An Improbable Couple Ch. 01


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Mary had a lot of our classmates at her party since she was so popular. Even her friend Rick was there but I didn't talk with him. Mary asked me if she could speak to me alone for just a minute. She did seem a bit concerned. We went on the front porch and she said, "Dallas, I'm pregnant. I thought you should know. I took a pregnancy test a couple of days ago and it read 'positive'. I went to my doctor yesterday and she said I was pregnant. Dallas, we need to talk soon but we can't do it today."

I didn't know what to say. I was totally lost for words. I was going to ask her if she was sure it was mine but I just couldn't do it, not right now. We both went back into the party and it was odd how Mary changed and just talked to everyone like she didn't have a care in the world.

I slept horribly that night, tossing and turning trying to get somewhat of a clear mind. My parents taught all of us kids to be respectful and honest. They raised us the best that they could. This was my fault. My sister Donna even told me to take condoms with me. I had to admit Mary was super attractive. She was one of the prettiest girls in school and had a great personality, not to mention a super sexy body. But I needed more and being inexperienced I couldn't put into words what was missing.

The next day which was Sunday I called Mary and asked her out for lunch/dinner. I told her we could go to a family restaurant and talk things over. She agreed and I picked her up and we went out for dinner. We asked for seats in the back so we could talk. We ordered our dinner and then began our discussion.

"Dallas, let me go first and I will probably answer most of the question you might have. To begin I want to say that I really care for you. Both times that we went out you treated me like a lady. It seemed like you respected me as a whole person and gave me a nice time. Most guys never treated me that way. It felt like I had to wrestle with them and kept telling them 'no'."

"Second, I want to assure you that the baby is yours Dallas. Let me begin by saying about two months ago I had a yeast infection and my doctor took me off the birth control pill for a month till it cleared up. The only other person I had sex with in the last two months was Rick. He got mad because I made him wear a condom and it started the argument that led to him saying he wasn't taking me to the prom. The Tuesday before the prom I started back on the pill. I mentioned it to the doctor last week and she told me I should have waited at least a week before having sex without using a condom. As you know it was only four days. I was just so sexually hot I got carried away and I know I initiated the sex. I was so surprised when it seemed you were a virgin."

"I don't know what to tell you. I'm going to have our baby. I don't know what I expect beyond that. I just feel sad that this all happened to such a nice guy."

Our food arrived and we started eating. "Dallas, I know a lot of people think I sleep around but it's not true. In the last year I've only been with three men, Rick who was my boyfriend, Ray who got me drunk on a date rape drug and then I was with you. I've had a lot of dates but didn't have sex with any of them. I don't expect you to believe everything I'm telling you but it is the truth. I don't know what you want to do about the baby but I would never force you to marry me."

"Mary the truth is I really care for you. I can't say that I love you since we are only getting to know each other. We only went out twice. Yes, you are the only girl that I ever had sex with. You were great but of course since you seemed to be very experienced, I was confused and wondering who else you have been with. That is not an accusation, it's just a normal response to the way things have gone down. Mary, I'll always be open with you and tell you what I've been thinking about. I want to be honest with you and hope you will be honest with me. I also want to be a responsible and loving father. I want to go to all your baby appointments. I want to help you out all that I can. I start my new job tomorrow on the afternoon shift. We'll see how it works out."

Mary smiled at me, "I told my mom yesterday after the party about my being pregnant. She stills wants me to get my business degree. She told me that I can live at home and drive to the community 2-year university while I work on my Associate of the Arts degree in Business Administration. I can go till the baby is born and then take a semester off. When I go back to the university she will watch my baby. I know you will want to get a DNA test done when the baby's born. You don't have to ask me but I know that you would want to know for sure."

"Mary, you have to understand that I am in a real daze right now. I had never had sex before and suddenly I am going to be a father. Before the prom I was not even thinking of girls and sex, But now I am committed to help you with the baby all that I can. I do believe the baby is mine but my mind is sort of mush. Will you come with me to my house because I need to tell my family. I know they all like you and it might be easier to tell them with you there."

We finished our dinner and went to my house. I called my mom and dad into the room along with my sisters Beth and Kim. Donna had moved out over two years ago but comes by to visit quite often, though she was not there just then.

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you. Mary is pregnant with my child." I waited a few seconds to let it settle in. "I know you're disappointed with me for getting her pregnant when we have just barely finished high school, but I made a big mistake. We're not at this time planning on getting married but I want to stay in our baby's life after its birth. I'm sorry if this has hurt you but I want to be honest with you do what's right. It is the way you brought me up."

Mom looked very thoughtful and then spoke. "Mary, I take it that you have talked with your mother. What did she have to say?"

"She was disappointed in me but she said we can work our way through it. I can live at home, as I was planning on going to our local community university.

"Look, I know people have spread bad rumors about me, but they are not true. However, as I told Dallas I will be getting a DNA test to prove it's Dallas's baby, even though he told me he trusted me when I told him he was the father."

Beth asked her if she was going to get a fetal DNA or wait till the baby was born. Mary said she would talk it over with her mother. It would probably be better to know sooner than later.

My family wished Mary luck and then I took her home. I told Mary to tell her mother I would be there to help her out whenever I could. The thing was that I really liked Mary now that I knew her better, she was very special. Though I felt we were not yet truly in love, I wanted to do what was right for her and our baby. How ironic, that we traveled in different groups and unlikely to ever date and were never all that close, but now we shared a baby.

I went to work the next day and started my new job. All the workers knew my dad and had a lot of respect for him. They razzed me some but I knew it was all in jest. I gave the job my all and was enjoying it. I worked hard all week and even worked overtime on Saturday.

I made a lot of new friends or at least work buddies. I heard all kinds of stories about their wives and or girlfriends. I was surprised and also disappointed that a lot of them seemed to cheat a lot on them at some time or another. I couldn't see myself doing that to Mary. I was raised to love and respect women. Consequently, I never talked much about my personal life while at work.

I called Mary on Sunday and asked her how she was doing. She told me she was fine and that her doctor told her that the fetal test would not hurt the baby, but she should wait another month before taking it. So that's what she decided to do.

I didn't talk to her for the next two weeks. I hoped she would call me since I didn't want to feel like I was having to chase after her.

My sisters told me they liked Mary and hoped it was my baby. That would make them the baby's aunts. I know they were letting me know that they were behind me with loving support. That made me feel better. I didn't tell anyone else about the baby. Mary said she never told anyone else either. She said she was starting to show a little but people just thought she gained a few pounds.

Another couple of weeks went by and I got a call from Mary. She asked me if I would go to the doctor with her on Monday to have the DNA test done. I stopped by Monday morning to pick her up and Mary came right out to the car. She looked so damn cute and cuddly; I wouldn't have known she was pregnant by looking at her if I didn't already know it. However, come to think of it, she definitely had a special glow about her. I told her I would like to take her out for lunch after the test and she agreed.

We went in the lab and had the tests done. They told us the doctor would have the test results in two weeks. I guess it isn't like on TV when you get results in a half hour. We left and went out for lunch; with the tests over we were more relaxed. Mary told me about how she was getting ready for her college classes and I told Mary about my job and how much I enjoyed it.

There was a lot on my mind. I finally said, "Mary, I have a couple of personal questions and wondered if you would answer them for me."

"Sure, go ahead. I'll try to answer them honestly as best I can."

"Did you mention your pregnancy to Rick?"

"No, I know he isn't the father and I don't want anything to do with him anymore. He's already moved on. What's your other question? You said you had two."

"I was wondering about the other guy you were with, you said his name was Ray?

Mary suddenly had tears in her eyes. "Dallas, it's painful. I'll only tell you this once. Please, never ask me about him again. It was over a year ago and we went to a party. He gave me a date rape drug and took advantage of me. I guess it was a rape. After I woke up I was crying and went to my older brother's house. He's twenty-five and works in an office. I told him what Ray did and he looked him up and beat the hell out of him. He told him if he ever went near me again that he would kill him. Ray moved away from town the following week."

I leaned over and took her hand and told her how sorry I was for asking. I didn't want to bring up bad feelings. We finished lunch and she told me she would be starting community college the following week. I took her home and opened the car door for her like a gentleman, also remembering she was pregnant with our child. She smiled because she was hardly showing. She leaned over and gave me a light kiss and said thank you.

Things went on as normal as can be under the circumstances. It was a few weeks later when Mary asked me if I could come over Saturday. She said she received the test results and wanted to share them with me in person. I showed up on Saturday morning and Mary showed me the test results. They showed I was definitely the father of the baby. I don't know why but I broke down and cried. I guess I felt overwhelmed. I was nineteen years old, just graduated and had sex with just one woman and she got pregnant and now I was going to be a father.

"Mary, where does this put us? Co-parents? just friends? or something more? I really do like you a lot. I haven't dated anyone before and I certainly am not really interested in any other girl. How do you feel about dating?"

"Dallas, I haven't dated anyone since I've went out with you. I don't think any guys are going to want to date a pregnant girl with a big belly," she laughed. "Needless to say, I won't be trying out for cheerleader".

"Do you think we could date now and then? I don't worry about your belly getting bigger. I'm just wondering if there could be more between us. If you want to date others, ... I'm willing to just be your friend if you want and will help raise our baby."

She smiled. "I promise I won't date anyone, and we'll see how it goes till our baby is born. I really do like you Dallas. I will always be honest with you. I do expect to still talk to my old friends, a lot of them are attending school with me. I hope you understand that."

"Are you going to start telling everyone that I'm the baby's father. I'm not ashamed to tell anyone who asks."

Mary smiled again that extra cute smile. "Dallas, I feel proud that you're the baby's father, you are such a great guy. I won't go around shouting it to the world but I will tell anyone who asks. By the way, do you want to go shopping with me next Saturday? I need to buy a couple of maternity outfits." Then she gave me another glowing smile.

"Mary, I'm not big on shopping, and have never gone shopping for girls' things, especially pregnancy outfits. Would it be alright if I ask one of my sisters go with you? They really love shopping."

Mary smiled at me and said that would be fine. When I got home, I asked Beth and she said she would love to go. She called Mary and they set up a time. Beth really liked Mary and was happy that I was the father. I gave Beth my only credit card and told her not to go crazy and that she should also buy them lunch. I felt part of taking care of my baby was to take care of the baby's mother. With overtime and second shift bonus the money was very good and I could afford to help with the expenses..

When she got home from shopping Mary called and she thanked me for letting her get two outfits and paying for her and Beth's lunch. She also mentioned she had a doctor's appointment the following Wednesday and wanted to know if I would take her. She told me she made the appointment for ten in the morning. I told her I would gladly pick her up and then we could have lunch again before I went to work.

I was still feeling very confused as Mary and I were not really acting like two people committed to each other, yet more and more I just wanted to be with Mary and wanted her and our baby to be fully a family together. I believe my feelings for her were changing into a deep love.

On Wednesday I picked her up and jumped out to open the car door for her. She was now just starting to show. The doctor told us everything was fine and asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. Mary looked over at me as she nodded 'yes' and I said we both wanted to know.

The doc moved her scope around and said, "it's a girl". We both smiled and I leaned over and gave Mary a kiss and she smiled. I was excited. The doc gave us a copy of the sonogram and we left to go show our parents.

We stopped by Mary's house first to tell her mom, Mrs. Jacobs. Her mom seemed really happy and said she was sure everything would work out and that she knew the baby would be a perfect little heart-breaker. (I took that to mean she would wrap me around her little finger like Mary had with her dad.)

My mom was also happy. She said she knew we were too young to start a family but things happen and we were making the best of it. We went out for lunch and I asked Mary what she thought about me moving out on my own and getting a two bedroom apartment. She thought that if I could afford it that it wouldn't be a bad idea. I told her that the main reason was I wanted a room for the baby after she was born.

I stopped by the Jacob's house at least every two weeks to see Mary. I wanted to go by more often but I didn't want to intrude in her life. I informed her when I had gotten a nice two-bedroom apartment not far from work. I asked her if she wanted to see it and she said sure. We headed over. It was somewhat furnished. Mary said it was a nice apartment but needed a woman's touch. I asked her if she would be that woman and she agreed to help me.

I showed her my bedroom and asked her if she wanted to help me break it in. She looked shocked. "Dallas, that would make us more than friends. That would be friends with benefits." Then she started to giggle. "Yes, Dallas I want to make love to you. I've wanted to for a long time."

We kissed and kissed again. I helped her off with her blouse and pants. I quickly undressed and asked to make sure it wouldn't hurt the baby. I undid her bra and slipped off her panties and she got in the middle of the bed. I hardly knew where to start. I kissed her over and over, paying special attention to her swelling belly. Things were feeling different. As much as sex with her was out of this world, what I really wanted was to just hold her and protect her and make her be completely loved. I realized I was truly falling deeply in love with Mary.

I rubbed and squeezed her breasts on the outside only. I gently kissed and sucked on her nipples. Next I moved down and rubbed and kissed her tummy. While I was kissing her tummy, I thought I heard her whisper, "Dallas I love you". I kept kissing her lower belly below her belly button. I moved down to her muff and rubbed my face all over it like I knew she liked. I kissed and sucked on her nub and moved down to her pussy opening.

She spread her pussy lips and I stuck my tongue as deep as I could in her. I kissed, slurped and licked her pussy till she had a strong climax. She asked me to lay on my back so she could ride me. She lowered down onto my cock. As she rode me, she said with a laugh in her voice and that heart-warming smile, "We sure don't need a condom this time!"

She rode me passionately for a few minutes and then I felt her coming again. I held onto her hips and came hard and long filling her with my cum. After we were again relaxed, she rolled over on her back with a very relaxed look on her face. I got up and got us both a damp washcloth and a towel. Mary wiped herself off and then held the towel between her legs as she ran for the bathroom. When she came out, I asked her to lay on her tummy. Then I began to massage her lower back because she told me it was beginning to hurt her at times. When I finished she said, "Thank you, Dallas, you are the nicest, sweetest, most thoughtful man I have ever met". She rolled over and kissed me like a true lover.

After a while we got up without saying anything else and I took her home. I gave her the spare key to my apartment and over the next few weeks she several times picked up my sisters and they made my unit really feel like a home for a family.

Our lives were going on about as normal as possible. More and more my sisters said how much they really liked her and spent some of their free time with her. I gave them money and they went shopping and bought some baby furniture and a few other things for the baby. They took most all the things to Mary's house since that's where the baby would be living after her birth. I asked them about what I would need when the baby stayed at my apartment. They talked it over with Mary and the next time they went shopping they brought to my apartment a changing table and a bassinet for the baby to sleep in.

It was nearing the time for the birth and my sisters, my mom, and Mary's mom threw a baby shower. Mary asked me if I would attend. She said I would be the only guy there. I felt very nervous but I did attend. I couldn't believe how many women were there. There were older women who were friends with the moms and young ones who were friends of Mary. All brought gifts and Mary put quite a bit aside to take to my apartment. She explained everything to me. She was going to be a great mom and I was beginning to hope, a great wife to share my life.

A few women asked me when we were getting married. I just told them we didn't have any definite plans yet. I knew that Mary's past sex with others and also my young age, were what was holding me back from getting her a ring.

Mary helped me bring the baby's things to my apartment the next day. She asked me if I wanted to make love with her. She said it would probably be the last time since she would probably be having the baby the coming week. It was the first time that it didn't sound like it would be just sex for her. It made me feel good.