Amanda Awakens Ch. 02 – After the Photoshoot

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A continuation of Amanda Awakens – The Photoshoot.
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This story is a continuation of Amanda Awakens -- The Photoshoot. If you have not read it, it is advised that you read it first to better understand the circumstances of Logan and Amanda in this story.

Logan arrived at the church about fifteen minutes before Sunday services were to begin. Finding a couple of seats on the isle in a pew near the front of the sanctuary. He sat quietly waiting for Amanda to get out of Sunday School where she regularly conducted bible study for high school age students.

Sitting there in silence Logan's mind was racing. As if Amanda's photoshoot the previous afternoon and what he had seen and heard her doing in the closet this morning wasn't enough to blow his mind. Now, in a room directly below where he currently sat, his prim and proper wife was teaching Sunday school. Conducting bible study with a group of high school students all the while wearing cum soaked slutty underwear under her conservative clothes.

Surly the events of the weekend were all a dream that he would soon wake from. It was all surreal. "Could this all really be happening," he asked himself.

Just then Amanda entered the sanctuary through a door to the front and right of where Logan sat. He couldn't help but smile at her as she approached appearing as she always had, prim, proper, a mother, a wife.

She was dressed in a navy-blue suit comprised of a double-breasted jacket, matching mid-calf length skirt with a white high collar blouse underneath, black hose, and her typical 1-inch wedge heels. She looked every bit the conservative mother, wife and Sunday school teacher that she was.

No one could ever imagine what she wore underneath her conservative clothing. The only possible clue to the nature of her under garments was a scant 12 inches of stockinged leg that showed below the hem of her long dark blue skirt. Keen observation revealed the seam down the back of her stockings.

Approaching Amanda broke into a broad beautiful smile. "She is glowing," Logan thought to himself. As Amanda moved to sit in the pew Logan scooted to his left to make room for her to sit beside him, next to the isle. As she sat, she placed her left hand on Logan's right thigh, squeezing lightly and quietly said, "I love you!" Logan took her left hand in his saying, "I love you too." Leaning into her, kissing her tenderly on the left cheek.

As they sat listening to the sermon Logan's mind was everywhere but on what the pastor was saying. He wondered what was going through his sweet wife's mind as well. It seemed as though the service would never end.

When the service ended, hand in hand, they made their way out of the church, sharing pleasantries with friends and fellow members of the congregation. Eventually reaching the parking lot where they realized that they had arrived at the church in separate cars.

Logan turned to Amanda placing his arms around her waist as he drew her to him kissing her tenderly on the lips. Then he leaned back, still holding her waist, looking into her eyes he said, "I love you, Amanda. See you at home in a few minutes."

Amanda smiled sweetly saying, "I love you too dear! See you at home. We have so much to talk about." Then she turned and walked toward her car.

As Logan stood, watching her walk away. Admiring her beautiful ass, it seemed to him that her manner had changed. Perhaps just a bit more sway in her walk. Maybe it was his imagination, but something seemed different.

He couldn't help but think about all that had happened in the last 24 hours and that she was wearing the lingerie that she had worn when she fucked those men yesterday. He felt a tightness in his body both anger and excitement flooded his senses. Yet he had a massive hardon.

To say that he felt conflicted would be an understatement. He knew that he should be angry at Eddie for what he had done, yet he felt sexually excited at the thought of Amanda performing with those.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he walked to his car. He sat in his car thinking about all that had happened, wondering how their lives would be changed.

Realizing that he was the only car left in the parking lot he turned on the ignition and drove home.

Logan arrived home about fifteen minutes behind Amanda.

When he walked into the house, he found her siting on the edge of the couch in their living room, very upright. Back straight, knees together, hands folded in her lap. She sat there pensively biting her lower lip, the fingers on her right hand fiddled with her wedding ring.

Logan's mind flashed back to the previous day. The scene where Amanda dressed only in the lingerie that she now secretly wore under her prim clothes, sat, her hands fidgeting as they now were, waiting to fuck Jerome.

Sitting on the couch next to Amanda Logan put his left arm around her shoulder, leaned in kissing her lightly on the right cheek. Amanda placed her left hand midway up Logan's left thigh, squeezing lightly. Then turned her head to face him, they locked eyes.

They sat this way for a few minutes, frozen. Neither of them knowing quite where to start. Finally, Amanda broke the silence, "You know that I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you, right," Amanda said more as a question than a statement.

"Yes, of course I do," Logan replied. "How could you even think otherwise," he asked.

"Weeeelllll... with all that happened yesterday, I, Ieee, you know," Amanda said struggling for the right words to say.

Logan responded by pulling her to him and kissing her passionately on the lips. Pulling back to again look her in the eyes he stated, "If you recall I was the one who wanted you to have the photos taken in the first place."

Amanda nodded.

"Annnd...I was the one who encouraged you to continue at every step of the way," he stated.

Again, she nodded.

"How could you even think that I wouldn't love you," he asked.

"Well I...I...well those Leanne...what I did with them," Amanda stammered.

"Did you not look to me for permission at each turn of events? I even recall your reluctance to go on numerous times. Didn't I encourage you each time?" Logan asked looking Amanda directly in the eyes.

Blushing bright red, Amanda sheepishly lowered her gaze, biting her lower lip. "Yes," she quietly replied.

"Didn't you enjoy the experience," Logan asked.

Raising her gaze to lock eyes with Logan Amanda almost in audibly replied, "Yes I did, very much."

Looking deep into Logan's eyes she quietly continued, "I must say that initially I didn't really realize what was happening, out of my control sort of. But then, something in me snapped, I began to feel the excitement of the moment and to enjoy having sex with those men."

"Are you angry with me? you think that I'm a slut," Amanda pleading inquired?

"Did it bring you pleasure," Logan continued to probe?

"Yes," Amanda stated quietly looking down at her folded hands in her lap.

Logan spoke calmly, "I have to admit that I have mixed feelings. I'm angry at Eddie for taking advantage of us, you in particular. Yet, I also feel a tremendous sexual excitement when I replay the events in my mind,"

"When I first saw you in church today you were radiant, glowing. It was obvious to me that you had found extreme pleasure in what had happened. How could I be angry or not love you because of it? Logan asked.

Amanda lunged toward Logan holding him tightly as she began to sob.

"When you were doing the glamour shots, I was so proud of you! You looked so beautiful and so sexy," Logan complemented her. "Then when you walked on to the set in that black lingerie and those sexy high heels and stockings...all I can say is WOW! I'm married to the sexiest woman in the world."

"Really? Do you really think so," Amanda asked?

"Without a doubt! To me you have always been beautiful and sexy. You just would never let yourself completely be that woman. That is until yesterday. I'm so proud to be your husband and to know that you are my wife," Logan stated.

"Really? Even after I...I...fff... with those men...performed with them...the things that I did?" Now seeking affirmation for the previously unspoken acts that she had performed.

"Honey, I have a confession to make," Logan said. "You know that I have always tried to get you to open up more, to be more adventurous. The things that you always call, kinky."

Amanda quietly replied softly, "yes."

"Well, I could never tell you my deepest fantasies for fear of driving you away from me," Logan confessed.

"Like what," she asked?

"Let's just say that you fulfilled virtually every one of them yesterday. Beyond my wildest dreams," Logan stated.

" aren't angry or ashamed of what I did," Amanda asked as she again placed her left hand on Logan's left thigh.


"Did it turn you on," she asked?


Sliding her hand further up his thigh, "Are you turned on right now?"

"Yes," Logan softly said.

Placing her left hand on Logan's throbbing cock Amanda leaned in and began to French kiss him with passion as she massaged his cock through his slacks.

They kissed feverishly as their hands groped each other's body passionately.

Suddenly Amanda broke their embrace. Standing she said, "Come up to our bedroom in five minutes." Logan nodded, sinking back on to the couch, as he watched his wife go up the stairs.

Logan sat there, his heart pounding, his head spinning from the sexual overload that he was feeling.

Entering their bedroom Logan sat on the bed, waiting. Then Amanda stepped from the bathroom dressed as she had been yesterday. Dressed in the lace trimmed ultra-sheer black robe and 6-inch patent leather sandals. There it was, that lingerie set. The black satin and lace open cup bra, black satin and lace garter belt, black ultra-sheer French stockings, and the crotchless thong.

Logan watched her approach, awestruck by her beauty and sexuality.

With a shy smile, biting her lower lip, she asked, "You like?" Then sat on his lap.

"Yes," he quietly said. Stroking his hands across the silky material that she wore.

They kissed passionately. Breaking their kiss Logan asked, "Did you wear these," stroking her lingerie, circling and dried glob of cum with his finger, "to church today?"

Blushing, Amanda sheepishly lowered her gaze, biting her lower lip. "Yes," she said softly. "Was that too naughty?"

Amanda stood, letting the lacy black robe fall to the floor. Then she knelt on the floor in front of Logan as she opened the fly of his slacks, reaching in to pull out his very hard cock. Pumping the shaft of his engorged cock with her right hand while she messaged his balls with her left.

As she stroked his cock Amanda locked eyes with Logan.

Gazing down Logan could not help but be struck by Amanda's beautiful natural 36DD breasts perched on the cups if the black satin and lace open cup bra that she wore.

His mind flashed back to the scenes from yesterday and then to his beautiful wife sniffing and slurping the glob of cum from the same bra this morning before she left for church wearing it.

As he watched her lips formed that now familiar "O" as she sank more than half of Logan's seven-inch cock into her mouth. Stroking and sucking his cock furiously. Logan knew that he would not last long if Amanda kept up this pace.

Standing, he lifted her up turning her back to the bed, laying her down on the bed. Quickly shedding his clothing, he sank his seven-inch cock into her very wet pussy through the opening in the crotchless panties.

After a few rapid strokes both Logan and Amanda knew that he was ready to blow his load.

Not ready to end their love making session Amanda softly asked, "Logan, can we do it cowgirl please."

Taking control Amanda fucked and sucked Logan until they both fell into a deep contented sleep.

Thursday evening Logan arrived home from work. As usual, Amanda was busy in the Kitchen preparing supper and the children were studying in their rooms. As he hung his jacket in the coat closet, he noticed an unopened box on the table in the foyer.

It was a FedEx package. Examining it more closely he saw that it was from Delectable Blush. "Hmmmm... I wonder what she has bought now," Logan thought to himself?

"Is that you babe," Amanda asked from the kitchen.

"Yes", Logan said snapping back to the present as he walked into the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, he stopped dead in his tracks due to the sight before him.

Amanda was standing facing the sink washing some dishes and pans that she had used to prepare their meal. She was wearing a pair of shiny black spandex yoga pants with sheer panels on the calves and thighs. The shiny material stretched tightly across her heart shaped ass, as it did, you could make out the two halves of her gorgeous ass and the crack between them.

She was also wearing a white halter workout top that appeared to also be made of spandex. Black sneakers completed her outfit.

"New outfit," Logan inquired?

Turning around Amanda greeted her husband with a wide toothy grin. "High honey! Yeah, I thought that I would try something different."

"Sorry for the workout cloths, I didn't get to the gym until late this afternoon. By the time I got home the kids were already here and it was time to prepare supper," she said. "I hope that I'm not too stinky!"

As always Logan couldn't believe his luck in marrying such a natural beauty. From the front the workout outfit was even more impressive than from the rear. The white top was molded to Amanda's natural 36DD breasts.

Immediately, Logan noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra with the top and that it was unlined. This was unusual. She was normally very careful not to display too much of her assets. Her nipples and areola where clearly visible through the shiny white material. Scanning down her body Logan could see the cleft of her pussy lips as the spandex molded to her gorgeous mound.

"Stink? You don't stink! As a matter of fact, you smell great and look awesome in that outfit," Logan flattered truthfully.

"Well, I tried to be a bit more of 'that woman' with this outfit," Amanda smiled mischievously.

"I love it," Logan exclaimed. "I bet that you turned a few heads at the gym today."

"Weeelll, I actually noticed that I received more than the normal amount of staring and flirting," she said.

"How did that make you feel," Logan pried?

"At first, a little uncomfortable, then it began to turn me on, make me horny actually," Amanda stated frankly.

They embraced necking for a time like two teenagers. When they broke the kiss Amanda said, "I need to run upstairs a change into something more suitable before the kids come down for supper. Can you keep an eye on the stove for a couple of minutes?"

"You bet! I'll just grab a glass of wine. Me and my hardon will sit right here," Logan stated.

Amanda gave Logan a quick peck on the cheek as she squeezed his cock with her left hand, "I'm glad that I have that effect on you." Then smiling a devilish grin, she disappeared up the stairs.

Once supper was over and the kids were off to bed for the night Amanda and Logan settled in the family room each sipping a glass of red wine.

Amanda asked, "Annnd... how was your day?"

Logan replied, "The usual. Pretty uneventful."

"Say, did you see the package in the foyer? It was on the front step when I got home from the gym. What did you order," Amanda inquired?

"I did, but I thought that it was something that you ordered. I was going to mention it but you distracted me with your workout outfit and I forgot about it," he said standing as he headed to the foyer to retrieve the package.

Picking up the package Logan read the sender address again. His heart skipped a beat. "Delectable Blush Photography," he thought to himself, "Could this be from Eddie?"

For a moment he stood frozen thinking about all that had happened at Amanda's first photo shoot.

Walking into the family room Logan stated, "I don't know what it is. It is addressed to both of us." Sitting by Amanda on the couch he began opening the box.

"It's from Eddie I think," Logan said.

Amanda sat up as Logan pulled out a very expensive looking album and handed it to her. With the album in her lap they sat on the couch next to one another. Amanda opened the album and slowly began turning the pages.

The first few pages contained photos of Amanda in the Red A-line dress. All of the photos were beautiful and tastefully done. "You look so beautiful and elegant. I love that red dress," Logan said. The couple smiled at each other as they continued.

Then came the photoset with Amanda in the knee length white Erica pencil skirt, topped off by the champagne-colored satin double-breasted portrait collar blouse that reveled a considerable amount of cleavage. She wore copper-colored stockings and 5-inch peep-toe D'Orsay stiletto high heels. To top off the look she also wore a double strand of white pearls that dangled just above the cleft between her amazing 36DD breasts.

Again, the photos were incredible. The last couple of pages in that set were more risqué with stockings and garters showing, a glimpse of white satin panties, and plenty of deep cleavage spilling out of the gaping satin blouse. Finally, there were the classic pinup poses.

One of Logan's favorite pinup poses was the one where Amanda was lying back on the swooning couch with her left hand behind her head, her right foot on the floor and her left foot on the couch. Her pencil skirt had bunched around her waist exposing the tops of the copper-colored stockings and white lace garter belt.

In the last photo of the set Amanda had dipped her right knee and opened her thighs exposing the full crotch of her white satin panties stretched tightly across her smooth pussy mound. Also, the satin blouse gaped open completely. As a result, her magnificent 36DD tits jutted out from her chest perched high on the delicate lacy cups of the white open cup bra that she wore.

Logan couldn't believe that his prim and proper wife had allowed herself to be placed in such a pose.

Amanda sighed with relief that there was no hint of the giant black dildo that she and Leanne had used on her tight little pussy.

Logan tried to adjust his hardening cock as he quietly awaited his wife's response.

"Wow, I look really good in these," Amanda said.

"You sure do," Logan exclaimed truthfully. "I don't know how Eddie did it but he made you even more beautiful than you already are."

The next section contained photos from the boudoir set. It started with Amanda in the sheer black ankle length robe and 6-inch strappy heels. As they continued the pictures got sexier and naughtier.

Once the sheer black robe was removed Amanda was clad in a black satin and lace open cup bra that presented her magnificent 36DD tits, matching luminous black satin and lace garter belt with six satin garter straps, black ultra-sheer 15 denier French stockings with backseam, black high waist open crotch satin thong with a short string of pearls, and finally black 6-inch patent leather knotted ankle strap sandals.

These pages contained photographs of Amanda in the sexy black lingerie sucking and fucking with Tony, Joe, Jerome and Leanne.

One of the photos was of Tony fucking Amanda with his massive black cock. In it, Amanda was lying on her back on the satin sheets of the luxurious king size bed dressed in the slutty black lingerie. Tony was holding her hips, her stocking clad legs splayed wide, and the heels of her 6-inch stilettos pointing to the ceiling. Tony had half of his 12-inch monster black cock buried in her tight white pussy. Amanda's eyes were as big as saucers the expression on her face exhibited both trepidation and excitement.

The last photo showed Amanda lying on the bed her magnificent 36DD tits cradled by the black satin and lace open cup bra. She was still wearing the garter belt, stockings, open crotch thong, and 6-inch stilettos. With a contended smile on her face, her whole body radiated that just fucked afterglow. Her body and lingerie were glistening with a glaze of cum, and cum was dripping out of her mouth, pussy and ass hole.