An Unhappy Reunion Pt. 03

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Jane had to say those fateful words, “I was a bad girl …”
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/22/2019
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Everyone having sex is at least 18. This story is a work of fiction. I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is, a fun story. Special thanks to rancher46 and RF-Fast for editing my story and improving it.

Author's note: I often don't go back and add to a story. Over the years, in this one story, readers have frequently asked for another part. It's been on my mind for a while. I suggest reading the first two parts. If you want to ignore that, here are the spoilers to help this make sense. Stop reading now if you want to go back.

Dave saved many lives during the war. After college, he worked as a Financial Advisor for a friend that was saved. His dad dies, and he discovers his mother made two sisters sex slaves because he took off for the army. He takes all four sisters, two of whom are in poverty, shopping in nearby Portland. After an altercation with the mother, they all return to New York, get jobs, and attend school. Jane, his fiancé, says the hateful words, "Dave, I was a bad girl ..." So here we go ...

Chapter 16 -- I was a bad girl ...

Jane and I are still recovering from sex when she drops a bomb on me. Jane and I are naked, sweaty, and breathing hard. The rest of the family is dressed sexily and standing in my doorway.

Jane says, "While you were gone, I was a bad girl ..." and stops in a tired, worn-out voice. I need more information. How bad is this? Better yet, how much is this going to hurt me?

It takes a moment for my mouth to speak something others understand. In my defense, I'm still exhausted. My sisters look amused and sit along the edge of the bed. They all have a hand on one of us and use a loving touch to show they care about us. It's a tender moment we all share.

I ask Jane, "Would you like to clarify that? Did you kill someone, fuck a dozen men, spend all my money? Out with it, what did you do?"

Jane is a bit defensive now; she wasn't expecting my sour attitude. I smile to get her talking. Oh yes, this is going to suck.

Jane has tears in her eyes as she begins her story, "In high school, Pat Stromberg was my best friend. You should remember her, she had huge tits, and you drooled on her. Hell, every man did. We did everything together. After high school, I worked with my family at the diner. Pat lost her parents in an auto accident right after graduation. She couldn't stay around because, emotionally, it was killing her. In every part of town, she had a memory of one of her parents.

"She loved the forest and wanted to visit Olympic National Park in Washington state. The last time I saw her was when she left in her small Toyota. We exchange pictures and emails for a year. She stopped responding to me for no reason, so I stopped sending her email. I texted her about us and wanted her to be my bride's maid."

There is a severe change in her mood. My terrible feeling just got worse.

Jane continues somberly, "She has a somewhat jealous boyfriend that's protected on the reservation; she's living in his shack. The local police won't touch him. It seems they fear him, so they protect him. Nothing the state can do either. She left three times. He beats her and drags her back.

I kiss Jane on her cheeks, "I know people out there. I'll investigate it for you. We'll get her back."

I thought that would make her happy, but it didn't. Oh shit, there's more.

Jane continues, "I looked it up, and it's a tiny town. They will know an outsider. Please don't get someone killed. Promise me."

She lunges for me and is crying hard.

I smirk, "Maybe I'll just drive up there and ask her to come home with me. I'm pretty good at that, you know."

That only made her cry more. My sisters all try to surround Jane and comfort her.

Daisy's lip is trembling, "That sounds dangerous. I don't like it."

With an attitude, I say, "What, you think I will let that asshole ruin MY wedding? No way! I know people. I'll have the locals inquire, then my buddies and I will stop by if needed. We're careful. You know that."

Everyone lets up on Jane, and she continues, "There's more."

I fake my surprise, "What? There's more to this story than saving a friend from an abusive husband?"

Jane smiles but still has tears running down her face.

Jane does manage to say, "When you were gone, your VP friend and the other women on the plane with us all took me out to some amazing Broadway shows. Your friends took me dancing and to some nice restaurants. At one of the bars, they got me a bit drunk."

I hear a previously unseen JoAnn call out from the hallway, "Bullshit! I had to help you walk up the stairs and get you in bed. You were drunk as a skunk. That was no bit of you that WASN'T drunk."

Jane laughs and then continues, "They asked me many questions about you. We had a blast that night. No guys, just us women. They were talking about things they do. I told them how I like to cook steaks. I may have suggested that we would host a pool party with them, and I would cook."

I am relieved. That could have gone all kinds of bad.

Jane continues again, looking bashful. Yikes! The needle swings back to bad.

Jane is looking down, but her eyes are looking up at me, "I may have suggested that it would be a nude pool party, and we might have a role play night."

That started a big argument. Daisy and Nell don't want me fucking other women. Kara and Lisa thought it was an excellent idea. If it wasn't me, they were talking about, this would be funny.

JoAnn uses a low, commanding voice that makes everyone shut up, "Dave needs to show these girls at work that he doesn't have sex with his sisters. Otherwise, they will be blackmailing you for sex later. I understand you don't want to share him; I agree. This is losing the battle but winning the war. Think about the long term; this is going to work out well."

Everyone is silent as they think this over. For them, it's easy, what's best for them. I must think of what's best for us, now and long term. JoAnn's right. Losing a battle may be the smart play. We need to discuss this more, and right now is not the best time.

I start giving orders, "Frank, I want everything there is to know about that guy. With a town that small, they all know what's going on. I don't think we can count on the law. To be safe, we might need a few extra friends. This guy may be an MMA fighter or a ninja, for all I know.

"Get Jay and Jack involved again. We will need to find her and, of course, get her out. How do we stop them from coming after her and me after she's here? We need a plan. I would not mind state help if we can trust them. I have my doubts on that."

Speaking to everyone, "OK, it's bedtime. It's been a long day. I'm worn out and need sleep. I have a kidnapping to plot, the taming of a wild man, and a roleplay night that includes my sisters but keeps them away from me."


The following day ...

"Hey Ted, it's Dave, your financial advisor," I greet my friend.

A happy Ted smiles, "Hey, Dave. I hope you don't have bad news for me. Did the market just crash?"

I laugh, "No, my friend, this is a personal call."

Ted chuckles, "Well, well, well. This is something new. What can I do for you, buddy?"

I like this guy, "I've been busy. My father died, I saved my sisters from a bad situation, found an old flame, got shot, and am getting married."

Ted is amazed, "Damn, you got shot? Holly crap, man, are you OK? I can't go losing you."

I chuckle, "No, I'm fine. I had my flack jacket on. I broke a rib, and it's all healed now. Just yesterday, I got the clearance to have sex again."

Ted laughs, "Damn, you lucky bastard. I bet New York is in mourning at losing you. Those women must be crying a river. So. What do you need me for if it's all good and your sex life is doing well?"

He's so predictable, "I have a problem. My fiancé's Maid of Honor is living out your way. She's trapped in an abusive relationship with a guy named John Lightfoot."

Ted says, "Shit."

I continue, "Jane, my fiancé, and her friend, Pat Stromberg, go way back. I've heard he doesn't like his woman leaving. How bad is this?"

Ted takes a moment, "That dude spent three tours in Afghanistan. He's a real badass. He's PTSD, is crazy, jealous, drinks, and is abusive. The guy works; getting her out is no problem. Keeping her is the issue. He's crazy and protected by the reservation police. They and everyone else are scared to death of him."

My reply is appropriate, "Fuck. Sorry."

Ted chuckles, "No, you said it right. The worst part is he's smart. We all know the punk, and there's nothing we can do. I'm only state; you would need at least federal level help. They would slap his wrist, and, in a few days, he'd be at your house to hurt you. Find a new Maid of Honor."

I chuckle, "Sorry, Ted, I can't do that. I'm a knight in shining armor that seeks out damsels in distress. There's a spell on me that drives me to save them. Last time it was my family, this time it will be a friend of the family. This guy is far more dangerous than I expected; I will need to take care."

Ted offers, "He works at the local garage fixing cars. He's a nine-to-five guy. The guy is huge, was shot several times, and is a royal pain in the ass. We've gotten to the point of avoiding him if we can. I've taken too many fists from him. You watch yourself and be certain to bring lots of help. He is a dirty mother, be careful."

I end the call, "Thanks, Ted, I got what I needed to know. You've been most helpful. If this works out, as I hope it will, I will take care of your issue. Your review is in a few months; I'll schedule something then, just to ensure we're on track. Bye." Click.

I have a plan in mind already. Nobody is going to like it, but I think it'll work. It's lunchtime now, then it's back to calling customers and reviewing their portfolios. I have three scheduled for this afternoon. It's going to be a long day.


At 4:30, my last call just ended. Sonny, Samantha, Paula, and Anna stroll into my office. They all have smiles on their faces. They close my door as they walk into my room. I hold court often, so my office is rare because I have six chairs in front of my desk for situations like this. Nobody else has more than two. I catch a lot of shit for so many chairs, yet often it's not enough as we discuss strategies and their customers.

Sonny is the most aggressive of the women in the office. She is the spokesman for this group.

Sonny inquires, "Has Jane had a talk with you yet?"

OK, time to play games.

I smile as I tease them, "Oh yes, we had quite the time last night. We started planning a wedding."

A sad Samantha asks, "She didn't mention us? She invited us over."

I am amused as I say, "She invited YOU to MY house? That's kind of presumptuous. Since you're all friends now, I'll stay away from the house for you. You can have your girl's day out."

Anna smiles, "You know, don't you?"

I smile at her.

Sonny is fire and brimstone, "You asshole, you could have just told us."

I fire back, "You get my fiancé drunk, talk her into hosting a pool party, then make it a nude party with me the only male. Damn, right, I'm going to give you a hard time. When you all get married, I'll bring my sisters by to fuck your man, hoping one of them will be better for you and steal him away from you. Great idea?"

Paula can see it now, "Sonny, this plan doesn't sound so great. Why would we do this to him?"

Sonny isn't backing down, "Why? Look at this guy. Have you ever met a nicer or more decent man ... ever? He makes even my father look vile. I bet she didn't tell Dave why she agreed to this."

What? There's more?

Sonny has a predatory grin on her face, "Oh yes, I can see the doubt in your face. She didn't tell you everything. She ..."

Paula cuts her off, "SONNY! Stop. Let me explain it. You're too direct. Let me explain it so that you don't ruin this for us. You're a fucking bull in a China shop that's been stabbed with a sword.

Paula gets up, walks behind my desk, and sits on my lap. She turns to me, hugs me, thrusts her chest into me, and forces her soft breasts into my hard chest. She pulls away and lightly kisses me on my lips.

Paula talks with a soft voice, "We know you well. We have spent far more time around you than probably anyone else you know. We know what an awesome guy you are. Because of that familiarity, we have seen happiness in you the last few weeks that's been absent from your life. Seeing you and then Jane, we know you're hooked on that woman. You have no hope of being taken from that woman outside of death.

"We are happy for you. Nobody has helped our customers or us more than you have. It's not even close. We were all drunk off our asses the one night. That next day, I hurt terribly. So, anyway, Jane told us about her conversation with Daisy while we were talking. Her description was amazingly descriptive. Nothing gets me to orgasm faster than thinking about that story."

She readjusts on my lap and thinks for a moment, recollecting her thoughts and planning her next move.

Paula continues with a soft voice, "We KNOW you practice incest with Daisy, and it's not too hard to believe that you service the others as well. Daisy and Jane share your room, and the others get time with you until they find their own men. Oh, don't worry, nobody else knows. You know we can blackmail you, right?"

This is the worst day of my life. I'm ruined. We will have to sell everything and get the hell out of the country quickly.

Just a fraction of a second before I toss Paula to the floor, Sonny says in a soft, sexy voice, "Hey. Don't go getting worked up. You've been way too good to us over the years. We're all where we are because of you. You're our cash cow. There isn't anything we do to hurt you. Actually, it's just the opposite. By stopping by and telling people how well you fucked us, they will be less likely to think you're into your sisters. We will only mention Jane."

Anna adds, "WE need to protect YOU. Anything happens to you, and we're fucked. We would like to see you, you and Jane, you and Daisy, and then us and any sister we can, to experience mutually enjoyable sex."

Samantha smiles, "If we can get you, AWESOME, but it's not part of the bargain. We're here because we think Jane's a 'bad girl' and probably guided you in a different direction."

She did say she was a "bad girl." I just had no idea how bad she was. I think I need to change my plans. Oh hell, either way, she wins. My life sure is a mess right now. I need to save a woman, stop her crazy boyfriend, and have sex with Jane and Daisy while convincing my sisters to have sex with four employees from work at a nude cookout. Sure, Dave, this happens all the time.

Oooooo, I just had an idea. Ha, ha, ha, ha. YES! It's perfect. It solves all my problems. I like this idea. I'm pleased with myself. It's Wednesday. I can fly out there Friday afternoon, come home, and then have the pool party on Sunday. That's a hell of a week. I have a lot of planning to do. I need a car, an airplane ticket, talk to Tony, buy some aged steaks from the butcher, and get everything else we need for Sunday. If I'm kidnapping a woman, she won't have much. That means that we need to go shopping on Saturday. I have a letter to write for John Lightfoot. I smile at myself for this plan. It's perfect, and it's going to be so much fun. Oh yeah, I need backup in Jim and Jake.

Chapter 17 -- Knight Saves Princess

It's 10:00 AM on Friday. I came in to check my email and verify there were no emergencies. I didn't even dress for work. I half came in because I'm closer to the airport than home. Frank will have my weapon and vest in the car. There is a line of people to see me off. Everyone knows about the weekend due to some unfortunate leaks. I get the third degree about not getting shot or killed. I also get lots of hugs and kisses for what I'm going to do.

It's funny that Jane wasn't even awake to see me off at home. Daisy gave me a small kiss on the lips and never said anything. They both know I'm not expecting trouble, but I was still surprised at their lack of concern. They must have a ton of faith in me.

It might also have something to do with Jane's phone call to Jim and Jake, asking them to watch over me in Washington. Jane nor Daisy told me; it was Jim and Jake. They're pissed at me for doing this solo.

I have good accurate intel from my buddy, the state trooper. I'm confident. The scary part isn't today; it will be later. That's when I need the backup.


10:30, and we are wheels up. We took off within moments of closing the door. It's six hours in the air but only three hours on the ground due to time zones. I got into Seattle at 1:30 PM and then took thirty minutes to get a car and get on my way. Jim and Jake stayed behind, but Frank came with me, just in case.

In my day, I was quite the soldier. These days, I'm not much. Frank is even rougher and tougher than when he was in the service. He takes his job and my security very seriously. We have a good two-hour car ride to the house. It's near 4:00 PM when we roll up in our white Suburban.

A Suburban has eight cylinders and is a heavy truck. If that asshole tries to run me off the road, he's in a world of hurt. He won't know I was there, so there should be no problems.

Nobody greets us, so I knock on the door. The boyfriend would have just walked in; this should help her know we're friends.

I hear a female voice yell, "GO AWAY!"

I yell back, "Pat! I have one hour to get you and your personal belongings out of here before John returns. Let us in, get your stuff, and get the hell out of here."

The door opens.

"Dave!" yells a beautiful woman with huge breasts.

I remark, "Do you have any personal mementos, pictures, or jewelry you want to bring with you? I'll buy you clothes. We're in a rush."

She runs into the house, and we follow. She grabs a pillowcase and throws her stuff in the makeshift bag. She doesn't have much. As we're walking out, she opens a closed door, and there is another gorgeous woman with four children.

They are scared to death of Frank and me, but they run to Pat when she says, "Follow me."

As we're running out, Frank says, "I thought it was just one girl?"

I'm clueless as well. "Me too."

I turn around and run back inside. There is a table by the couch. I knock everything off the table and lay on it an airplane ticket to New York, a gift certificate for Tony's for one, and my business card. Then I leave an envelope with a letter inside, addressed to John.

I'm almost giggling as I run out to the car. We are immediately speeding down the county road, back to the interstate. There are two children in the back seat.

I tell the two children, "If you see John coming after us, I want to know immediately. Can you do that?"

They both answer, "Yes, sir."

The children look to be in their teens. The last thing they want to see is John, so they diligently watch behind us. He wouldn't catch up to us unless he went home early. With a forty-minute head start, plus his twenty-minute drive there and back, he has no chance.

Pat is still scared as she looks at me, "You know this isn't over, right?"

I look her in the eyes, "I'm counting on that. Don't worry; John isn't the only person that played in the sandbox while in the service. I will take care of everything. I didn't plan on a second family, though."

Pat looks at me pleadingly, "He would have killed them for letting me get away. They are good people. Can you help them?"

What am I going to do with two more women and four children? The house is already full. I couldn't leave them there.

The four children are all delighted to be flying. The youngest is probably seven or eight and is shy. She stays near her mother. The others run to the door as I say we want out of here quickly. Frank was smart. He called home while in the car because we had a few extra bodies, and we were safe. They will buy some inflatable mattresses to help until we sort things out.