An Avenger's Possession

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Scarlet Witch must prove herself to possess the Black Widow.
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This is the 7th part of a Black Widow series starting with: An Avenger's Initiation.



Natasha Romanoff purred, her sultry distinctive drawl wavering as her enchanting young lover insistently pleasured the Avenger.

Laid out on a huge double bed, her wavy red hair cascaded over plump white pillows, Natasha gazing adoringly up at the beautiful body draped over her own. Spreading out in hazy golden light, the two women were illuminated by hundreds of candles; only blazing stronger as their passions mounted.

Glancing between the girl's dark red lips and smoky green eyes, Natasha drank in her beautiful face, becoming distracted only when the brunette's sumptuous mouth met her own once more. Feeling the girl's soft tongue press against her lips, impatient for permission to enter, Natasha smiled. Opening wide, she consented gladly, their tongues gliding together as the two became further intertwined.

Kissing those lips for what felt like an eternity, Natasha became so lost that she wasn't even aware of the smaller girl's body melting into her, that surrender, until the kiss was finally broken.

Staring into the bewitching orbs of her fellow Avenger, Natasha knew something was wrong. Somewhere, deep, deep in the back of her mind a pang of guilt was suppressed as her young protégée ran a hand down her side, ringed fingers tracing over frilly red lingerie.

Lifting her leg, Natasha hugged the Sokovian with a toned thigh, sliding her knee gracefully up and over to massage the girl's arched back.

Again, Natasha questioned these choices; red stocking catching on the girl's violet straps. This was the fantasy of a child; the Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch playing out a lurid dream in primary colours.

Feeling the girl's slim leg glide insistently between her own, the redhead soon became distracted once more as they tangled together, soft skin pressing against her needy core.

Rolling into her arms, the Witch deepened their intimate embrace as they moved together, barely allowing Natasha breath as their lips sealed once more. Feeling long, supple fingers grope her full behind, Natasha wondered how the girl she'd spent months training had suddenly gotten the better of her? How had they even come to be in this luxurious palace??

Pressing her chest against Natasha's larger globes, the redhead felt the fast heart beat of an inexperienced young woman, her excitement radiating through their sensuous encounter.

So how had she been seduced? And how had the brunette moved so fast? Her hands were everywhere and nowhere, curling in Natasha's hair, squeezing her bare flesh, even tangling in the ridiculous straps of her lingerie! Maddening and wonderful. Pleasurable and painful. And her mouth, that glorious mouth! Somehow sucking her neck, nipping her ear and licking her cheek all at the same time.

This was wrong somehow.

Natasha felt the girl's palm drift over her thigh before rising between her open legs. Barely pausing it slipped under frilly red lace. Sliding over her nethers, Natasha shuddered in anticipation, even as those questing fingers slipped higher still.

Distracted by the Witch's proximity, Natasha found herself rooted to the spot, barely aware of the hand that whisked through her messy hair before settling on her temple. Pressing her lips to the redhead's, the kiss further incepted the dazed Avenger. In spite of her misgivings, Natasha allowed herself to enjoy the girl's sweet embrace.

Suddenly Natasha's eyes glazed over as she felt intense heat spread through her core impossibly fast; her nipples hardening as a hand tightened in her hair. Lost in the kiss, the Black Widow didn't notice her skimpy garments disappearing.

Sliding her lips over Natasha's cheek, the Witch spread lipstick over Natasha's skin, each kiss leaving a dark red mark. Falling backward as the girl had her way, Natasha groaned, feeling a wandering hand slide up her bare thigh:

Arousal overwhelming her conscious mind, Natasha panted, quivering in the lithe girl's arms as a tingling spread through her pussy, staring up into endless, pulsating red light as the lightest touches set her hormones aflame.

The Witch smirked, delighted by her progress. Squeezing Natasha's pussy, she rolled her fingers into the redhead's groove, not satisfied until she had soaked her invasive digits. Groaning and panting, the ex-spy succumbed in seconds.

Natasha closed her eyes, trying to focus. Was this... had she been with this girl before? Was this a dream? Why couldn't she remember?

Teasing away the redhead's knickers, the Witch flung them aside triumphantly, lifting the Avenger's thigh. Pressing her leg back into her chest, Natasha groaned, feeling a dull twinge in her belly once more as the Witch used her impressive flexibility against her; spreading the Avenger open.

Finally climbing atop the redhead, Natasha gasped: Wanda Maximoff revealed in all her naked glory.

Biting her lip, Natasha suppressed a smile of approval, holding onto a modicum of professionalism even as she stared up at her sexy ward: the girl was perfect, her pale, lithe curves offset by wide, sweeping hips and pert young breasts. But when did she get naked?

Meeting the redhead's lustful gaze the Witch paused; she always loved this moment, when Natasha saw her. How many times would they repeat this cycle? Would she ever gain the courage to take what she really wanted??

Unable to restrain herself any longer, Wanda pressed her pussy lips downward, both women moaning as their cores scissored together.

Gyrating hypnotically above her, Natasha watched the beautiful girl undulate, her breasts quivering with each flex of her abdomen. Both women twisting together, their body's responded, a rush of hormones overtaking their senses as they merged in the darkness.

Hissing in wanton lust, the Witch rode her mentor, any pretences forgotten as she lost herself in ecstasy: She desperately needed this. Balling her long, dark hair in her hands, Wanda fucked herself and Natasha in unison, the dazed redhead rolling her hips, awe turning to apprehension as the girl's fear and frustration bubbled to the surface, the room growing dark as foreboding shadows passed between them; the burning heat of her core setting Natasha's pussy ablaze. Gritting her teeth, the brunette bit back a tortured scream, holding on for dear life as she pistoned against her mentor.

Leaning down, the girl stretched Natasha further still, attacking her breasts even as she fucked her. Growling, she took swollen flesh into her mouth, devouring the panting redhead.

Biting her lip, Natasha felt harsh teeth tug at her nipples, Wanda clawing at her vulnerable flesh as she struggled to take what she needed. Within seconds the Witch had wrapped her dark red lips around Natasha's swollen buds, suckling hard as she unloaded pent up frustration.

Bent over double, Natasha felt a generous burst of cream mingling with her own. Groaning, her husky voice cracked as the desperate young woman used her like a scratching post.

Shifting on her elbows, Natasha flexed against the brunette, desperate to please, returning her tight strokes with long, languid twists. Whimpering, the redhead felt her adrenaline mounting, the delicious friction of their pussy's intensifying with every turn of their hips. Twisting in fantastic ecstasy Natasha could take it no longer, a burning climax searing through her subconscious:

And then she woke up.

Jolting awake, the Avenger sat up immediately, sheets falling around her midriff as she gasped for breath.

The ex-agent's real room was dark and messy, contrasting greatly with the rich golden palace she had just left behind. Running a shaky hand through unkempt red hair, Natasha's wide eyes darted around the dim space before they inevitably fell onto the intruder, her surprised gaze met by glowing red orbs:

Wanda Maximoff smirked, perched at the foot of her bed.

Natasha groaned, exasperated:

"Will you stop that?!"

"That's not what you said a moment ago," Wanda joked playfully, iris' fading to their natural green.

"I'm living in fear, now I'm sleeping in fear!" Natasha gasped angrily:

"And I hate frilly knickers!"

"But you like everything else??" Wanda teased, meeting her fellow Avenger's scolding glare.

Leaning forward the Scarlet Witch smiled: "You said to practice!"

Shifting uncomfortably in her tangled sheets, Natasha rolled her eyes, grumbling:

"No, I said to GET OFF YOUR ASS and stop moping around the base!"

"All I do is stir your thoughts," reaching for the other woman, Wanda pouted as Natasha pulled away:

"You choose their nature..."

Natasha bit her lip as the girl climbed into her bed, seeing through these textbook advances. The real Sokovian was actually wearing clothing; for all the good it did: a loose grey top barely covering her naked curves. Natasha rubbed her eyes, tearing her gaze away from the young beauty.


Feeling self-conscious, Natasha felt wetness between her legs, realising she had soaked the bed with her cream. Squeezing her thighs together, the redhead grimaced:

"It's just not-"

"-ethical?" Wanda asked playfully.

"Practical," Natasha responded warily, "I'm taking a break from all that."

Feeling a phantom twinge in her belly, Natasha grimaced, lifting her knees to her chest.

"I had... an incident. I'm off the team till I recover."

"Damaged people make the best Ah-vengers" Wanda drawled:

"And its not like I am torturing you..."

Natasha shook her head, brow furrowed; there was something familiar about all this...

"You want my Ass?" Natasha stated firmly: "You'll have to take it."

Neither woman backing down, for 30 seconds the two Avengers fought a battle of wills before finally breaking eye contact. Swallowing her bravado, Wanda decided to be honest:

"I can't sleep..."

"I noticed," Natasha responded dryly.

Observing the girl deflate, Natasha considered all that had happened to the Scarlet Witch of late: Losing Sokovia, her brother, the incident in Wakanda... Between them they made quite the fucked-up pair.

Pulling back the covers, Natasha gestured for the girl to join her. Crawling in, the brunette rested her head under the redhead's chin, curling up against her fellow Avenger:

"So I guess we're both getting over some stuff..." Natasha murmured: "Maybe you need to see a Doctor? You know, get a clean bill of health before the Accords?"

"Ha!" Wanda laughed dryly: I don't like Medical Procedures..."

"Well, I hear there's a Sorcerer in New York..."


Exploring the halls of Metro-General Hospital, Wanda wondered for the thousandth time why she'd chosen to listen to her mentor, if the reported sightings of these 'Sorcerers' were even half accurate. Then again: it was in her best interest to keep the Black Widow happy.

Stepping into the Free Clinic, the brunette surveyed the chaos surrounding her with little interest. Doctors rushing between patients on a seemingly endless loop, dealing out medication and applying bandages: Magic was a far better healer.

Stepping aside to let a gurney pass, Wanda's dress rippled as a patient was whisked away, disappearing into a nearby surgery. Gritting her teeth she continued forward. Hospitals gave her the creeps; Her gifts were manifested in a place like this.

Wide eyes rolling over every face she saw, Wanda searched, scanning the crowd with the surveillance skills her fellow Avengers had instilled.

"Uh Miss, can I help you?"

Turning, Wanda surveyed an attractive black Nurse stepping towards her, surprised to be getting any attention in the bustling hospital. Rolling forward with a wheelchair before her, she eyed the brunette apprehensively. Seeing the Nurse's ID badge, Wanda responded abruptly:

"Temple... You are familiar with magics??"

Flummoxed, Claire stared back at the strange girl:

"Excuse me??"

"You know Dr. Strange??"

"Dr. Palmer's ex??" Claire replied dryly: "I'm sorry but he's not working here any more."

Glaring impatiently at the woman, Wanda's iris' suddenly flashed crimson, layering her voice with mysticism:


"The Nurse's station!"

Blurting out her response, Claire gasped in surprise as the answer slipped from her pursed lips.

Satisfied, Wanda strutted away, leaving the perplexed Nurse in her wake:

"Rude," Claire muttered, watching the brunette leave suspiciously.

Finally finding her target among the throng of sick New Yorkers, Wanda drew up behind the Doctor, attempting to blend in with the crowd as she observed her target:

Although in control Dr. Christine Palmer was clearly tired; her hair frazzled, the green scrubs she was wearing ruffled from hours of frantic movement. Christine had spent the whole day between the ER and the Long-Term Care Ward, dealing with everything from life ending sickness to patient discharge. Now treating a minor injury out in the busy hallway, all she could think about was getting home for a hot bath: at the end of a double shift relief was all the accomplished Surgeon could think about, the end of her long schedule.

"Dr. Palmer?"

Christine sighed, pulling off her latex gloves and depositing them in the nearest bin as she addressed her patient:

"Keep that bandage on for at least 3 days okay? Now please fill in this form."

"Dr. Palmer??"

Rising from her crouched position, the Doctor turned wearily:


"I am looking for 'Doc-tor Stephen Strange'."

Christine immediately observed that the waifish brunette had an otherworldly quality that was unsettling: The tilt of her head, the twist in her stance; she had seen enough weirdness lately to know trouble when she saw it.

Handing her patient's file to the person behind the desk, Christine answered curtly:

"Join the club."

Stepping away brusquely the Doctor moved on. Unperturbed, the young woman quickly followed in her wake:

"I want to find him."

"Well I don't know where Stephen is, or his cult," Christine grumbled as they walked: "And by the way, I wouldn't tell you if I did."

"But it is im-portant!"

"And I'm sure there's some convoluted reason why that is, but, just in case anyone still cares: I'm not Stephen's secretary!"

Passing a medical trolley, Christine stopped, pulling open a drawer to retrieve something as Wanda looked on, her patience waning:

"I did-ernt come here to argue."

Christine shook her head, chuckling dryly:

"And why did you come here?"

"A friend said to get off my ass."

"That 'ass' have a name?"

"Wanda Maximoff."

"Well Ms. Maximoff, I've learnt to be suspicious of Stephen fans."

"I'm different."

"Really? Cos you don't look it!"

Studying the girl disdainfully, Christine decided she was pretty; even if her bohemian, hipster-y attire and vaguely foreign accent were suspicious, perhaps even hiding something... magical. The brunette's slight, lacy black dress was thin enough to betray her curves underneath, the garment cut revealingly with a deep neck and a hem that barely reached mid-thigh. Wearing a loose military jacket, the Doctor noticed the girl wore several rings on each hand.

Meeting the girl's bizarre gaze, Christine did admire the brunette's huge green eyes, seemingly transfixed by the Doctor's very existence. Surrounded by excessive mascara, the girl's unnerving stare seemed to penetrate Christine's soul.

Her Diagnosis? Trouble.

Wanda was also put off; by this clinical place and the smart-ass Doctors that roamed it. Rapidly losing her patience and determined to leave the hospital as soon as possible she gripped the other woman's arm, dragging her into a secluded corner:

"Hey!!" Christine gasped, eyes widening, "What the hell??"

Tightening her hair bun, the Doctor attempted to push past the intruder on her way to the nearest door, Stopping her in her tracks, Wanda's eyes began to glow red as she raised her hands:

"Trust me Doc-tor, I can persuade you to do anything... but I'd rather-"

"-Doctor Strange!" Christine exclaimed in mock surprise, staring over the brunette's shoulder:

"What??" Spinning on her heels, Wanda cast her eyes around the busy corridor:

That was when she felt the prick of a needle in her neck.

"Whaaaaaaahhhh? Mmmm..."

Immediately feeling the drug's effects, the drowsy Witch stumbled. The world around her swirling away, Wanda groaned, eyes rolling backward as she fell into darkness.


Emerging from a dreamless sleep, The Scarlet Witch shuddered, waking with a start. Attempting to sit upright she felt a dull resistance; her limbs bound by tight leather restraints.

Stretching surreptitiously, the brunette lifted her feet only to find they too were buckled to the hospital bed. Struggling helplessly in their grip, Wanda felt her head swim, vision wafting as she rolled against her cot, attempting to wriggle free.

Realising her physical efforts were pointless, Wanda tried in vein to summon her telekinetic powers. However, without being able to flex her hands she struggled to conjure even the faintest magic.

Panicky eyes flicking around the room, the brunette saw the blinds had been drawn; hiding her situation from the rest of the hospital. Finally her gaze fell on her captor, now sat at the end of her bed:

Christine Palmer smiled back at her.

"Whyyy???" Wanda murmured groggily, leaning upward to meet the Doctor's eyes.

Leaning over the brunette, Christine sighed heavily as she tightened the girl's ankle straps:

"You're a Sorcerer right?? Or-or whatever the female equivalent is??"

"A Witch," Wanda replied bitterly.

"Right... Well I figured a pre-emptive strike was in order: to keep this hospital from exploding again."

Feeling claustrophobic, Wanda eyed the Doctor angrily; being tied to a bed was painfully reminiscent of her HYDRA reconfiguration:

"You can't keep me in here!"

Reaching the end of the bed, Christine tugged out a hospital clipboard, scanning its contents as she replied:

"Actually a Doctor can keep an erratic, potentially dangerous patient in a Psych hold for up to 48hrs. By then either Stephen will show up or the cops will."

Patting the girl's thigh condescendingly, she smiled: "So sit tight Ms. Maximoff."

Wanda shook her head: "I'll have you fired for this!"

Climbing off the bed Christine smirked:

"Oh please! Who are the Medical Board going to believe?? Some Russian gipsy off the streets or a Princeton Educated Surgeon?"

"I'm Sokovian!"

Taking a breath, Christine centred herself; it had been a trying day:

"Don't worry, I'm going to have a Nurse take care of you till I get back. Now technically the occupier of this bed is supposed to be getting an enema... Piss me off again and I might forget to retract that order."

Scowling Wanda bit her tongue, nevertheless staring daggers at her captor.

Walking to foot of the bed, Christine returned the clipboard:

"So I'm afraid for the time being your just going to have to stay, how did you put it? ON YOUR ASS."

Huffing indignantly, the Witch glared at the smug Doctor as she backed out of the room, locking it carefully behind her.

Returning to the Nurse's station, Christine ran a hand through her dyed blonde hair, sighing deeply as she leant on the nearest counter; For an experienced Doctor she probably could of handled that better. Seeing her friend walk over Christine met the other woman's gaze sheepishly:

"Thanks for helping me with this, I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing here."

Frowning back at the accomplished Surgeon, Claire Temple shook her head wearily:

"Well as your consult/ accomplice, I have to tell you it's a grey area..."

Christine murmured: "Its just... she gave me the creeps!"

The Nurse raised a skeptical eyebrow:

"Chris... You know she's just a junkie kid right? Girl must be what, 15 years younger than you?"