AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 016-020


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They'd jumped from the top deck. The scream had been innocent. I had to take a deep breath as my head went a little light and the adrenaline that had kicked in shut off.

"Damn, Robbie," Zenya said, coming up beside me. "Jumpy much?

"I think it was sweet," Leia said. "He obviously cares about Cassidy."

"I'm sorry," I said, shaking my head at myself and sighing. "It's just been a long day, and we've got some stuff going on. I'm a little on edge."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Zenya said with a frown. We'd slipped back into the kitchen area of the houseboat and went back to mixing and making patties. "I didn't mean to touch a sore subject."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Leia asked.

"No, it's - I appreciate the offer, but it's just a thing between me and Cassidy that I'm still trying to wrap my head around."

"Wait," Zenya said, slopping down her handful of burger and turning. "You're feeling extra protective, there's a thing between you two, and you need to wrap your head around it. Are you gonna be a Daddy?"

Leia's eyes lit up as she made a big O of her mouth in happy surprise.

"No! No," I said, stopping whatever bubbling cheer I could see rising in them. That was the last thing I needed getting around the boats and making the next week even more weird. "We aren't pregnant. It's something else. I think I'd be a lot happier if it was a bun in the oven, honestly."

Leia smiled sadly and nudged my arm with her elbow since we both had meat-covered hands. "Well, whatever it is I'm sure you two can figure it out. You seem like a sweet guy."

"Thanks," I said, and Leia purposefully changed the subject with Zenya and got the redhead talking about some Anime they'd both been watching. Once the patties were finished the three of us scrubbed our hands clean and I brought the first plate out to the barbecue. JC was out in the waters of the lake swimming and laughing with a half dozen of the girls now, so I started loading the hot grill with the burgers.

The glass sliding door of the houseboat was all the way open, so I wasn't even sure how I noticed her coming as I worked the barbeque, but I glanced over at the perfect time to watch Leia carrying the second plate of patties out to me with a soft smile on her lips. That expression changed to surprise, and panic, as she stepped through the threshold of the door and the toe of her flip flop caught on the track of the sliding door and she stumbled forward.

I don't know how I did it, but in one motion I reached out and took the plate of burgers in one hand, rotating in place, and with my other hand I caught Leia around the waist and pulled her close, saving her from stumbling right off the back of the porch area and into the lake.

"Oh my gosh!" Leia said, blinking in surprise and clutching to me.

"Are you OK?" I asked. "You almost took a fall there."

Leia blinked a few times and then stood, straightening herself out and taking a deep breath. "Jeez, I can be clumsy sometimes," she said and put a hand on my arm. "Thanks for the save there - me and lunch."

"No problem," I said, and gave her a side hug in return, then let her go. She stepped back inside, still shaking her head as she went.

I turned back to the barbeque, and noticed Cassidy in the water nearby - she'd paused whatever she'd been doing and was grinning at me. She winked, and then ducked underwater, swimming right up to the houseboat and climbing up the ladder. She giggled as she hugged me, getting me all wet with her body, but I didn't really care as it was refreshing even in the shade of the porch. I bent my head down and kissed her.

"That was Leia, right?" Cassidy asked me quietly, and I nodded in reply. "I was right," she continued. "I am excited to watch her suck your cock. She's super cute."

"Cass," I admonished her.

"What?" she asked, faking being innocent. "Oh, were you thinking of fucking that phat little booty of hers instead?"

I set down my barbeque spatula with a roll of my eyes and picked up Cass under both arms and as she giggled and shrieked I lifted and tossed her back into the lake with a splash.

And thus began the 'Disrupt Robbie at the grill by getting him to throw you' game as several of the smaller women wanted a turn as well, Cassidy, Sherry and the curly-haired blonde Ginnie all featuring the most as the smallest girls. Terra did ask for a throw as well, but she showed off her athleticism by having me cup my hands together and give her a lift and throw, using me as a springboard to do a double backflip that brought a cheer from everyone else.

By the time I was finished barbecuing and pulling the burgers off the grill, Becca was coming down the stairs from the top deck and came next to me, putting her hand on my back familiarly. She had taken the chance to change and was wearing a black bikini that made me want to do a double take - the bottoms rode low on her hips and had gold hoops on the outside which seemed fairly normal, but the tops had cutouts in the triangle cups that showed off the smooth underboob of her breasts in a delicious way. Becca's tits, despite being a decent size, did this thing where they sort of swelled gradually and equally on the top and bottom instead of gathering and hanging like most, and those cutouts accentuated this feature and I couldn't figure out if she'd had work done or if it was just a natural blessing to have her gravity-defying boobs. And I worked in Vegas on the strip, so it wasn't like I didn't see more than my fair share of all quality of fake tits parading around. "How's it going down here?" she asked.

"Great, just finishing up," I said. "Where are we putting on the spread?"

"Top deck of the other boat," she said. "I heard you saved another damsel, by the way."

"It was nothing," I said. "I just reached out and she stumbled into my arms."

"Well, don't be surprised if you pick up a new nickname soon," she grinned. "Hero."

"Oh, god," I laughed. "Just what I need."

Becca's laugh was warm, and once I got the burgers onto fresh plates I followed her up the stairs, trying my best not to stare at her cute butt.

Chapter 20

Becca and Ami had set up folding tables and rearranged the chairs on the top decks of both boats while most of the women (and JC) were having fun cooling off in the lake. When she shouted down that lunch was ready there was a stampede for the ladders and stairs and the food table was ravaged in a matter of minutes.

Seeing as I'd helped cook, I was one of the first people to get a plate of food and find a seat, and Becca joined me in the chair next to me. Cassidy also happened to be one of the earliest to the table - likely because she'd been keeping an eye on me from the lake and had gotten out first - and she came and sat on my lap again with her own plate of food as we made small talk with Becca.

The woman was smart and business savvy, and I quickly realized that if Cassidy ever wanted a mentor figure in the social media model game, Becca was the woman to ask. She was only a year and a half older than both of us, but had been doing cosplay and modelling since high school and also did some variety streaming on the side, and she never compromised her values in terms of what sort of content she did.

Then came the ask out of nowhere.

"Speaking of content," Becca said. "Cass, if you don't mind, do you think I could borrow Robbie tomorrow for a quick photoshoot? I had this whole thing lined up with Brodi, Wanda's husband, where he was going to be Spider-Man and I was going to dress up as Mary Jane. I bought this really nice spiderman suit for him and everything, and I'd hate for it to go to waste."

Cassidy looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. "Well," she said, and I knew what was going through her mind. "I think there's probably a deal that could be made here, because I happen to know that my fiance has a bit of a thing for the Mary Jane character and would be happy to pose with you."

"Really?" Becca grinned, her interest obviously piqued. She hummed a little giggle, touching the tip of her tongue to her upper lip.

"What can I say," I shrugged. "Ever since she dressed up as MJ for Halloween I've thought it was a sexy character."

"So," Cassidy continued, "I might also have brought a Mary Jane cosplay with me. How would you like to do the photoshoot together? Two MJ's, one Spider-Man, I think we could get some spicy meme material out of it."

"Oooh, that sounds like fun," Becca nodded. "But fair is fair, then we need to figure out another shoot to trade for."

"Girl, your platform is so much bigger than mine," Cassidy said. "Just being in your shoot would-"

"No, no," Becca shook her head. "I'mnot paying you in exposure. That's the kind of shit we have to fight in the real world all the time. We're trading photo shoots."

"Well, some of the other girls on our boat are putting together a sort of miniseries with Robbie giving them massages, and are going to release them at the same time and try to make him trend as 'The Massage Guy.'"

"Is that seriously happening?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. Get over it," Cassidy grinned.

"OK, I'm definitely in on that too," Becca agreed, "Even if it's just to see his face when he becomes internet famous. But that's still not a fair trade, you should walk away with specific content too."

"I don't know," Cassidy shrugged. "Honestly, I know some girls are planning to work like crazy this week, but I only brought plans for like 5 quick shoots over the week because Robbie and I need some vacation time, too."

Becca chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment. "Have you ever done a Stormtrooper shoot before?"

"Like the dudes from Star Wars?" Cassidy asked.

"Yeah," Becca said. "I happen to have a couple of femme Stormtrooper sets of armour. I was planning on making a deal with Wanda to do a reshoot of one we did three years ago, but instead I could do it with you? I think you'd fit the suit pretty well."

"She'll do it," I agreed for Cassidy.

"Really?" my fiance asked, and looked at my face then turned back to Becca. "Yeah, OK, guess I'm doing it."

Both women laughed and shook on it and Becca promised to write the deal down for them both to agree to. We kept chatting with her for a bit, and I noticed something weird. Nothing was overly flirty between the three of us - I talked about my work at the hotel and planning events, and they talked about ConCrud and the frustrations of travelling with cosplay gear. But through it, Becca started to get more touchy. She'd reach over and brush my arm, or poke Cassidy's leg since she was sitting with her feet hanging over the side of the chair, still positioned in my lap. She even patted my hand and squeezed my fingers lightly when she told Cassidy about me catching her, and doing the same thing with Leia barely an hour later.

Cassidy didn't let on she knew about both instances, instead just turning and kissing me and telling me I'd always been a knight in shining armour to her.

And despite the touching, and the feeling of being desired by two gorgeous women, I felt my mood dropping. I felt it settle in the pit of my stomach and just sort of grow in weight.

Rather than let it seep into the conversation, I shifted and rubbed Cassidy on the back. "Sorry, ladies. But I really need to stand up and maybe stretch a little. Don't mind me."

Cassidy stood and let me up, and I quickly made my way back across to our boat and headed for the stairs. Both Terra and Cattie noticed me individually, and I could tell they could tell something was going on, but I didn't stop and I headed down the stairs quickly and made it back into our bunkroom. I shut the door but didn't even take the time to lock it, rushing into the bathroom and dropping to my knees and throwing up into the toilet.

And I cried again and threw up the first real food I'd eaten since the love of my life told me she'd cheated on me and lied to me for years. I tried to stay as quiet as I could, sobbing into my arm when I wasn't dry heaving, my stomach already having released every bit of alcohol and food I'd put into it since that morning.

Cassidy had cheated on me. Over, and over, and over. She'd lied to me from almost the start.

I loved her. I loved everything about herexcept that. That part, that thing she'd revealed, was vile, and disgusting. And I hated her for being that. I hated her for telling me - things had been so good, living in my little Matrix world without knowing or even guessing that it had happened. I knew I needed to know, and that she needed me to know to help her own soul try and recover from the scars she'd put on it, but so much of me wished we could have just restarted this entire day and she just didn't tell me so that I could never feel this gut-wrenching feeling.

I sobbed into my arm, curled up in the corner of the little en suite bathroom, wracked with pain and guilt and anger and despair.

The door to the room opened, and I instinctively tried to huddle deeper into the corner of the bathroom, to hide my shame and embarrassment from whoever it was. From everyone.

"Robbie? Oh my god, Robbie," she said, coming into the bathroom and bursting my hope that I could just sit in here and die.


Thanks for reading! Votes are awesome, comments are even better!

If you enjoyed, make sure to catch the rest of the series! I've decided I'm not a fan of the 5-chapter collection, so I'm going to go back to the 10-chapter collections after this posting. Look forward to Chapter 21-30 coming soon!




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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Really enjoying this. It’s nice to have something that knows to take its time. Especially with the difficult content that this piece is dealing with. I’m glad the infidelity bit isn’t wambam thank you ma’am, but is sticking around…

I appreciate these moments of “yeah….yeah things are okay.” Only for the feelings to come up and consume you. Which. Look. I want stories of love and teamwork, so to have a couple that really love each other and for them to try and make things better? I’m here for it.

WolfbeckettWolfbeckett7 months ago

God Heather sucks. Aside from the fact that I don't share this author's obvious obsession with the built, masculine, probably-abusing-steroids body builder woman type (this appears in every one of his stories that I've read and makes me go limp every time it gets described) in this story that particular character also happens to be a total bitch. At least Becca in OF Girls is nice and fun, and the ladies at the exercise camp in his Quaranteam story seem cool, even if the huge jacked ones still aren't remotely attractive to me. But Heather is the worst of all worlds, she's physically the last type of woman I'd want to fuck and a controlling, possibly alcoholic bitch to boot. The way she ordered Cattie around in a way that clearly made her uncomfortable was super uncool and if it was a man doing that he'd never get away with it, everyone on the boat would call him out on his bullshit. I would like the next chapter very much if she gets thrown overboard and left there.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Okay that sounds cliff hanger of an ending is beautiful writing in how cosmically gut wrenchingly brutal it is.

Perfectly hits the emotional turmoil and inner struggle he is dealing with.

Duke567Duke567about 1 year ago

Good story so far.

On a reality note, as this story highlights, confessing an affair that has ended, while it may help unburden you, is quit unfair to your partner. You have transferred the suffering you deserve for your wrong-doing from you to your innocent partner. If you need to unburden yourself, talk to a counsellor, don't destroy your partner.

RonanJWilkersonRonanJWilkersonabout 1 year ago

Good job of covering the gritty reality of the situation.

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