Amy was Once My Best Friend

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My best friend moved away. Will I ever see her again?
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I wanted to try and start writing again. This is my second new story since many years ago. I want to thank a special lady for editing it for me. She makes sure that it will hopefully get accepted.


My story begins when I was six years old. We lived in a big house in Detroit. There was my mom, dad, and my two older sisters. Elementary school was only a few blocks away but my mom walked me there and back each day.

On my first day, I met my new classmates. We each gave our name and then said where we lived. One girl said her name was Amelia, but everyone called her Amy. Come to find out she only lived two doors down from me.

After school I told my mom and we stopped by her house. She came to the door with her mom and I asked her if she wanted to walk to school with me.

"My name is Mary Jones. My son and your daughter are in the same class."

"Hi, I'm Janice Dillon. Nice to meet you."

Our mothers visited for a good twenty minutes while Amy and I talked. Our mothers decided that they would take turns each week taking us to school. I was at their door first thing in the morning and Mrs. Dillon walked us to school.

Amy and I became best friends. She would come over and we'd play catch. She wasn't very good at first but learned really fast. We both had bicycles and road up and down the sidewalks. Over time, we did everything together. If my parents took me anywhere, there was a good chance Amy came along. By the third grade, our moms didn't walk with us anymore. We went to school by ourselves.

When it was time to go into the seventh grade and to middle school, Amy told me her dad said they were moving to the suburbs. When they moved, I had tears in my eyes. I was losing my best friend. My dad said we could go see them now and then but we never did.

As I got older, I became somewhat of a jock. Baseball was my favorite. I learned to play every position. I was one of the few left-handed pitchers. I wasn't into football—it just wasn't my sport. When I got into high school the coach kept trying to get me to join the team, but I refused.

The school I went to often had troubles so I took body building classes and even self-protection courses instead of gym. I got in a few fights because someone always wanted to test me. I tried to talk them out of it at first but it didn't always work. I usually had the baseball team behind me because I was their star player. I even made all state my junior year.

In the summer before my senior year, my dad said he bought a house in the suburbs and I would be finishing high school there. It was always hard starting a new school but I was glad to leave the inner city. It might have been my senior year but I was glad to transfer.

I was a smart kid but the school tested me in a few classes so I could join the other seniors. I passed with flying colors. The school had a great shop course and I loved working with my hands, especially welding. And I figured business courses could help me if I started my own some day.

On the first day, I sat in the lunchroom with a couple of other guys who said they were new there, too. Their parents were military and they moved around a lot. About the third day a lanky senior and another stocky guy who I found out was also a senior came to our table during lunch. They looked at me and one said he heard I came from an inner city school. He wanted to know if I was as tough as the school was.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I survived the city school by minding my own business and I suggest you do the same."

"Watch your mouth or me and Butch here will see how tough you really are."

It was easy to tell he was trying to act like a big shot. Butch showed his muscles and grinned. How stupid were these two guys, I wondered.

I looked at them and said, "If that's what you want we can go outside but I want you to know I fight dirty as hell. I'll pick up a board and smack you across the face. I'll gouge your eyes and kick your gonads as far up your ass as I can. I have a knife I'll use if I need to. It's up to you. Do we go outside or sit here and finish our lunch?"

Butch looked worried. He and his buddy got up and left the table. I never had a problem with either of them again.

It was my fourth day of school when I looked up and saw Amy enter the cafeteria. I had no idea she attended this school. She was with a good-looking guy and a group of other students. I was stunned when I saw her. I never knew what school she went to and it totally caught me by surprise.

My new friends saw who I was looking at and told me that she was a senior like all of her group and they sort of ran the school. The guy Amy was with was the principal's son and the football quarterback. Amy and all the other girls were cheerleaders.

Amy saw me and her mouth flew open but she made no effort to come and say hi. My friends and I finished our lunch and left the cafeteria. I glanced over at Amy as I walked out. She stared at me as if she wanted to say something.

When I left school that day Amy was waiting for me around the corner of the school building. Even though I hadn't seen her for years I knew I still cared for her. I could never forget my best friend even though we had just been kids back then.

"Amy, what are you doing here? Where's your boyfriend? He probably wouldn't be too happy with you talking to me. I hear he's rather jealous."

"Jerry, I just had to see you. It's been so long. I would like to talk with you but I don't have the time right now. Here's my home number and address. Call me and maybe we can get together and talk. I have to get back to cheerleader practice. I'm really happy to see you again though."

I was glad to see her. I could feel it inside my chest but at the same time, I felt mad at her. Was she embarrassed to come and say hello to me? Was she afraid her boyfriend would get mad? I waited a few minutes then I walked over to the football practice field and sat in the stands. The players came out and started their practice. Then the cheerleaders came out. They were a good-looking group of girls. When they took a break, a couple of them came over to talk to me. I recognized them from one of my classes.

I talked to them for a few minutes before they went back to practice. It seemed like they were talking about me because they kept looking at me. Amy looked aggravated but I just smiled. That evening I went to her house. She came to the door.

"You were supposed to call first."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, Ray comes over after school once in awhile."

"So what? We're just old friends talking. Is he that insecure?"

She changed the subject without answering.

"Why did you go to the practice field?"

"I just wanted to watch you. Amy, you are one beautiful girl."

I guess she didn't know how to answer that.

"My girlfriends think you're cute and want to go out with you. I told them I knew you from our old neighborhood where we grew up but that I hadn't seen you for a number of years."

I was surprised she even mentioned it. She had a porch swing and we sat and talked about old times when we were kids.

"Do you date a lot?"

"I've never been on a real date. I went out with a group but never one on one."

As we were talking, her mother pulled up and parked in the garage. She came out and looked at me.

"Jerry, is that you? It's been a long time. What brings you here?"

"Hi Mrs. Dillon. It's good to see you."

I explained to her that our family moved this summer and I started school here.

"I decided to stop by and talk to Amy after I found out where she lived."

Mrs. Dillon said, "come back anytime." Then she went into the house.

"So, this Ray fellow, is he your lover?" I asked. She looked embarrassed.

"I've been going steady with him for a couple of years. He gets mad when I talk to other guys."

We talked for a while then I left. I let Amy know that I still had feelings for her. I wasn't sure what I was going to do about it, if anything. At school whenever I saw her with Ray, I said hi just to piss him off. Sometimes I would tell her how nice she looked.

There was a big playoff game coming up and we were having a Sadie Hawkins dance the day before. Brenda, one of the other cheerleaders, asked me to take her. I told her I wasn't the greatest dancer but I would go with her.

For those who don't know what a Sadie Hawkins dance is, it's for girls to ask guys out to the dance. My new friend Don said Beth—another cheerleader—had asked him to go. We decided to ride together. The girls were fine with that. Of course, Amy asked Ray. At the time, we didn't know that the girls had dated some of the other players. They had asked us after all.

The dance was in the school gym. We were having a good time. I told Brenda that it was pretty much my first date so if I made some mistakes to let me know. Then I excused myself to use the men's room. As I walked in I was grabbed by two guys. When I looked up, I saw Ray standing there.

"You stop messing with our girlfriends and stay away from Amy."

They were holding me quite tight but I knew I could break loose in a couple of seconds.

"First of all, the girls asked us to the dance, and second, Amy has been my friend my whole life. You need to grow up."

Ray took two steps toward me and cocked his fist back. I raised my foot and kicked him extremely hard on the side of his knee. He fell screaming and one of his buddies let go of my arm and bent down to see if he was all right. I literally flipped his other friend on top of both of them. Then I walked out and joined Brenda.

Fifteen minutes later an ambulance pulled up and two EMT's went into the men's room. They carried Ray out with his leg in a brace. The other two guys were just shook up. The principal asked what happened and they said some guys jumped them when they walked into the restroom. I saw Amy look over at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

When we got in the car to take the girls home, Don and Beth were kissing. Actually, they were making out. Let's say second base. Don asked me if we could park for a few minutes and I looked over at Brenda and she said it was all right with her.

I let Brenda take the lead because I wasn't a lover. I kissed girls before but never really made out. Damn she was good. The girls had their cheerleader outfits on. I have to admit it was the first time I ever had my hands inside the panties of those outfits. I fingered her and she reached over and pulled out my cock. It was the first time any girl had jacked me off. Lucky I had napkins in the car.

After we cleaned up we took the girls home and they acted as if it was a normal thing and thanked us for taking them to the dance. Don told me it was pretty normal for him too. Even though I was eighteen, I guess I was just behind the times.

Early the next morning the girls pulled up at my house and honked the horn. I looked out and then went to see them. They stopped by to tell me that Ray had a dislocated knee and wouldn't be able to play in the championship game today. They said that the word got around that the school heads figured that the team we were playing was responsible for jumping our players in the restroom. I guess Ray and friends didn't want to admit the truth.

I went to the game with Don. We saw Ray was on crutches on the sideline. Our team lost a close one. Our defense played a hell of a game but the offense was unable to score. The game ended up seven to nothing. I actually felt somewhat bad for the rest of the team. It wasn't their fault that Ray was an asshole.

Amy stopped talking to me. I believe she thought I had something to do with her boyfriend being hurt. None of the three players bothered me or talked to me until baseball season.

I began dating the other cheerleaders. I have to admit they were quite the wild bunch. Don and I double dated with Brenda and Beth a number of times. We did a lot of petting but I never had sex with them.

Baseball season had arrived and they were having tryouts. The coach asked me if I played at my previous school. I showed him my all-state certificates. He asked what positions I played and I told him I could play any position. I was a left-handed pitcher, a catcher, and an infielder. I also mentioned my batting average was over four hundred the last two years.

He called my previous coach who verified everything I said. The football players who also played baseball didn't believe me. They tried to give me a hard time. A couple tried to start a fight. That's when they learned I wasn't someone to mess with. During practice, they began to see differently. Hardly anyone could hit my pitching. Little by little, they began to accept me.

In our first game, Ray was pitching. The coach put me on second base. I was to be the third batter. My first two times up I hit a single and a double. Ray was the fourth batter, or what's known as the clean-up hitter. The score was tied at two in the eighth inning. I was up to bat and had a count of three balls and two strikes. The next pitch was a ball and I ran as fast as I could to first base.

Everyone began to laugh because I was running full speed on a walk, until I turned the corner and ran as fast as I could to second base. Since the catcher still had the ball, it was still in play. He quickly threw it to second base but the second baseman wasn't there and the ball went into center field. By then I was on my way to third with a stand-up triple. The other team had the sense to throw the ball to home plate.

Note from author:

This really happened. My son played baseball and did exactly what I wrote.

Our team went crazy on the sideline and so did our fans, especially our cheerleaders. Ray was up next.

"Come on Ray, bring me home," I yelled.

He hit a line drive single to center field and I took off for home base. Ray shut down the batters in the following inning and we won the game. I went up and shook his hand after the game. We got along a lot better the rest of the season. We had a near perfect season. I pulled the running on walks a few times that season until other teams learned to watch out for us. I might mention that this was the first year our school ever made it to the semi-state finals. We were one proud team. Ray and I both made the first team regional list.

My school life was pretty good. I dated regularly, including all the cheerleaders with the exception of Amy. I did a lot of petting but never went all the way. My shop teacher told me I was a natural when it came to welding. He told me about a college where I could get a certificate in two years. I sent my application in and got accepted. I would start right after graduation. I figured I'd go for two years and if I liked it possibly stay longer or open my own business.

Prom season was here and graduation would be three weeks later. Everyone was asking everyone to go. Our cheerleaders were the first grabbed up. I didn't ask anyone to go. I guess I still had a puppy love crush on Amy but she was going with Ray.

Two days before the prom, I got a call from Brenda. "Jerry, did you hear the news about Ray being rushed to the hospital?"

"No, what happened?" I asked.

"He had a hard time breathing and the doctors said he had a ruptured tonsils. He had to go to emergency surgery to have them removed. He'll be all right but will have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Jerry, he'll miss the prom. He was to be crowned King and Amy was to be the Queen."

"What has that got to do with me?" I asked.

"In the voting for King, you were first runner up. You have to go do it for the reputation of the school. Please, I was asked to call you to come."

"Who am I suppose to take? I'm not going stag."

"All of us cheerleaders talked to Amy and she said she would go with you if you asked her. She spent a few hundred dollars on her dress and shoes. She said she won't go without a date. Please come, Jerry. What kind of prom would we have without a King and Queen?"

"I'll talk to Amy and see what she has to say. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I went to Amy's house and Mrs. Dillon answered the door.

"Jerry, thank you so much for coming over. Amy's a mess. Ray's in the hospital and the prom is Saturday."

"I need to talk to her. I know she has a lot invested in her prom clothing and she's supposed to be crowned Queen."

Amy came in the room and asked me to sit down. She repeated everything that Brenda told me earlier.

"Amy, do you want to go to the prom with me? I know how much it means to you. I know I'm not Ray but I will treat you as nice as I can. Whether you know it or not, I still think of you as my best friend—even though we barely talk anymore."

"Yes Jerry, I will go with you. I told Ray yesterday that if you asked me I would go. He told me he understood because it was just the one date."

We made plans for Saturday and I left. I had to go to the tux store and rent one. I only had two days. The next day at school, everyone came up to me and thanked me. I told them I was just doing the same thing they were—going to the prom. Deep down, I was nervous as hell. I hadn't been alone with Amy for god knows how long.

Saturday came and I went to pick up Amy. I walked up to her door and knocked. Mrs. Dillon opened the door and smiled. I looked by the stairs and saw Amy. She was so beautiful I could hardly speak. I knew I had tears in my eyes.

"Amy, I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you."

She walked up to me and kissed me lightly. That was the first time we kissed since we were eight years old. Her mother helped me put on the corsage I bought for her and told us to have a nice time.

I opened Amy's car door and then got in on my side. I didn't know how to act. I'd never been out with a woman who looked so gorgeous.

"Jerry, just be yourself. Everyone likes you for who you are, me included."

We met a few of the classmates at the Olive Garden. All the girls looked beautiful but none as beautiful as Amy. After dinner, we headed for the dance. We first had our pictures taken and then found our table. After about an hour, they made the announcement of the King and Queen.

They called Amy's name and she went to the stage where they gave her a crown and sash. They then called me to the stage and I received a crown and sash, too. Everyone was cheering as we went to the dance floor. I held her close and I whispered to her that I felt like I was at my wedding.

She looked me in the eye and said, "I wish it was." I kissed her on the dance floor. I knew it was wrong but I didn't care. Everyone knew she was Ray's girl and he was lying in the hospital.

I pulled away and we went back to our table. I didn't know what to say or think. A number of guys asked her to dance and I danced with their dates. I couldn't talk much and had trouble answering questions about us. I apologized to Amy for kissing her and probably causing trouble.

"Jerry, it took two of us. It isn't just your fault. Let's just forget about it for now and enjoy the night."

Around midnight I took her home. I walked her to her door where I looked into her eyes. I couldn't stop from kissing her again. She responded and I knew they were kisses of passion.

"I think I love you Amy," I said.

She just looked at me, kissed me again, opened the door, and went in. She never said another word. I stood there a minute then got in my car and went home. I didn't know what to think. The next day I just tried to keep busy. Graduation was only three weeks away.

I went to school on Monday and the prom was the talk of the school. Everyone said they had a wonderful time but no one mentioned the kiss between Amy and me. She acted as normal as usual except she talked to me which she refrained from doing before. She never mentioned our kiss or what I had said.

It was Wednesday when Ray returned to school. He had heard about our kiss somehow and approached Amy. She told him it happened because of the excitement of the prom and being named Queen.