Amazon Queen

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A royal couple submits to the Amazon queen and her army.
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Content warning: This story contains public humiliation, bodily fluids including stinking sweat, piss drinking and oral sex with multiple girls during their periods. If you are disgusted by this kind of stuff, this story is not for you.


It is easy to be King when your subjects love you. And it is easy to love your King when the land is prosperous and your belly is full. I have been King of the small Kingdom of Ithulio at the coast of the Aegean Sea for just six months now, and the prosperity of the kingdom was due to my father.

Most good tragedies begin with a prophecy, and so does this story, although it is may not end in tragedy. The Goddesses may have shown me a path to save the kingdom.

It started when father and mother had just married. As the oldest son of the king, he would eventually inherit the throne, and as so many other princes he set off for Delphi to hear what the Oracle had to tell him. The words of the Pythia were ominous, and unusually clear: "Unless you kill your firstborn son, you will end your days in exile on a small island, while he sits the throne that is rightfully yours."

So he returned to his young wife, and told her the fearful words. At first, the prophecy hung as a dark cloud over their marriage, but eventually it looked increasingly moot. Although they enjoyed sharing their bed almost every night, nothing came of it and mother's belly remained flat. After five years, the old king died, and my father assumed the throne with mother as his queen. There was still no sign of an heir, and the words of the prophecy were all but forgotten.

Father was 43 and mother was 40 when finally it happened, her belly began to grow. As mother sat with her newborn son, the words of the prophecy returned to her, and she grew fearful. She tried to hide her fear from her husband, but he saw it, and he too remembered. But his eyes were full of love as he looked first at his son, and then at his wife.

"I too remember the prophecy. But I swear by Hestia who protects this house and by Demeter who protects the land, that I will allow no harm to come to him. I will gladly sacrifice my throne, even my life, for him."

Mother saw that he spoke truthfully, and the last shadow of fate parted from their marriage.

It is said that Hestia heard the oath that he took, and told Demeter. And that Demeter, who had seen so much evil come from the prophecies of Delphi, was pleased to see the will of Apollon thwarted. So she blessed the land, and since then the harvests have been unusually bountiful.

I had a generally happy childhood in the small palace of my parents. Only a small cloud appeared as I became teenager. I saw my friends marry, and often they married the girl or boy they loved; and I knew that the best I could hope for was to love the girl that I would marry. For a prince should marry a princess, and although there are many small kingdoms in this part of the world, few of them had princesses of my age.

Only two neighboring kingdoms had suitable princesses, and once I had met them it was clear that while I could easily marry them, loving them would be much harder. My parents were saddened by my words, and delayed my marriage. But I was 20, and it could not be put off indefinitely.

One day the king called for me.

"Akleus, my dear son," he said. "A ship will soon come from the small island kingdom of Lemnia. It will bring their king and queen, and their eldest daughter. Although Lemnia is far away, it is still worth being allied with them. Take a look at their daughter, and tell me what you think."

A few days later, the ship arrived. The king and queen of Lemnia stepped off the ship, and behind them their daughter, Penelope. It is not reported anywhere how Odysseus' wife looked like, but he longed for her during his long years with the beautiful nymph Calypso. Certainly, this young Penelope was pretty. Not stunningly beautiful as Helene of Troy (but no good came of her beauty), hers was the kind of prettiness that will last a marriage. She was tall and slim, almost as tall as me, and while very decently clad there could be no doubt that she had large and well-formed breasts. Her pretty face was framed by her curly black hair. But most importantly, she smiled as she saw me. Later in the evening, as we talked after dinner, I slowly realized that she had a pleasant personality. It might not be impossible to love this one.

The next three weeks the Lemnian royal family stayed with us. While no-one pressured us to meet, Penelope and I began walking together in the village and around it, talking about nothing and everything. Eventually, we decided to spend a particularly beautiful day walking to the top of Little Mountain. We had brought food and drink, but spent so much time talking and admiring the landscape that it soon was clear that we could not reach the top and get back before dark. Instead, we sat down in the grass under an olive tree and ate our lunch. When we were done, we debated whether to continue for another hour or just going back. As we stood talking, she slowly moved closer and closer to me, until it was natural for me to lean forward and kiss her on the mouth. She responded by pressing her lips against mine, and as I opened my mouth slightly, her tongue found its way into my mouth.

Once we had kissed deeply, I looked at her. "I love you," I said, and discovered that I meant it.

"I know," she answered, and began removing my clothes. Soon I stood naked in front of her, fumbling to remove her clothes, too. As soon as she was naked, I hugged her, and kissed her again. Moments later we were lying in the grass, kissing each others face. Then I kissed her breasts, taking her nipples into my mouth. Then her belly and her belly button, before finally kissing the rich curly hair between her legs, and the opening I knew I would find there. She gasped at my daring kisses, and reach out for my cock.

For a while we explored each other's body, then she rolled onto her back and spread her legs. I knew what she wanted, placed myself over her, and slowly entered her. The feeling of her warmth was wonderful, and as I reached my climax I could see that she did, too.

For maybe an hour we were lying in the grass, with the sun shining on our naked bodies. Finally, common sense made us get up and get dressed, and we returned home just before dinner. If anybody notice that something had changed between us they did not say anything.

Next morning I went looking for Penelope. We both agreed what should be done, and went in search of her father. We found the two royal couples sitting in the great hall, as we approached their conversation stopped. I faced her father, and went down on one knee.

"King Orronos of Lemnia, I kneel before you to ask for the hand of your daughter, the kind and beautiful Penelope."

King Orronos looked at his daughter, who nodded.

"Rise!" he said. Then he took Penelope's hand and placed in mine. "May you have a long and prosperous life together."

The wedding was held three weeks later. It was a great pleasure to lead her to my own bed, to undress her and for the second time see her naked body, and to spend the night together exploring each other's bodies. We both loved it when I licked her pussy, and tickled her tickler with my tongue. And we both loved it when she took my member in her mouth, and licked the head.

The next two years passed in bliss and love, but although we spend every night together enjoying each other's body, no heir appeared. That did not worry us unduly, after all my parents had been married for almost twenty years before I was born. We enjoyed life while my father ruled the land.

Often we would go to the arena, to see the young men compete in athletics. I would bet on who would win, and admire their feats of athletics. My wife would admire their young bodies. Some days we would go down by the river, early in the morning, and sit under a three where the women would come to wash their clothes. If we came early they would see me sit with my arm around my wife, and ignore us. Then they would remove some of their clothes, and enter the water with both their arms and their legs up to the knees exposed. And the clothes on their upper bodies would be thin, allowing us to admire their bosoms as well.

We had quickly noticed how we both enjoyed watching beautiful people, and had agreed that as long as we only undress to our partner, and never break faith in the bed, then why should we not enjoy the beautiful sights around us? Penelope found my minimal interest in the naked athletes slightly strange, but as I accompanied her to the games she did not really mind if I had my focus on the betting. And I found it surprising that she was as interested in the female body as the male, but perhaps that was to be expected. She was from an island after all, and we have all heard rumors of what goes on at Lesbos.

Then one day the king called us to him.

"You both know of the dreadful prophecy that I heard as a young man. For long I have defied it, but three weeks ago Demeter came to me in a dream. She admonished me that the prophecies of Apollon can never be completely defied, but that sometimes one can choose how it will be fulfilled. The time has come for that.

"I wrote to your parents, Penelope, and they have answered. In two weeks I shall abdicate the throne to you, Akleus, and your mother and I will sail to Lemnia to spend the rest of our lives there."

I protested, but he would not listen. "I have postponed this for too long already. I never desired to defy Apollon, attempting to do so would be hubris, and in vain. Besides, Lemnia is supposed to be a beautiful island."

So they left, and I took up my fathers kingship. But already after a few months worrying rumors reached us. In the East, the Amazons were rising again, and under the rule of their terrible queen Ypsipyle they were once again invading the kingdoms of Hellas. Soon it was clear that it was not a mere rumor, the old enemy was returning. I ordered all men capable of wielding a weapon to form militias and prepare for battle.

Soon, a runner reported that the neighboring kingdom had fallen. We were ready for battle, a battle we could hardly hope to win. It is said that he who flees counts every foe trice, but there could be no doubt that we were badly outnumbered.

Three days ago I went to sleep next to my Penelope. Then I found myself standing on the fields in front of the main village. The ground was soaked with blood, my subjects lying dead or dying, and amazon warriors with drawn swords walked among them, slaying the wounded. I feared for my life, but it was as if they could not see me.

Then I saw a tall woman approach, taller than most men. She was dressed all in white, and her long hair was the color of grain that is ready for harvest. I had never seen her before, but knew it was Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest. Behind her, another person was walking, but I could not see her for she was shrouded in darkness, yet somehow I knew it was a she.

I knelt before Demeter. Her voice was strong and melodious as she spoke to me.

"Apollon is the god of prophecy, but he is not the only god who can see what the future will bring. So can my daughter. But she speaks of what she sees only to me. And rarely do we tell mortals of their fate, except in dire need, for little good comes from knowing what will happen unless it is a great evil that can be averted."

Then the woman behind her stepped forward, out of the darkness that followed her. She was tall like Demeter, and looked very much like her. Her hair, too, was long and the color of grain. But it was full of flowers, in the left side of her hair the flowers were budding, in the middle they were blooming. And in the right side, they were withering and some of the darkness still remained.

I was already kneeling, but bowed my head in respect and fear as I spoke her name. "Persephone."

"Look around you." She spoke in a voice far more ominous than her mother.

"This is how your kingdom will end if you oppose Ypsipyle, for her army is larger than yours, and better trained. If you fight, you and your people will soon be with Hades and with me.

"But you can save your people, at a great cost to yourself and your beloved. You must meet Ypsipyle unarmed, prostrate yourselves before her, and allow her to humiliate you as you have never humiliated even the lowest slave. Then she will spare your people, and make her feared general the new queen of your kingdom. But as soon as Ypsipyle has left, the new queen will take your cousin as a lover, and they will rule justly."

Then Persephone fell silent and Demeter continued.

"Much will still be lost, and much will be burned, but my blessing on the land will remain, and Ithulio will remain prosperous. What will happen to you and Penelope, we cannot see."

I woke up in my bed, and so did Penelope. She had had exactly the same dream as me. We sent runners for the elders of the surrounding villages, and told them that we would not fight after all. When they heard of our dream, they were all too willing to follow our advice and surrender, I had expected some kind of protest. But of course I proposed that Penelope and I would sacrifice ourselves as an alternative to them all fighting a battle with little hope for victory.

Now the enemy is coming. Here ends the account of King Akleus of Ithulio. May the gods help us all.


I put down the pen and hand the scroll to my servant. Then I take Penelope's hand and together we walk out of the great hall, through the village, out on the field in front of it where we can already see the Amazon army approach. Behind me, my banner is flowing from every rooftop. I stand unarmed, but with a long pole, my banner flowing in the wind. Next to me stands Penelope, silent but brave. On the hilltop, the amazon army is assembling, preparing their attack. They pile up firewood in a great bonfire, and light it. It is a signal that can be read all along the Aegean sea, perhaps all along the Mediterranean. "We will burn your houses and your fields. We will take no prisoners."

The army is large, but not as large as I had feared. Clearly, we could not hope to stop them. But if they continue, west and south further into Hellas, they will soon meet kingdoms that can. They are a threat to me and my people, but clearly not to Hellas.

It is time to surrender. Holding the banner high, Penelope and I walk forward towards the amazon army, while my men lower the banners flying over the village. We stop thirty steps in front of the army, then I lay down first my banner, then my sword on the ground, before proceeding. Ten steps in front of Queen Ypsipyle I stop and kneel.

"The King and Queen of Ithulio surrender to Queen Ypsipyle! The people of Ithulio surrenders to Queen Ypsipyle and her army!"

I remember that Persephone had told me to prostrate myself before her, so I lie down on my belly before her, and at my side Penelope does the same. Never has a subject humiliated himself like this before me or my father, but I dare not disregard the advice of the Two Goddesses.

Then Ypsipyle speaks, "Rise!"

Her voice is deeper than most women, but still clearly feminine. She is tall, as tall as most men, and stronger built than most. Clad in armor, but an armor as much for show as for battle, her arms are bare and she wears a short skirt ending above her knees, exposing her legs as if she were a man. Thick leather plates are protecting her shins, and on her head she wears a bronze helmet, adorned with gold. Her bosom is covered in heavy leather armor, but unlike the members of her army, her belly is bare. The muscles in her arms and legs could shame most athletes in the arena. I doubt if there are any of my men that can defeat her in single combat. Not that it would ever come to that.

Behind her, the army of the Amazons stands ready for battle. Strong women, better armored than their queen, but not as strong as her. Still a match for my men, and probably better trained. They are not as many as we feared, but they still outnumber us two to one.

Next to Ypsipyle a softer looking woman is standing. She wears no armor, and although in good physical shape she is clearly neither soldier nor athlete. Still, her skirt is short, ending indecently above her knees, and her arms are bare, too. Her bosom is covered with cloth, but like her queen her belly is bare. It cannot be denied that she is beautiful.

Ypsipyle speaks again. "Do you have conditions for your surrender?"

"None, mighty Queen," I answered.

"Good, for I would not accept any. You must lay down not just your banner and your weapons, but also your dignity. Even your life, should I so command. But for now, your dignity will suffice. Undress, both of you."

Beside me, Penelope gasps. It is a great humiliation for a man to stand naked outside the arena. For a woman to be forced to undress, even before other women, is an unthinkable humiliation. To her credit, she does not protest, and

hardly hesitates before beginning to undress.

A moment later we both stand naked before the Queen of the Amazons, and her army.

"Throw your clothes on the fire."

We obey.

"We lighted that fire to burn your kingdom. We will keep it lit, as a guarantee of your good behavior. We will now enter your puny village, with you and your wife as our prisoners."

She gives an order, and soon we are moving. In the front march Ypsipyle and the other woman, perhaps her wife or lover, flanked by a few warriors. Behind them four armed warriors. Then I walk naked, with Penelope at my side, brave but with tears in her eyes. Behind us, the army.

We enter the village and approach the great hall. Ypsipyle orders that every household should be represented by the head of the household and his wife. Soon the hall fills up. Ypsipyle takes my throne, and her wife Penelope's. The hall can only fit a small fraction of her army, they stand along one side of the hall, along the other side the men of women of the villages of Ithulio.

When the hall has filled up, Ypsipyle speaks.

"I am Ypsipyle, rightful ruler of all lands that I desire to rule. I am now your queen. Before me stands your former ruler, naked, and your former queen, also naked. I have stripped them of their birthright, of their dignity, and of their freedom. Now I also take their names, may they never be spoken again.

"Slave, you can approach my throne, remove my sandals, and lick my feet. She-slave, you can do the same for my wife."

I have no choice but to walk forward, and kneel before Ypsipyle upon my own throne. I remove her sandals, and kiss her feet. They are dirty and sweaty, she has walked far. I begin licking her right foot, taking her toes into my mouth one at a time. The taste is vile, dirt has accumulated between her toes, and I dare not refrain from removing it with my tongue. Then I lick the sole of her foot. After a while, I give her left foot the same treatment. Besides me, I can see Penelope doing the same for Ypsipyle's wife.

"Enough. This is nice, but you can continue this later."

She looks at her wife. "What should we make them do next?"

"We could make them fuck, right here on the floor, for all to see."

"Excellent idea, my dear Oinone, excellent idea! You heard her. Fuck!"

I look with horror on Penelope. She has tears in her eyes, but I can see that her will is unbroken. She will do even this to save the country she has come to love. We lie down on the floor in front of the thrones, and I begin touching my wife's body.

Normally, just the sight of her naked body would make me aroused, and touching her breasts would assure an erection, but under these conditions my dick remains soft. Soon, Ypsipyle will lose her patience, there is only one thing to do.

"I love you," I whisper in Penelope's ears, and then I spread her legs, and kneel between them. I begin kissing her mound and her pussy. To my surprise, she is already wet, and her taste is strong. I begin licking her, and let my tongue play with her cooch. Her taste fills my mouth, and my cock wakes up. As soon as it is ready I enter her, and fuck her vigorously, trying to come quickly, while I still can. And soon I gasp, and fill her with my seed.