An Erotic Ghost Story


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"I don't understand. I don't believe reincarnation, or past lives. If you are really Edward you'd show yourself to me like many times before.

"I am Edward Kahn, I promise you. I've watched you intently from my lonely realm since you were born. Lilly, you were the beautiful little girl with long wheat blonde hair that shimmed in the sun who visited me so often. Even as a young child you sought to understand our connection. I've tried in vain to reach out to you but couldn't. You weren't old enough to hear the truth. Why do you think are drawn to our home? You are the key to our salvation and redemption. Waiting for you to mature into a beautiful young woman was pure agony! You were reborn so we could be together again. You are my wife, Lillian, past, present and future.

Reality came crashing down upon her. Lilly had denied the truth her whole life. Edward Kahn and she were connected on a very deep level because they shared a tragic past life together. She was the woman from the stories who ran away and drowned at sea. Their connection transcended time. Lilly loved him her whole life and now she understood why. He was the reason she felt safe in the house when others were terrified. But how could they be together? He was dead.

"I've been enraptured with you my whole life, Edward and I have so many questions." She blurted out.

"Hush now sweetheart. I will explain as much as I am able in the precious amount of time I have to spend with you. Our bodies need to connect again."

You are dead, Edward, how is any of this possible?"

Lilly felt a jolt of terrible dread creep up and spread throughout her body. She was speaking with the ghost of a man who died over one hundred years earlier. Edward killed himself because of her.

"I don't understand how could we possibly be together. What do you want from me?"

"Want? I want my wife back by my side from now until forever more! Our souls were destined to be together since the day we met. I will take you back tonight, my dear heart. Together we'll turn back the hands of time. I've waited for this night since your birth was announced. I'm not going anywhere without you Lilly."

She eased her eyes open wider and tried to follow the sound of his voice. Lilly saw movement near the curtains then a wispy shrouded vapor mass crossed in front of the fireplace. The flames licked up as it greedily consumed the rushing air. The transparent mass moved closer to the bed and began to form into a human shape.

"I need you to close your eyes Lilly. His voice projected from the murky silhouette.

"Take the silk tie laying on the bed. I want you to bind it around your eyes---tightly. Then lie back on the bed. You know what is to be tonight, love. I will be very gentle. Don't forget that."

"Why can't I look at you?"

"My appearance will terrify you Lilly. I don't mind frightening the indigents who've trespassed into our home, but you my beloved," he sighed deeply, "this breaks my heart it must be this way."

She took the long silky cravat and fingered it in her unsteady hand. How could a man once so handsome be so ghastly and terrifying? Lilly instinctually trusted Edward though. She wrapped the expensive silk garment around her head and tied the knot extra tight so she wouldn't be tempted to peek.

"They're going to destroy the mansion Edward!" She blurted out.

"I know Lilly, I know." His voice sounded as despondent as she felt.

She rested on the lavender scented pillow and waited, her body buzzing with anticipation but mixed with dread. A creepy, bone-chilling gust of air blew close to the bed. The temperature in the room dropped suddenly. Lilly began to shiver violently even under the thick, luxurious duvet. Her lips turned icy as cold puffs of air materialized from mouth as she breathed. Her heart raced. Primal fear urged her to run away screaming but her heart forced her to yield to his will.

Something then crept onto the old linen tufted mattress. She felt the wobbly coils give and dip, as a body lay across it and inched closer to her. He smelled like orange blossoms and sweet tobacco. The Lilly cried out in shock as his dead, cold body eased up and writhed against her.

"Easy, shhh, shhh there, be still my sweet, find divine comfort knowing how much I love you" his voice cooed in a soft whisper.

He pressed a cold finger against her lips. The ghost stroked her face with the back of his frigid hand. The morbid sensation made her skin crawl and she fought the urge to scream. Lilly pictured the handsome Edward as he was before death, as the dashing, philanthropic man. She envisioned him as her husband and lover. After a moment lost in her thoughts his cold lifeless flesh seemed somehow comforting.

She was hypnotized by his voice and caressing touch. Lilly reached up to feel for his face. She needed to stroke some part of him.

"Don't touch my face! He shouted.

A sudden gust of wind then swept over the bed. His murky, vaporous form jerked away. The room was silent. Lilly pinned her arms to her side frozen in fear. Tears sprung from her eyes. She was hurt and confessed by his abruptness.

"I'm sorry Lilly. My face is too horrific to touch."

After a few moments, Edward climbed into the mattress again. He inched closer to her and Lillian began to tremble. He slid his hand under the sheets then forced her legs wide apart. His cold fingers dug gently into her upper thigh. Edward then slowly slid his hand up her leg until he stopped just shorts of her mound. He began to rub the delicate flesh near her labia. Lilly held her breath waiting for his next move. His body seemed warmer now as if his cold corpse like exterior was thawing into living flesh.

Edward leaned over and devoured her mouth with a scorching kiss. He gently eased his index finger inside her moist folds. Lillian gasped from the intense pleasure and grabbed the sheets, fisting them into a tight ball. He began to rub her pearl. The tiny bit of flesh swelled in his fingers. He nuzzled into her neck and moaned.

"Ah, my sweet, if you could only remember the countless hours we spent making love."

"How can you Edward---do this?" She said in a breathless whisper.

"My love for you is so great and I've mourned you so long. The depth of my despair provoked powers greater than all of us to offer me this one chance become flesh and change the course of our destiny."

Edward increased the intensity of his touch upon her delicate nub. Lilly heard words but couldn't comprehend the complexity of his statement. The pleasure of his touch made her senseless. He continued to kiss her neck and lips leaving a slight trace of his wetness across her face.

"I don't understand Edward, what's going to happen?"

"You will, Lilly, very soon."

Edward's rigid cock pressed into her thigh as he held her tightly in his arms. Lilly slid her hand over his warm, fleshy belly and began to stroke Edward's steely erection through his trousers. He cried out.

"Oh, the intense pleasures of my angels touch!

Edward dove his fingers deeper into her swollen delicate tissue and nearly drove her to release. He tightly sheathed himself to one side of her body. His belly pressed into her hipbone as he stroked her drenched pussy. Drops of liquid dripped on her face and began to soak into the silk blindfold. Lillian thought they must be tears.

"I have shed endless tears for you, beloved wife. After all these lonely years without you to be finally reunited is sweet indescribable ecstasy."

He began to tremble violently in her arms. This cock began to nudge urgently against her nightdress. He moved the silken garment over her hips. Beads of liquid continued to trickle off him and gather in tiny pools on each side of her head. Wetness seeped into her skin. Lilly brushed her hand across her forehead. She felt the moisture smear across her face.

Edward eased the nightgown over her head. He caressed her breasts and pinched a nipple between his fingers then bit gently into the stiff peak. He sucked her flesh into his ravenous mouth. Edward moaned as he slurped and laved her flesh hungrily. He tore away from his delicious feast for a moment.

"I have missed the unadulterated pleasure of your beautiful, perfect body, my love."

He gave her swollen nub a few quick strokes. Lillian's body jolted and bucked as an orgasm shook her body to the core. Her thick internal muscles clenched and flexed. Edward drove three fingers into her quivering pussy and she nearly leapt from the bed. He held her down with his large strong hand then drove his tongue into her mouth, tasting her as she climaxed around his digits.

Edward withdrew from her milking convulsing channel. The thick pungent arousal from her climax seeped from her body. He eased off the bed a moment and Lilly could hear him undressing. He then dove quickly under the covers and settled on top of her. Lillian felt the enormous head of his cock prod at the entrance of her dripping slit. She tried to wiggle free but his strong hands pressed into her hipbones, grinding her slim pelvis into the old mattress. Lilly froze with fear.

"I've never been with a man---Edward, I've never been with a man before." She stammered.

"I am large Lilly but I will be as gentle as I was our first time. You have my word my love."

"I'm not ready Edward!" She was alarmed and frightened. His grip was powerful and he held her so firmly she couldn't move.

"There my love, the pain will subside in a moment," he whispered in her ear.

He pressed his lips into her mouth and kissed her with such consuming passion Lillian nearly gasped. He moved his hands off her hipbones and pried her legs wide apart. Edward gripped his huge cock and stroked the fleshly head along her slit. He drove inside her and impaled her with such force the thick membrane encasing her virginity was shredded. Lilly felt the air was knocked from lungs. She cried out as an intense searing pain gripped her body.

"Edward! The pain!" She screamed trying to push him out of her.

"Hush, sweet one, the pain will subside. Breath my love," he caressed her cheek.

He was completely buried in her body. His wiry public hairs crushed against her shaven labia. Edward's massive cock butted against the entrance of her cervix. The pain was intense for a moment then subsided. He rested his forearms between her head and continued to kiss her softly and stroke her face. She lay immobile, his thickness tearing at her insides. Lilly's body toiled to stretch around the swollen, hard flesh. Droplets continued to rain upon her face.

Edward withdrew slowly. Once the tip of his penis nearly slipped out of her slit he drove into her again in a punishing stroke. He stopped short careful not to drive into her delicate womb. He began to pound into her with short powerful thrusts. His hipbone ground into hers. Lilly relaxed when invasive strokes stimulated her body. Her arousal bathed his cock in her warm viscous juice allowing him to move fluidly inside her.

Edward grunted loudly as he tore into Lilly. She grabbed onto his shoulders to anchor her body as he ground her deeply into the mattress each time he plunged into her. She dug deeply into his skin.

Their lovemaking was wild and primal. Her breasts bounced and smashed into his chest with each of his powerful and deep thrusts. His heavy testicles smashed into her buttocks. The old rusting coils in the mattress groaned and creaked loudly. The thick mahogany headboard thumped violently into the horsehair-plastered wall and bits of the flaky crumbs flew into Lillian's face.

Lilly felt his cock swell inside her. His thrust became more erratic and unpredictable. Edward's breathing was shallow and he began to pant. He bellowed as his heavy sack teeming with semen erupted and rushed from his heavy balls. His cock pumped a massive steady stream of thick come in Lilly's pussy. The hot creamy jizz coated her thick, slippery insides. He pumped her furiously and slowed when the last drop of his hot milky ejaculate spurt into her body.

He embraced her tightly as his climax waned. Edward remained buried deeply inside her as his erection began to soften. His flesh was cooling again. The hot come that set her insides afire now chilled her to the core. Lilly began to shiver in his arms.

"No!" He roared.

"I've waited over a century to have my beloved wife in my arms, in our bed and I'm rewarded with a only a few paltry moments! Curse this wretched realm, damn this!"

The suspense was too much. Lilly had to see him. She needed just a quick peek at the man who just claimed her virginity. The man who claimed he was her husband. She freed her arm from under his body, snatched the blindfold and lifted it over her head.

Lilly nearly sprung off Edward when she saw his face. She then knew what the liquid was dripping from her dead husbands face. Lilly nearly fainted.

"Lillian---No!" He screamed trying to force her back into the bed.

"Oh dear god in heaven, oh dear god!" She shrieked in terror.

Edward Kahn's once strikingly swarthy handsome face was blue and swollen. Dead eyes bulged unnaturally from their sockets. His ghostly face was covered in fresh tears. Blood seeped and oozed red from the horrifying gashes under his chin and neck where the rope cut violently into him when he hung himself. Her face was covered in his blood.

She screamed at first then grabbed the sheets and tried to wipe off as much blood as she could. Slashes and streaks of the red metallic liquid stained the pure white linens. Edward tried to reach for her but she thrashed violently at him. Then the horror hit her like a punch in the gut. She just lost her virginity to her long dead husbands rotting corpse.

Edward's fleshy form was disappearing. He was manifesting into a cloudy and vaporous ghostly haze. He lunged at Lilly but his body passed through her. She fell onto the floor and in a panic to get away from him scrambled across the surface on her hands and knees. Lillian grabbed the nightdress and shoved it over her head. His form changed into an enormous thick black mass and was engulfing the room in its darkness.

Lilly bolted up, turned and then ran toward the stairs. The mansion returned to a crumbling, decrepit haunted house. Gone were the ornate, beautiful furnishings and opulent draperies. Lilly was crying hysterically. Tears clouded her eyes. She wiped them away only to realize remnants of his blood still clung to her face and now mixed with her tears. Lilly tore at her face trying to scrub the gore off. Blinded by fear and panic she didn't notice the loose, wrapped floorboard. She tripped and as she fell down the stairs. Lilly's world became black. As she lost consciousness the hands of time rewound.

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shyspudshyspudover 3 years ago

this is brilliant, just hope it doesn't suddenly stop without a proper ending like i've read from countless writers before

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
the story off two people through the ages.

very powerfull yet very gentle. I really felt the pleasure and fear off this story.want to be sure of more from this author..thanks

DebbieWrightDebbieWrightalmost 10 years ago

OK. I read that alone, in bed, cold night, rain on the roof. It scared me, thrilled me and certainly sent me over the edge !!!!! A "mind blowing" orgasm without even touching myself. Sorry if that's too much info. Thrilling.

Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

U are an incedible writer plz continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Plz continue writing... Its very nice and thrilling.... Im very eager waiting 4 the sequel....

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