An Avenger's Timetryst

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Natasha finally dominates her demons.
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This story is part 18 of the 'An Avenger's...' series but can be enjoyed as a standalone.

These events take place in a Post-Snap world featuring characters from across the MCU.



Dark sultry voice wavering, Nebula still managed to scoff at the ridiculous human; even as her cybernetic body was overwhelmed with pleasure.

Perched on the rim of the huge circular machine the alien woman shuddered, toned muscles and machinery flexing through her tight purple suit; blue behind polishing the shining metal surface as she reluctantly accepted oral stimulation from this voracious ape descendant.

When Nebula had arrived on Earth five years ago she had expected little of its backward human inhabitants. Upon meeting the Avengers however she had been surprised to find one that she had known before; very intimately. Joining Earth's 'mightiest' heroes Nebula had been curious to understand how the Black Widow could possibly contribute, given her human weakness and lack of super abilities. But she certainly had her uses:

For Natasha Romanoff this was an all too familiar position; staring lustily up at a woman from between her thighs whilst lapping at her open flower. Of course, Nebula wasn't technically a woman, and her thighs were blue... But most importantly Natasha wasn't doing this on someone else's whim; for once the Black Widow was seducing on her own terms. With most people all the redhead had to do was bat her eyelashes and smile provocatively to gain their favour. But in these hard times she often had to exert a little more effort...

Tasting exotic juices on her tongue, Natasha revelled in the sublime heat of her former- abductor's delicious pussy, sucking on Nebula's swollen purple fruit with a new sense of purpose; hopeful for the first time in years now that the Avengers had a plan to save the universe.

Taking several long deep licks Natasha twirled inside the alien woman, running her tongue over the velvety inner walls before flicking at Nebula's g-spot. Finally peeling her mouth away from Nebula's pussy Natasha grinned up at the aggressive cyborg, juices dripping down her chin:

"Why is it ridiculous? I'm doing something for you... Why can't you do this for me??"

Growling under her breath Nebula grasped the back of Natasha's head, strong metal fingers tugging on the Avenger's loose red braid. Shoving the impudent woman back between her thighs, Nebula rode her face roughly as she replied:

"Why!?! Ungh! We built this machine to undo the Snap -- Nnnngh! To use the Quantum realm to undo the horrors my father inflicted across the universe -Unnghh! Tomorrow we will carry out the..." Nebula shook her head in disdain at Scott Lang's ridiculous terminology:

"... Timeheist. Ughhh! -but tonight you want to take it on a joyride?!"

Smothered in alien pussy Natasha could hardly reply; redhead trapped between those strong blue thighs. Electing to use her own skills to soothe the raging warrior, Natasha ran her tongue between the folds before her:

Cheeks hollowing as she blew into the alien's core, Nebula clutched her face tightly as the alien woman bucked against the time machine:


Seconds later Nebula squirted into Natasha's open mouth, her cream spraying the back of the redhead's throat:

Swallowing the cyborg's cum was not an experience Natasha could ever get used to: Unlike a human woman's juices Nebula's came out incredibly hot, burning the back of Natasha's throat as she gulped down the spicy liquid. Smiling into the blue pussy however, Natasha swallowed several more mouthfuls of Nebula's hot sauce; determined to ease this creature into returning a very big favour.

Nebula flexed against the giant glass disc of the time machine, servos whining as the redhead gave her a mind-blowing climax. Feeling her pussy explode the alien flushed slightly, feeling some pity for the woman beneath her; Luphomoid juices were a highly potent diarrhetic.

Holding on Natasha swallowed, struggling to contain Nebula's hot excretions. Still perched on her knees Natasha pulled away as the cyborg released her, the Avenger gasping for breath.

Wiping at her swollen lips Natasha fanned her tongue, replying in her distinctive sultry voice:

"More like a time... tryst. You know I have a dark past, red in my ledger?"

Nodding, Nebula watched as the naked redhead rose up from between her legs: "I'd like to wipe it out."

"But any unnecessary temporal manipulations can create branches in time!" Nebula growled indignantly:

"Unstable dimensional openings, spatial paradoxes, time loops! You want to get stuck reliving the same moment over and over?"

Pressing against her opponent Natasha whispered into Nebula's ear:

"Depends on the moment... Besides, that's why I need your help. And you know how persuasive I can be..."

Tickling her swollen labia Nebula swatted the insatiable redhead away, crossing her arms stubbornly as she summoned up true resistance:


Natasha's face fell, revealing the hard determination behind her eyes to the reformed alien woman: the Black Widow was on a mission to return to her past and nobody would get in her way.

Sensing strength she had never seen in the redhead, Nebula was shocked by this sudden transformation. Natasha simply twisted on the spot, gesticulating to her hip. Gaze rolling downward over those pale curves to the redhead's bloated behind, Nebula's spotted the star symbol she had once tattooed there; the oppressive symbol of the mad-titan Thanos:

"You owe me." Natasha murmured.

Considering the redhead's insane request once more Nebula ground her teeth:

"It won't matter! We only have enough Pym particles for the Timeheist and that's it! No do overs."

Natasha smiled slyly: "Don't we?"

Reaching behind her, Nebula's eyes widened in amazement as the redhead revealed several red test tubes:

"Where did you get those?!"

"I infiltrated Pym Tech years ago. Hope and I have... had a give and take relationship."

Leant up against the alien cyborg, Nebula couldn't help but enjoy how Natasha's pendulous breasts pressed against her own; blue and pink nipples brushing delightfully as the two negotiated:

"But they would never just let you take Pym particles?"

"Well no, I had to smuggle them out up my..."

Biting her tongue Natasha blushed ever-so-slightly, suddenly unable to meet those dark shark eyes:

"It doesn't matter how. The point is I have my own personal supply of time travel juice and you know how to operate this thing."

Clenching her fists Nebula groaned reluctantly. Natasha's little side-project was insanely risky. But just like the redhead she had 'red in her ledger'. A lifetime of misdeeds to make amends for. Even Natasha had felt that impotent rage once, and the poor Avenger's ass had suffered the price:

"Come on," Natasha pleaded gently, "I know you want to help me..."


Grinning victoriously watched in satisfaction as those huge black orbs rolled back in Nebula's bald blue head:

"But if you screw up reality I'm telling Captain Marvel."

Natasha frowned; the female cosmic superhero had opted out of tomorrow's venture. When the Carol bothered to return to Earth she was too busy playing with her harem of blonde bimbos to take notice of the redhead she had rehabilitated: Black Widow's stretched-out ass would never have been enough for the most powerful woman in the universe.

Kissing Nebula's cold metal cheek Natasha smiled gratefully back at the alien: "Thank you."

Turning from her companion the redhead stepped up gingerly onto the huge round pad, cold metal pressing against her bare feet.

Watching Natasha go Nebula couldn't help but stare at that blackhole; the redhead's stretched, gurgling asshole left with a permanent obscene gape after years of mercilessly poundings, her once sensuous gait now a more pronounced waddle:

10 years of anal antics had really left its mark on the Black Widow.

Moving into position Nebula quickly signed into the computer terminal, scrawling through data as she aligned the time machine's components, preparing to open a portal to the quantum realm.

Lights spiralling around her head Natasha looked up at the sea of glass plates rotating above. Glancing up from the terminal Nebula addressed the Avenger:



Typing co-ordinates into the time-space GPS tied around her wrist, Natasha didn't flinch as the quantum suit used its nanotechnology to envelope her body in red, white and gold material, a metal visor snapping shut around her head. Wriggling in place, Natasha felt how the nano fabric squeezed her curves, sealing every nook and cranny:

"Mmm.. thats a little tight around the quim."

Shaking her head wearily Nebula marvelled at the inanity as she flipped the final few switches:

"Now; who are you so desperate to find??"

Natasha smiled: "The love of my life..."

Punching the start button Nebula watched as the Black Widow was engulfed in a flash of blinding light, a vortex appearing beneath the redhead's feet.

Shrinking downwards into the colourful whirlpool of quantum space and time, Natasha fell head over heels into the inferno; bracing herself for a bumpy landing.


Flashing back into existence Natasha landed in the past.

Finding herself alone in a dark familiar space, the redhead spun on the spot to get her bearings. Walking up to a huge plate glass window Natasha looked out over the lights of New York city below; this was Avengers Tower. Checking her GPS Natasha confirmed it was at least 7 years earlier: her team were still at the top of their game and, most importantly, the world hadn't ended.

Moving quickly Natasha headed through the opulent high tech space towards their personal quarters, anxious to find the person for whom she had started this ridiculous endeavour.

Sneaking down a corridor Natasha managed to avoid her fellow heroes, all too aware that Vision never slept and keen to avoid an awkward confrontation. Finally reaching the correct door the redhead paused, holding her breath.

Pushing into her future-lover's bedroom Natasha could just make out a curvaceous form silhouetted against the curtain wall.

Approaching Natasha couldn't take her eyes off the sleeping beauty, the young Sokovian seeming so peaceful on this warm summer night.

Standing over the bed Natasha felt numb; this was the girl that had set her free. This was the girl that Thanos had taken away from her in an instant: And for the last 5 years Natasha had been desperately trying to get Wanda Maximoff back.

Overcome by emotion Natasha was unsure how to proceed now she had a chance to be with her beloved Witch once more. Could she warn Wanda? Change her inevitable fate?? No, Natasha couldn't destroy the space-time continuum. But she would not miss this opportunity; the depth of their connection overcoming Natasha's submissive nature.

Pressing a button on her suit, Natasha felt its constricting red and white material dematerialise around her, chest bursting free as her flesh was released into the cool summer air, nanotech disappearing into the metal belt slung around her hip to reveal the glorious body underneath.

Natasha pulled back the sheets before climbing onto the bed and stealthily crawled up the girl's reclined body; admiring Wanda in all her glory. The brunette was wearing an alluringly sheer negligee, its airy fabric wafting around her sensuous frame.

Gently running her fingers through the long dark hair that fanned out across Wanda's pillow, Natasha smiled; overtime the Witch's locks had become as red as her own. Taking in the beautiful girl's peaceful expression she finally leant down to wake her with a kiss.


Barely lucid Wanda gave herself over to this unexpected embrace before finally recognising the redhead above, Natasha's blurry visage becoming clear though it felt like a dream. Lips sealing together however both women enjoyed the other, mouths only breaking apart when breath became essential:

"I missed you."

Blinking in the dim light Wanda smiled sleepily: "Since dinner??"

"For me it felt like years..."

Wriggling beneath the Black Widow, Wanda was caught off guard by their sudden intimacy, confused as Natasha's thigh slipped between her own:

"Is dis a dream??"

Remembering how she had distanced herself from Wanda early on Natasha bit her lip; back in 2016 she had denied her attraction to the young Witch; not that she would ever be denied. Only over time the Sokovian had stripped her armour away to reveal the scared little girl beneath:

"I know I can be... withholding. I mean not now... I was then, which I guess is now... Its confusing... I'm the ghost of Christmas Past?"

Huge green eyes staring up at the awkward redhead incredulously the brunette raised an eyebrow:


Lost for words Natasha kissed the girl beneath her passionately; just the way Wanda had first kissed her all those years ago. Back then Wanda had always instigated but tonight she seemed strangely reserved... As Natasha turned her attention to her neck the Witch finally spoke up:

"Romanoff... What are ve doing?"

Enjoying the thick lilt of her adorable Sokovian accent, Natasha remembered the times they had spent together practicing English, the brunette's voice softening into a more American twang.

"Don't tell me you're not into this?" Natasha exclaimed, running her tongue along the shell of the brunette's ear: "You started it after all!"

"But...oh!" Wanda moaned, briefly closing her eyes and desperately trying to compose herself:

"You are my mentor... does dis break some Avenger by-law??"

"Like that's ever stopped you before!"

"Vaut are you talking about?"

Pausing Natasha lifted her head up from the girl's neck to stare into those eyes for a few long seconds; both women confused by the other. Then it hit Natasha like a ton of bricks, and she felt so stupid not realising it sooner. This was 2015; after Wanda's initial mental interrogation but before the redhead had physically acquiesced to the girl's appetites. She had arrived too early!

All this time Natasha had thought Wanda had chased after her, snuck into her bedroom every night and played with her dreams; but thanks to her time travelling interference it was the over way around!

Frozen in horror the Avenger tried to think desperately: did this break the universe? Or set the events that had lead her here in motion? Had she just created a parallel world where she seduced Wanda?? Or a paradox loop???

Smirking down at the girl cautiously Natasha improvised:

"But you do like me... don't you?"

Laid out beneath the redhead Wanda blushed. This Natasha was so unlike the sulking Spy she was accustomed to. This Natasha was assertive and strangely comfortable; like a girlfriend...

"So you read minds now?" Wanda murmured sarcastically.

Throwing caution to the wind Natasha kissed the girl once more: relying on the strength of their connection to transcend time itself. returned to kissing Wanda's elegant neck. Unsurprisingly this caused the other girl to tense up momentarily, before the young brunette finally began to kiss her back; confirming for Natasha what she had secretly always hoped; that the Spy and the Witch were meant to be together.

Mouths open the brunette's tongue swept inside, running over perfect white teeth before subduing an accepting tongue. Wrapped up on the large open bed, the Sokovian grinned as Natasha pepper her face with kisses before moving down to her neck:

"Mmm... I like dis new you."

Fondling Natasha's naked body Wanda enjoyed her free access to the redhead's magnificent breasts; completely unaware that the Black Widow she actually had a crush on was actually still asleep in the room opposite.

Kissing intensely minutes slipped away as they embraced, Wanda allowing her hands to glide around Natasha's wonderful curves to rest on her naked skin. Moaning into the brunette's mouth every time she squeezed her ass appreciatively or tweaked a nipple, Wanda broke their kiss, a little intimidated by how quickly she had fallen for this woman.

Sensing her lover's underlying concern Natasha knew just how to relax the girl: Climbing up the brunette's body she leant forward, perfect chest dangling before Wanda's enraptured gaze. Unable to resist this offering the girl pressed her face into the redhead's pillowy bosoms, nuzzling gratefully into their warmth.

"Ohhh!" Pre-empting her yet again Wanda gasped as Natasha presented her with a pink nipple, mouth forming a surprised 'O', around the redhead's round bud.

Natasha grinned as the girl instinctively took it between her teeth and began to suck intently; through years of knowing the Witch the redhead was all too aware of Wanda's oral fixation.

Confused again by her own immediate response, Wanda nevertheless found herself suitably distracted; suckling like a hungry infant at the mature woman's teat. Moving from one to the other the girl's mouth engorged each pink bud with a combination of hard sucking and generous tongue lathering.

Cradling her lover, Natasha's eyes watered unexpectedly from the brunette's glorious attention; having missed the Witch so very much. Finally tugging her chest away from the enraptured brunette Wanda stared up at the crying woman:

"Arh you okay? Did I do something wrong?!"

Wiping her eyes hurriedly Natasha smiled back reassuringly:

"No! Its perfect. You're.. perfect."

Gathering herself the emotional redhead raised an eyebrow expectantly:

"Ready for more?"

Nodding the Sokovian grinned; choosing to respond with another deep lustful kiss.

Natasha typed blindly into her wrist computer as their lips smacked together. The belt around her hip buzzing into life, the nanotech suit quickly formed into a long hard phallus.

Feeling cock extend between her legs Wanda shivered in delight; where did Natasha get these fancy new toys?? Squeezing the dildo between her slender thighs, the Sokovian was a little intimidated:

"Are you sure I can take dis?"

Aware Wanda was still relatively inexperienced Natasha nodded reassuringly:

"I know this is all new to you; but trust me, I know what you like..."

Shimmying the Wanda's negligee up the girl's legs, Natasha tugged away the girl's knickers, throwing the lacy garment aside. Licking two of her fingers the redhead proceeded to run them up and down Wanda's pussy lips, pleased with the wetness she found there; the Witch had always been impressively lustful and tonight was no exception.

Still hesitant Wanda acquiesced, never breaking eye contact with the woman above; waiting for the rug pool, for the inevitable reveal this was some cruel trick or one of the illusions she cast for herself. Why else would the beautiful unattainable woman she desired have just appeared in her bed??

Eyes firmly locked Natasha pressed her strap-on into Wanda's pussy, parting the girl's lips as she slowly delved inside, enjoying the joyous look on the brunette's face as she entered her for what was technically their first time.

Wanda whimpered softly as she felt her vagina stretch to receive the head of the large strap-on, the young Witch crying out in nervous pleasure when the head finally curved its way inside her nethers to brush against the nerves within:


Considerate of her young partner Natasha took her time, remembering this Wanda was still immature; hardly ready for the full-on pussy pounding the Future Wanda loved. Giving the girl time to adjust Natasha slipped forwards again, diving further into the aroused Sokovian.

After a gentle two and throw Natasha was able to fill her young lover's pussy with her cock, every inch of the big fake phallus gliding inside the stunned brunette. Embracing the girl beneath her Natasha whispered in her lover's ear: