An Unexpected Distraction Pt. 01

Story Info
Two, young & inexperienced lovers find each other.
20.3k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/15/2021
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Part 1

Chapter 1

"And Steven, I need this to be done by Monday morning. The work needs to be peer reviewed and signed off by management. The contractors need the changes by Tuesday."

Steven immediately knew his weekend was a work weekend when Mr. Kyle stepped into his cubicle.

"Yes Sir, Mr. Kyle. I'll have everything completed and submitted to Charles first thing Monday," Steven replied.

"Thank you, Steven," Mr. Kyle said. "As you know, I have come to rely on you for these sorts of things, and we have discussed your role and accomplishments with the firm before. You have demonstrated to me, and to others, your ability to get short term, high priority projects done, on time, and with few or no corrections. I recognize I may have interrupted your plans for the weekend, and if that is the case, come see me late Monday afternoon. Contact Estelle to set up a meeting."

"Yes Sir," Steven replied.

With that, Mr. Kyle turned and left. A few seconds later, Tom, the office neighbor, appeared at the entrance of Steven's cubicle.

"I just overheard your visit with Mr. Kyle. Did you have something special planned for the weekend?"

Steven let off a long sigh and said, "Really, I didn't have anything special planned. I was just going to relax, you know, a light workout at the gym; a walk at the park for a little fresh air; some cooking; maybe some gaming. That's all. Do you and Liz have anything planned?"

"Yeah. We're going to my in-laws' home in Columbia," Tom replied. "The kids love their grandma and grandpa. They've been asking us to visit for a month now. I've got the best in-laws; they've always got something going on and the conversations are always fun."

"That sounds great, Tom. I would say have a great weekend, but, it appears you already will!" Steven mused.

Steven finished a quick specification on a project, left his office, and walked down the hall to Charles' office.

Chapter 2

"I need two draughts, a vodka martini, very dirty, and a Manhattan."

"Got it," replied Theresa to Sarah.

Henry was watching Theresa as she was making the drinks and commented, "Wow Theresa, your hands are a blur working those drinks."

"Thanks, Henry. I've had lots of practice working here since I was 15, plus, my daddy and brother have been very patient with me," Theresa said, with a smile.

Theresa had just moved to the day shift at Big Mike's, her father's pub, and was just learning the names of the regulars for the late morning and afternoon. Her father was managing the day shift and her older brother was managing the night shift.

"Theresa! Will you come back to the office when you get a break, please?" barked Mike.

"Yes, Sir!" Theresa replied.

"Thanks for making the drinks, Theresa," Sarah said. Theresa gave her a wink and nod.

Sensing a break, Theresa made her way to her father's office while drying her hands with a towel.

"What's up, Daddy?"

Mike said, "Theresa, I wanted to tell you how happy I am you are working the day shift. I have missed you so much when you were working with Michael. I've been watching you since you've been here. I can't help but tell you how much you remind me of your mother when she first started working for me. You and your mother are so beautiful and look so much alike at your age. I never dreamed, and feel so blessed, to have you and Michael working here."

Theresa reached for her father's hand and pulled him towards her into a warm and gentle hug.

"I love you, Daddy."

Chapter 3

"Come in Steven and have a seat."

Steven just arrived at Charles' office to discuss the problems with the Houston bank project.

"Mr. Kyle just left a few minutes ago, and wanted me to brief you on your assignment," Charles began. "The architect called this morning and informed us the structural specifications were incorrect for the Houston bank project. It seems the specifications for floors 3 thru 7 were assigned to a very junior architect and no one reviewed their work. A senior architect happened to review the drawings and specs and reported the error. They offered to make the corrections and promised to deliver the specifications by the end of the month. Mr. Kyle hit the ceiling, and demanded a 3-day turnaround. They insisted they couldn't do it in 3 days. Mr. Kyle told the architect he had an engineer who could do it in three days and that he was going to bill them for the engineer's time and materials to get the correct specs. So, now you're all caught up with what needs to be done."

Steven digested the briefing, and said, "Wow, I suppose the junior architect and his boss are going to hear about that one! I will need those drawings and specifications as a starting point, plus the drawings and specs for floors 1 and 2 and floors 8 thru 12. I want to ensure those specs are also valid and are compatible with the revised specifications for floors 3 thru 7. I will also need the footings and pilings data."

"Steven, I already have them copied onto this flash drive," Charles said, as he pushed the device across his desk to Steven. He smiled. "I anticipated your request, because I would ask the same if I was given this assignment. I know this is going to affect your weekend. Did you have any plans?"

"No, not really anything important. Just some relaxing at home," Steven replied. "Will I have any support staff for this weekend if I need them?"

"Again, I knew you would ask. I have informed Mark and Susan to expect your calls for support," Charles said.

"Thank you, Charles. I didn't know you could read me so well," Steven replied, with a smirk.

Charles replied, "Steven, I knew when I hired you 3 years ago you would be a great asset to the firm. I underestimated you, though. You've been a fantastic addition to our engineering and construction practice; so much so, we've come to depend on you to get us and others out of bad situations, along with your regular assignments. In every case, you make us look good in the eyes of our clients. You have done it so often, I can anticipate your needs before you ask me."

"I will get to work on this right away," Steven said. "I'm leaving the office to do this work because of the short turnaround. I don't want the distractions of the office to cut into the time I have available. I'll work from home and turn off my phone to limit interruptions and I will retrieve voice and text messages every 2 to 3 hours, if you need me."

"Good... Call me if you need anything."

Chapter 4

"I'll have a Bud and I'm buying my friend's drink, too."

After taking the other man's order, Theresa turned to collect the beers from the refrigerator. The pub was getting a little busy, considering Sarah and Theresa were the only ones working.

Just as Theresa closed the refrigerator and turned towards the bar, she noticed a young man enter the pub and head directly to the first booth along the side wall of the pub. He was carrying two soft sided bags and placed them on the booth table. He took a seat in the booth with his back to the street; facing the bar.

Theresa quickly looked for Sarah to see if she had seen the new customer. After delivering the beers to the men at the bar, she looked again at the young man in the booth. She noticed he was cute; handsome even. As she moved to get a closer look at the young man, she noticed he was busy with his bags and appeared to be bringing a computer and other items out of the bags.

Theresa again looked for Sarah to see if she noticed the young man. Sarah was giving her attention to existing customers towards the rear of the pub.

Theresa looked at the young man a third time. He was definitely handsome; dark hair, and well-groomed. He had a strong jaw and facial features. His arms seemed to have lean and powerful muscles. His masculine shoulders and chest were defined by the button-down shirt with an open collar. He had a slight hint of five o'clock shadow. He was too far away to discern the color of his eyes, but they appeared dark and enhanced his looks. She would need a closer look.

Just then, Theresa noticed Sarah had seen the new customer and she was walking towards the front of the pub.

"Sarah! Come here!"

Chapter 5

"Hi Steven, I wanted to stop by and let you know I'm available to help you this weekend. Is there anything you need before you leave?"

Steven turned toward Susan and smiled.

"Hi Susan, thanks for helping me if I need you," Steven began. "I know you weren't given a choice, so I really appreciate you stopping by. Take your laptop home and wait until I call. I may or may not call you for help this weekend."

On the way out the door, Steven decided to stop by Big Mike's to get started on his project. A drink and some water with lemon would help him concentrate on the details necessary for this project. It was two blocks from the office, and the high-backed booths offered some privacy, so he could concentrate on the details of the project. Besides, he needed to walk off some of the stress on this late February day.

Steven sat in the first booth along the wall, nearest the front door. He began taking items out of his bags and placing them on the table. While his laptop was booting up, he grabbed his phone to power it off, when...

"Welcome to Big Mike's. My name is Theresa. May I take your order?"

Steven froze. That voice. Unlike any voice he had heard in his young 25 years. The tone and delivery were so stunning and so pleasing to the ear, it sent shivers through his body.

Regaining his composure from hearing the enchanting voice, Steven slowly looked up from his phone and saw a woman standing 4 feet away. While slowly raising his gaze toward the woman's face, he noticed a pair of low-rise blue jeans. So low in the front, he thought, if they were any lower, he might see something he most likely shouldn't see.

She definitely had a feminine and youthful figure. She had a slim waist which was accentuated by her slightly curvy hips. But what captured his attention, was her beautiful flawless skin between the top of her jeans and the lower part of her shirt, which fell to just below her belly button. Her tummy was flat, yet feminine; really very sexy.

Continuing his gaze toward the voice which sent pleasant chills through his soul, he noticed the charcoal, light weight t-shirt. It was draped loosely across her perfectly shaped breasts. She had a perfectly proportioned figure.

Still, continuing toward her face, Steven caught himself admiring her narrow and feminine shoulders; and beautiful flawless skin. A small, heart shaped pendant hung just below her neck from a tiny, thin golden chain.

Again, continuing his gaze upward past her slender and feminine neck, he gazed upon her face.

Oh, My God!

Chapter 6

Theresa had seen this look hundreds; no, thousands of times before, and she was not surprised with the handsome customer's reaction. But, his reaction was different. Much different. It was crystal clear to Theresa there was no malice in his behavior, unlike many of her previous customers who were crude, crass, inconsiderate, rude, and... drunk.

He was studying her. She could sense it. Feel it. Not in a sterile way, but, in a way of great appreciation. She could see the change in his face as his gaze rose along her body.

He seemed to be absorbing her figure at an accelerated rate. Again, she could sense it. Feel it. She did not feel uncomfortable or threatened with his actions.

This man was clearly different than other customers.

She took note that he paused slightly; just slightly, at her neckline. He definitely had seen something of particular interest. A crease of a smile came across his lips.

As he continued his gaze toward her face, Theresa knew she was pretty; even beautiful. She had inherited her mother's beauty. She knew in her heart and past experiences this man was about to... but it did not happen.

Never before had she seen a man gaze upon her the way this man was. She had never seen this reaction before. His eyes never left her eyes. Theresa got her first close up look at this handsome customer.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to his eyes. His eyes were dark. So dark they were nearly black. Yet, they had a kind and considerate intensity to them. Out of nowhere, she felt her heart quicken and a lump form in her chest. "Who is this man?" she thought.

Again, she repeated her request.

"Would you like a drink, Sir?"

Chapter 7

Steven was paralyzed. Before him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Momentarily, he considered "beautiful" may very well be an inadequate word.

She was perfect. Her eyes were piercing and kind. With a blue the color of a morning sky; with a hint of gray. She wore minimum of eye shadow and eyeliner. Lashes which were thick and long, accentuated by raven black eyebrows. She had raven black hair; parted slightly to the right side and pulled back behind her ears. Two piercings in each ear, which held a small silver loop earring, and a silver stud. She had high cheek bones, and the most feminine nose. Her lips were full, but, not too much, highlighted with a light pink lip gloss, and formed into a slight smirk of a smile which expressed the same curiosity as her eyebrows and eyes. Yet, the most stunning and most beautiful feature was her skin. Flawless. Milky white. Not one blemish.

Perfect; and stunning.

"Would you like a drink, Sir?" Theresa said, with a raised left eyebrow and smirk of a smile.

Steven was suddenly overwhelmed with embarrassment. He could feel the redness on his face and neck. He caught himself staring too long. Yep, she noticed, he thought.

"Uh... uh... uh..."

Steven was suddenly stricken speechless and immediately noticed his mouth and throat were dry as the Arizona desert. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get a word out of his mouth. He prayed for divine intervention to release, at least, a competent word.

Even during this moment of utter idiocrasy, his eyes never left the eyes of the woman standing before him.

"Yes... I am sorry. I don't know what came over me," he began. "Well, I do know what came over me and what caused it, but... I will take a bourbon over ice and a tall glass of water with 2 lemon slices, please."

"Yes, Sir. I'll be back in a few moments with your bourbon, and water with lemon.," she chirped.

With that, she smiled broadly and cheerfully at her customer, and then, she stepped slightly forward, spun around on the ball of her foot, and walked toward the bar.

Steven noticed as she walked away her raven black hair was perfectly straight, full, and trimmed below the shoulder blades in a broad U-shape. With each step she took, her hair swayed across her back, yet not one hair seemed to be out of place.

Glancing quickly toward her shoes, she was wearing black cloth high top basketball shoes. "They must be comfortable for her", he thought.

Before she turned the corner of the bar, Steven noticed the low-rise blue jeans she was wearing from the back. There was no doubt in Steven's mind that if she were to bend over, even slightly, her butt crack would appear; and couldn't help but wonder, with curiosity, how the jeans remained on her hips. He "was" an engineer. And, to end the perfections he had seen up to this point, her glutes were well rounded and proportioned to the rest of her figure. Her buns wiggled inside the tight jeans as she walked away.

As she rounded the corner of the bar, she looked toward him and...



Chapter 8

"I saw what you were doing. And why him? That was my table and you swiped it from me."

Sarah was waiting on Theresa as she returned to the bar; arms crossed; scowl on her face.

"I saw him walk in and I thought he was cute," Theresa replied, while she was pouring bourbon... smiling all the while, and looking in the direction of the handsome customer.

"From here, I can tell he is more than cute," Sarah barked. "That's why you swiped the table from me, isn't it?"

"Yes... I admit it," said Theresa. "I stole your table. Any tip he leaves, I'll give it to you, OK? I wanted a closer look, that's all." Theresa sighed.

Sarah replied, "Well? Tell me about the closer look or I'm going over there myself."

"I'll tell you later. I need to deliver his drinks, and for you... Stay away, unless I wave you in," Theresa directed.

Sarah whispered, "You know... he hasn't taken his eyes off you since you left the booth."

Theresa placed the drinks on a tray and was about to round the corner of the bar, when she replied to Sarah, with a wink, "I know."

While Theresa was returning to the booth, she noticed the handsome customer was continuing to watch every move she made.

Chapter 9

Steven noticed the woman was smiling in his direction while working behind the bar. Suddenly, Steven realized he didn't know her name. He was certain she gave him her name when she first appeared at the booth, but, he was so shocked and stunned with her heavenly voice, he could not remember her name. Urgently, and straining, Steven desperately tried to recall her words. Just as she was rounding the corner of the bar... he remembered.

"Theresa! That's it! Theresa!" he thought.

Steven saw Theresa approaching his booth and he willed himself into a self-confident smile, despite the absolutely gorgeous woman rapidly approach him.

"Don't stutter... Don't stutter... Don't stare awkwardly .... And for God's sake, don't say anything stupid or corny," he thought, while maintaining his smile and eye contact.

"Here's your bourbon on ice and water with lemon," Theresa said, looking directly at Steven, while placing the drinks on the table. "Would you like to start a tab with these drinks?"

Again, Theresa's voice melted Steven soul. "Oh, My God!" Steven thought. "I still can't utter a single word. WHY?"

Then suddenly, and without delay, Steven's words spilled out, "Thank you. I think I would prefer to pay as I go, if that will be OK?"

Steven was grateful he spoke the words without sounding like a stuttering mess.

"Of course, you can. That will be four fifty," Theresa replied, with a much greater and very appealing smile.

Steven reached into his front pocket for his money clip, peeled off a twenty-dollar bill, and extended his hand toward Theresa. Steven watched in horror the quivering twenty-dollar bill at the end of his hand; his hand was visibly, but, subtly, shaking. Steven looked to Theresa to see her reaction. "My God! She sees my hand shaking," Steven cried to himself.

Steven saw the amused expression wash over Theresa's face, and then, she looked him straight in the eye with a cheerfulness on her face.

"Thank you," she said, while softly, and briefly, touching his hand before taking the bill from his fingers. "I'll be right back with your change."

And then again, Theresa took a short step toward Steven, spun around on one foot, and walked toward the bar, briefly turning her head toward Steven and smiled.

For what seemed to be the hundredth time in 5 minutes, Steven felt like a dork after Theresa's brief touch to his hand.

"What's wrong with me?"

Chapter 10

As Theresa rounded the corner of the bar, she turned toward the handsome customer and smiled. He was still watching her, and this time.... He smiled back. Walking directly to the register she keyed in the order, and removed the change from the cash drawer. While there, she took another quick look toward her handsome customer.

Still watching; still smiling. She returned his smile.

"I need a Cab Sav and a dark draught, please," barked Sarah, as she noticed Theresa's gaze toward the front of the pub. "What are you doing now? Are you flirting with him? Your father will hit the ceiling if he finds out."

Theresa replied with a smirk, "I might be, and Daddy won't hit the ceiling. Turn red maybe, but not the ceiling. I don't know what it is, but there is something about him; something of importance; it's his demeanor; the way he dresses; the way he walked into the pub. But... I'm curious and I think I would like to find out. I do know this; I have his attention and I would like to keep it for a little while."