AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 221-230


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"Hello, ladies," she said. "I hear that y'all want to learn how to slut it up a bit for your partners!"

A bunch of the ladies gave a little cheer.

"Awesome. Well, I'm Trixie and I am a professional Dancer, and this is my friend, Candi," she said, and Candi waved with a little smile. A bouncer came into the room at that moment and placed a pair of chairs up on the stage with them, and then shifted back out of the room. "Now, since this is a lap dance masterclass, we're going to need a couple of volunteers to get danced on. Who's up for it?"

My girls very much wanted me to volunteer, and there was a lot of pointing at me, but Terra had JC raise his hand and he got picked quickly, and then Trixie picked out Heather as well. Soon they were both up on the stage and JC was positioned to be sitting face-on to the group while Heather was side-on.

Thus began what my booze-hazed mind took to be a very informative lesson on the Art of the Lapdance. Trixie and Candi explained the basic concepts, like the tease and the importance of confidence, and they showed some simple moves that the ladies could do before even touching their partner and then basic body rolling and grinding techniques that ended up getting a lot of naughty innuendos thrown around.

The thing was, for all that watching Trixie as she demonstrated things was fun, she had been right. Sitting up on the stage would have gotten me closer to her for a bit, but she was starting and stopping things constantly and it would have taken me farther from the girls. It started slowly, with little touches here or there, but as the lesson went on I could tell the girls were glancing over at me looking a little flushed. Cassidy was, of course, the first to escalate things as she leaned back into me and felt behind herself at my crotch. Then she leaned forward and whispered something to Wanda, who bit her lip and looked back at me, meeting my eyes with a teasing smile. She arched her back a little and stuck her ass back, waggling it slowly as she gave me a little smirk.

Becca was next, sliding around Heels and Leia to stand next to me and without a word she slid a hand into the back pocket of my slacks, cupping my ass cheek and running her fingernails across the fabric of my pockets and briefs in a dulled scratch. I got her back by sliding my hand onto the small of her back and doing the same motion with my fingers.

The one that surprised me the most was Cattie coming over to me and Cassidy and grinning before doing a little body roll as she bit her lower lip. Then she leaned in and whispered something to Cass, who guffawed a little and reached around her and honked Cattie's butt with both hands, making them both giggle. Cassidy turned and went up on her toes and gave me a peck on the lips with a little twinkle in her eyes before she slipped off with Cattie as they whispered some more.

That left my front open, and Terra jumped on it, sliding right into the space where Cassidy had been standing including leaning back against me lightly. She even reached back and grabbed my hand, pulling it around to slide it onto her tight stomach between her yellow corset top and her tennis skirt.

"JC will get jealous," I mumbled quietly to her.

"He can't take his eyes off Candi's fake tits," Terra whispered back, looking back and up at me with a conflicted smile. "And we never talked about stopping our deal, so this is fine."

I took in a breath and sighed it out, but she felt sogood standing with me.

"It's fine, Tiger," Becca whispered from beside me.

Terra leaned back against me a little heavier, pressing her butt and back flat against me, and giggled a little. She turned to Becca and whispered, "He's so hard right now."

"Trixie did it to him," Becca smirked a little.

"You all did it to me," I corrected them.

"God I want your cock in my mouth," Terra whispered, looking back at me again.

All I could do was groan a little bit, trying to keep my head straight. I needed to talk with JC. I wanted Terra. Badly. But he needed a fair chance to fix his shit before Terra and I blew the whole thing up.

And that was how I knew I was drunk. I just assumed that if I said go, Terra would blow up her life for me.

"I need some water," I said.

"You ok, Tiger?" Becca asked.

"Yeah, yeah," I nodded, giving her back and Terra's stomach a little scritch each before I pulled away from them. "Just give me a minute."

I slipped through the crowd, getting little smiles from Leia, Zenya and Ginnie on my way. Ami, I was a little surprised, was standing right up front near the stage, watching and listening to the tutorial with interest.

At the bar, I asked the guy for water and I downed the glass a second after he handed it to me and asked for another, which he obliged.

"What's wrong, Tiger?" Cassidy asked me, coming up to me at the bar. It sounded like the tutorial was coming to an end behind me somewhere. "Are you OK?"

"Just feeling the booze hit me a little harder than I expected," I said. "Too many shots too quickly."

"OK," she said. "Just so you know, I think-"

Cassidy didn't get to finish what she was saying because we were quickly swarmed by the girls as Trixie went behind the bar to turn the music back up. I was getting pulled away from the bar and into the room, and then was pushed down onto the bench seating.

"Cassidy first," Becca declared.

"First at what?" I asked.

Wanda laughed and grinned at me. "The Lapdance Train."

Chapter 225

Mine wasn't the only lap being danced on, and Trixie and Candi had both stuck around to give pointers and some proper lap dances of their own. I didn't see them happening, but apparently Candi gave JC a good time, and Trixie danced on Sherry until the girl was bright red, and then swapped to finish the song with Heather who she didn't give the same options as she had me.

The girls were also practising their moves on each other, though there was a lot of giggling and teasing grabass more than sexuality going on.

My little three-foot world, on the other hand, was full of the girls trying their hardest.

Cassidy went first, and she smiled at me shyly for a moment. For all that my fiancee was a sexual dynamo with me, and I felt entirely comfortable with her in any situation, 'sexy dancing' had never really been one of her things. But she was game, and with the ladies encouraging her you soon had her putting on a stoic face as she bent and teased, wagging her hips and thrusting out her tits or ass in my direction as she turned around. She climbed up onto the bench, standing, and ran her hands through my hair as she looked down her body to meet my eyes and cracked a smile, then slowly lowered herself down until I was eye-to-chest with her and she pressed her cleavage into my face and had me motorboat her as she broke into a laugh. Then she sat down fully on my lap and did several moderately decent body rolls before leaning in to plant a heavy kiss on my lips.

"No fair, no fair!" Several of the girls called. "No kissing the judge!"

Oh. Apparently, I was judging a competition.

Cassidy dismounted and started a laughing argument with several of the girls, and it was Becca's turn. Becca had a touch more confidence in herself, or at least she projected it a little better than Cassidy did, but she was about as skilled in the 'sexy dancing' sphere as my fiancee. She did, however, take my hands as she slid them up her sides until she cupped them right over her tits and encouraged me to squeeze.

That got some calls of cheating from the group as well, and she was pulled away laughing but leaned back to give me a playful peck on the lips to boot.

Wanda was pushed forward next, and I could tell that she really wanted to play the game but hesitated because she wasn't sure what lines she wanted to hold.

"It's OK, gorgeous," I called over the music to her, trying to assure her she didn't have to if she thought it was too much, but that seemed to make her want to do it all the more and soon she was sitting on my lap facing out, her perfect ass working in circles as she ground against my hard cock through our clothes. Then she surprised me by standing and strutting in a circle, doing some of the more dancey moves as she flicked her hair back and forth playfully. She brought a heeled foot up and put it on the bench just beside my waist and leaned forward, licking her smiling lips slowly as she unbuttoned the bottom half of her white blouse, pulling it open dramatically and flashing me her red bra before she took the blouse off completely and spun it around her head as the girls all cheered for her. She re-mounted me, bouncing on my lap as she laughed and then stuck out her tongue and licked the tip of my nose.

Wanda was interrupted by Trixie coming in facing us with just one knee up on the bench. "That was really good!" She encouraged Wanda. "But try this..." The dancer gave Wanda a few tips, and soon I had Wanda standing on the bench straddling my legs but facing away from me, leaning forward to keep her balance as she twerked her ass in her skin-tight jeans right in my face.

The girls cheered as she hopped down and Trixie offered her a laughing high-five, and then Wanda kissed me briefly on the lips and winked before she grabbed her shirt and started to put it on again.

"Having fun?" Trixie asked me.

"Maybe too much," I laughed.

"Well, look out," she smirked. "Here comes another one."

Leia was next, followed immediately by Ginnie. Leia used the asset she knew she had and teased me with her ass and her smile, while Ginnie put her tiny little build to use and practically climbed me like a jungle gym, trying to do some of the more acrobatic things she must have seen Trixie doing to me earlier.

I was pretty sure Terra was getting herself ready to go next, as she'd pulled Trixie to the side and was asking her questions while gesturing with her fingers, but in the brief pause between the girls dancing I noticed that Cattie was standing at the bar alone, looking down at the half-finished drink in her had. A glance around the room showed me the probable reason why - Sherry was sitting on the edge of the stage, and Heather was dancing for her as they were both laughing drunkenly.

Standing up, I went to Trixie and Terra and I put my hands on Terra's waist and leaned over her from behind to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear, "I need a quick rain check, little elf."

Her eyes went a little wide as she looked at me, and I could tell she hadn't been expecting me to use that pet name. Maybe again, or ever, but definitely not in front of someone.

"OK," she said.

I kissed her forehead, trying to assure her, and then went to Cattie.

"All done the-?" she said when she saw me coming, but I didn't let her finish as I took her drink from her and set it on the bar, then took her by the hands and led her to where I had been sitting. "Robbie, what are you doing?" she asked a little incredulously.

"Well, this is a strip club, so what do you think I'm doing?" I asked her, getting her to sit on the bench.

"Tiger..." she said, but somewhere behind me her girlfriend was doing borderline things with her sister, and she rolled her lips between her teeth and she sucked in a breath through her nose.

A new song hit and I barked a laugh. The irony was almost too much. The choral sing-chanting of Sam Smith's hitUnholy started humming through the air, and I rolled my neck to try and loosen myself up.

Chapter 226

I danced. I had no idea if I was good, or sexy. I definitely didn'tfeel sexy, and felt more silly, but I did a bunch of the moves that Trixie and Candi had been teaching. The girls almost immediately were laughing and cheering as I danced for Cattie, who had gone a bright pink from her chest to her eyeballs as she laughed and stared and bit her lip and a range of expressions ran through her.

And I didn't stop at dancing. I could tell that, whether I was doing it well or not, this was something that was distracting Cattie from her relationship circling the bottom of the drain. And God, did I love her and think she was fucking sexy. So no, I didn't stop at dancing.

My shirt went first. I was wearing a button-down, not one of my nicest, so I committed to the bit and did my best Channing Tatum as I danced and ripped my shirt open, buttons popping everywhere as most of the girls, Trixie included, cheered me on. I made eye contact with Cattie as she looked up at me with big eyes and I swooped in close to her, breathing in the smell of her hair as I ran my body an inch from hers, taking her hands and running them over my decently fit torso. I danced a bit more, slipping out of my shirt and tossing it to Cassidy with a wink, who made a face at me while grinning from ear to ear. Then, knocking Cattie's knees a little more open so I could stand between her feet, I reached down and unbuckled my belt.

That got a whole new level of cheering from the girls, and once I'd pulled the belt out of its loops and dropped it to the side, I turned around and sat lightly on Cattie's lap, giving her a small literal lap dance as she giggled from nerves and joy while I did the same. Then I stood up, facing away from her, and undid the button on my pants. I looked up and Cassidy and Becca were clinging to each other and cheering, while Terra and Wanda were doing the same.

God, what am I doing? I laughed to myself.

I dropped my pants to my knees and twerked my briefs-covered ass on Catties lap.

The cheering hit a fever pitch, and I could feel Cattie laughing and squirming, and then she gave me a spank which brought more cheering from the girls.

Trixie came forward, laughing as much as the others, but quickly stood between me and the door out of the private room and reached down, hauling my pants back up. "Nice job," she said through her chuckles. "You've got promise. But if one of the bouncers sees your pants around your ankles they'll throw you out, private party or not."

I stood from Cattie and quickly pulled my pants up the rest of the way, fastening the button, then turned and took Cattie's hands and pulled her to standing, hugging her tightly.

"Thanks, Tiger," she said into my ear as she squeezed me.

"Love you, Catherine," I said back, kissing her on the cheek.

When we separated I was almost rushed again by the girls, but I managed to hold up my hands to stop them as I looked around and found the person I was looking for.

Ami's eyes went wide as she realized I was stalking towards her. She'd been watching from over by the stage, a slight second-hand embarrassment smile on her lips after watching be sexy and silly. She froze, not knowing what to do as I walked up to her shirtless in the middle of a private room in a strip club, and I leaned down and scooped her up into my arms as I grinned at her. I carried Ami over to the bench seating and set her down, looking her in her beautiful warm brown eyes as I did it, reassuring her.

And then I did my best to dance for her, too.

If Cattie had been giggling and gone a little pink from the treatment, Ami was completely overwhelmed as she giggled into one hand and tried to keep herself together. Part of me wished I really was like Channing Tatum in that male stripper movie and that I had the skills to throw Ami around a bit.

With so many women I wanted to figure out how to endlessly please, I wondered if maybe I should take some lessons or something.

I ended the dance straddling Ami's lap and facing her, leaning in close as I sat high on my knees so I was looking down at her and blocking out the rest of the room.

"Hi, cutie," I said, running my thumb across her cheek as I smiled down at her.

"Never do that again," she said, her chest heaving a little as she stopped herself from laughing.

"Was I that bad?" I chuckled.

"No, you were pretty good," Ami said. "I just meant never do that tome again. In public."

"So, you'd want a repeat performance in private?"

She bit her lower lip, smiling and nodding.

I leaned down a little bit further and kissed the top of her head. When I pulled away and stood up, offering her my hand so she could stand as well, Ami was immediately swarmed by a bunch of the girls as they asked her a million questions, happy that she'd gotten to feel special.

Cassidy found me instead since Ami was more than a little occupied and pulled me away, handing me my shirt. "I think youmight have ruined that one, Tiger. There's no chance I'm finding all those buttons."

"A worthy sacrifice," I said, putting on a goofy barbarian voice for a moment before I chuckled and slipped the shirt on so I wasn't completely topless.

"You made Cattie really happy," Cassidy said. "And Ami too, but Cattie needed that. You should have seen Heather's face when she realized what was happening."

"I don't want to think about Heather," I said, pulling Cassidy into my arms.

"That's good, Tiger," Cassidy said, hugging me and pressing her cheek to my chest, then kissing my skin. "Now let's get you a drink, yeah?"

"I don't think I need another one, baby," I shook my head.

"Hey," she said, holding up a finger and waggling it under my nose. "I'm the DD, remember? And there's still plenty of girls who are in love or lust with you that want to give you a lapdance, and I'm definitely getting you atleast one more from Trixie." She paused and slowly smirked a little. "If she were interested, would you want to fuck her?"

"She's a stripper, Cass," I said. "She's not interested, she's doing her job."

"If, Tiger. If," Cass said.

I looked over across the room where Trixie was talking with Becca and Wanda, the three of them occasionally shaking their booties as if she were teaching them something about twerking.

"If," Cassidy repeated herself.

"If she were, it would probably be amazing," I said. "But I've got a lot of plates spinning right now."

"That's all I needed to know," Cassidy smiled, and I could see some sort of plan formulating behind those eyes of hers.

"Don't use the app," I told her quietly.

"I won't," she shook her head, her smile slipping as she looked at me seriously. "I promise."

Chapter 227

The party wasn't losing steam, and while the girls were starting to moderate their alcohol a little bit more than off the start, they definitely weren't losing their energy. As Cassidy disappeared into the crowd, I found myself immediately swept along back into the group by a grinning Wanda as we hit the impromptu dance floor area.

Looking down into her eyes, I wanted to kiss her badly as she danced and shook, sometimes grinning at me playfully and sometimes giving me eyes that said she wanted to throw all propriety away, and damned to anything else, because she wanted to fuck me. I tried to diffuse the situation a little since even my alcohol-buzzed mind knew that we wanted to keep things above board, but all my goofy attempt to be silly did was end up with Wanda dancing up on me from behind, while Zenya came at me from the front. I was squashed between the two beautiful women, as Wanda took my one hand and planted it on her hip and Zenya took the other and planted it on her side right up near her breasts. Our hips worked overtime, rocking and grinding, and I got the sense that Zenya wanted to kiss me almost as badly as Wanda did. It felt wrong to do that with Wanda right there dancing with us though, so I held back.

At the end of the song, I turned to try and let Wanda know I wanted a moment with Zenya, but before I could even lean in to start being heard over the intro to the next song my hand was grabbed and I was being pulled towards the bench seating again, and Wanda was smiling at me and pushing me to follow.

Terra pulled me over and planted me on the benches, then straddled my legs by sitting on her knees and resting her butt on my lap as she leaned in to shout-whisper to me. I interrupted her before she could say anything though, taking her hand in mine lightly and leaning in. "You make that outfit look so fucking good, honey." That made her pause as she bit her lower lip in a grin and stared sex at me.