Anal Alice Act 08


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She'd hadn't seen Emily in some time, not since Emily had gone to the local college. So she couldn't have been stupid like those guys had said. Alice wondered if she could go to college one day, and meet up with Emily again. She hadn't heard much from her and missed her.

Mike had told Alice there was a huge rape culture on the campus, but Mike said that sort of stuff about everywhere, it was just something he liked to say. Then again, now that Alice felt she was a bit more worldwise and understood guys a little bit better, she supposed it would be very common. There was a lot of drinking and drugs in college, Alice knew, and apparently it was easy to get into random girls' rooms. The college wasn't very forward thinking and almost all of its staff were men, so it was no doubt they had very lax rules on campus rape. Mike -- who, to be fair to him, knew people there -- said that girls just didn't bother to report it usually, because the male staff asked you a lot of really detailed questions about what happened (such as what you were wearing, how you were flirting and dancing, how drunk you were, how much you struggled or shouted for help, how it felt, how many and how big the guys were, how long it lasted, if you got any pleasure from it, what holes they forced their dicks in, where and how many times the guys came, and so on) but it never got anywhere, and girls could get a reputation for being snitches and party-poopers, either making them unpopular or meaning that they only got taken advantage of all the more. As Alice understood it, complaining about it just drew attention to yourself and got more guys excited to have a go on you. The young and innocent first years definitely were the biggest targets. The first week, Mike said, was often just a whole week of nonstop rape for the hottest girls.

Alice didn't know if Mike said all this stuff to bother her or just be silly, or because it seemed to be one of his favourite topics he was passionate about. She was used to it though.

'Guys don't really care about consent,' Emily had told Alice, during a rare phone chat. 'It's just not as important to them as it can be to us. Sooner you get used to that the better off you'll be, babe. And the easier you'll make friends with them and be more popular. Besides, nobody likes a drama-queen.' She was still in her first year. Alice had forgotten about Emily saying that, but now she remembered it quite vividly.

She shook her head. She had to stop daydreaming! The pulse of her sore ass and dried-out throat brought her back again. She got slowly and unsteadily to her feet, holding on to the tree she'd been sitting under as another dizzy spell hit her. Her head felt full of bees.

She swayed back to the trailer, and upon stumbling inside immediately got herself a blessed glass of water, downed it, then drank another.

'Nice day?'

Alice span around. Dan was on the couch, grinning.

'You, you . . .!' Alice jabbed a finger at him repeatedly, but she couldn't get the words out. She pouted and put her hands to her face -- still so sticky! She hugged her chest and frowned at him, her eyes prickling, annoyed at herself for the outburst. She suddenly felt all upset again.

'What's the problem, sis?' Dan asked, all concerned.

Alice deflated again. She wanted to cry but didn't know why. It shouldn't have been a big deal. But hadn't he promised not to tell people? She couldn't even remember if he had or not. Maybe that was a different brother. Or was entirely in her own head.

'Come on,' Dan said soothingly. 'Sit down by your big brother and tell me all about it.'

She said down next to him, squirming. The ache of her bottom immediately reminded her of what she'd been through. She must have looked such a mess to him. Nobody should see her like this, least of all her brother. 'Did you -- did you -- tell anyone . . .'

'Tell anyone what? What a lovely, beautiful, cute little sister I have?'

She stuck out her bottom lip at him. Her eyes welled up. His compliments confused her, making her insides feel all chaotic.


'Did you tell anyone I took it in the bottom!' Alice accused suddenly, her eyes wide, her voice a desperate whine.

Dan smiled. 'Oh, that. I just wanted to share how wonderful you are with the outside world. Is that so bad?'

Alice swallowed. 'You told them I was wonderful?'

'Of course! They loved hearing about my little sister's sexy fat bottom. And how wonderful it felt to fuck.'

Alice squirmed again, not wanting to look him in the eyes. 'It got me -- it got me . . .' She could barely say it. 'Your friends r-raped me!' Tears fell from her eyes.

'Oh, Alice, no . . .' Dan's face had fallen and he reached out for her. She fell into his arms. His big, brotherly-loving arms. 'I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding,' he added.

'Mmm I don't think it was,' Alice moaned into his chest. 'They put . . . they put themselves in me. For ages . . .'

'They must have been really excited to be with you. You can't blame them for finding you attractive, can you? For finding how you're dressed really desirable?'

'No, but, I mean . . . I'm not, but . . .'

'Ssh, ssh.' He stroked her hair. 'Of course you are. You're gorgeous, sis. Any man would be lucky to have you. My friends were just jealous of me and Mike having you all to ourselves. They wanted you because of how amazing you are, that's all. They probably just got a bit carried away.'

'They raped me . . .'

'I'm sure there was just a bit of miscommunication,' Dan said. 'I mean, come on Alice, you're not even wearing a bra or panties. They could probably see your pussy and pouting asshole. What did you expect would happen?'

'Umm . . . I don't know. I didn't really think . . .'

'You don't really do much thinking,' Dan said in a kind tone. 'They probably saw you looking as good as you do, dressed as incredibly slutty like you are, with your tits practically falling out of your top and your teen asscheeks completely on display under that tiny fucking skirt, and thought you wanted it too. I mean you do look up for it. You always do. But you know they didn't mean any harm, don't you?'

'I know they didn't . . .' Alice sniffed. She had to admit he had good points. It had been very silly and naïve of her to go out dressed like this, maybe she was to blame for what happened. 'I don't look good anymore though,' she mumbled. 'Not like this.'

Dan laughed softly. 'You look better than ever. You look so sexy, Alice. I'm serious. Fuck do you look fuckable. Getting roughly fucked by my friends clearly really suits you.'

She sniffed again. 'I don't understand. Thank you, though.' She still felt a big well of feeling in every inch of her, but he had stopped making her quite so upset and annoyed. She felt very vulnerable, though, like a little child after having a tantrum.

He must have sensed this, for he said, 'Come on, lie down on your side. I'll give you a cuddle.'

'Ummm.' She really wanted to but was suddenly concerned. Surely it was all in her head, but . . . 'You won't, um, try anything will you?'

'What do you mean?'

'Not . . . put anything in me or anything. I've had a hard day.'

'Yes, you have.' He stroked her cheek lovingly with the back of his hand. She could feel it spread the not-completely-dried sticky mess on her face around slightly, and realised how silly she must look. She frowned, looked into his eyes for a few moments -- then realised he hadn't properly answered her. 'Well?' she asked, though immediately bit her lip, worried that her tone was too demanding. He wasn't the one who'd raped her. Well, not this time.

'I promise I'll try to resist your sexy ass,' he said. He winked and grinned.

She smiled at him, grateful, but still hesitated, not wanting to seem too eager. But he put his hand on her arm and softly but firmly pushed her down onto her side.

He lay down himself, behind her on the couch, and put his arms around her. Her mind was feeling too sheltered by him to consider that a normal cuddle would be facing each other. Not that there was anything wrong with being her brother's little spoon. It made her feel really nice in her upset.

'I'm sorry for shouting at you,' Alice mumbled, as he squeezed her to him from behind.

'That's okay, Alice.' He ran one hand down her side and squeezed her thigh. 'I can't stay mad at my little sister. My sexy little anal loving sister.'

"Anal loving" slipped through and past her brain before she could even dwell on it. It was already forgotten.

Dan cuddled her slowly and warmly, as the long, comforting minutes passed by. He moved his hands over her thighs and soft stomach, along her neck, stroking her cheeks, her sides, gently -- and then more firmly and lovingly -- touching her breasts and her ass.

She was adrift, her mind casting itself into sweet, reassuring pastures, when she realised something that brought her back to reality.

'Umm, Dan . . .' she started. Maybe he had drifted off himself, cuddling her, and not realised that his pants had slipped down during the movements. But she could feel rubbing against her aching backdoor what she now knew for certain was his big cock. He was very hard.

'Sssh, it's okay,' Dan whispered, softly squeezing her big boobs with one hand and using the other to rub his cockhead against her sticky asshole. 'It's just to make you feel better. Just relax.' His voice was so warm and comforting. She tried to relax, to trust his words.

He was nudging into her, hugging her so close and intimately. His thick cock pressed against her butthole and both arms wrapped once more around her. Her mind was so blitzed that she began to drift off again despite everything. His hands felt nice on her, squeezing her soft parts to comfort her . . . He was such a good brother. He could still give good cuddles like he used to . . .

She was shocked out of her dreamy reverie, her mouth gaping open as she drew breath in sharply. 'Unghh!' She panted for breath. 'Dan!'

'Oh, sorry sis. It just slipped in by accident. Wow, those guys must really have done a number on your asshole. It was just so open and wet! Well, might as well make the most of it.'

'You said you wouldn't!' She scrunched her face up, feeling herself going bright red. She could feel him pulling out and pushing deeply in again. Her ass was so sensitive right now, but she had the weird idea that his big cock was trying to quench the ache with its movements. Despite the heady discomfort, it had that strange almost satisfying quality, like pressing on a bruise even though you knew it would hurt.

'I said I would try not to. But it's not my fault you're not wearing panties, like a massive slut, is it? Besides, your ass practically sucked it in. I only tried to hug you closer and my dick just went right up there. Your well-used asshole didn't even resist!'

'It's not my fault,' Alice mumbled. 'It's given up resisting.'

'Hot,' Dan said. 'I guess your sexy ass just still wants it so fucking bad even now.'

'It doesn't!'

'I know you secretly want it Alice. Well, not secret at all. You fucking love it. You leave the house looking like an absolute teen whore, not to mention total rapebait, and even after my mates give your sexy self a seeing to, and you got the attention you crave, you still want more from your own brother. Your horny butt is insatiable.'

'No . . . it's had enough . . .' She was reminded of Big Jim forcing himself inside her. This was nowhere near so bad, because even though her anus was super tender, Dan was being tender himself, not violently ramming into a tight hole but steadily stuffing -- and emptying, and stuffing again -- a poor, unresisting, recently stretched and cum-filled ass. An ass feeling very sorry for itself. And he was her caring brother too, instead of a group of guys she hardly knew, so that made it better.

But still, this wasn't fair! She had asked him not to, hadn't she? He slowly increased his pumping rhythm, running his hand over her sweaty, sticky face and using his other inside her top to squeeze her naked tits and pinch her fattened nipples. She groaned. She tried to struggle out of it, moaning and whimpering, but he had a firm grasp around her in his brotherly cuddle and her struggles came to nothing except to further excite his thick cock in his little sister's abused backdoor.

Emily came to her mind again, telling her how guys definitely wouldn't ever stop once they'd started. 'You can change your mind all you want,' Emily had said. 'But guys won't. Once they're in, that's it, they're gonna see the job through. You can yell and struggle and beg all you like but you better face facts -- you're in it till they've cum. That's all they can care about in those moments. If you'd rather it ended, you might as well encourage them to finish faster.'

She stopped struggling, and tried to be a good little sister. Hopefully he'd finish in her soon and leave her alone. She supposed that she should have been firmer and not let him begin. Then again, it had been an accident . . . Maybe she shouldn't have cuddled him, but she'd really needed it after her earlier experience. She supposed it was nobody's fault really. She couldn't really expect Dan to take it out once he was in. She knew now how much he truly loved her ass.

It'd be over soon.

'Fuck, you're so wet inside, sis,' her brother grunted. 'It's pumping out around my dick. Sounds and feels so good. How many times did they cum in you? And on you . . .'

'I don't know,' Alice mumbled. 'I think I was passed out for some of it.'

Dan groaned. 'Fuck, really? That's so hot.'

Alice frowned. There was still so much she didn't understand. Maybe some guys just were attracted to girls more when they were unconscious. Maybe it made the girls better at sex or something, she didn't know. She wondered what she'd looked like earlier, fast asleep with four guys all over her and inside her, bouncing and flopping her about like a doll on the summer grass. She supposed maybe it would seem a fun activity to guys, a bit different. She hoped she'd looked nice, anyway. Even if she'd ended up with silly hair all over the place and her clothes all disarray showing her boobs and bare ass.

'Who's my perfect little sister,' Dan breathed.

'Umm,' Alice said, unsure if she was supposed to respond. His compliments seemed to butt against her unfocused, under-pressure brain.

'Don't play games, you know the answer. Who's my perfect little sister.'

'I ammm.' His words, as they never failed to do, sent a spurt of warmth through her body. He always knew how to make her feel special and loved. She was so lucky to have brothers like that, no matter if they might sometimes not fully listen to her requests of what not to do to her.

'Yess that's right. My perfect little anal sister.' He gripped her ass and bottomed out inside her, making her squeal. He groaned hotly into her ear.

It was at that moment she opened her eyes and saw her dad standing there by the door, a beer in his hand, staring at them. Dan must not have realised; he was still engaged in the repeated pumping of her fat bottom.

'What's going on here then?' her dad said.

Dan slowed his thrusting. 'Shit, sorry dad. Didn't see you there.'

'Did she seduce you again?'

'Yeah, you know how it is.'

'Yes I do,' her father said, still staring at them. 'I still can't get over how much of a slut she's become, especially recently. Reminds me a bit of your mom when she was younger. Take it your dick's in her ass?'

'Sure thing. Just went right up there. Feels damn good.'

'I don't doubt it. Natural born ass whore, clearly.'

Alice was mortified. She wanted to look anywhere but her father. How embarrassing! He had his non-beer-hand idly clutching his shorts, where there was a large bulge for some reason -- maybe something in his pocket. He was fondling it absently, eyes transfixed on the scene.

'You've been very naughty, Alice,' her father said thickly.

'I'm sorry, daddy . . .' Alice moaned. 'I can't help it.'

'I know. It's in your genes. Soon as I saw what way your figure was going, how your ass was growing, what it did to guys, I could see what would happen sooner or later. Especially with how much you always teased your brothers and me with it.'

Alice bit her lip. Shame flooded her. Her dad thought he teased her too! She had no idea. All this time and her whole family -- well not her mom, hopefully -- had felt tormented by her teenage bottom. And probably her big boobs and supposedly slutty face, too. She didn't know what she was doing wrong, only that she clearly had been. She realised with a humiliated flush that she had brought it all on herself. All because of her body, and the way she dressed, and her behaviour that she hadn't realised excited guys so much that even her brothers and father had to do their moral best to resist her. Her brothers must have struggled so much. Each time they saw her was probably a challenge. She admired how strongly they must try, even when they inevitably kept failing.

Well, at least her daddy, being a responsible and mature adult, had even stronger resistance and would never give in to her naïve temptations.

'At least we don't have to worry about you getting knocked up,' her dad chuckled, cutting across her thoughts. 'Have a nice time, son. Alice, I want to see you tomorrow, to have a chat about all this.'

'Mmkay,' Alice replied, bright red. Trying to pretend that the dirty sloppy anal noises of her brother fucking her apparently ever-needy bottom weren't filling the room, or that her dad might not be able to smell the hot, rich nastiness of her ass being so completely reamed.

When she next opened her eyes, her father had gone.

Dan continued, with great enthusiasm.

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Neon_UltraNeon_Ultraover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you Anon, I'm glad somebody reads the forwards!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm very glad you wrote your forward

Neon_UltraNeon_Ultraover 2 years agoAuthor

I can't believe I've only just noticed all the italics never showed up here! Resubmitting... grrr...

Neon_UltraNeon_Ultraabout 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Anon, that is high praise indeed! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I can’t wait for daddy to fuck Alice’s fat ass, I’m so excited, this is by far the best piece of porn, written or not, that I’ve ever seen.

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