An Avenger's Hex Ep. 02

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Don't Touch her Dial!
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/05/2021
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Taking a deep breath Natasha's eyes slowly focused as the Avenger took in her black and white surroundings.

W-what? What is this??

Feeling disorientated, Natasha slowly came out of her stupor with no recollection of why she was here.

Quickly checking her own pulse the Avenger ascertained she was unharmed; no bruises or signs of trauma. Even her conservative 1960's attire was neat and unrumpled; suggesting she had dressed this way willingly in spite of her own personal taste. After all she could hardly scissor flip an opponent in this starchy get-up! But the orange gemstone necklace was pretty... was that amber??

Hearing a voice, Natasha took in the waves of velvety material before her, the redhead realising she was standing before a large curtain. This was a stage... or a bandstand? Glancing upward the Avenger saw nothing but sky.

"I wanted to thank you all for coming out to support the neighbourhood. And let's have a big hand for our performers today, who worked so hard to make this Talent show possible..."

"Talent show??"

Murmuring to no one, Natasha listened to an unfamiliar haughty voice on the other side of the curtain. Gradually comprehending these strange words, Natasha braced herself for what inevitably came next:

"And for our final act I give you: the Scarlet Witch and Black Widow!"

Curtain parting before her Natasha froze like a deer in headlamps; a crowd of enthusiastic small-town rubes politely clapping at her arrival. Casting around the Avenger spotted the elegant blonde woman that had introducing her. Confused, Natasha's gaze finally fell on someone familiar, Wanda Maximoff beaming back at her:


Stumbling forward Natasha balked as her young lover gesticulated theatrically to the audience:

"Not Wanda! I am the Scarlet Witch! And this is my glamorous assistant!"

Dumbfounded Natasha tried to get her bearing whilst scrutinising Wanda:

The Sokovian was dressed in a tiny sequinned leotard. The redhead's barely covered curves were emphasised by a pair of astonishing high heels, sheer stockings and skintight gloves. Perched upon her head Wanda wore a grand top hat; the traditional garb of a magician.

"What are you wearing?!" Natasha murmured in amazement.

"You mean, what are we wearing hot stuff!" Wanda countered cheekily; playing up for the crowd:

"Oh wait; my 'glamorous' assistant is not in costume!"

Hearing the audience boo Natasha blushed; wishing she could speak to the other Avenger in private. Shaking her head theatrically Wanda raised a hand:

"Well we can soon change that!"

Watching the Witch snap her fingers, Natasha blanched as her outfit transformed in an instant:


Glancing down at herself Natasha gasped; suddenly dressed in revealing lingerie that made Wanda's outfit seem tame by comparison:

The Avenger wore a strapless black bustier that raised her chest by tightening against her midriff, forcing her breasts up whilst shaping her waist. The semi-transparent lace barely reached her belly button, a fluffy red thong and impractically high heels putting emphasis on the Widow's womanly curves.

"That's a little risqué isn't it?" Beverly murmured to Dottie.

Eyes drinking in her glorious view of the scantily clad Black Widow, the repressed blonde housewife shook her head at her neighbour:

"Shut up Bev!"

Natasha blushed crimson; her new outfit an embarrassing subversion of her usual spy attire. Feeling naked, she attempted to cover herself as the crowd applauded her humiliating transformation but for Natasha this whole situation was like an embarrassing teenage nightmare!

"Much better!" Wanda exclaimed delightedly, returning her attention to the audience:

"Today we will lie to you! And yet, you will believe our little deceptions because human beings are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the Universe... Flourish!"

Watching Wanda condescend to her audience, Agnes smirked back at her from the seats; it seemed the Witch herself was following a magical script...

"Now; can we have a volunteer to search my glamorous assistant?"

Immediately raising her hand Dottie stood once more, the Queen Bee strutting toward the bandstand as the enthralled crowd encouraged her.


Muttering anxiously at her, Wanda ignored the anxious Avenger, greeting Dottie as she ascended onto the stage.

"Could you please confirm that nothing is hidden upon this lovely lady's person?"

Circling the sexy redhead Dottie ran her eyes up and down her full curves:

"Well there are hardly many places to hide anything..." Dottie mocked, eliciting a cheap laugh from the watching audience.

"Are you sure?" Wanda asked: "Look closer."

Taking the initiative Dottie stepped up behind Natasha; delicate hands alighting on the redhead's shoulders. Shrugging her off instinctively Wanda shook her head:

"Now now Ms. Romanoff; let Dottie make sure you're as innocent as you seem!"

Looking between her lover and this total stranger Natasha considered her predicament; whatever this was clearly Wanda was not in full control. So if Natasha was ever going to get to the bottom of all this first she would have to let things play out to discover who was pulling these strings.

Finally relenting Natasha faced the audience; loosening up her stance to allow Dottie access to her body and this in-depth search for 'tricks'.

Raising her arms Dottie slipped her fingers up and over the redhead's shoulders before running them over Natasha's sides, squeezing for any hidden objects beneath the fine black lace. The elegant housewife crouching behind the magician's assistant, Natasha rolled her eyes as the blonde massaged her legs; as if she could hide anything on bare skin! Luxuriously rolling her digits up her full thighs Dottie proceeded to squeeze the redhead's thick buns. Biting her lip, Natasha couldn't help but shiver as the repressed housewife massaged her vulnerable flesh:

"Ah hmm," Natasha cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Ohhh!" Regaining her senses Dottie quickly patted upward her questing fingers climbing higher still to pause just below the redhead's breasts. Expecting a gentle probing, Natasha gasped as the woman wantonly groped her raised chest; afraid her pale globes would burst from their oh-so-tight confinement as the elegant housewife kneaded her flesh.

Hearing chuckles from the audience Natasha glared down at them, swaying in the blonde's grip. Still determined to find something, Dottie slipped a hand down the assistant's bare belly to squeeze her fingers under the hem of her shorts:

Mouth becoming a thin line Natasha stayed dutifully quiet as Dottie's fingertips brushed through her downy hair to curl around her peach. Once again finding nothing incriminating the housewife reluctantly withdrew:

"Well; it appears there is nothing hidden up Ms. Romanoff's sleeve..." Dottie quipped.


Stepping forward Natasha was relieved when Wanda finally took control once more:

"In my hand I have magical seeds."

Presenting them to the audience Wanda received a melodramatic 'oooh' before turning back to Dottie:

"Would you please 'give' these to my glamorous assistant?"

Tanking the handful Dottie once again stepped into the redhead's personal space. Expecting to be handed them Natasha balked as the housewife tugged on the front of her corset; pouring the seeds into the cleft of her bosom.

"Thank you Dottie. And now the main ingredient; water!"

"Water? Wait-Ohhh!!"

Natasha gasped as the Witch proceeded to pour a jug of water between her pale breasts. The Avenger flinched as the cold wash splashed over her chest; soaking her meagre garments and making the redhead shiver. Reacting to this harsh stimuli, Natasha was powerless to resist as her nipples became engorged; buds becoming hard against the sheer black lace. Much to Natasha's chagrin the crowd once again clapped at this erotic display.

Beaming back at her Wanda rubbed her hands together theatrically:

"And now, with a little magic-"

Slipping her hand between Natasha's bosom the redhead scowled as Wanda rummaged around; the magician using her assistant as a prop for Westview's entertainment. But she could only balk as the Witch tugged a beautiful bouquet of flowers from between her breasts:


Delighted by this impossible reveal the crowd clapped enthusiastically, Natasha watching on in amazement as Wanda gifted the bouquet to Dottie.


As the others settled down Agnes stood; as ever demanding their full attention:

"But I can do better."

Put on the backfoot by this unscheduled interruption, Wanda glanced over to Natasha before sceptically returning her attention to the disruptive member of her audience:

"Whatever do you mean??"

"I'm just saying hone; that's a simple sleight of hand!!" Sauntering towards the stage Agnes took control of the situation with ease:

"But these good people wish to see something real magic!!"

"Uhhh- well yes. But you see I only prepared a few tricks..."

Snorting derisively back at her, Wanda crossed her arms defensively:

"Well then by all means Agnes; show a bad Witch how its done!"

Smirking the brunette flicked her wrist; swiping the top hat from Wanda's head. Reaching inside, the audience gasped as the housewife produced several eggs from within:

"Ordinary eggs; My Ralph does love his snacks..."

Ignoring the crowd's chuckling Agnes swiftly turned on Natasha:

"Open sesame!"

Grasping Natasha's jaw the redhead struggled as Agnes forced her mouth open; her plump red lips forming a suprised 'O' as she was roughly manhandled.

Tilting her head back Natasha barely had a second to react before the first egg was dropped into her gullet.

Gagging uncontrollably in her arms, Agnes held the redhead firmly as she fed Natasha the second. Cheeks bulging Natasha stared helplessly between the gleeful housewife and her increasingly concerned lover:

"Come now Ms. Romanova; we all know you can swallow this!"

Giggling stupidly the captivated audience watched on as Agnes tugged on red hair; snapping Natasha's head back once more:

"Don't play too rough now Agnes..."

Speaking up for her Wanda eyed Natasha sympathetically, all too aware she could not give away anything to their backward neighbours; this world had rules even she had to obey. As far as they were concerned the redhead was just 'Black Widow', the Magician's glamorous assistant. And nothing more...

Desperately relaxing the muscles of her throat Natasha choked. With the cruel housewife squeezing her neck, the redhead's eyes watered as she forced herself to swallow both eggs one after the other. Finally gasping for air, the Avenger ignored her light applause; hardly wanting validation for her whorish swallowing reflex...

"That's a good gal! Now I just have to rub this lamp!"

Twisting Natasha to face the audience, Agnes grasped the redhead's hips; thrusting into the assistant's behind. Winding the redhead the nosey housewife pumped against her. Practically performing the Heimlich on poor Natasha, it was as if she expected the eggs to fly back up her throat! Wriggling in her arms Natasha blushed profusely; the woman may as well have been humping her!

Overcome by embarrassment and the pressure Agnes was exerting, suddenly the redhead burped. To both her own and the audience's amazement, a white dove burst from between Natasha's lips; the bird flitting skyward. Applauding rapturously Natasha felt baffled and violated by this latest display of impossible magic.

"One more reveal!" Agnes explained: "Black Widow; touch your toes..."

"Come on!" Natasha spluttered indignantly; looking to Wanda as the crowd jeered; apparently impatient to watch the redhead embarrass herself once more:

"Awww... Seems our gal is a wittle bit shy!" Agnes exclaimed patronisingly.

"What's in the butt! What's in the butt! What's in the butt!"

Listening to their chorus Wanda felt powerless; caught between their expectations and the woman she secretly cared about so deeply. Seeing this indecision Natasha grimaced; at least she was now getting through to the Witch. One more public humiliation and she might be able to get away with her:


Reluctantly tipping forward Natasha bent over double to touch her toes; demonstrating her impressive flexibility to the enthralled audience. Feeling her lacy thong drop between her thighs Natasha winced; glad at least that her nethers were obscured from the crowd by her awkward position. But then, feeling those strong fingers tug apart her cheeks, the redhead's eyes widened:

"Wait -Unnnghhhh..."

Catching on too late to resist, Natasha moaned pitifully as the uppity housewife shoved her fingers into her asshole; apparently searching for the final egg. Struggling in place, the assistant was roughly handled by the other woman; Agnes reaching deep inside her in much the same way a magician reached into a top hat.

Jerking and mewling uncontrollably Natasha refused to make eye contact with the watching audience as Agnes forced her whole hand between her cheeks; mouth falling open as the brunette punched into her vulnerable rectum. For the infamously slutty Black Widow this cruel invasion was both a painful and pleasurable reminder of her anal past. Groaning in agony, the Avenger was quickly reduced to a pitiful plaything by the powerful women of Westview.

Watching on in horror Wanda wanted to stop the performance; feeling territorial over her lover and angry at her sudden mistreatment. Seeing Natasha's face flicker between shame and pleasure, the Witch wanted to protect her from this lustful world; all too aware that this place was only responding to her own kinky desires...

No longer engaging the audience, Agnes stared back at her helpless neighbour even as she rummaged around inside the struggling redhead; belly bulging as the housewife screwed her fist further into the writhing girl. Holding Wanda's nervous gaze Agnes glowered; as if the brunette was daring the Witch to stop her invasive trick:

"Seems Señor Scratchy is shy too!"

Fingers clenching and unclenching as Agnes's hand brushed up against the hidden nerves in her backside, Natasha felt like nothing but a flesh puppet as she jerked in time with this magician's thrusts. Knuckles brushing up against her bladder the redhead whined, helpless as a trickle of piss dripped between her outstretched thighs; control of her own body forfeited immediately to the woman behind her.

Cheeks stretched obscenely far apart Agnes wore the Russian like a glove; the girl's flesh sucking on her wrist as she performed; the angry red ring of Natasha's anus unable to protect her as the housewife strummed on her inner walls.


Finally relenting Natasha yelped as the woman tugged her hand free of her stretched out anus with a loud pop, leaving the poor Avenger swaying in the breeze before the enraptured crowd.

"Hmm... where could he be?!" Agnes exclaimed theatrically.

Grasping Natasha once more, Agnes spun the assistant around so that her ass was facing the audience; the redhead's gulping butthole on full-display to the gawking women. Thong still around her ankles Natasha was too tied up to right herself as Agnes finally performed the prestige:


Slapping the assistant's fat ass, Natasha flinched as her flesh reverberated under the woman's force; making her ruptured innards spasm.

Feeling a bubble of energy rising in her bowels Natasha groaned; eyes crossing as the pressure suddenly increased before forcing its way free:

Bursting from between her cheeks the final pristine white dove fluttered free; much to the astonishment of the witnesses all around them.

Bursting into applause the crowd rose up from their seats; delighted by the impossibly erotic display they had been gifted.

Collapsing to her knees Natasha shuddered; clasping her belly. Rushing forward Wanda caught her lover; all fear of discovery forgotten as she comforted the exhausted redhead.

"Are you okay baby?"

Whispering to the fallen Avenger Wanda cradled her as Dottie took to the stage once more:

"Congratulations everyone; but I think we all know Agnes wins!!"

Taking each other's hands, the neighbours bowed as the audience continued to clap; no one but Wanda concerned with Natasha's plight.

Holding her Natasha squeezed tightly; whispering back to Wanda:

"How did we get here?!"

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