An Avenger's Trial

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Natasha Romanoff takes on the women of Wakanda.
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This story is part 14 of the 'An Avenger's...' series which starts with 'An Avenger's Initiation'. Although it can be read independently for maximum enjoyment please read the previous entries.


Boots scuffing along the floor as she was dragged Natasha Romanoff hung her head: so much for the infamous Black Widow.

Considering her situation Natasha decided not to resist the two female guards as they led her along a futuristic corridor. Relations between Wakanda and the UN were poor enough before she was caught on their territory and given how easily she had been subdued Natasha was not at all tempted to fight them again. Easily supporting her limp frame, the Dora Milaje carried Natasha into the unknown depths of their world.

Entering a brightly lit chamber Natasha was impressed; Wakandan interior design really lived up to the hype. Surrounded by translucent ornamentation, the room seemed to have been carved from solid rock to create a space that was somehow futuristic and yet uniquely vernacular to the African state, its walls adorned with glowing symbols that the former Spy couldn't hope to read.

Thrown to her knees Natasha collapsed onto the glass floor:


Rising up on her haunches Natasha sighed wearily, brushing dirt from her battered catsuit. In spite of her situation the Avenger had seen worse, dusting herself of as she addressed the guards:

"You girls really know how to treat a foreign ambassador."

Two spears crossing her throat Natasha froze in place, casual demeanour flickering with genuine concern as the Dora Milaje threatened her:

"Bad joke! Let me start again. My name is-"

"-We know who you are!"

Striding before the impertinent intruder Okoye stared down at the redhead in disgust:

"Natasha Romanoff: the 'Daughter of Drago', survivor of the Red Room, former Agent of SHIELD and member of the Avengers. You think these titles give you the right to invade a sovereign nation? To attempt to steal our relics!? I should execute you right here!"

Eying the General of Wakanda, the statuesque warrior woman resplendent in her red and gold armour, Natasha had no doubt Okoye was serious; coiled like a viper and ready to strike:

"I apologise for any misunderstanding... But I am here on a diplomatic assignment and have committed no crime against your people-"

Reaching behind her Okoye revealed the bulbous lump of vibranium Natasha had attempted to steal from an abandoned temple, dropping it onto the floor before the redhead. The obelisk landed with an echoing clang:

"I'm sorry, what were you lying??"

Natasha swallowed hard; there was no doubt her fingerprints were all over that thing. With the Avengers broken up and no available support her situation was becoming increasingly bleak. She would have to use cunning to get out of this one.

Addressing the redhead Okoye annunciated every stern word with her clipped African dialect:

"Our War Dogs have discovered your true nature Black Widow; your 'Sub-Missions' speak to your duplicitous calling and your morally bankrupt Western Culture."

Leaning over Okoye whispered her final jab in Natasha's ear:

"This is why we don't respect your titles Romanoff; We know who you are beneath it all."

Emerging through the doorway a beautiful Wakanda woman strode into the chamber, her sensuous green dress and calm demeanour a welcome change from the hostile warriors surrounding the redhead, addressing Natasha's captors:

"She is still entitled to a trial befitting the customs of Wakanda!"

"What!?" Okoye snarled: "She is nothing but a filthy foreign Spy!"

Knocking the spear away from the redhead's chin, Nakia placed herself between Natasha and the General:

"Am I not Gogan? I am a War Dog, a 'Spy'. But I am also a member of the River Tribe, a Citizen and a Woman! I cannot turn a blind eye."

Okoye fumed. For several seconds there was tense silence as the two women squared-off. Scowling the General finally relented, nodding to her Warriors.

Dora Milaje standing down Natasha breathed a sigh of relief, massaging her neck as the women above circled:

"I'm guessing you're not talking about judicial procedure?" The redhead drawled wearily.


"Trial by combat? Fine. I'll take on any one of you."

Hearing snickers all around her Natasha glanced up at the women. Still speaking on the redhead's behalf, Nakia replied to the ignorant question:

"We are not so backward here Natasha Romanoff." Nakia explained patiently; "The females of Wakanda have less violent methods for proving their integrity..."

Rhythmically drumming their spears against the floor, the Dora Milaje began to chant:

"Ukulingwa ngesondo!"

"Ukulingwa ngesondo!"

"Ukulingwa ngesondo!"

Nakia turned to Natasha, addressing the outsider sternly:

"Do you agree to our ancient right of passage??"

Once again intimated by her captors, Natasha considered her situation; Since Nakia had appeared things had become less hostile... Why not follow her lead?

"No jail time or public inquisition? Just some ritual??"

Nakia shook her head:

"No; we settle this our way, with a trial that best suits your... sordid nature."

Quickly running through all the variables Natasha realised this was her way out. Nodding curtly, almost immediately the Warriors around them became silent:

"Wait, what did I just agree to??"


"- We accept the forfeit!"

Attempting to explain Okoye cut Nakia off. Stepping forward proudly the Warrior woman crossed her arms in a Wakandan salute:

"Your body and soul shall be put to the ultimate test Natasha Romanoff: With a Trial by Sex!"


STAGE 1: The Physical

Thrust forward into a medical lab Natasha eyed the guards as they returned to the doorway.

A young black girl descending from a spiral ramp, Natasha extended her hand in greeting only for this latest arrival to slap her palm away:

"Stand on the platform."

"Wow, you Wakandan's really need to work on your manners-"

"-Now Coloniser!"

Having done research on what was known of the Wakandan Royal family, Natasha surmised this girl was Princess Shuri. Doing as instructed Natasha sauntered over to the circular disc embedded into the floor as the lithe young woman raised a tablet, hastily scrawling through data as the redhead waited impatiently on the spot:

"So what's your job?"

Eyes on her work, Shuri responded curtly:

"I am here to evaluate you physically and to prepare you for the next stage of the trial. Now shut up, stand still, and let the defabricator do its work."

"What's a defabricator?"


Bright light flashing up from the pedestal beneath her, Natasha flinched as she was engulfed in a blinding white haze. Feeling a strange heat radiate through her tight black suit, the redhead gawped as her tactical garment began to disintegrate.

Starting at her feet and hands, all Natasha could do was watch as her clothing was shredded away stitch by stitch to reveal her pale white flesh.

Fabric coming loose around her chest, Natasha gasped as her breasts bounced free of their tight confinement while her the seat of her suit just melted away. Making short work of her outfit the Black Widow was soon left completely naked, her curvaceous body now on full display to those curious brown eyes:

"Right, a defabricator... Does exactly what it says on the tin."

Watching as the unfortunate white girl attempted to cover herself Shuri giggled with glee:

"Don't bother Coloniser! The machine you are standing on is a deep tissue scanner. In a few minutes I'll know you inside and out!"

Accepting her humiliation Natasha tried to at least stand upright, hands on hips, chest raised as Shuri pressed commands into her tablet, a throbbing red light beginning to scan Natasha's naked body from top to bottom as the pad slowly rotated.

Studying the data Shuri shook her head as if inspecting misused property:

"Hmmm, definitely not in peak physical condition..."

"Thanks." Natasha responded dryly.

Stepping closer to the naked redhead Shuri finally glanced up from her work to admire the beautiful Russian woman; sometimes statistics weren't as captivating as the real thing. Biting her tongue, Shuri's curious brown eyes looked the Avenger up and down:

"Not bad I guess."

Reaching for her Natasha did not resist when the young scientist began to poke and prod her flesh, subconsciously hoping to gain the Princess' Royal seal of approval.

"So pink and squishy!"

Groping the captivating woman Shuri was fascinated by the new toy she had to unwrap. The beads on the girl's wrist brushing against her tit however, Natasha's demeanour suddenly changed, the foreign Spy eying the advanced Wakandan tech.

Intent on probing her subject, Shuri peeled the magnetised bracelet from her wrist and placed the beads on a nearby workbench. They would just get in the way, besides the last thing she needed was for the communicator orb to activate as she felt up the infamous Black Widow! Brazenly stepping up behind the redhead Shuri continued her intense 'examination' of her specimen by squeezing Natasha's ample behind:

"Wow... You have a fat ass for a white girl!"

Ignoring the lusty young scientist as she weighed the redhead's fleshy cheeks, Natasha considered the Kimoyo beads just out of her reach; leaving Wakanda with a set of those would more than make up for the failed incursion. But should she really give in to temptation? Unfortunately her dilemma was irrelevant; especially with the girl's gaze firmly planted on her backside.

Giggling Shuri waited for Natasha to revolve again before grasping the redhead's chest, blatantly enjoying her plump flesh. Blushing Natasha acquiesced once more, leaning into the girl's groping; if she could overcome these 'trials' maybe she could still get out of here with exactly what she had came for.

"Ohh!" Natasha exhaled, Shuri plucking her tender nipples, pink buds swelling under the girl's teasing touches.

"Nice and responsive," Shuri murmured, flicking an engorged peak while unconsciously licking her lips; "I thought a woman with your reputation would be barely functional."

"Maybe I'm not so past my prime huh?"

Lifting her hands away, Shuri shrugged nonchalantly:

"Whatever. I'm only interested cos you're the only white girl for a thousand miles!"

The scanner finally finishing its work the red light projected onto Natasha's skin faded. Turning to a large terminal, Shuri began to interface with a 3D hologram of the redhead's naked form, observing the stats with genuine interest:

"Someone's colonised yah butt huh?"

Scowling Natasha refused to meet the girl's bright round eyes:

"You can read that off a scan??"

"Of course. In fact my compilation sequencer can recognize anyone within our DNA database, telling me every partner you've ever had."

Fascinated, Shuri began to read, boggling at the long list of names:

Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Sharon Carter, Jane Foster, Bobbi Morse, Hope Van Dyne, Wanda Maximoff... the list went on and on.

"Wow, you really are a slut!" Shuri balked in amazement.

Natasha ignored the girl's jibe: With the Princess suitably distracted Natasha's eyes darted back to the kimoyo beads once more. Lightly stepping off the pad the redhead grasped the metal chain before realising her dilemma: Stealing from Wakanda whilst on Trial for stealing from Wakanda?! This was a new low. Plus, without clothes she had nowhere to hide them!

Grimacing with determination Natasha decided on her literal 'ace in the hole', wishing she had a more dignified way of sneaking out the priceless vibranium jewellery. Reaching behind her back, the redhead awkwardly lined up the first bead with her butt crack:


Pressing the ball against the pink crinkle of her anus Natasha pursed her lips, concentrating on the task at hand. The cold round metal head exerting an insistent pressure on her anus, Natasha could only whimper as it slipped inside her with a quiet pop. Then, one after another, she pushed the string of beads inwards; each thudding against her back hole in quick succession.

"Christine Everheart!?"

Clapping delightedly, Shuri spun to address the uncomfortable redhead, unaware that her string of kimoyo beads was now hanging from Natasha's bottom.

"Uh huh?"

Nodding hurriedly Natasha attempted to act nonchalant, facing toward the Princess and squeezing her bare thighs together to hide the stolen bracelet.

"What's she like??"

Surprised in this girl's interest in the celebrity reporter she'd slept with, for once Natasha replied honestly:

"She's got a big mouth, but she knows how to use it."

"Well that figures."

Satisfied with her answer Shuri stepped over to another workbench as Natasha bit her lip, using her thumb and index finger to feed the final few beads between her trembling white cheeks. The last ball plopping inside, Natsha felt the chain settle in her gut, feeling oddly full with the round orbs gyrating beneath her skin.

"Here we are!"

Shuri brandishing a paintbrush at her, Natasha straightened up awkwardly, the young girl holding up a colourful palette of paints before advancing gleefully on the suspicious Avenger:

"My scan shows you are physically fit enough for the next stage of the trial. Now I must prepare you for what comes next!"

Raising the wet brush to Natasha's face the redhead swallowed her misgivings, knowing she would need to play along with these Wakandan rituals to get out of an international incident and complete her sordid mission:

"Just don't give me any horizontal stripes... or a unibrow."

Shuri grinned, stroking the bristles across the redhead's cheek and up along her pretty nose:

"I'll make you look good Natasha Romanoff. After all you cannot go into battle without war paint! I just hope you're not ticklish..."


Stage 2: The Spirtual

Descending along flight of steps Natasha felt foolish in her colourful new attire:

Dressed in a ceremonial choker and matching leather bikini the redhead was essentially naked, the tight straps if anything accentuating her exposed flesh to the warm African air. Long red hair weaved backward into a loose braid, daubs of paint crisscrossed Natasha's oh so white skin, highlighting both her face and the rest of the Spy's curvaceous frame.

Feeling somewhat riddiculous in this gaudy make-up, Natasha had nevertheless submitted to these bizarre Wakandan customs without complaint; aware that every woman watching expected her to perform for their pleasure.

Reaching the final step Natasha ignored the priestesses all around her; it seemed this latest humiliation would be very public. Standing on the lip of a rectangular pit full of deep red sand, Natasha looked over it to see Nakia facing her from the opposite end.

"Welcome to the Carnal ritual chamber Natasha Romanoff."

Seeing all the women bow elaborately Natasha copied their actions dubiously:

"Thank you for defending me; I owe you one."

Nakia shook her head, responding softly:

"You are in Wakanda now Natasha, at this stage I will represent my people as we are most alike. But I must warn you I am to be your opponent; all you will get here is Dust and Sex."

"I see," Natasha replied skeptically: "Your country's concept of Civil Discourse is... interesting. So what's next?"

"To pass this stage you will have to overcome me on the spiritual plane. If our Gods accept you freedom will be yours. But to do this you must give of your body and soul."

Natasha nodded, nonplussed by these bizarre Wakandan customs:

"You had me at Dust and Sex."

Nakia smiled, impressed by the redhead's wry determination in spite of her inherent foolishness; Natasha had no idea what she was in for.

"We are not savages Romanoff: Your western wiles will have no effect on me."

Natasha smirked:

"We'll see about that..."

Stepping forward a Priestess raised a goblet to Natasha's lips:

"Allow this herb to give what you desire..."

Eying the purple liquid suspiciously Natasha opened her mouth to respond, assuming the woman would allow her to drink from the concoction herself. Instead she grasped her jaw, Natasha gagging as the beautiful woman forced the long spout deep into her mouth, lashes fluttering as the metal tube hit the back of her throat. Smiling with satisfaction Nakia watched as the Spy's head was tipped back; Natasha slurping on the ceremonial jug as the purple juice was poured down her gullet, the Priestess making sure not to spill a single drop.

Swallowing again and again Natasha choked down the burning hot liquid, her skin glowing purple as she ingested a powerful herb into her system. Almost immediately Natasha felt the potion's strange effects:

Her body reacting, a strong magical sensation of desire surged through Natasha, silencing any rational thought. Purple light descending through her pale body the liquid swirled downwards to pool in the redhead's core. Powerful sexual need bursting from her every nerve Natasha shuddered, knowing all she could do was stand and take the hormonal increase.

Opposite her Nakia drank from a similar goblet, the young women absorbing the herb's arousing properties with considerably more ease and grace. It suited her to settle this matter without an international incident also: As a War Dog gathering foreign intel required subtly, something the Dora Milaje utterly lacked. By sweeping Natasha Romanoff out of the way with this traditional trial Nakia hoped to keep Wakanda's profile intact. Unfortunately this meant engaging in a ritual that was low in dignity... Nevertheless she would prevail; there was nothing she wouldn't do for her people.

Of course there was no way she would allow Romanoff to beat her at this stage. As a matter of principle Nakia intended to prevail, demonstrating the strength of the River Tribe whilst ensuring the redhead received a slap on the wrist. In the end it was in both of their best interests for Nakia to embarrass the Black Widow and claim victory before these trials went any further.

Finally tugging the spout away from her lips Natasha coughed, hacking on the spicy liquid as she absorbed its magical properties.

Priestesses chanting all around them, the women danced rhythmically to the beat, bodies jiggling in the crowded space. Watching the Avenger succumb to the herb Nakia slipped off her ceremonial robe; revealing her beautiful black form to the hot Wakandan air and the redhead's appreciative gaze:

Two women would enter the carnal pit; but only one was destined to leave on top.

Iris' expanding Natasha met Nakia's eye; finally understanding her role as powerful arousal overtook her. Nipples becoming so hard they hurt cream seeped down the inside of her leg, pussy pulsating with unquenchable desire:

Stepping down into the pool of dust both women waded toward each other, both consumed with untempered lust. Sinking into the pit with every step, by the time they reached each other both Spy's were up to their waist in red-hot sand; ready to go to war.

Lunging forward Natasha crushed her lips into Nakia's only for her opponent to push her back against the sand. Twisting together, their bodies quickly interlocked, spraying dust all around them as they wrestled, mouths never separating as they rolled over and over, black and white skin contrasting with the churning orange dirt.

Closing her eyes Natasha let lust overtake her as she sank into the quagmire, the Priestesses above chanting ecstatically as the pair fought for sexual dominance. Feeling sand pour into every nook and cranny the redhead hissed, Nakia slipping her tongue past her lips as their mouths met in a hot rush. Hands groping each other's bare flesh, brown fingers cupped Natasha's milky white chest and pulling on her straps whilst her own around Nakia's butt, drawing them together. Tumbling sand cascaded over their naked curves as Nakia's drove them deeper still, causing Natasha's head to grind into the dust. Growling into her mouth Nakia pounced like a panther, asserting dominance as the two sank into the pit.