An Obedient Boy for Katherine Pt. 05


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Turning on the shower to warm up, Marcus laid out the contents of his anal play toy box. The three slim plugs that he first used to stretch his asshole hardly got used anymore. The anal plug that Katherine had given him was worn regularly and when it wasn't in his ass it was usually waiting for him on the vanity counter. The anal douching bulb was part of every day's ritual of cleaning and preparing himself to meet Mrs. Stewart's expectations. Now he added the dildo to the line of toys. Following the guidance he had found online, he opened and unrolled a condom over the dildo's thick shaft, extra protection to keep its soft surface clean.

Removing the chastity cage before showering, Marcus cleaned all the cage parts and set them on the counter to dry. Next, he shaved his face and genitals, and then cleaned out his bottom with a few rinses using the douching bulb. With those steps of his routine complete, he had a long warm shower. Relaxed by the heat of the shower and dried off, Marcus stepped to the vanity and with efficient movements, locked the chastity cage back into place.

He then picked up the anal plug and the dildo, comparing their shapes and sizes. The plug, at the thick part of its bulbous body, was the same width as the shaft of the dildo. The latter, however, was a good inch longer than the plug and had no narrowing of the shaft near the base. Marcus realized that he might have to hold it in place if he moved around and that it would be best used by sitting on it in his desk chair. He knew his asshole would have to open to the same width for either of the larger toys and decided that the bigger of the three training plugs should serve for an initial penetration before going directly to the dildo.

Marcus lubed the training plug and his asshole. By the time he was ready, he wanted to feel the smooth inch-thick shaft slide into his bottom. A soft moan slipped from his lips as he slowly pressed it to its full depth. A shiver ran through his body as he realized how readily his ass had taken the shaft. In a slow rhythm, he let the shaft slide back out almost all the way, and then pressed it inwards for twenty slow strokes. As he counted off the strokes, he realized that he had been staring at the condom-covered dildo waiting to fill his ass next and wondering how it would feel.

Sliding the training plug from his bottom, Marcus gave it a quick wash and let it stand on its base to dry. Picking up the dildo, he was struck by its bulk and weight in comparison to the plug he had just experienced. Calmly, he lubed the head and shaft of the dildo and used two fingers to add extra lube to his bottom.

Marcus placed the head of the dildo at his waiting hole. As he started to press it inwards he realized how much he wanted to feel the stretching of a new larger insertion. He was not disappointed. At first, the head opened the way and felt similar to the plug he wore around the house. The difference came as it sunk deeper and deeper, with no relief for the size of the opening it maintained. All the way to the bottom, with the wide base tight against his asshole, Marcus gasped slightly as he felt just how much it opened and filled his ass.

Moving carefully, and holding the dildo in place, Marcus left the bathroom and went to his desk chair where the towel-covered seat was ready to absorb any errant drippings of lube. Marcus lowered himself into the chair, letting the dildo slide out a few inches to make contact with the center of the seat as he sat down, and then felt it thrust back inside as his weight came down over the shaft.

Pausing to adjust to the way the dildo filled his ass, Marcus closed his eyes and breathed deeply to relax. It didn't take long to accept the dildo as he soon found himself slowly rocking on it with the same motions he had practiced with the plugs. Opening his eyes, he drew himself closer to the desk and powered up his computer. As he did so, a note on the shelf over his desk reminded him that he was supposed to email Aunt Bess.

With a bit of a smirk, he opened his email program. 'Wouldn't Bess be surprised to know he was riding a dildo while writing to her,' he thought.

"Dear Aunt Bess,

"Mrs. Stewart said I should write to you and let you know that I am doing well. I am keeping my grades up, studying hard, and behaving myself for the Stewarts. She's been teaching me lots of new things and it's been really great that I can pay for my room and board by doing chores around their house.

"I got to meet the Carters the other night. Mrs. Stewart said that you would remember them. I got to watch the Stewarts play with the Carters. I was the house boy and wine server. Mrs. Carter sure is a touchy-feelie type, but I guess it's okay as long as she asks permission first, right?

"I was also shown the playroom in the Stewarts' basement, but I don't know if there are any plans to show me how things down there work. Maybe when you visit we could find ourselves down there exploring the room a little more.

"When do you think you can visit?

"Missing you, Love and hugs

"Your fave (and only) nephew.


Marcus hit the send button and paused to decide what to do next. The dildo's thickness was making itself known but he wasn't quite ready to surrender and remove it yet. Before he could choose between physical stimulation and online erotic research, not that they both didn't have the first effect, his email program icon flashed to indicate arriving mail.

It was from Bess.


"Video chat, now!



"P.S. I know you opened this email."

Laughing at her last line, Marcus knew he was trapped. He clicked the icon to open the video chat program he knew would connect with Bess, and in seconds her smiling face appeared on the screen.

"Hi, Aunt Bess."

"Marcus, I don't know whether I should apologize to you for getting you into this, or feel proud that you're taking to it so well."

"Be proud, Auntie, Mrs. Stewart says I'm a lot like you and progressing well as her new boy slut."

Bess smiled widely at that thought. Her face as quickly soured as she reminded herself that she shouldn't be celebrating the kinky sexual adventures of her nephew with her old friends.

"But, you're okay with all of this, right, Marcus," she asked, "and shouldn't you be wearing a shirt?"

"I am more than okay, Aunt Bess, and you know I'm not supposed to be dressed in the house unless told to. Perhaps I should be asking why you're wearing a top."

"Well, I'm hardly going to be naked in front of my nephew, am I?"

Marcus smirked and replied, "Aren't we just two of Lady Katherine's sluts chatting about how you gave me to her to be trained?"

"Oh! Marcus!" gasped Bess, "is that what you think?"

"No, not really," Marcus laughed, "I surrendered willingly and take each step the same way. The fact remains that we are Lady K's sluts and she does have her rules."

"You are a brat," Bess protested.

"From what I have heard," Marcus retorted, "between the two of us, you are the brat. Now if Mrs. Stewart asks if we have chatted and asks about your clothes, would you have me lie to protect you."

"No, I wouldn't," Bess said with an exaggerated sigh.

Marcus smiled and watched intently as Bess' fingers went to the buttons on her blouse and slowly undid them. She slid the blouse from her shoulders to reveal beautifully rounded breasts still wrapped in the white lace of her bra.

"Would that be enough for your Mistress?" Marcus asked lightly.

"You will pay for this," Bess growled in a friendly tone.

She took the clasp that sat between her breasts in her hands and slowly undid the bra. In a preplanned move, as she slid the bra off she leaned closer to her camera and lowered her torso to hide her nipples from Marcus's view.

"Cheater," Marcus laughed at her move that denied him a full view of her chest, "and I'm already paying for it, do you know how tight a chastity cage can get when you're teasing a slutty boy."

Bess was momentarily speechless as she processed Marcus' last comments.

She stared at Marcus through the screens, and for the first time realized that he was not so subtly rocking back and forth as they chatted.

"Wait," she sputtered, "are you rocking on a toy? While we talk?! Who's idea was that?!"

"Well," said Marcus, "I guess it was Mistress Katherine's idea. It was after she asked you what color toy she should have made for me."

Bess closed her eyes tightly, trying to wish away the imagery in her mind. She told herself she wasn't going to ask anything further. She immediately failed.

"What color did she choose?" Bess asked, biting her lip as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

"She chose lifelike coloration," Marcus replied.

"But this one," he added as he held up the slimmer version of the dildo in his ass, "is rainbow-colored."

Marcus knew he had his Aunt on the ropes between her feeble attempts to act as a well-behaved example to her nephew, and sliding deeply into the role she loved so much as Mrs. Stewart's slut girl.

"Mistress wants me to practice with this one too," Marcus said as he held up the slender dildo.

As Bess watched wide-eyed he let his lips slide over the head of the dildo in a wet open-mouth kiss.

"It does taste better when it's covered with cum in the mornings," Marcus said softly.

"Whose ...?" Bess started, then exclaimed, "No, don't answer that!"

Bess groaned deeply. Her composure lost, she sat up straight breathing deeply to control the rush of emotions assaulting her composure. The movement exposed her lovely breasts and nipples to Marcus' view.

"I have to go now," Bess said, her voice tightly controlled to prevent a moan from escaping.

"Okay, Aunt Bess, it was really great chatting, maybe we can start doing this regularly. You look kinda flushed, maybe you should lie down for a little while."

"You are incorrigible," Bess spluttered.

"Well, I may have inherited a bratty streak from my aunt," Marcus chuckled, "Have a great afternoon Aunt Bess, hugs and licks."

Bess was at a loss for words. Silently, she waved goodbye and closed the chat window just in time to miss seeing Marcus slide the head of the rainbow-colored dildo to the back of his throat. She had her first orgasm with her own copy of Charles' cock only minutes later.

Marcus replayed the image in his mind of Bess' beautiful rounded breasts. He thought he remembered glinting reflections of light on either side of her right nipple, and almost convinced himself that it must be a piercing. Keeping the head of the dildo between his lips, he slid the base to the edge of the desk and tipped it forward. At the same time, he angled his head and neck as he had learned from Katherine. Slowly, he lowered his mouth over the slender shaft, taking it deeper with each successive stroke until his chin was touching the fingertips holding the base. He practiced breathing slowly and calmly with the dildo deep in his throat as he imagined it replaced by the thicker version. Three times Marcus took himself from sucking the head to gently fucking his own throat with the dildo before he decided that it was enough practice for one day.

As Marcus stood up from his chair, he let the thicker dildo in his ass slowly slide out until it was free. He took both dildos into the bathroom and washed them carefully, discarded the condom, and set the dildos on their bases to dry. He smiled as he thought about riding the thicker dildo while chatting with Aunt Bess, and she figured out that he was fucking himself with a toy while they talked, and then he had used the second dildo to spit-roast himself to practice with both cocks at once. Maybe, he thought, he could do it again before bed.

Cleaning up, Marcus slid the bulbous anal plug back into his ass to wait until it was time to serve the Stewarts' wine. Checking the time, he saw that he had an hour or so before he could expect Mr. Stewart to arrive home.

The sound of the garage door opening shook Marcus from his concentration on calculus. Closing his books with a small sigh of relief, he listened for the door between the hallway and garage and the lowering garage door that would signal that Charles was home and in the house. All those things happened at their usual pace and Marcus was soon heading up the hallway toward the living room and kitchen. As he rounded the corner Charles was already out of sight in the Stewarts' bedroom suite and a shower could be heard through the open double doors.

Marcus crossed the open living room and went into the kitchen through the area closer to the main entrance. He paused at the fridge to take out a bottle of wine and reached for two wine glasses in preparation for the Stewarts' end-of-day libation and chat. He was standing facing the counter and the living room, and trying to decide if the plug felt looser after riding the dildo for almost an hour when Mrs. Stewart's voice made him jump.

"Ah, there you are, perfect timing."

Katherine had appeared from the corner of the kitchen where the stairs to the basement were. She was wearing a tight yellow sports bra and matching cycling shorts, and her hair was tied in a loose ponytail at the back of her head. She was slightly out of breath and her skin shone with a thin layer of sweat. In her hand was a large, and empty, water bottle.

"Please fill this for me, Marcus, as much ice as you can get in it and then to the brim with water."

"Yes, ma'am," Marcus said as he moved quickly to act on her request.

After filling the bottle, Marcus turned toward Katherine to see that she had slipped off her sports bra while his attention was diverted.

"Uh ... here's your water, ma'am," Marcus said as he watched Katherine massage her breasts with relief after the tight bra.

"Thank you, sweetie," Katherine said with a broad smile as she took the bottle, "I guess you'll never know the relief of getting out of a bra after a workout."

"Oh ... uh ... no ma'am," spluttered Marcus.

"We could try, I suppose, to give you that experience," Katherine said with a wink before taking a sip from the bottle.

With a laugh she headed toward the bedroom, speaking again over her shoulder as she held up the water bottle.

"Keep my wine glass out please, I'll probably be ready for some after I have some of this and a shower."

"Yes, ma'am, I will be ready," Marcus said as she disappeared into the bedroom suite.

Charles exited the master suite soon after Katherine started her shower. He was wearing an open silk robe that reached only to mid-thigh and he'd not even made an attempt to draw it closed with the belt. He slid into his usual corner of one of the big sofas and looked over at Marcus.

"Yes, please Marcus, wine sounds like a grand idea."

Marcus approached with one wine glass and the chilled bottle of Chardonnay. As he placed the wine glass on the coffee table and poured, he kept his eyes on the glass to avoid lingering glances at Charles' soft cock.

'Definitely a shower, not a grower,' was the thought that ran through Marcus' head as he straightened up and looked over at Charles. He couldn't help but notice that Charles' flaccid cock wasn't much smaller that the dildos he had been playing with only a few hours previously.

Raising his gaze to Charles' face, Marcus was met with a grin and a raised eyebrow.

"You can taste it when Mrs. Stewart says you can," Charles said lightly, "I hear she's given you a copy to practice with?"

"Uh ... yes, sir," stammered Marcus at the bold question.

"Well, remember," Charles added with a laugh, "no teeth, right."

"Yes, sir," Marcus whispered.

Blushing, Marcus backed away until he could safely turn and head back to his station in the kitchen. Only after he was behind the counter and breathing slowly to control his racing heart did he realize that his cock was throbbing in its cage. The thought that he was practicing for Charles' cock and not just playing with the dildos to please Mrs. Stewart also had his ass tightening on the plug with the rhythm of his pulse.

Katherine came out of the bedroom suite a few moments later. She was wrapped in a towel that barely covered her from her breasts to just below her pussy and another lightweight towel was wrapped around her wet hair.

"Rather casual tonight, aren't we?" Charles quipped.

Katherine stuck her tongue out at Charles in response and turned to look at Marcus.

"I'll have that wine now Marcus, please, and thank you."

As Marcus did her bidding, Katherine sat in her usual spot across from Charles and stretched her legs out on the wide sofa.

"So, how was golf with Tom?"

"He plays just good enough to make his losses seem honest."

Katherine laughed, "You don't think he loses on purpose do you, just to be the guy who gives blowjobs to the winners, do you?"

"I have my suspicions," Charles replied, "he certainly was dropping hints of making it all up to me on the way back to his place to join Julie for lunch."

"So, did the two of you have Julie for lunch?"

Marcus bit his lip as he imagined Charles and Tom having their way with Julie, a vision that was crowded out by the thought of Tom and Julie sharing Charles' cock again.

"Do want all the spicy details?" Charles asked with a grin.

"I do," Katherine said, "but first I need Marcus to top up my wine, and I need his tongue in my pussy while you tell me about your visit with the Carters."

Marcus didn't wait to be told, he moved quickly to the living room and topped up both wine glasses. Setting the wine bottle on the coffee table he watched as Katherine unwrapped the towel around her body and sprawled on the sofa, leaving plenty of room for Marcus to lay flat between her spread thighs and apply his obedient tongue to her smooth pussy.

As he gently started licking Katherine's labia, Marcus' mind settled into a calm state that he knew could easily drift downward into subspace with the least nudging by Katherine's voice or touch. The intimacy of serving and servicing his Mistress as she continued to chat with her husband was a role he found exquisitely stimulating and also satisfying in the way it made him feel that this was his proper place. He licked gently and slowly, lapping at her pussy lips, then circling her clit with the tip of his tongue and taking his time before carefully separating her lips to slide his tongue inside. As he worked, he listened to the ongoing conversation.

"Well," began Charles, "I pulled into their driveway and I thought Tom was going to burst because I hadn't obviously picked up on any of his clumsy hints. I just smiled and said 'here we are, let's see what Julie's lunch plan is.' We walked inside and she immediately took charge. She sent Tom to shower in the spare room and took me by the hand to lead me to their master bedroom shower. She stripped me and pushed me right into the shower. Then she stripped off the t-shirt dress she was wearing and got in with me to soap and wash my body. That woman has a capacity for getting her fingers in all sorts of unexpected places."

Katherine laughed at the thought of Charles being molested by Julie in the shower.

"After the shower, she dried us off and she couldn't resist having a taste. My God, that woman can deep-throat a cock as well as her husband. Then she pulled away and told me that lunch was on the deck, clothing not required."

"I was only a few minutes behind her getting to the deck and she was already waiting for me. They've still got that lovely enclosed gazebo that they built around a king-size mattress platform. She was sitting cross-legged in the centre of the mattress crooking her finger at me to join her. As I crawled up to meet her she fell back and spread her legs wide."

"She whispered, and not very quietly, 'I've been fucking myself all morning with my toys but now I want a real cock, if you fuck me I'll tell Tom to lick us both clean afterward.'"