An MILF, her Man and a Young Girl

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She discovered she was bi during the threesome.
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Annabel looked at her future daughter-in-law with fondness and affection. Annabel had known Jo since she was age 15, a bubbly girl, full of fun and popular at school. She was always around at Annabel's home and it was no surprise to anybody that she and Annabel's son, Paul, fell in love. And shortly after Jo left school, she and Paul became engaged.

Jo moved in with Paul to live with Annabel and her husband to save some money before moving on. Today, two years later, Annabel sensed that their relationship might be going through a bad patch. Paul seemed distracted but his mum assumed it was because he had to usually be away from the home for a few days each week travelling for his employer. Currently, Paul was gone on business and wouldn't be back for 3 days.

That evening, Annabel was preparing a meal and dinner was nearly ready as Jo came into the kitchen. ''Can I do anything to help. Annabel?'' she said and touched Annabel on her hip. The touch was more than a tap, more like an intimate gesture, a sign of love towards her future mother-in-law. ''I like your dress,'' said Jo. ''The colours suit you. It makes you look ravishing.''

The word 'ravishing' had become an in-joke between Jo and Annabel. It had evolved when Jo had let it slip that Annabel was considered hot by her male friends, such that some called Annabel a milf. Annabel had been embarrassed by the milf description. So Jo began instead to use ''ravishing'' to describe Annabel. It had become their secret word.

Annabel smiled, ''Oh, that's nice. I always like a compliment, especially from you.'' At age 38, Annabel was pleased with her shape. 5' 5'' tall, wide hips, larger than average breasts. Her blonde hair, emerald eyes and full lips gave her a fun-loving look. She felt sexy and the occasional secret word from Jo increased that feeling.

A side-glance at Jo confirmed how pretty the young girl looked. She had the looks of a young version of Dakota Johnson (from 50 shades of grey). Her sun-kissed skin, dark hair and eyes were an immediate attraction for any man. Jo's petite build and shapely legs, mixed with a sense of how to choose clothes, gave her style. Tonight Jo wore a black and white check skirt designed to be belted across her belly button. The skirt was short. The effect was to have the skirt flare out from her hips which showed more of her beautiful legs. Her top, made from the same check material, just covered her boobs in the shape of a full bra. It was fashionable and sexy.

All-in-all, Annabel reckoned that if she were a man, she'd easily fall for Jo.

The two women got the dinner to the table and called hubby. Marcus had similar looks to his son, Paul, and it was clear that Jo liked Marcus. All three of them got on well and the conversation flowed while they ate.

But everything came to an abrupt halt when Jo answered her mobile. It was clear the call was from Paul. In under a minute, Jo rushed out. Annabel and Marcus listened with eyebrows raised at the increasingly desperate words from the sitting room and the eventual wailing from Jo as she ended the call.

''What's wrong, Jo?'' called Annabel as she and Marcus hurried into the sitting room. Annabel sat and put her arm around Jo's shoulders. ''That was Paul wasn't it?'' said Annabel. ''What's he done?''

It took half a minute for Jo to stop crying. ''He's ended it ... our engagement. Paul is with someone else.'' There was some more crying as Annabel cradled Jo's head on her chest and signaled to Marcus to get some brandy.

After Jo had calmed down and sipped brandy, she told them what had happened. Paul had been dating another girl, as suspected by Jo but denied by Paul, and now Paul had decided to own up. He tried to say that Jo and he would always be friends.

Although Annabel and Marcus were disappointed with their son, they managed to steer Jo from anger and grief to a more reflective view, that it was better to break off their engagement now if the relationship wasn't working before Jo and Paul bought a property together. By the end of the evening, Jo didn't seem too bad. Marcus said he'd have a word with Paul to see if there was any hope but Jo thought it was over anyway. Annabel hugged her, put her arm around the young girl and made it clear that she wanted Jo to take her time and stay with them for as long as she wanted.

After a while, it was time to go to bed. Jo seemed okay and went to her room. Annabel and Marcus followed 10 minutes later to their room. But, with their lights out, Annabel didn't feel like sleep and stayed on her back listening to the approaching rainstorm while talking in low tones with Marcus. Thunder from the west was coming closer. Then Jo's light came on, easily seen in the dark, even though their doors were closed.

After half an hour, with Jo's light still on, Annabel whispered, ''Shall I go and see her?''

''She's probably gone to sleep by now,'' said Marcus.

''She hates thunder and lightning. I'm worried about her. Not only has she got to cope with splitting up with Paul, she's now going to try and sleep with a storm raging outside.''

''Poor girl. What can we do?''

Annabel imagined the pain Jo was going through. ''I could see if she's asleep. I bet though she's awake.''

''Be prepared to stay up with her all night.''

Annabel didn't fancy being all night in Jo's bedroom. ''If she wants company she could come in here?''

''That's not going to work.''

''Why not?'' said Annabel, even though she suspected her husband's reason.

Marcus groaned, ''Jo is much too good looking to be in the same bed as me. I'll never get any sleep.''

His wife giggled in the dark. ''Ah. Just as I thought. You fancy her.'' Annabel considered what to do for a few seconds. ''Do you ever think about her when we make love?''

''No. But if you bring Jo in here for a night then I probably will. I would dream a simple fantasy of what could happen.''

Annabel listened to the thunderclap. The storm was going to get worse. ''I'm going to talk with her.'' Her husband said nothing as Annabel slipped out of bed. She left their door slightly ajar and walked to Jo's room from which light came from under the closed door. She knocked softly and peeked around the door.

Jo had a pillow over her head to blank out the noise from the storm and the only thing showing was a pair of eyes. They blinked. Annabel saw how the bedside light reflected shed tears in Jo's eyes.

Annabel crept in and sat on the edge of the bed. Jo removed the pillow. Annabel kissed the top of Jo's head and used her thump to smooth away the tears.

Jo said, ''I've come to accept my situation with Paul.'' She propped herself up by shoving the pillow under her head. ''I realise now things weren't too good with Paul and me. It was easier to ignore the signs rather than talk about our problems. I suppose we were too young to get engaged.''

''Time is a great healer,'' said Annabel. ''You're such an attractive girl, your personality and looks. When you're ready, guys will be falling over themselves to date you. And Marcus and I agree that we want you to stay.''

''Thank you, Annabel. I might need a cuddle sometimes.''

Annabel used the palm of her hand to cup Jo's cheek and kissed her to the side of her lips. She wished she could do more for Jo now, tonight, all night but Annabel couldn't think how.

Jo whispered, ''I love you.'' She paused. ''Is Marcus alright if I love him? Sorry, but I should have asked you if that was okay.''

''Of course, it's alright, sweet Jo. And Marcus is concerned for you. He'll look after us both.''

''Marcus is like a dad to me.'' Jo cast her eyes down as if embarrassed. ''I dare not hug him. It might be too intimate.''

Annabel's heart missed a beat and couldn't understand why. ''If you want to hug my husband then you do it. You have my permission.'' Both women smiled.

They talked some more before Annabel asked, ''So, I guess you can't get to sleep?''

Distant thunder rolled and lightning lit up the night sky. Jo pulled up the sheet to her neck. ''I know I'm a sissy.'' She bit her lower lip. ''Stupid isn't it?''

A protective, nurturing instinct went through Annabel's body. ''If we get warm and cuddle up in my bed, then maybe you'll sleep.'' She noticed Jo relax a little and her eyes seemed to enlarge. ''I know you like my suggestion.''

''How do you know?'' said Jo.

''Because your eyes got larger. I've noticed when you get excited or happy, your eyes do that. Come on, then, you must join us till the storm is over.'' She looked at Jo and pulled back the bed sheet to reveal the girl's breasts. Jo got out of bed to stand. ''You sleep naked?'' said Annabel in surprise.

Jo shrugged. ''I cut my PJs into shreds because Paul gave them to me. It's hot anyway. I'll put some knickers on though.'' She looked apologetic and reached for a clean pair in the drawer.

As Jo put them on, Annabel had an overwhelming desire to hug Jo. ''It's okay to be angry,'' said Annabel. ''I'm on your side.'' She pulled Jo into her chest and kissed her on the cheek. The seconds ticked by as Annabel realised their clasp had been longer than normal. She sensed some tears from Jo.

Jo whispered, ''I haven't had this closeness for some time. Touching ... embracing ... it wasn't something Paul did anymore.''

''What about sex?'' Annabel thought this might be too personal and was about to apologise.

Jo leaned back to look at Annabel. ''The sex wasn't so often,'' said Jo, ''and when we did do it, it was quicker, no real attachment, I suppose. Nothing like the feeling now.''

During their tight squeeze, Annabel had felt Jo's tight bare nipples but it wasn't a cold night. Conflicting thoughts raced around Annabel's head before Jo said, ''Can we hug again?''

Annabel held Jo's head and pressed the young girl to her cheek. Their ears touched. Jo moved her hands around Annabel's waist and pressed their bodies together. Annabel mumbled, ''You can have whatever you want, darling.''

Was it those last words that surprised Annabel or was she surprised at how sensitive her own nipples had become under her floppy T-shirt? Doubts on what to say or do raced through Annabel's mind. What sort of love was this? Was she crossing a line? Voices in her head conflicted with each other.

Jo whispered, ''You're hesitating.'' She paused as Annabel nodded. Jo continued, ''I'm bisexual. It was something Paul felt uncomfortable with. I had a crush on a girl at school in the year above me. We had sex and I liked it.''

''Oh.'' Annabel paused. ''I don't know if I am bi. Never tried it.''

''It's not taboo. We're not related.'' Jo moved her lips from Annabel's ear to her chin. ''You're no longer my future mother-in-law. We're both adults.''

Annabel whispered, ''Am I still ravishing?''

''Yes. I thought about you earlier, if you know what I mean.'' Their lips were an inch apart.

A kiss on Jo's lips wouldn't do any harm thought Annabel. At first, they let their lips glide over each other before pressing their mouths together. Annabel didn't dare open her mouth. Confused thoughts went through her mind.

Jo squeezed from Annabel's back and brought their bodies even closed. Their groins touched and Jo moved her body from left to right. Panties scrapped against panties. Annabel moved her leg to keep a balance and, by mistake, brushed Jo's skin above her knee. It sent a bolt of feeling through the older woman.

Annabel flushed. ''Can I pause to think about this?'' Annabel needed to calm herself down. Heavy rain could be heard outside. ''Come to our bed and get some sleep.''

''Will Marcus be alright with this?''

''Any normal man would be delighted to have two women in bed. Come with me.'' She took Jo by the hand to their darkened room. Marcus remained on his side facing the edge of the double bed. Jo clambered between the sheets to lie in the middle and faced Annabel who discarded her T-shirt. As she pulled the top over her head, Annabel couldn't rationalise her action. She supposed it was to be similarly naked as Jo but the voice in her head said, ''Ever tried it with another woman? No. Try it.'' She got into bed.

There was enough light to see as they faced each other. The occasional lightning lit the room followed by thunder and rain. For several minutes the two women kept their eyes locked on each other. Several emotions ran through Annabel. She wondered what it would be like to French kiss Jo, to touch tongue on tongue. Could the wife of Marcus have a hidden curiosity to experience another woman? she asked herself.

Maybe she should leave Jo alone she thought but Annabel couldn't help let her hand stray to Jo's shoulder and caress her. It seemed ages as Annabel gently stroked her hand down her arm to her hand. There, she found Jo responded with a clasp of Annabel's hand. Their fingers entwined. Jo's lips parted slightly. Annabel came closer and kissed her, a kiss that became passionate and neither of them wanted it to stop.

Annabel hadn't appreciated how soft a kiss could be. Her lips were being caressed by Jo's lips, a languid movement that touched the outer edges of Annabel's mouth. She let Jo take the lead. In no time, Annabel found her nipples had become sensitive again.

Jo moved her hand along Annabel's hips to her waist and up to her breasts. It was a slow crawl as Jo took her time. At the same moment, they opened their mouths and kissed, tongue on tongue as Annabel lost herself in a world of exploding feelings. Relief came over her as Jo caressed Annabel's nipples.

The exploring of Annabel's nipples caused her to moan. A clap of thunder sent Jo rigid. By instinct, Annabel shifted her position to cover Jo more, a sort of protection from the noise. It meant that Jo's face was now up against Annabel's chest. They held that position for a while as Annabel caressed Jo's head and Jo played with the larger breasts a few inches from her mouth.

It seemed to happen naturally. Jo slid down a little and Annabel moved up the bed slightly. Jo began kissing the nipples in front of her. Annabel couldn't help whisper, ''Suck me, darling Jo.'' The way that Jo latched onto her breast and pulled the teat into her soft mouth reminded Annabel of a baby. It felt to the older woman as if she were feeding a baby girl.

As Annabel looked down at her, Jo occasionally looked up with her eyes. They were dreamy eyes, larger than normal which meant Jo was happy. Jo's hands massaged the breast as if to encourage milk. It made Annabel's pussy damp. After a minute, her panties stuck to her skin as they became wet.

Her whole focus had been on Jo until Annabel became aware of Marcus. He now faced their way. He said, ''I've been watching you.''

Jo turned her head to Marcus. ''Can I call you Daddy?'' He nodded. ''Will Daddy spoon me?'' She returned to Annabel's other breast. The noise of sucking was obvious.

Up to that point, Annabel hadn't thought further than kissing. She imagined that they'd shortly fall asleep. ''This is not a good idea,'' Annabel said. ''She still might be our future daughter-in-law for God's sake.''

''I'm not sure about that,'' replied Marcus.

Jo looked up, a gurgle in her voice from saliva, ''I'm a free woman.'' She brought her hand to her back and placed it on Marcus to rest on his hip.

It worried Annabel. ''Listen. Paul is going to find out. He might even change his mind and come back to you. We have to stop.''

''I didn't know you were bi,'' said Marcus to his wife. He had moved closer to Jo's back and Jo had pulled him in before moving her hand back to squeezing Annabel's sensitive breast.

Annabel held back a moan to concentrate. ''Paul will go nuts when he discovers we've had Jo in our bed. He'll blame us.'' Her knickers had become uncomfortable with the wet and Annabel moved her hand to take them off. ''And,'' said Annabel, ''Jo's parents will find out and the whole neighbourhood is going to know.''

Marcus leaned over so that he could caress his wife on her thigh. ''Don't tell anyone,'' he said. His hand moved between Annabel's legs and discovered her very damp pussy.

Nothing was said as Marcus used his fingers to feel Annabel. She tried to think. ''Jo is too young. We'll be accused of something.'' But her words didn't carry much conviction. In fact, she liked what Marcus was doing to her as she widened her legs for him.

She locked eyes with Jo who blinked slowly. She saw Marcus move his fingers up to Annabel's breast. Before she could work it out, Marcus inserted his wet finger into the side of Jo's mouth so that his finger touched the teat. It took Annabel 2 seconds to understand that the wetness on his finger was her pussy juice, her fluid, her love-soak. Jo sucked with more vigour to draw the nipple even further into her mouth as Marcus withdrew his finger.

Marcus whispered to Jo. ''Mummy's milk.''

Annabel's pussy swelled and, while trying to think how to stop Marcus, she put her hand between her legs. She looked at Jo who had stopped sucking and Jo's face seemed to say she wanted more. Annabel whispered, ''Just one more, Jo. Then we go to sleep.'' As she said this, Annabel brought her sopping finger to wipe it on her nipple and watched Jo clamp her mouth on it and sucked.

Jo silently mouthed the word 'more please'. Annabel brought her lips down to Jo's level but before she could speak, Jo was desperately kissing her. Annabel sensed that Marcus had his hand between Jo's legs. It seemed to Annabel as though things moved in slow motion. Jo was being guided, helped by Marcus to lie on top of Annabel with Jo's willing legs on either side of Annabel's hips. She could tell Jo wanted this.

Annabel tried to speak but nothing sensible came out. A jumble of words, spoken into Jo's mouth, ''Listen ... Jo darling ... Marcus no, mustn't ... it's wrong.''

But Jo was moaning and kissing and Marcus maneuvered Jo over Annabel. She felt Marcus push a pillow under Annabel's bum. Then Jo's hips were angled upwards and the noise of fabric being torn was Jo's panties being ripped off. The sudden downpour of torrential rain outside obliterated all sound from the three lovers. There wasn't any point in Annabel saying anything.

Annabel knew what Marcus was doing - his favourite position. His face was turned into Jo's groin from behind, his tongue licked from arse to clit, his fingers, (one then two), fucked Jo. Marcus would often do the same to his wife and it felt erotic to Annabel to know what Jo was experiencing. In two minutes Jo began to moan into Annabel's ear.

Soothing noises came from Annabel although she couldn't tell if Jo heard. ''He's finger-fucking you, darling. It's lovely. Go with it. Come in my arms.''

With that Jo yelled, ''Oh fuck yes. Annabel, I'm coming. Hold me.''

Jo's body shuddered and Annabel imagined how her husband was doing it - using his lips, his chin, his fingers and the nub of his thumb pressed into the girl's clit. Annabel felt the increase of love-juice from Jo as it dripped, splattered onto Annabel's groin. The orgasm rippled through Jo. Annabel held Jo tight and gave her time to settle, to recover, to get her breath back.

She knew what her husband would do next. The women kissed. Annabel kept Jo where she was and made cooing noises into her ear. The rain kept coming. It was her husband's way to prefer the doggie position and after a minute, Jo's body changed. At first, she stopped kissing Annabel. Their eyes met each other.

Jo mouthed the words, ''Is it okay to have your husband?''

Annabel nodded and mouthed back. ''He has no condom.''

''I don't mind.'' Jo paused as Marcus began to insert his cock head. ''He's bigger.''

''You might get pregnant?''

Jo nodded and gasped as Marcus pushed in some more. ''I want his baby. Am I crazy, Annabel?''

''We'll look after you.'' Annabel didn't know what she was saying. She drew Jo into a kiss. Each time Marcus withdrew slightly there was an increase in the kissing from Jo. And when Marcus inserted his cock deeper, Jo blew out a gasp. The process became more intense for Jo as Marcus fucked her.