Andrea's Concern

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She is concerned about her son's popularity with the women.
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Author's note: This is a fictional tale. All characters involved in sexual activities are over the age of 18 years.

All rights reserved with the original author. Don't post it elsewhere without permission.


Edited by : WAA01


"Here he comes!" Andrea muttered as she remained still against the window. Peeking through the curtains, she shook her head. Her eyes were trained on the handsome and suave figure walking towards her house.

It was a young man, in a high school uniform. He looked so cool and sure of himself, which was extremely rare for someone of his age and life experience. He had sandy blonde hair, a shade darker than her own bright blonde ones. With an assured smile on his face, he waved towards the group of his friends who were taking off in their cars.

Suddenly, he glanced towards the window and Andrea turned away from it. In that split second though, it seemed to her that he had seen through her. It was as if he knew that she was there. Mustering up the courage she once again peeked out, just to find that he was now smiling to himself. She couldn't believe the sight of him, his beautiful smile, and his soothing gaze.

'It isn't something that an 18-year-old should possess,' Andrea thought to herself. "Even I, a 38-year-old, can't seem to bring out that gaze full of vicissitudes." She thought about how it happened to make him seem way beyond his years. "How vexing..."

She was still lost in her thoughts when the young man began walking towards the door and then pushed it open. He strode in with his assured gait and stood staring at her.

"Mom..." he said with a slight shake of his head. His lips curled up from one side as he continued, "... you were watching again..."

"So what? Can't I?" Andrea said defensively. She shuddered under his examining gaze, shaken by the knowing smile on his face.

"Of course you can, you are after all..." Chris rushed to take her in his arms, his strong, manly arms. He kissed her cheeks and whispered in her ears ever so lovingly, "... my Mom!"

Andrea beamed at his words and leaned in his arms. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek before she mumbled out her words. "Oh, you..."

"Well, see you later..." Chris said and took off towards his room upstairs. Andrea watched him go in a joyful mood. It was always enough, the hug and the kiss, to put her in a good mood. Her earlier, slightly annoyed mood had mellowed out instantly after Chris did his thing. He just knew what to do. He always did.

Andrea stood there in a daze as the touch of his lips radiated her skin. The ring of the bell was what shook her awake. She shook her head and answered the door.

"Hello, Auntie, is Chris there?"

Greeting her outside was a high school girl still in her uniform. "Oh, Rachel, you're here..." There wasn't even a bit of enthusiasm in Andrea's voice and she did nothing to hide her displeasure. However, she wasn't outright rude to the young girl and invited her in.

"Chris is upstairs; you can come in."

"Thanks, Auntie!" Rachel replied in a hurry and rushed upstairs, presumably towards Chris' room.

Andrea sighed heavily. She didn't know what it was but she was upset. Gone was the feeling of joy from Chris' earlier attention towards her, replaced by the weariness that came with the realization that she wasn't the same young girl anymore. It hit her hard that he had already grown into a young man and that he was old enough to have girls knocking on his door.

It brought a feeling of pride that her son was so handsome and popular, yet along with it came the feeling of dread that he was growing more and more distant. It scared her to think there would come a day that he wouldn't need her anymore, that her presence would be reduced to mere annoyance.

"Hah! Time is a cruel bitch!" Andrea muttered to herself as she shut the door to her room. She went up to the mirror and examined her figure. It was something she did every time she felt as if time was running away from her. She liked to look at herself and her well-maintained figure to catch hold of the feeling of youth and past.

"Still beautiful!" She commended herself for the work she put in to look as beautiful as her twenty-five-year old self, even at this age. "I can't compete with those skinny co-ed girls, but I've still got it!" Her husband seemed to concur with her statement. She was pretty, more than pretty and she knew it. And it never stopped her from flaunting it to onlookers. It always did wonders to boost her ego when she heard one of Chris' friends mention her as MILF. Of course, it wasn't to Chris' face, he made sure his mother wasn't disrespected.

"Chris! My baby!"

Chris, in her opinion, had gotten all the good genes from both his parents. Her looks and her husband's brains. He was six feet tall and had slightly tanned skin. Combined with his sandy blonde hair, he was a hottie. Even If she was biased being his mother, she knew he was exceptionally handsome. The long line of girls he had dated was proof of that.

Andrea wasn't one of those uptight parents and in her book, it was alright as long as everyone was practicing safe sex. After all, she was in no mood to be a grandma anytime soon. She was a bit worried about it but took solace in the fact that Chris was a responsible young man.

Sometimes she even wondered if Chris still needed her there, to be "mom". He was so cool-headed and responsible that it was hard for her to believe that he was only eighteen.

"My baby is eighteen now, huh!" Andrea mused. "In a year or two, maybe he will leave house... should we... try for another one..." The thought wasn't entirely crazy. She had a very healthy sex life with her husband and money or time wouldn't be an issue.

"Nah!" She chuckled to herself. She wasn't going to be one of those parents whose whole life purpose was to take care of children and nothing else.


The sudden loud bang of the front door shutting woke her up from her thoughts. "What now?" She mumbled, annoyed, and went out to take a look.

Chris was standing by the door and looked a little shocked.

"What happened, baby?"

"Oh, nothing..."

She frowned as it seemed to her that he was hiding something from her. It ticked her off. He never did that, hide something from her and she prided herself on it.

"Oh, Chris, son, you do know that I'm your mom don't you!? You can't hide it from me." She went up to him and took his palms in her own. "Now, come on... tell me what happened, I'm sure it will help you sort things out."

Chris appeared to hesitate despite her gentle coaxing. However, he sighed heavily after a few seconds and then opened his mouth to reveal that he had been dumped.

"Rachel broke up with me!"

Andrea was at a loss to say anything. She found herself staring at him with her mouth gaping. Finally, the silence struck her and she murmured in a consoling voice. "It's fine. These things happen... you're young; she's young..."

In fact, Andrea was a little overjoyed the girl was out of the picture. She had never liked Rachel and was glad to see her go. In her opinion, Rachel was nowhere close to being deserving of her son's affections; very few actually were, in her biased opinion. However, at the same time, it was a little appealing that Rachel had the nerve to be the one to break it off with Chris. 'That little bitch... to dare and hurt my son...'

"I know." Chris gave her a smile as he glanced towards the stairs. "I don't want... I want to be alone for a while..."

"Of course. Of course." Andrea sympathized with him. She wouldn't also want to be chatting and laughing when her mood was down. She let go of his hands when suddenly her grip tightened on his arms.

Andrea found it odd. Her mind whirled in that split second as she stared deeply at her son. 'That couldn't be all there is to it. There's no reason to hide this. There must be something else...'

"I know it may seem as if I'm intruding, but why did she break up with you. I mean, I don't understand it. She didn't look like she was going to. So what happened?"

Chris dodged her gaze. He didn't seem uneasy, just a little reluctant. It was unlike him, his mother thought. Finally, he seemed to have decided something as his eyes became focused and he stared straight at Andrea.

"Mom, it was my fault really. Actually, she, Rachel, she is not the... she is not the only one I'm currently seeing... so..."

"What!? What do you mean?" Andrea nearly screamed out. She was more than a little surprised by this admission.

Chris smiled thinly. "It is as you've heard. I am in a relationship with not just Rachel. I mean to say, I was... since she already broke it off."

Andrea stared at him with her eyes wide open. Her thoughts ran a mile a second. She couldn't quite decide if she should first admonish her son or get to the bottom of it. "Chris!!"

"I know, I know..." Chris was still smiling, not looking even a bit fazed by the over-the-top reaction of his mother.

"You don't know!!" Andrea couldn't understand the reason behind her apparent displeasure and anger. Earlier she was pissed because Rachel had broken up with Chris but now her anger had devolved into something else entirely.

She took a long deep breath before she voiced in a caring tone, "Chris, honey, what have I always taught you?"

"Come on, Mom!" Chris grinned and patted her hand. He didn't seem to be taking it seriously as if the whole matter didn't concern him in the least. He still looked confident and assured, and nothing like an 18-year-old who had just been dumped.

"No, baby, answer me! This is important!"

Chris snorted at Andrea's words but he didn't blow her off or move away from her. He just stood facing her, as a good son should. "Ok, alright! What have you always taught me!?" He muttered and raised his brow at her.

If it was any other time, Andrea would have surely said that he looked especially cute when he made that gesture, but not now. Right now, there was only one thing going through her head, and it was definitely not, 'my son is so cute and handsome!'

"What have you always taught me... what... what...?" Chris kept muttering it, with a smile on his face.

Andrea was freaking out, her mind was shouting the same phrase over and over again. The one phrase she had always been afraid of, ever since she realized the fact that her son was incredibly handsome and suave. It was the one phrase she had been dreading the most.

'My son has become a man-whore!'

"What is it... what have you always taught me..." Chris had a playful look on his chiselled face as he teased her with his deliberate delaying.

Seeing that he wasn't about to say it himself Andrea jumped in and finished his words for him, "I have always taught you not to cheat?! Not to cheat?!" She took his face in her palms and felt the heat of his body. Andrea gazed at him softly and continued, "It's very important to me Chris, that you learn this, alright?"

"I know Mom... but I didn't cheat." He stated as a matter of fact.

"You didn't cheat? What?" Andrea was perplexed. "But just now you said that you are dating more than just Rachel?"

"Yes, but I'm only... I'm not exactly dating them..."

"What? What does that mean?" A stray lock of hair descended down her face as her frown began to deepen. Suddenly her eyes went wide and she pointed at him. "You!!!"

Chris shook his head, his smile still as wide as ever.

Andrea's face began to heat up and she fanned herself before she suddenly turned around and rushed up the stairs. Her voice rebounded behind her. "We'll talk later!"


"My baby is not a baby anymore..."

Andrea was lying down and staring up at the yellow ceiling. It was late in the evening and nearly time for her husband to come home. However, her mind was preoccupied with the things that transpired in the afternoon rather than preparing dinner.

"Should I tell his father!?"

She was on the fence about it. On one hand, it would help by roping in her husband to mend Chris' degenerate ways, on the other hand, she couldn't quite accept that she had failed as a mother to educate her son and needed outside help.

"Where did it all go wrong though?"

For her, Chris was still the same well-behaved little boy she used to accompany and drop at the school gates.

'But now, somehow, he has grown up and become this... this hunk who is sleeping with multiple girls, and maybe at the same time?'

Andrea balked at the imagery. She could accept the fact that many girls might have been interested in Chris, why, she had even seen some of the neighbourhood moms making moves on him, but she had always assumed Chris was happy in his relationship with Rachel.

"I still don't know exactly why they broke up..."

She had told him since he was young, the virtues of monogamy and loving your partner wholeheartedly. Not least the lecture about practicing safe sex. However, it would seem the allure of it all was too much for a young man, even if it was one as level-headed as Chris.

She couldn't even guess what went on inside a young man's head, and how tough it must have been for her son to reject all those girls, she even began to sympathize with his situation. She imagined that maybe he had been worn down by the sheer number of offers coming his way, or else there was no way her little boy would become a degenerate man-whore. There were still a lot of details she didn't understand and she would have to get to the bottom of it all.

"It seems I don't know anything..."


"Chris? Honey? Can you open up?"

"Yes, wait a bit."

The door opened within a few seconds and Andrea peeked inside her son's room. It was a neat and clean room, most unlike the messy rooms of teenage jocks that were portrayed in pop culture. She hummed in praise.

'As expected of my son, he keeps himself neat and tidy...'

"I'm coming in-"


Andrea sat on the chair of his study desk and patted the bed opposite her. "Come. Sit. We have a lot to talk about."

Chris gave her a toothy smile as he sat opposite her. "Of course..."

It had been a couple of days since their last talk and Andrea was finally ready to tackle the issue head-on. It took her a couple of days to recover from the shock of it all and now she felt as if she was completely over it. She was ready and eager to lead her son on the correct path, and no matter, whatever it took, she would do it, if it meant that her baby was back on the right track and not doing the things that could harm him.



"Okay. I would just tell it to you straight..." Andrea closed her eyes and breathed in. "You can't carry on the way you are..."


"No, Chris, I'm serious. Don't smile. I mean..." She hesitated a little before she asked, "How many girls are you... seeing...?"

Chris shook his head and took her fingers in his own. "That's why I wasn't telling you... You don't have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable, Mom."

"No, I have to do it. For your sake, I have to do it!" Andrea held his hand in a strong, tight grip and implored him. "Now tell me, baby, it's important. How many girls?"

"It was four but now Rachel has left, so three."

"Okay. Okay. Now..." Andrea was a little shocked inside at the relative ease with which he had said it, but she tried not to show it outwardly. For this talk to go through as she had planned, it was imperative that she didn't show even a bit of weakness.

"You okay, Mom? You want me to tell you their names?" Chris asked in a concerned voice when Andrea had kept mum for a while.

"Yes? No. No! That's not important." She breathed in and out to compose herself. It was time to ask him the most pressing thing and she was feeling a little shy. Her face blushed and her hands became sweaty. She tried hard not to stutter as she mustered up her courage to ask her son the most embarrassing thing she had ever asked. "Are you- Are you sex- Are you sexually active with all of them?"

Andrea looked towards the window as if to dodge his gaze before shaking her head and looking him right in the eye. Chris raised his eyebrow, seemingly asking her if she really wanted to know.

"Please, honey! Just tell me the truth." The blonde mother voiced.

She kept telling herself, repeating incessantly that it was all for the good of her son, that it was important that she got all the facts before proceeding with the plan. And even if it was a little embarrassing and rude on her part, she would just have to power through it.

"What- Why do you need to know?" He still had his trademark smile on his face as if nothing could faze him.

"Just... just tell me, okay!?"

"Alright, yes, yes, I'm sexually active with all of them, in your words," Chris said in an even voice without a shred of shame or pride. It was like he was stating a fact and nothing more.

"You-" Andrea was shocked speechless. She had expected it, but to hear it from his own mouth had a certain impact which she hadn't accounted for when she had decided to ask him that. It took her more than a few seconds to get her bearings back.

"And... and," She realized that Chris had a hint of a grin on his face as he was looking at her, and that made her pause. "It's not funny, Chris!" She wanted to admonish him but couldn't hold back her own laughter by the end of her sentence.

They laughed between themselves and that lightened the mood in the room. The blonde mother also felt a lot closer to her son at that moment, the trust that he had shown her by not hiding anything from her, had touched her immensely.

"Listen," Andrea began, "It may seem like a good idea to you now, to sl- sleep with different girls," she paused to catch her breath and took his face in her palms. "But know it from me, it won't benefit anyone... especially not you."

Chris kept mum and seemed to be waiting for her to continue. However, when she didn't say anything else for a while, he spoke with his tone carrying the nonchalance of the youth, "It's fine, Mom, I know what I'm doing."

"So why did you break up then?" She couldn't help herself from asking. She knew it was a little harsh on her part to question him like that, still, she couldn't help it.

Chris didn't seem to mind it. He said in the same even voice, "She wanted us to be exclusive and I said no. It's nothing else..."

"I should say I'm sorry... but you don't seem affected much..."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want to sound arrogant or casual but... you know..."

"Yes, I know!" Andrea replied while rolling her eyes.

"Trust me, Mom! I know what I'm doing, you don't have to worry so much." Chris said a little forcefully which made it sound all the more convincing.

Andrea sighed after a while and then patted his face. "If you say so... I will trust you... for now!" She stood up and walked towards the door but suddenly stopped at the last moment. "You can come to me if anything..." Their gazes met and they shared a silent moment.

"I know, mom! I know..."

"Well alright. Come down for dinner in a bit."


Andrea was back in her room after dinner. Her husband was away on a business trip and she was left alone with her thoughts.

"Well, the dinner wasn't awkward, so that's something..."

Her mind was reeling from the earlier conversation. It hadn't gone exactly as she would have liked it to, but it wasn't all bad, in her opinion. There were still a lot of things she would have liked to have told him but he just looked so calm and assured, and that just made her change her mind about it at that moment.

"I should have asked for their names..." She sat on the little stool in front of the mirror as she brushed her long hair. "Well, maybe... maybe I can just guess it..."

She had noticed a few young girls getting a little too close to her son, but since he was with Rachel at the time, she didn't think too much of it. Now, though, it was a different story.