An Avenger's Hex Ep. 01

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Fucked Before a Live Studio Audience.
2.4k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/05/2021
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Standing at her sink Wanda Maximoff washed the dishes; content in her black and white world. But something was missing...

Wiping another plate the redhead sighed, placing it carelessly in the rack. She had everything she could need here; a home, lovely neighbours, even a little dog named Sparky! Wanda wasn't sure what had led her to leave the Avengers and take residence in Suburbia but her life was unquestionably better. Between the invasion and the ultimate defeat of Thanos all that she could remember of that time was grief; a feeling of being utterly alone... but in Westview she always had something fun to distract her.


Hearing the doorbell chime Wanda flinched, her expression changing from sadness to a beautiful smile; finally the episode would begin. Stepping back from the sink she removed her apron before rushing to the door, high heels clacking on the polished wooden surface. Pausing by a mirror, the Witch quickly checked her appearance:

The young woman in the reflection was perfectly pristine and presentable. Maintaining the high standard of a 1950's style housewife, Wanda wore a conservative pale blue dress and tall heels that subtly accentuated her figure. Smoothing out the fabric the redhead frowned; was her dress blue or grey? For that matter was her hair red or grey?? Shrugging off this concern Wanda checked that there wasn't a follicle out of place in her beautifully quaffed locks as the doorbell called once again:



Assuming that her nosy neighbour Agnes was here to send her spiralling into another cartoonish escapade, Wanda threw open the door with relish. Huge green eyes widening in shock however, the young housewife stared at the woman standing before her:


Finding her lost lover on the welcome mat Wanda gawped, forgetting her next line:

"Close but no cigar!"

Stepping out from behind the fallen Avenger Agnes beamed at her neighbour; ignoring the laugh track as she quickly pushed across Wanda's threshold:

"Remember when you asked me to recommend a good housekeeper?? Well here she is!!" Gesticulating to this surprising new addition to Wanda's cosy reality, Agnes re-introduced the familiar woman:

"Ms. Natalia Romanova!"

Slapping the redhead's behind, Agnes propelled the 'maid' into the house before following her inside.

"How do you do?" Raising a hand for her to shake, again Wanda was shocked; this time by Natasha's thick Russian accent, ignoring the formal greeting to hug her tightly:

"But I-I don't understand... How can you be here?!"

"I take boat."

Replying in stereotypically broken English, the Witch stared incredulously at the other redhead; seeing no recognition in her deep green eyes.

"Neighbour hire me; I clean!"

Setting to work with typical Russian brusqueness, the two housewives watched on as 'Natalia' went into the closet in search of supplies:

"Oh you know these Bolsheviks, they're slipping in all over!" Agnes replied with her trademark cheerfulness, eliciting a laugh from the phantom audience:

"Let's just hope she's not a Spy!!"

Crestfallen by 'this' Natasha's cold reception Wanda ignored her neighbour's jokes, gasping as the redhead closed the closet door to reveal herself once more:

Natasha Romanoff was dressed as a French maid.

Of course the outfit her hex had chosen was sensationally over-the-top: standing on the highest heels physics allowed, above black stockings wrapped her long legs, held up by garter belts that disappeared under her frilly white skirt whilst revealing several inches of bare thigh.

The stereotypical tiny black dress was the opposite of the Natasha's usual sleek attire, her skirt pushed up by petticoats before swooping into the redhead's waist before expanding into her barely contained bust. The costume itself was probably a good size too small for the curvaceous woman; her mouth-watering cleavage almost spilling out of the lace trimmed décolletage, her full figure resulted in a perfect over-stuffing of the ensemble.

Completing the look a tiny maid's cap perched atop Natasha's neat red head and she wore make-up that accentuated her eyes and mouth; an excess of lush lipstick, eyeliner and blusher making the former-assassin look like a French harlot! Ultimately the Avenger had somehow become the pin-up everyone, including Wanda, had always secretly wanted her to be.

"Now you can see why I'm giving her away," Agnes intoned daringly: "Can't let Ralph's eye wander! Speaking of which... What's a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house?"

"I'm married... to a woman! I mean a man! A-A human man!"

Forgetting her own line, Wanda's own gaze wandered up and down her alluring new cleaner. Catching her 'Natalia' smirked, winking back at the confused housewife. Blushing nevertheless this flirtation gave Wanda hope that her Natasha was somehow still in there.

"Sure you are honey... Now; how about we break her in??"


Oblivious to Wanda's concerns, Agnes instructed the maid curtly:

"Natalia make us some coffee will you? That's a good girl."

Agnes took a seat at the dining table with Wanda in tow; the dazed housewife barely listening as her maid put on her apron and set about laying the table and serving drinks. Taking a sip of her coffee Agnes sighed:

"Ahhh! She certainly knows her way around the kitchen!"

"Iz there anything else I can get for you Mrs. Maximoff??"

"No Natash-Ahh-lia!" Wanda responded nervously to the redhead as Agnes watched on:

"That's a funny sort of accent, may I ask where you got it?"

"Same place as you."

Shrugging off Wanda's question the Witch was again confronted with the nature of this reality; all too aware her clipped Western tones were very different from her usual Sokovian drawl. Could Natasha be testing her? Or trying to break her out?? The Avenger preceded to dust around the living room however, Wanda watching carefully for any signs of the old-Natasha as Agnes blathered on:

"...and I'll tell you that dyke is unacceptable!"

"Excuse me?!"

Flustered yet again, Wanda turned her attention back to Agnes:

"The dyke on the outskirts of Westview dear; why it's stopping the whole neighbourhood from coming and going!"

Wanda ignored the canned laughter, laying eyes on the busy maid as she bent over double as she cleaned, Natasha's skirts rose even higher; revealing above her stockings to the brunette's pale thighs and the plump curve of her behind. Attempting to sip her drink Wanda entirely missed her mouth; pouring the hot beverage down her own chest:

"Ohhh my that's hot!"

Moving swiftly the maid used her frilly apron to mop at Wanda's scalding chest as Agnes watched on:

"Poor dear!"

Leaning over Wanda, the young housewife struggled to breath in the steamy proximity of her lost lover; all too aware the restrictive culture of the 1950's would definitely frown upon her infatuation with the fairer sex.

Making eye contact with Natasha, the Witch knew what the redhead would do immediately; this world was formed by Wanda's desire after all:

Slipping down to her collarbone, Natasha began to lap away at Wanda's chest; Agnes' view of their intimacy blocked by the redhead's back. Soft tongue rolling over her smooth skin, Wanda clutched onto her seat; eyes impossibly wide and mystified as the other woman lavished her neck with glorious attention.

Plump red lips slipping down into her bosom, the guilty housewife gasped:

"Mmm-there is really no need Ms. Romanova... What will my Neighbour think of me?!"

"No judgment over here!" Agnes exclaimed, winking at the pair whilst supposedly ignorant of their tryst:

"Ralph hasn't goosed my gander since before the War!"

Finally peeling her mouth away from her, Wanda moaned instinctively; her chest somehow hotter then before; firm nipples rising beneath her blue dress. Wiping at her luscious lips, Natalia addressed her employer with the same deadpan Russian tone:

"All better?"

"Much better!"

Nodding Wanda cleared her throat awkwardly; aroused by the maid's carnal display of servitude. Grasping her plate, Wanda cut a slice of cake with her fork, delicately chewing as she returned attention to her guest:

"That is a darling necklace honey."

Fingering the chain around her neck Wanda blinked; skin still flushed from Natasha's worshipping mouth. The room around them flickering as she touched the jewellery, it's bright orange shine stood out from her black and white world:

"What is that, amber?"

Determined to change the subject and further test the services of her 'maid', Wanda dropped the rest of the cake into her lap, regaining Natasha's attention:

"Ooops!" Wanda swooned theatrically: "I am such a clutz today!!"

Making to stand the maid stopped her:

"Don't get up! I clean."

Dropping to her knees the maid crawled beneath the dinner table; behind disappearing below the frilly cloth:

"Well she is certainly very dedicated!"

Feeling Natasha gently part her legs, Wanda held her breath as the redhead nuzzled her cheek against a bare thigh, deft fingers slipping under her skirt. Rustling down below Wanda shifted in her seat, struggling to comprehend her guest as she felt Natasha's hot breath on her pale skin; nodding absentmindedly as Agnes chanted on and on.

Flinching in her seat, Wanda clasped the arm rests as the maid squeezed her thighs, raising the Witch's bottom to stealthily remove her panties; feeling the flimsy fabric fall between her ankles.

Feeling Natasha's talented tongue curl up between her lips before flicking against her clit, Wanda instantly felt her core unclench excitedly; the beleaguered housewife swooning as the maid close her pouting red lips about her and began to suck in earnest:

"Oh my..!"

"Something wrong my Dear?" Agnes asked suspiciously.

"No! No..."

Lifting her hips back and away from Natasha and her tongue, Wanda squeezed the redhead firmly, keeping her in place.

"Well you just make sure she doesn't slack off; we're paying that girl by the hour!"

"Of course!" Unable to reach under the table to push Natasha back, Wanda flushed as the would-be maid pressed her face further between her clenched thighs, the redhead's tongue lashing against her molten core once more.

"I should hope not; frankly I'd have the girl eat it for you!"

"Agnes!" Wanda blanched as her neighbour continued:

"What? Why waste good cake?!"

Succumbing to Natasha's advances Wanda swallowed her reply, long lashes flickering as the redhead blew on her lower lips, tongue swirling into her slot as Agnes watched on expectantly. Sat opposite the young Witch, it was unbelievable to her that Agnes could not sense the flurry of sexual activity happening between their legs. Again sipping from her cup Wanda almost choked as Natasha sucked on her swollen peach, the Witch carefully putting her saucer down so she could clench the tabletop.

The bizarre situation had an immediate effect on Wanda, her sex growing warmer and a fresh outpouring of juices forcing Natasha to swallow with every flex of her tongue. Stifling her reaction, Wanda swayed in her chair.

"So I said to Dottie, I said..."

Nodding Wanda desperately wanted Agnes to leave before her oncoming climax but knew she was fighting a losing battle. Taking short breaths, the housewife arched her back; attempting to appear respectable even as the redhead licked her loins below.

Natasha momentarily removing her tongue Wanda sighed in relief, only to whimper when her fingers took its place. Biting her lip, Wanda trembled adorably as the maid slipped two digits into her pulsating pussy; Natasha expertly curling them to stoke the bundle of nerves hidden with. The Avenger might not remember their shared history but her hands still knew exactly how to stimulate Wanda.

"Anyhow it turns out my Azalea bushes are poisonous!"

"T-that is v-very interesting!"

Struggling to keep her American accent at its usual octave Wanda shivered, forgetting how to think or even breath as her orgasm approached like a hurricane; the Witch just praying her responses made sense to the woman sitting opposite:

Feeling Natasha's firm lips latch onto her mound, Wanda flinched as the redhead's perfect white teeth nipped her clit:

"Boz moi!"

Swearing in her native tongue Wanda squirmed in her seat; eying her guest guilty:

Tilting her head Agatha raised an eyebrow:

"I'm sorry hone, what does that mean?"

"Uhh... yess, it means cheers... in Sokovian!"

"Well then," Raising her cup and saucer Agatha beamed:


Unable to suppress her desire any longer, Wanda felt a climax wash over her; the beleaguered housewife twitching in her seat.

Lashes fluttering Wanda scrunched her face adorably, biting her lip to contain a shriek as she bubbled beneath the surface; Natasha able to elicit pleasure from the young woman she had not felt since before the redhead had died. Gushing into the maid's mouth, it took everything Wanda had not to pass out in front of her guest.

"Well I'd best be going dear! People to do, things to see..."

Slumping in her seat Wanda's big green eyes rolled; the flush redhead both quietly mortified by her own lurid behaviour and happy to languish in the afterglow of her orgasm as she nodded back to Agnes:


Lids sinking shut, Wanda only turned her glazed eyes up to look at her neighbour when she felt the woman's hand squeeze her shoulder:

"Now don't get up Dear, I'll see myself out; after all a beautiful young thing like you should never be rushed off her feet! You just make sure you work her hard now, you hear?"

"Yes Ma'am..."

Leaning down Wanda expected a kiss on the cheek; as was the custom of this time. Instead however, Agnes presses their lips together, taking the young Witch by surprise with this sudden intimacy in their otherwise friendly relationship.

Transfixed as their mouths sealed together, Wanda froze in place; even forgetting the redhead between her thighs as she was kissed possessively by her neighbour.

Finally breaking away Wanda was oblivious to the purple light that passed between their open lips.

Beaming Agnes sashayed out of the house:

"Oh this is gonna be a gas!"

Feeling drained, Wanda finally returned her attention to the redhead as she emerged from beneath the tabletop and between her open thighs. Unbeknownst to 'Natalia' however, the Witch had used her magic to transfer her glowing orange necklace onto the redhead's neck.

Talking more softly now, a tinge of the Sokovian's sharp accent returned as Wanda questioned her lover:

"Natasha? Are you really you??"

Filling her mistress' vision, the maid leant forward to kiss Wanda before smirking naughtily back at her:

"Who else would I be?"


Pulling back from her old-timey display, a hidden figure jotted down some notes; watching intently as the two women continued making out as the credits began to roll.

Monitoring the rest of her more modern surveillance equipment, the woman finally closed her notebook; satisfied with their progress she surreptitiously slipped a hand into her pants:

If this was just the first episode of 'WandaWidow', the rest of the series was bound to be hot.

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EloquentmanEloquentmanabout 3 years ago

Brilliant concept and as always beautifully written.

vespa69vespa69about 3 years ago

Yaaaaaaaas please. I've been waiting for you to take this on! Great start. You've captured Agnes' sass perfectly, and her old-fashioned expressions. PLUS we get to see more of Natasha and Wanda's relationship in this new setting? Huzzah!

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