An Obedient Boy for Katherine


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"Strip," she ordered.

"Pardon me, ma'am," Marcus stammered.

"Are we going to have issues with you following clear instructions? Should we end this now?"

"No, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am."

"Strip. Fold your clothes and set them on that chair. I want to see you naked since you've now seen me naked."

Marcus did as he was told. Standing nervously in front of Katherine, he tried to cup his hands over his erection for modesty.

"Hands to your sides, or in back, never in front," Mrs. Stewart ordered.

Marcus moved his hands, feeling like he should sink into the carpet in embarrassment over displaying himself like this.

Mrs. Stewart sat back in her chair. She watched as Marcus' cock twitched with each pulse and a clear bead of pre-cum formed at the tip.

"How many times a day do you masturbate, Marcus? Two... three... four?"

Marcus squirmed and nodded.

"I think we will need to limit you to one orgasm per day, and those will be under my supervision. I have yet to decide if that will mean keeping you caged the rest of the time. Can I trust you not to jerk off without permission?"

"I don't know, ma'am," Marcus moaned.

"I guess that's a 'no'," Mrs. Stewart accepted.

"The second thing I need your agreement on is that the cum you produce, the cum I allow you to spurt, will not be wasted. You will lick it up, wherever it lands. A good boy always cleans up the messes he makes. Is that clear?"

Marcus' eyes widened. He had read of cum eating and had even tasted his own cum, just a drop on a fingertip, but he'd never imagined himself willingly lapping up entire loads of cum. He glanced down at Mrs. Stewart's breasts and lower to her pussy. He knew that he'd agree to almost anything to taste them.

"Yes, ma'am," he said softly.

"Good boy," Mrs. Stewart said.

She leaned forward and guided Marcus forward by fingertips on his hips until she had him standing between her spread knees. She smiled as she thought how close he must be to cumming in such close proximity to her naked body.

"You have a pretty cock, Marcus, and I suppose it would explode if I touched it. But, we aren't going to get the cage on if we don't do something about it, are we?"

"No, ma'am."

"If I make you cum on my breasts, do you promise to lick up every drop?"

Marcus inhaled deeply at the thought of licking and sucking Mrs. Stewart's breasts.

"Yes, ma'am," he said, his voice barely more than an excited squeak.

"Every drop, without having to be told again?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Tell me when you are ready to cum," Mrs. Stewart instructed as she cupped Marcus' balls with one hand and wrapped the fingers of her other hand around his throbbing shaft.

Marcus didn't have a chance before spurts of creamy cum started landing on Mrs. Stewart's breasts and upper chest. She stroked a few more times until the spurting ended and then squeezed the last drops into her hand. Holding her cum covered fingers up to Marcus, she spoke gently.

"Clean my hand, Marcus, and then you may lick my breasts."

Marcus sank to his knees and did as he was instructed. Caught in a post-orgasmic daze, he could only focus on the task he had been given, his mind drifting in a submissive state of knowing he was finally touching Mrs. Stewart's breasts with his eager tongue. Marcus lapped up every drop until Mrs. Stewart told him to stop and pushed his head back.

"Go into my bathroom, Marcus. There is a cold wet towel in the sink. Wring it out, wrap it around your cock and balls, and come back here. We will see how the cage fits."

Marcus followed Mrs. Stewart's instructions. He bit his lip to stifle a low moan when he saw that the "cold, wet towel" was actually sitting in a basin full of ice and water. He gasped as the cold cloth made contact and shuffled back to Mrs. Stewart as quickly as he could.

Smiling, Katherine made him wait with the towel held in place as she laid out the parts of the Holy Trainer. Waving the towel aside, she let Marcus continue to hold it out of the way as she quickly and efficiently slid the parts of the cage into place and inserted the lock cylinder. Turning the key, she withdrew in and sat back to admire her handiwork.

"I think this is going to work out just fine," she said, "one orgasm per day, maybe, and lessons for a slut boy's tongue to please me. Just think of the time you'll be saving for your studies if you can't jerk off four times a day."

"Maybe," the word kept flashing in Marcus' head after she said it.

"Thank you,... uh... Mistress," he said.

Mrs. Stewart stood up, so close that her breasts pressed against Marcus' upper chest.

"Now, let's see what you remember from our last session," she said as she slid one hand up Marcus' back to cradle his neck.

Leaning into the young man, her lips descended to his. She happily noted his attempt to stay relaxed and to open his lips to greet her kiss. She felt her pussy throb when Marcus moaned around her tongue.

Marcus was still open-mouthed and trembling when Katherine broke off the kiss. She was pleased that her presence and her lips could put him in such a state. Sliding one hand across Marcus' chest, she teased one hard nipple until he blinked and refocused on her gaze.

"Come with me, and show me what else you remember."

Laying back on her big bed, Katherine spread her legs wide and invited Marcus to crawl between them.

"Remember, seduction, and then commitment to pleasing a lady," she reminded the young man.

Marcus struggled to remember all the points she had mentioned when she showed him her pussy. His tongue explored each labia in turn, circling her clit at the top of each stroke, and didn't slide deep between those lips until he felt Mrs. Stewart relax and draw his face even closer.

"Make me cum, Marcus," she moaned softly.

She had her first orgasm as Marcus sucked gently on her clit. The second one came soon after as she pulled his face tight to her pussy and told him to keep licking as deeply as he could reach with his tongue.

Marcus' face was covered in Mrs. Stewart's pussy juices by the time he was finally pushed away. She inhaled deeply as she rode the final sensations of her orgasms, pleased that he was such an eager student. There is room for improvement, she thought, but the beginning was better than she had expected.

Sitting up, Katherine took Marcus' face in her hands. Eagerly she ran her tongue over his chin and each cheek before delivering a deep wet kiss.

"I love tasting pussy juices on a man's face," she said huskily, "it's as satisfying as kissing a man with a mouthful of cum and feeding it to him."

Marcus was startled by the implications of Mrs. Stewart's last remark. It formed an image that would stick with his horny brain for a while. He was wondering what his next move should be, what was expected of him, when Mrs. Stewart spoke.

"Before you go, I have something for you."

She stood and walked around the bed to the seating area in the other corner of the room. From one of the armchairs, she picked up a black shopping bag with cord handles. She turned to find Marcus starting to pick up his shorts and t-shirt to get dressed.

"You won't need those," she said.

Confused, Marcus paused.

Mrs. Stewart smiled as she placed the bag on the table where she had first sat and reached inside it. She took out two items and looked at Marcus.

"I like the black outfits that Sofia and Isabelle wear when they work in the house. I have decided that you should also have a uniform to wear in the house at all times. Here is one set, and there are more in the bag so you will always be able to wear a fresh set, after the gym, after working outside, and have enough to launder and cycle through them as needed."

With that, she handed the first item to Marcus.

"Put these on."

It was a pair of shorts. Designed to tightly hug his ass and hug his body from crotch to a low waistline, they were effectively an almost sheer black pair of booty shorts.

Marcus was immediately struck by how revealing they were, especially if anyone was close enough to realize his cock was caged under the shorts. Before he could say anything, Mrs. Stewart handed him the matching top. He slid into the equally sheer and tight sleeveless t-shirt. Pulling the lower hem down, he realized that it barely reached the waistline of the shorts and would expose his midriff with any movement.

Mrs. Stewart stepped close. Her manicured fingertips ran over shorts and shirt to confirm how well they fit Marcus' toned body.

"Very nice," she announced, "that is what you will now wear anytime you are home."

Smiling, she kept her hands on Marcus' chest and teased his nipples to hardness.

"I look forward to seeing how the fit changes as you continue to improve your muscle tone with the workout and diet we have you on. But I am pleased for now.

"Thank you, ma'am," Marcus said softly.

Mrs. Stewart grinned and raised one finger to touch Marcus' lips.

"What was that other form of address you used?"

"Mistress, thank you, Mistress," Marcus corrected himself.

"That's it," Mrs. Stewart said, "I like that one when it seems appropriate."

Cupping the locked cage on Marcus's genitals, Mrs. Stewart smiled and spoke.

"You have pleased me today, Marcus. In the morning I want to know how this felt for your first full day and night. Then we can, or I can decide if we need to change the plan I have in mind. Look after your usual chores today. If I need you for anything I will find you or call you from your room with the intercom."

"Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress," Marcus said as he gathered his clothes and the bag of new shorts and shirts and slipped from the room.

As he completed chores outside in the warm sun, Marcus was glad that none of the neighbors had a clear view of the Stewarts' yards. Later, in the gym, he found himself fighting the distraction of the way the shirt and shorts hugged his body so closely and wondered if women enjoyed the feel of their lycra workout clothes for the same reasons. By the mid-afternoon, he was showered, changed into a fresh house uniform, and trying to focus on reviewing class notes.

When Mr. Stewart got home after golf and a long lunch he first headed for the shower. Walking out of his bathroom naked, he found Katherine waiting for him on their bed. He smiled and watched as she slid a thick dildo deep into her pussy while she pinched and rolled one hard nipple with the fingers of her other hand.

"Can I help with that?" Mr. Stewart asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," Katherine said coquettishly, "I have been waiting all day for your cock."

"Well, you seem to be doing quite well all by yourself."

"Come here and fuck me Charles, and this dildo can go back in my pussy when you are ready to let me swallow your cum."

"That sounds like a reasonable proposal," Charles said with a smile as he moved onto the bed between Katherine spread thighs.

"Oh, God," Katherine moaned as her husband's cock slid deep into her waiting pussy, "it a good thing your cock is bigger than Marcus' or I'd lock yours up and fuck him everyday."

Charles' thrusting and then the quick move to fill Katherine's mouth with cock ensured she didn't say much else that was coherent. After filling his wife's mouth with cum, Charles slowly fucked her with the dildo as she continued to ride her own waves of pleasure.

"So, my dear, shall we shower together, or in neutral corners?"

With a smile, Katherine replied, "Separately please, that way you'll be done first and have my wine poured when I come out to tell you about my day."

Sitting in their usual spots in the living room, Katherine was soon entertaining Charles with the story of her day.

"For his first attempt, his tongue is pretty good."

"As good as Bess?" Charles asked with a sparkle in his eye.

"Well, not yet, of course," Katherine countered, "but with training and practice, there is potential."

Charles drained his glass and motioned to Katherine to inquire if she was ready for more wine.

Katherine grinned and held up one finger to make him pause. Then she picked up her phone, called up the intercom app, and spoke.

Marcus started upright on his bed as the speaker in the maid's room came to life with an introductory tone.

"Marcus, this is Mrs. Stewart, please come out to the living room."

Charles smiled as he watched his wife exercise the authority she had assumed over her new toy.

Marcus came down the hallway quickly. Wearing only the shorts and sleeveless shirt over the cage on his cock, he was still adjusting to how exposed it made him feel. Turning the corner into the living room, he halted momentarily when he saw that both Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were in the room.

"Over here, Marcus," Mrs. Stewart directed with a tone that indicated he should not have paused.

Approaching carefully, Marcus tried to move as close as he thought was necessary without moving into Mr. Stewart's peripheral vision. Ignoring his hesitancy, Mrs. Stewart spoke.

"Please get the bottle of Chardonnay on the door of the fridge, and refill our glasses."

Marcus accepted that he was not going to be able to avoid being closely examined by Mr. Stewart in his new house uniform. He retrieved the wine and filled each glass halfway, taking care not to let the bottle drip. He silently thanked his mother, a long-time waitress, for having taught him to turn the bottle as the pour ended to achieve that. A part-time job at the restaurant during high school made it a practiced skill.

Stepping back with the bottle, Mrs. Stewart looked up at him.

"Thank you, Marcus, I will let you know if we need anything else."

Replacing the bottle in the fridge, Marcus breathed a sigh of relief as he passed back down the hallway to his room.

"Smooth," Charles toasted his wife as Marcus disappeared, "will he be as composed to serve wine like that with a guest bouncing on my cock?"

"Soon enough," Katherine replied, "I think he's going to turn out to be quite the delightful service sub."

That night, Charles and Katherine slept well after another long slow fuck. Marcus, in contrast, tossed and turned as his cock ached and struggled to grow in its cage. He was almost happy when the alarm went off and he could jump in a cool shower.

Walking back into the living room that morning, Marcus was assessing that his first full day in the chastity cage wasn't as bad as online stories had led him to expect. The close confines of the cage effectively trained his cock to not try to get hard, although there were those times he created conflicting desires with online porn, much of his discomfort was self-inflicted. He also discovered that nighttime erections were something outside of his control, though the cage readily dealt with those too.

Looking toward the Stewarts' bedroom door, Marcus saw that it was still closed.

"Over here, Marcus," Mrs. Stewart's voice came from the dining area table.

Approaching, Marcus stopped a few feet away from where Mrs. Stewart sat with her coffee. She wore a flowing yellow knee-length sun dress. On the table beside her cup was one of the keys to the lock cylinder holding the Holy Trainer cage closed. She had placed it on a long silver chain.

"Grab a coffee if you want, and have a seat here with me," she said.

Put slightly off-balance by the conversational tone, Marcus poured himself a small coffee and took the offered seat.

With manicured fingers, Mrs. Stewart toyed with the key. It was a movement that Marcus had to fight against watching and focused on keeping eye contact as she spoke.

"Tell me, Marcus, how was your first day in chastity."

"It was...," he paused to find the right words, "a bit of a roller-coaster. It was difficult to adjust to not being able to get hard, but I managed to find that staying relaxed helped, so that was good. Nighttime was a bit of a challenge and it woke me a few times. It doesn't hurt, just gets tight and uncomfortable when it stops me from getting hard, it's like it's training me to not get hard without permission. I started to like the way it held me, it kind of felt like you were always there keeping me company. I guess it was okay."

Mrs. Stewart considered his words as she sipped her coffee.

"Thank you, Marcus. I am pleased to see that you have given it some thought and are not fighting the idea of the cage. I would like to continue its use and we will have to work out some routines for daily cleaning and shaving, and of taking care of your occasional desire to cum when I think it is deserved."

"Yes ma'am," Marcus replied, his eyes flicking downward toward the key she held.

"I don't want you to cum today, Marcus," Mrs. Stewart continued, "can you agree to that for me?"

"Yes, Mistress," Marcus whispered.

"Good boy, I am going to give you this key for now. Go and shower, shave, and then replace the cage and bring me the key. Take a bowl of ice from the fridge here if you think you will need it. I am trusting you to do this without supervision."

"Yes, ma'am, thank you, ma'am," Marcus said as the key and chain were slid across the table to him.

Twenty minutes later, Marcus slid the lock cylinder back into place. Showered, shaved, the cage cleaned and back in place with the help of an ice-cold towel, he reached for a fresh set of his house uniform shorts and shirt. He looked in the bag and realized that at the rate he might be changing, he was going to have to run a load of laundry every two or three days to stay ahead of the game. One more steady chore that can't be missed, he thought to himself.

Returning to the kitchen, he found that Mr. Stewart was now at the table with his coffee and a tablet to review the news. Mrs. Stewart was probably, Marcus assumed, behind the closed doors of their suite.

"Uh, good morning... sir," Marcus said softly, "will Mrs. Stewart be coming back out?"

Charles looked up at the young man and offered a friendly smile.

"When she's ready I suppose," he quipped as he indicated the key and chain Marcus held, "you can give that to me and get on with your day. I'll make sure she knows when you returned it."

Marcus lowered the key and chain into Mr. Stewart's outstretched hand.

"Thank you, sir," he said.

As he walked slowly back down the hall to his room, it was not lost on Marcus that the lock on his cock was not controlled just by Mrs. Stewart, but also by her husband.

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sissychloesissychloe6 months ago

so pleased i read this in chastity otherwise id have made quite a mess.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

If there's a home invasions, will Mrs. Stewart go to investigate, or will she ask her husband to check it out?

This storyline has gotten very old and very worn.

JodailyJodailyabout 1 year ago

Jesus H Mary and Joseph! Hard all the way through. Tasty sticky hand now! Love that the first time he was officially allowed to cum for her it was on her tits, and then he had to lick all that wad of jizz up. Gotta figure a youngster all riled up shot a good sized load. Can't wait for her to feed him back his juice and a mouthful of hubby's too. Oh what fun. Hot.

LeoLewinskyLeoLewinskyabout 1 year ago

Such a nice story, well written and with very nice possibilities. But then since the chastityshit happened, its getting quite boring. There are so many interesting a entertaining possibilities with bondage, collaring, chaines and dogcages. But again, only the same chastityshit you have to ready everywhere now. It ruins every creative fantasy, because its always the same blackmail and betrayshit. Pity, It started so good....*sigh*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, what an arrangement Marcus has with this loving couple. The Stewarts have Marcus in a stranglehold that hopefully will end with Marcus being released after his schooling. Will his mom find out? What adventures will await Marcus?

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