AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 231-240


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"OK. Thank you, baby," I said and leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips.

She smiled up at me serenely for a moment before jogging a dozen steps to catch up to the others.

Ami and Becca were both standing by their cars and I went over to them.

"Great field trip, Becca," I said as I approached. "Nothing went wrong, I think?"

"Nothing," Becca shook her head with a smile. She slipped under my offered arm and hugged me on one side, while Ami did the same on the other.

"Have I mentioned that you both looked absolutely gorgeous tonight?"

"You did," Becca smiled.

"Like three times," Ami laughed.

"Well, I'll tell you again," I said. "Ami, you were absolutely stunning when you danced on the pole. I couldn't take my eyes off of you. And I absolutely adored the look you gave me when I danced for you."

"Thank you," she said, blushing a little.

"Becca, you were so confident and in control all night, but also able to break away and have fun. You were absolutely perfect in every way."

"Thank you, Tiger," she grinned up at me. "Everything good from your end?"

I nodded, then breathed in and exhaled in a sigh.

"That's not a full yes," Ami said, slipping away from hugging me to lean against her car as she held my hand in both of hers.

"I'm just- Becca already told me she was OK with it, but I'm still wrapping my head around what happened tonight. With Tanya. Or Trixie, I guess you only know her as," I said. "I'm worried that with everything going on, some of you might be bending what you want more than you should. Were you really OK with me having sex with her tonight, Ami?"

Ami frowned a little and looked down, chewing on the inside of her lip for a moment before looking back up at me. "We haven't had sex, so I don't know if I should even have a say," she said. "You're closer with the others-"

"Oh, shush, Ami," Becca said, slipping from your side to practically tackle Ami in a hug. "We can all tell you're falling for him just like me or Wanda. Of course you get a say. Did you not want it to happen?"

"I don't know," Ami sighed, looking at me with big eyes over Becca's shoulder.

"What does your gut say?" Becca asked.

"I don't know, that's the problem," Ami said. "My head says I shouldn't be doing any of this. I shouldn't be falling for a guy in a relationship already. I shouldn't be doing what we've been doing with a guy I just met. I shouldn't - most of this is a shouldn't, to be honest. But..."

"But," Becca sighed.

Ami nodded, still looking at me. "I'm still falling for you, Robbie. What I said after I danced, I meant it. You make me feel like it's OK to be me. And... and I think you being you means that other people are going to love you too, and that's OK. So I don't know."

"Oh, Ami," I groaned, sweeping my arms around both of them and hugging them. "I'll stop any sort of hookup like that until it's a definite yes from everyone involved. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. And I'll tell Cassidy."

Both of the women took deep breaths and nodded. We slowly separated and I went to Ami first, kissing her softly as I held her. She pushed it a little further, slipping me some tongue, and our kiss lingered. "Goodnight, cutie," I whispered to her. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Robbie," she assured me. "I'm OK."

I kissed her again, a little one, and then turned to Becca. She actually hopped up onto the back trunk of her rental car and gestured that she wanted me to step between her legs. I did and she threw her arms around the back of my neck as we kissed deeply.

"Tomorrow," she whispered. "I need you tomorrow, properly. You and Cassidy. We need to make the time."

"I promise," I said, kissing her again. "God. Are you sure you don't want to come to our room tonight?"

Becca hesitated before sighing. "I need to be available on the other boat," she said.

"OK. I love you," I said.

She kissed me firmly, clinging to my shirt for a moment to keep me there until I finally pulled away because I was out of breath. "I love you too," she said with a smile.

I helped her down and the three of us walked down to the docks. It didn't take me long to flash the light from my phone and peek around the boats, and there were no splashes on the wood of the dock, so I assumed no one had fallen in.

"Good night," I whispered after Becca and Ami as they went into the Singles Boat, and they waved.

Chapter 238

There was some noise going on inside, mostly just muted voices coming from the rooms. Cattie and Heather's door was closed, but Terra and JC's was open. I peeked in and saw JC was sprawled out on the bed, snoring softly.

"Terra?" I whispered.

Terra stuck her head out of their bathroom, a toothbrush in her mouth, and smiled before dipping back in and flashing me one finger to tell me to wait. I did, and she came out of the bathroom in just her panties - a cute pink pair that hugged her slim hips and gave a small camel-toe view.

"Hey," she said, coming right to me in the doorway and going up on her tiptoes as she pulled me down into a pepperminty kiss. It felt weird doing that right in front of JC's sleeping form, but it was 'in the rules' for them so I tried to just enjoy it as I held her waist. She moaned into the kiss when my hands touched her, and that made me want to hear more so I slid my hands up her sides and ran my thumbs over her tiny tits and her nipples. That got me the extra moan I wanted.

"I just wanted to say goodnight," I smirked a little as the kiss ended and she dropped back down to flat feet, her hands still holding near my collar for a moment longer before sliding down the open front of my shirt and tracing over my stomach.

"Well, then I'm glad I could get a goodnight kiss," Terra said with a grin.

JC snorted a little and went back to snoring. Terra glanced back at him over her shoulder and sighed before turning back to me.

"You know, he was perfectly happy to get lap dances all night from the strippers. He never asked for one from me," she said.

"I wasn't exactly asking either, honey," I said. "Did you offer?"

"No," she said, quirking her lips a little and shaking her head again. She took in a deep breath and sighed it out. "I didn't really want to. Not for him, anyway."

"Still mad at him?"

"A little," she said. "But... I think I'm less mad than I should be, and that's kind of scary."

I pulled her into a hug and held her for a minute as she snuggled her cheek against my chest.

"Thanks," she whispered. "For just... knowing what I need."

"I'm sorry this is messy," I said.

"I kind of want to come sleep with you and Cassidy and Wanda tonight," Terra whispered. "But... I'm still figuring it out, and that would end things I'm still not sure about."

"I understand," I said, rubbing her bare back softly. "Just know, whatever you decide, you'll have me and Cassidy and Wanda and the others behind you."

"I know, Tiger," she whispered, even quieter. "Thanks for loving me."

I kissed the top of her head, and she looked up at me and I knew what she wanted so I kissed her lips again, another goodnight kiss, but this time I grabbed her butt with both hands and lifted her up. She ran her fingers through my hair and kissed me thoroughly before I put her back down on her feet.

"Goodnight, Tiger," she said, a little sadly.

"Goodnight, little elf," I said.

That put a smile on her face as she closed the door.

I had to stop in the corridor to take a breath. Things were so fucking complicated and it hurt in my chest. Cattie and Heather. Terra and JC. The Wanda situation didn't confuse or hurt me anymore because, with things laid bare and her decision already made - and knowing it would have happened with or without me being the catalyst - it had kind of been settled. But the stuff with Cattie, and the stuff with Terra...

There was some sort of light, tinny music coming from Heels' room, like she was watching something on her phone, and voices in mine. I opened the door and found Wanda brushing out Cassidy's hair in the mirror. They both looked back at me with smiles.

"Hey, Tiger," Cassidy said.

"Get some goodnight smooching in?" Wanda asked.

"I did," I chuckled, closing the door.

We slowly got ready for bed, a touch of grabass happening but nothing that was going to lead us to break the decision that there was no sex with Wanda for the rest of the trip. I was down to my boxers, and the girls were both wearing one of my t-shirts for bed shirts when there was a knock on the door.

I frowned, glancing at the others, but before I could even take a step towards it Cattie's voice came through. "Guys, I need you," she said. Well, actually, she sobbed.

I had the door open in a blink and pulled Cattie into my arms. She was still fully dressed from being out, and she collapsed into my chest as she was crying. I held her there looking over her head into the hallway expecting Heather to be raging or something, but other than the soft sounds of something coming from across the hall and JC snoring the boat was quiet.

"Shhh," I tried to soothe Cattie. "What's wrong, Catherine?"

"Cattie," Cassidy beckoned her friend, and I let Cattie slip from my arms to go collapse on the bed between Cassidy and Wanda, who both started comforting her. I looked out the door again, trying to figure out what had happened, but came up blank. I shut the door and went to the bed, sitting down on the end.

Cattie was still crying, with both Cassidy and Wanda trying to comfort her. I grabbed her bare feet and started running my thumbs down them, hoping it would relax her, but she pulled them away. She did stop crying though.

"Not yet," she said, looking down at me through teary eyes.

I wasn't really sure what that meant, but I nodded and just put my hand on her calf.

Cattie took a deep breath and let it out before sitting up. Another breath and she turned and hugged Cassidy, then hugged Wanda as well. Then she closed her eyes, let out a long breath, and curled her hands into fists.

"I fucking hate that fucking cunt and I'm done with her," Cattie hissed.

"What happened, babe?" Cassidy asked, taking one of Cattie's fists and putting her hands around it, trying to soothe her.

Cattie opened her eyes and found her phone which she'd dropped on the bed before collapsing. She grabbed it and clutched it like it was burning hot.

"I know what she's doing," Cattie whispered. "And I don't care. I'm not fucking trying anymore."

Chapter 239

"Heather didn't come back to our room, she went over to the other boat," Cattie said.

We had rearranged on the bed, and now I was sitting up at the head and Cattie was between my legs, leaning back against my chest. Wanda was sitting cross-legged next to us and holding one of her hands, while Cassidy was sitting right in front of Cattie and holding her other one.

"I had ended up in Becca's car coming back, and Heather had gotten into Ami's car with Ginnie and Sherry," Cattie said. "I didn't really care because she'd spent almost the entire time at the strip club ignoring me and focused on either the strippers or on Ginnie, except for right at the start when she got me a dance from the woman who she had to know I wouldn't be attracted to. I figured we were going to end up having a fight tonight. But then she never came down here.

"Ginnie texted me though, and she asked me again if it was OK if she hooked up with Heather. She'd asked me that earlier and I said yes, so I figured what the hell, maybe this would get it out of Heather's system. I told Ginnie yes again. Then five minutes later Ginnie sent me a picture and asked ifthat was OK. It was Heather making out with Sherry, and they were both naked. I just told Ginnie to have fun, and I came here because I needed you."

"Oh, babe," Cassidy said, sliding to her knees so she could lean forward and hug her friend. Cattie whimpered into the hug, her rage and her hurt at war in her heart. "I'm so sorry."

Cattie sobbed again into Cassidy's shoulder.

I looked over to Wanda, who was frowning and shaking her head. I could only imagine what she was thinking. She glanced up at me from where she was holding Cattie's hand and our eyes locked.

'I love you,' Wanda mouthed to me.

I nodded.'I love you too,' I mouthed back.

She was being reminded about how her own relationship was already a wreck just waiting for the emergency crews to come and put out the fire.

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around Cattie as well, joining the hug and squeezing her.

"I'm done with her," Cattie said, still ensconced between Cassidy and I. "For good. This is the end. She did the one fucking thing that I told her I absolutely wouldn't stand for. My sister!" She growled and I pulled back, giving her some room, but she followed me and leaned back against my chest again as she cried. "And Sherry - how could she be such an absolute cunt? My own sister is sleeping with my girlfriend. I'm done with them both."

There was a choice in front of me. My instinct was to ask Cattie what she needed or wanted - to try and let her make decisions. But she'd made her decision now, and I'd been sitting on my own frustrations.

"Cass, baby," I said. "Wanda. I need you to go get Cattie's stuff from that room. Grab anything you think is hers, and we can put back anything that ends up being Heather's, OK? Bring it all here, she's staying with us."

"I can do it," Cattie said, making to move, but I hugged her tight to keep her still.

"They'll do it for you," I said. "You're staying in here with me. We're going to get in the shower and wash it off. The strip club, the smell of her room, everything."

"Thank you," she sniffled.

"I know what most of your stuff looks like," Cassidy said, squeezing Cattie's hand. "Do you have anything stashed somewhere I might not look?"

Cattie shook her head, and Cassidy shot me a quick look before leaning forward and kissing Cattie on the cheek. "We love you, babe. We've got you. Robbie's got you."

Wanda gave Cattie's hand a squeeze of support, and then both Cassidy and Wanda got off the bed and went out the door.

"Do you want to sit for another minute, or get in the shower?" I asked her.

"Shower," she said. "I- You're right, I don't want to feel like she's ever touched me right now."

We shuffled down the bed and went into the washroom. I was already only in my boxers so I focused on slowly, gently stripping Cattie. Once she was naked I turned on the shower and started it heating up, then grabbed Cassidy's hairbrush and slowly brushed out Cattie's long, dark hair. She would lean back into me often, silently crying, or grab my hand to hold her steady. Once the steam was filling the little room, and her hair was smoothed out, I shucked my boxers and we got into the shower.

Under the water, Cattie began to cry in earnest again, and I held her in my arms as the water ran over us. She sobbed softly into my chest, clinging to me, as she worked through the hurt she was feeling. I could relate, though in a different way. Cattie was being cheated on right now, and it involved her own family. A half-sibling, sure, but still a sister. Despite everything else that had been happening, what she'd been struggling with, she'd still been a hopeful person. She'd still thought she wanted to make it work because Cattie couldn't see Heather being who the rest of us saw her as.

Now it was crumbling down.

I'd been there with Cassidy, but Cassidy had been desperate to fix things. Heather seemed desperate to end them.

When her tears were done, at least for now, I slowly washed her. I used Cassidy's product and massaged Cattie's scalp, then rinsed her off and started to slowly wash her with the loofah, starting with her fingertips and working up her arms. I wanted to rain kisses on her, but I held back, knowing that wasn't what she needed at the moment.

When I was done, having washed all the way down her body, Cattie hugged me while I was still on my knees from washing her feet. She pulled my head to her stomach and I could feel her curl in a little as she cried a bit again. I kissed her slick, smooth skin and hugged my arms around her thighs. Then I stood and held her again.

"Thank you, Robbie," she said, clinging to me as she breathed deeply.

"You're welcome, Catherine," I said. "Whatever you need, I'll make it happen."

Chapter 240

"Robbie?" Cattie said quietly. We were still standing in the shower and she was in my arms.

"Mhmm?" I asked.

"You know how you've been saying you love me?"

"Of course," I said.

"Did you mean it? Like, really?"

I took in a breath to make sure she knew I was being serious. "I meant it in every way that I could, Catherine. I didn't want to be the reason you broke up with Heather, but I'm not going to lie and say I didn't want you to. I was willing to love you like a best friend, or a sister, but I want-"

She kissed me, silencing me. It wasn't a deep kiss, her lips firm on mine, but it meant something. I just wasn't sure what.

"I need to talk to Cassidy," she said as she pulled away.

"Right now?" I asked.

She nodded. "Is that OK?"

"Of course," I said. I kissed her cheek and got out of the shower, quickly drying myself haphazardly with a towel before opening the washroom door and stepping into the room.

There was a significant lack of extra space in the already tight room. New luggage had been brought in, stuffed with piles of clothes and other things. Cassidy and Wanda were sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Everything OK?" Cassidy asked, looking me over.

"She'd like to talk with you," I said.

Cassidy frowned slightly and nodded, standing up. As she went to move by me I took her hand and she stopped. I kissed her lightly on the lips and looked into her eyes. "Get in with her," I said.

"The shower?" she asked.

I nodded. "She needs to feel wanted. Not sexual, I think, but close to you."

"OK," Cassidy nodded. "If you're OK with that."

"I am," I said. "Hold her. I don't know what she wants to talk about."

Cassidy pecked my lips, looking into my eyes a moment longer to make sure I was certain about this, and then went into the washroom. I sighed and had to take in a big breath as I went to sit on the bed next to Wanda.

"You OK?" she asked me, immediately starting to rub my back as she looked at me with concern.

"I know it shouldn't be affecting me like this," I said. "It's her relationship, not mine."

"Shhh," Wanda hushed me, getting up on her knees behind me and starting to massage my shoulders with her small but firm hands. "Robbie, you've been going through a shitload of emotional stuff. Trauma; yours and mine and Cattie's and now Terra's. It makes sense that it's getting to you."

"I just feel... awful," I said, hanging my head low. "Like it might be my fault."

"Oh, Tiger," Wanda said and stopped massaging me so she could hug me, pressing her cheek to my back. I was still damp from the shower so it couldn't have been the most comfortable, but she did it anyway. "Do you want the truth?" she asked.

"I do," I said, reaching behind me with one hand to put a hand on her thigh to ground myself to her.

"My marriage was going to implode eventually," she said. "Brodi lied, deeply. I just hadn't realized it yet. You didn't cause it, you're saving me from the worst of it. And Heather would have been a pushy cunt on this trip whether you were here or not. It might have taken months, or years, longer for Cattie to get to this point, or it might have turned out exactly like this if you weren't here. But you are, for her."

"You sound like you're trying to make me into the hero here, gorgeous," I murmured.

"I wasn't done," Wanda murmured. "With Terra, I think you might be the reason."

"Well, fuck," I said.

"You're not the only reason, but I don't know if Terra and JC would have gotten to where they are right now if she hadn't met you," Wanda said. She slid around a bit, moving to sit beside me but kept hugging me, and kissed my upper arm as she looked at me seriously. "You've made Terra reevaluate things, and she's not done doing that yet. If you'd just met her in passing, for a couple of hours, it might have taken a lot longer for this to happen. But we've all been stuck together for days. Watching each other. Seeing how you interact with everyone,feeling how you look at and care about us. It ramped up the timeline, ramped up the stakes in her head. And JC would have never had sex with that cop if he hadn't recognized Cassidy's hair from the video of you fucking his ex. So, yeah, with Terra you're a pretty big cause of what's going on."