Anatomy of a Teacher's Affair


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The kiss continued, but both women were moaning now as they fondled and finger-fucked each other. Finally Lynette broke the kiss and leaned back just enough so she could talk. "Oh fuck! That feels good. God. What you're doing to my tits is so good.

Lynette was silent as she leaned back and savored the moment. Then, as she continued to finger-fuck Cassie, she asked her, "Do you want me to get you off like this? Like we did in Howard's office?"

"Uh . . . Yes; yeah sure; Oh god yes!" Cassie was panting as Lynette began to ramp up the speed and force of her assault on Cassie's cunt. "Oh . . . wait. No. No, what I really want is for you to eat me. Like I did to you in Howard's office. Can you do that? Can you please Lynette? I want you to eat me."

"Oh, so that's what you want, you horny little slut. You want me to lick your pussy and your clit? Is that what you want?" As she spoke she let her thumb drift up and just barely flick Cassie's clit.

"Oh!" Cassie screamed.

"Shhh! Someone will hear us!" Lynette said. She continued to pump her fingers into Cassie's cunt. Not hard enough to make her cum. Just hard enough to keep her pot boiling.

"No, no. It's okay. Nobody can hear us upstairs. I fucked Howard down here one time while there was a gymnastics meet going on upstairs. Nobody heard a thing and I made a lot of noise while he was doing me with that big cock of his."

Cassie pushed Lynette back and walked over to the stack of mats. She threw a couple of them on the floor and then stripped off her sundress and the bra and panties she wore beneath it. Cassie flopped down on her back on the mats and lay with her legs spread, her hands playing with her tits. "Oh fuck, Lynette. I'm so horny. I need you to finish me."

Lynette finished pulling off her swimsuit so she was naked and then dropped to her knees between Cassie's legs. Cassie reached down with her hands and pulled her legs back so her knees were on either side of her chest and her hips rolled up presenting her gleaming cunt to Lynette. Lynette stared for a moment at the wanton young woman, "Cassie," she said. "I've never done this before."

"Doesn't matter. Just do to me what you like having Howard do to you when he eats you. That's how I did it to you in his office that day."

"Okay." Lynette lowered herself to the mat and placed her face immediately in front of Cassie's dripping pussy. She began to massage one of Cassie's tits while she reinserted two and then three fingers into Cassie's cunt. Then she began to stroke Cassie's slit between her labia with long, slow, sloppy wet strokes of her tongue that stopped just short of her clit. She had tasted her own juices while masturbating and found Cassie to be about the same. It didn't bother her. Besides she was too horny herself, to let something like the taste of Cassie's pussy bother her.

Cassie was moaning, crying, and pushing her hips into Lynette's face. Oh, this is so hot, Lynette thought. Why didn't I do this with someone years ago?

"My clit. Suck on my clit," Cassie moaned between gasps and cries. Her hands were on Lynette's head now, trying to pull her farther up.

Lynette rotated her hand that was fucking Cassie's cunt and began to use all three fingers to massage the front of Cassie's cunt. Some people say there is no such thing as a G-spot, but whatever, Lynette's rubbing was driving Cassie wild.

Lynette sat up on her haunches and watched Cassie hanging on the edge of her orgasm. Her right hand continued to fuck her.

"Lynette! Oh fuck, that's good. I don't know what you're doing but . . . Fuck even Howard never did that."

"Are you ready to cum you horny slut? Do you want it now?"

"Yes, yes. Oh god yes. Just make me cum, Lynette."

Lynette leaned forward. While she maintained the pressure on the front wall of Cassie's cunt, she placed her mouth over her swollen and protruding clit. She swirled her tongue around it and then sucked it into her mouth and did what Cassie had done to her. She softly nibbled Cassie's clit with her teeth.

That set Cassie off. She screamed and a flood of liquid squirted from her cunt. As she came she clamped her legs around Lynette's back and used her hands to hold her face against her pussy.

Eventually, her climax completed, Cassie relaxed and unwound so she was simply lying on her back with her legs on either side of Lynette who was sitting back on her haunches grinning at the spent young woman.

"That looked like a good one, girl," Lynette said.

"It was. At least as good as anything Howard does."

Now they reversed positions, and Cassie ate Lynette to a screaming climax. It had to be quick because Cassie had to get back to work, but Lynette was so aroused that it only took Cassie a few minutes to get her off.

They talked as they got dressed and restacked the mats.

"Uh . . ." Cassie said, sounding shy. "Can we do some more of that?"

"Mmmmm. Yes," Lynette said without a moment's hesitation. "Where and when?"

"How about my apartment. My roommate's gone for the summer."

"Great. I bet it's better than that dingy motel Howard has been taking me to."

"But what about your husband?" Cassie asked.

"Don't worry. I'm not bringing him. Sex isn't his thing. He's out of town tonight, and so are my twins, so what time? I'll explain about my husband over wine tonight."

They were both dressed now and at the top of the stairs. Cassie peaked out the door. "Okay, it's clear. Come over about seven," she told Lynette.

Cassie went to the right, back to her office job, and Lynette walked quickly to the pool where she jumped in and swam a couple of laps to wash off the smell of sex.

She showed up at Cassie's place at seven with a pizza and a bottle of wine. They quickly consumed the wine, but didn't get around to the pizza for several hours. But that's what microwave ovens are for.

Cassie became a regular thing for Lynette for the remainder of the summer. In addition to the sex, she also found Lynette to be a smart, interesting young woman. They both agreed that their summer was so much better than their relationships with Howard had been. But . . . what to do when Howard returned?

The End of Something

Lynette sighed as she listened to Howard snoring softly beside her in the dingy motel. Yes, it certainly had become complicated. First she had gone to bed with Howard just because her husband was ignoring her. Then it had become a regular thing—once a week in this seedy motel. And yes, she enjoyed it, but by June she had decided it was just the sex she was enjoying. Howard was a dullard.

Then he had left for the summer and Cassie had fallen into her life. Unlike Howard, Cassie was an interesting person who acted like she cared about things—intelligent, talkative, forthcoming, informed on a wide variety of issues. Cassie was everything Lynette wanted in a lover, except for one thing. She wasn't a man. The sex with her over the summer had been great. Two or three times a week of great. But by the end of summer Lynette had decided that Cassie had one serious failing as a lover—she wasn't a man.

Apparently Cassie felt the same, because at the end of the summer she had suddenly announced she was moving to Minnesota to marry an old boyfriend. She and Lynette had one last sexual romp, and then she was gone. Lynette felt a little bad abut losing Cassie as a friend and a lover, but as much as Lynette enjoyed the sex with Cassie, she had to admit to herself she still liked men, and wanted them, and needed them.

Then school started again, and Howard was back from his summer travels, wanting to resume their love affair. Lynette quickly agreed to resume their regular schedule of Thursday afternoon trysts at the motel. This was Lynette's second Thursday at the motel with Howard since he had returned, and just like the prior week, the sex had been great. But as she lay there listening to Howard softly snore, she couldn't help but question whether her affair with Howard was really the solution to her problems.

"My problems," she told herself, "go well beyond the lack of sex in my marriage. Not only does Andrew seem to have no interest in sex, he really lacks any interest in me, period. We don't talk about much of anything other than him telling me when he is bringing clients to dinner and how I should treat them. Hell, we don't even argue."

"So do I continue my affair with Howard, and have two men in my life who barely notice I'm there? I don't want a divorce, but maybe I should dump Howard and look for another lover."

She sighed and looked at her watch. "Can't solve these problems now. I have to get home and get dressed to go out to dinner with Andrew and his clients." She swung her feet to the floor and walked naked to the tacky little bathroom, to clean herself up, fix her make-up (which Howard had pretty much smeared all over her face), and get dressed. She left Howard snoring on the bed.

Ten minutes later she came out dressed and presentable—just another middle-aged grammar school teacher (except of course she had no panties on—those had gone to Howard as usual). She woke Howard up and reminded him that he needed to give her a ride back to the school to pick up her car.

"Oh. Yeah right. This is one of your nights out with Hubby." He chuckled knowing how bad Lynette's relationship with her husband was. Then he stretched and yawned before he rolled out of bed and began pulling his clothes on. No comment at all about what they had spent the last hour doing.

Probably thinking about whether he needs to pick up a six-pack on his way home, Lynette thought as she suffered his indifference.

Howard ran his fingers through his hair doing a cursory finger comb and was about to walk out the door when Lynette pulled him back. "Wait a minute. Let's get my lipstick off your face."

"Nah, I'll take care of it later," Howard said as he stepped out the door.

Just as they got to his car another car wheeled into the lot.

"Oh shit!" Howard said.

"What?" Lynette asked, not recognizing the car.

"It's my wife."

"Oh." Why is that a concern, Lynette wondered, remembering what Howard had said months ago about his wife's indifference to his extra-marital activities.

Mary's car pulled in next to Howard's and Mary got out slamming the car door. She walked around the back of both cars so she was standing a few feet from Howard and Lynette.

"So, this is your latest slut!" Mary said. "How long have you been screwing her? I'll bet it's been since the Christmas party last year. I remember her now. She was the one who was climbing all over you on the dance floor until I cut in."

Lynette stood in shock unable to think of anything to say.

"No, no baby. It's not what you think." Howard said trying to talk his way out of being caught almost red-handed. Lynette's lipstick smeared across his face didn't add to his credibility.

"Howard, you lying sack of shit. You've been screwing this bimbo for months, and I can prove it."

Howard just looked at Mary. His mouth was moving but no sound was coming out.

Mary reached in her purse and pulled something out. When she threw it at Howard and it fanned out into a spreading collection of brightly colored pieces of cloth—women's panties. Lynette realized they were her panties—the ones Howard had been collecting every time they got together. Just like the pair she was sure he had in his jacket pocket now.

"I found these in the back of your sock drawer. Are these all from this slut?" she asked nodding to Lynette, "or are some of them from some other little tart you've been fucking?"

Looking at the bits of colored cloth scattered on the pavement before Howard's feet, Lynette realized that some of them were not hers. Probably Cassie's, she thought. Mary had so far been more or less ignoring her, so Lynette decided to keep her mouth shut.

"No, no. It's not what you think." Howard said, repeating himself for lack of anything else to say in his defense."

"Oh, yes it is." Mary said. "A year ago you promised me you were through with other women. You lied to me, didn't you Howard? I suppose you told some kind of lie to her too," Mary said again, indicating Lynette by nodding toward her.

"He said he had an open marriage and that his wife didn't care who he was screwing." Lynette said, speaking up for the first time. She had a distinctly irritated tone in her voice.

Mary turned and looked at Lynette in silence. A long, hard stare. Then she turned back to face Howard. "Is that what you told her Howard? I'll just bet it was. You lied to me and you lied to her, not that your lies are any excuse for her conduct."

Howard finally got his courage up enough to actually say something, which was, as it turned out a moment later, a mistake. "Mary, this is not the right time or place for this discussion. Get in your car and go home. I'll be home soon, and we can discuss it in private. Lynette get in the car, and I'll take you back to the school."

"No, not this time, Howard," Mary said. As she spoke she reached in her purse and pulled out a pistol. Gripping it with both hands, she pointed it at Howard. Lynette knew nothing about firearms, but it looked huge to her. She put her hand to her mouth, frozen in shock and fear.

Howard started to speak, but he never got a word out before Mary shot him. The nine-millimeter slug hit him square in the chest and knocked him off his feet, killing him immediately.

Lynette screamed and Mary turned towards her, giving Lynette a look that she would remember, but not understand, for the rest of her life. Then she calmly put the barrel of the pistol in her mouth pulled the trigger. The shot killed her instantly, blowing much of the back of her head off as the bullet exited.


A year has passed since Lynette's affair with Howard ended in the parking lot behind the tawdry motel. The police quickly exonerated her, pronouncing the two deaths the result of a murder-suicide, but the whole story made the papers.

Lynette is still in counseling for the post-traumatic stress arising from witnessing the murder-suicide. She's making progress, but still has nightmares, and she can't drive by the motel without triggering an anxiety attack.

Surprisingly, she is also in marriage counseling with her husband Andrew. When she first told Andrew everything, they had a huge screaming contest, and he wanted to divorce her. By the time they finished yelling, Lynette was ready to let him.

Instead, after a couple of days of steely silence, Andrew suggested marriage counseling as an alternative to divorce. At their first counseling session, the counselor listened to each party's description of the source of their problems until she thought she understood the issues. Then she began to ask each of them pointed questions designed to get them to understand the other's perspective. It was easy for Lynette to understand her failings, but Andrew struggled with acknowledging his role in their problems. After several sessions Andrew finally came to understand Lynette's motivation and acknowledged that his obsession with his business had perhaps driven him to ignore Lynette and made him at least partially responsible for her affair and it's consequences.

The twins have gone away to college, so Lynette and Andrew live together in a house that is much too large for them. They still have a lot of wounds to heal, but now they do have occasional sex. It's nothing like she had with Howard or Cassie, but it's sex, and they have real conversations about a range of topics nearly every day. They can't quite figure out if they are still in love, but they at least like living with each other again.

But (somehow there is always a "but" in Lynette's life) the new principal at Lynette's school is really cute, and he keeps hitting on her. She knows she shouldn't, but . . .

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26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Now that’s an interesting way to stop some cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The last line ruined it. Why would any principal, whose predecessor was killed by his wife over Lynette, entertain a single thought of bedding her? If nothing else, every eye in the school and likely the extended district/trust administration was alert for any repeat of her and Howard's assignations.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Edit it down to about 3-4 pages, and it's a solid story. Too much navel-gazing, and too much repetitive internal dialogue. A good, solid story that just needs a good, aggressive edit.

OfakanofaOfakanofaabout 3 years ago
Well. She's doomed

Andrew comes home finding Lynette screwing the new principal in bed. Andrew puts a bullet in her lovers head and on in his own, unfortunately for Lynette, Andrew only brought two bullets. Now witnessing two murder/suicides, she is now in a padded room waiting for the invenitable to show up as the guards watch and laugh at her misrey

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Mary should have shot both cheaters before killing herself off.

Why spare Lynette, the no good slut. She deserved to die as well?

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