some sort of short whip on my ass. With each hit I yelped and could not help jerking around placing more pressure on my tits.

He only hit me three or four times on each ass cheek but it felt much worse than that. Now he came around in front of me smiling. He asked "How are you doing Alyson?" I simply glared at him too. When he saw the look on my face he smiled even more widely and said "I bet I can get that look off your face."

"Harry put down the camera and come over here." When Harry came over Robbie told him to take hold of one ankle and to lift it as high as he could. I was still wondering what in the hell he was going to do when I jerked as the whip landed between my legs directly on my pussy. I cannot describe the fire I felt between my legs. And then Robbie used the whip on my sensitive pussy again and again and again.

I was squirming and squealing from the pain but there was no escape from that relentless whip. Four times in a row he used that whip on my sensitive pussy lips. Even after he stopped I could not manage to hold still and it was then that I noticed the pain had increased on my breasts as I had struggled to escape the whip. "Harry I need you to get over here with your camera. Take a couple of pictures of your wife. I bet the scowl she had on her face is gone now. Alyson I want you to hold your legs wide open too so that Harry can get some pictures of your pussy. I bet its' bright red."

"OK now we have to get you ready for your visit with our friends out front. Harry I want you to leave her tits tied. I really like the way that they look but go ahead and untie her arms and wrists." While Harry did what he was told I watched Robbie place a couple of blankets on the edge of the table.

Robbie said "Harry bring her over here and sit her on the edge of the table."

After I was seated Robbie took a rope and tied it to the top of one of the legs of the table and then he wrapped it around my waist a couple of times. Finally he tied the other end of the rope to the other table leg. Essentially this kept me from moving farther up onto the table and held my ass and crotch at the table edge.

Next I was forced to lie back on the table which was just as long as my torso which left my head hanging back off the edge of the table. To make sure that I stayed in this position each wrist was tied to the top of a remaining table leg. Finally Robbie went back to my legs and took the heel of my foot and lifted it onto the table so that my knee was bent and my thigh and calf were together. Another rope was wrapped around my thigh and calf holding them this way. Finally the end of the rope was once again tied to the top of one of the table legs. The same was done for my other leg.

This is not easy to describe but the result was that I was kind of held spread eagle on the table with my legs held uncomfortably wide on one end and my arms were also spread with my head hanging over the other edge.

As I laid there with my tied tits at attention the result was that all of my holes were available and easily accessed. I had finally dawned on me that these blacks were to have full and complete access to use my mouth, ass or pussy any way they wanted.

When everything was ready Robbie told my husband to go get the guys and bring them back here.

I was the subject of all sorts of hoots and cat calls when they saw me immobile and presented and displayed for their use. In a matter of moments hands were all over my body. I was being kissed. My tits were being suckled and fingers were diving in and out of my pussy. I jumped a few moments later when I felt a finger shoved into my virgin ass hole.

Then the party really moved into high gear. I felt a black cock probing between my legs at the entrance to my pussy and then it slipped in. Whoever was using my pussy was trying to get it all the way in but it was too big around at first. Finally I felt my pussy expand and stretched as the massive rod was finally thrust in to the hilt.

I felt something rubbing my face and opened my eyes to see yet another black rod staring back at me. By this time I was too far gone to care that I had never sucked a black cock before. What the hell. I had one in my pussy and I had never had one there either. So I opened my mouth and felt the hot shaft pass between my lips. I had expected him to stop and pull out but he didn't. It seems that tonight was going to be a night of firsts including deep throat. Thankfully his cock was not as big around as the one still pumping into my pussy but it was long. He grabbed both sides of my head and pushed it in until my nose was against his balls.

Just about that time the cock in my pussy exploded and I felt a gusher of hot cum pumped into my vagina. He slowly removed his cock and I felt some cum leak out of my pussy and down onto my ass hole. I guess that was a good thing because the next cock was pushed into my puckered anus without any finesse.

I would have yelled out with the pain but I was having trouble breathing with a cock still down my throat. Soon I felt this one also release a gusher of cum into my belly.

After that I lost count of how many cocks I took in my holes. Cum was dripping everywhere but finally it was over. As I began to regain control of my overloaded senses I heard Robbie and my husband talking. They were looking at the pictures and video that they had taken as I was being used.

It was finally over I thought. I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole thing. My husband had allowed me to be thoroughly fucked by a group of black guys when he knew that I had never had a black dick and really did not care for black men. I know that some women are turned on by some part of the interracial sex thing but I had been humiliated. My pride had been totally destroyed. It seemed that I was no more than a tramp or a cum dump. It had been degrading but at least it was over.

Finally Harry walked over to me and I expected him to begin untying me but instead he told me that he was going out and would be back as soon as possible. Although my jaw was sore from all the cocks that I had sucked I managed to ask where he was going.

Robbie walked over and said "I'm sending Harry out to find some more men. He's taking some of the pictures to show around to see if he can drum up some more action."

"More action?" I shouted. "How many men have I had already? Why do you need more?"

Robbie replied "Things were getting out of hand back here. You are one noisy lady. I had to shut down the bar so I lost a lot of business. Harry is going out to show your picture around to see if he can find any more takers. In other words Alyson he is going to sell you to anyone that wants to fuck your mouth pussy or ass."

"He's going to charge five dollars for a blow job. Fucking your pussy will cost ten dollars and anal will be fifteen dollars. We'll keep it up until he can't find any more takers. We are offering all of your holes for twenty-five dollars as a special package deal."

I really have no idea how many cocks I serviced that night. Later Harry told me that it must have been somewhere near forty different men that had used me for their pleasure. My belly, pussy and ass were pumped full of cum before the night was over. I had dried cum all over my body and in my hair. It was four in the morning when Harry and Robbie finally took me out to the car. They didn't even bother to put my clothes back on and I did not care one bit. When we got home I got straight into the tub and tried to get the caked cum off my body. Then I sat on the toilet and tried to get it all out of my pussy and ass.