Andy's Journey Ch. 01


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"Yes, Mom, I already feel better. I'll give honest answers as best I can."

"Thank you," Mom responded. "Now, do you think you are a submissive?"

The idea had never occurred to me. But when I thought about my life with Amanda I realized that if I hadn't been one before I was now. I pondered that knowledge wondering if I could be comfortable with it.

After mulling it over I told Mom. "Yes, I think I am. But I am able to hold my own at work and in public. It seems that only at home I wanted to be subservient. Maybe only with her."

"Amanda abused your trust, Andy. If she was going to dominate you she should have done it with love, not cruelty. We need to work on that aspect of your personality."

"How do you want me to be, Mom," I was a bit perplexed.

"Anyway you are, Andy. I mean we must try to undo the damage done.

"Thank you for an honest answer," she continued. "Now I would like to know if you have thought of finding another woman, one who can be your mate and love you."

"Only a little, Mom. What woman wants to have a cross dresser for a lover?"

"You might be surprised," Mom murmured softly. So softly I hardly heard her.

"One last question for now, but I might have more later," she told me. "Did you enjoy the ways you made love with your ex? It sounded to me that you did."

"I really did, Mom. Except for the lack of fucking during the last year of our marriage. Other than that I found it all strangely thrilling."

"I think you're going to be okay, Andy. You'll see what I mean soon." Mom pulled my head to her then and kissed me on the lips. It was a lingering soft kiss. "I love you, Andy."

"I love you, Mom."

I laid my head in her lap as I had during the worst moments of my talks with her. Now I felt safe and secure, not haunted as I had before. She pulled my face into her bosom and I rubbed my cheeks against ample breasts hidden by her robe.

She opened her robe and offered me her tit. She had no bra on. I eagerly sucked at her nipple, nipping at it occasionally as I had learned she liked.

"There is one woman who loves you, Andy. One who is aroused by your presence and your mix of feminine and masculine attributes."

I pulled my head back from her tit and looked up at her.

"Open my robe, Andy. You'll find her."

I felt a thrill run through me. My mother, she who I loved so much, seemed to be offering herself. I untied the sash of her robe and she let it fall open. She was naked except for a garter belt and nylons. She had been that way since we sat down together.

"I'm here for you, Love. I want you." She said.

I slid off the couch to my knees before her. Her legs parted for me and her hands on my head urged me toward her pussy. I resisted for a moment to look. To gaze at my mother's beautiful vulva.

She did not trim her pubic hair. It was a lush tangle crowning her lovely slit and forming a triangle that extended well above her pussy. Hair on either side of her slit framed her labia and extended out toward her thighs.

At the top of her pussy a very prominent clit was peeking out. More than peeking it was looking brazenly at the world. It was erect and hard like a not so little dick. I had never seen, or even heard of a clitoris so conspicuous.

I could see droplets of her juices on her puffy labia. They were slightly open showing me the red of her inner lips. But it was hard to tear my eyes from her huge clit. I licked my lips. Her clit, It's hard for me. I thought.

Closer still I could sense the musk of her desire. It overlaid the sweeter smell of her natural juices. My tongue flicked out to taste her. It was wonderful. I looked up at her with a question.

"Yes, Andy, I want it. I want you very much."

I buried my face between the wet folds of her pussy. I ate her. I sucked her clit. It grew even more as I drew it between my lips and let my teeth scrape lightly along it. I licked at her inner lips. I made her cum and her heels drummed on my back. I sucked again at her enormous clit. It thrust out of her cunt like a hard cock for me to suck. Her nylon clad thighs pressed against my head and sent thrills through the cells of my body. The rasp of her pubic hair on my face excited me even more. She was cumming and cumming and cumming...

When she pushed my head back I wanted more. I wanted to make this very desirable woman totally satisfied.

"Stand up," She said hoarsely.

I did and she pulled the zipper down on my skirt. It fell to the floor and I stepped out of it. She opened the tabs of my garter belt that supported my nylons. She pushed my panties down freeing my throbbing cock. I stepped out of them and she reattached the tabs to my hosiery. She was licking her lips as she did.

She sat back then and looked at me. "That is so sexy," She said and leaned forward to kiss my hard cock. "You are much bigger than I thought you would be," she said.

She slid off the couch to her knees and pulled me down to face her. We kissed. A hot wet kiss, our tongues dancing and twisting together.

We were soon lying on the floor together in a sixty-nine position eating and sucking each other. I had forgotten that lovemaking works both ways. My mother was cumming multiple times. I couldn't hold myself back for long. It was too long since I had shot my load. I hadn't even jerked off since Mom had told me about meeting my ex.

So once I felt the electric thrills tearing through my nerves it was only an instant before my cum exploded from me into my mother's wet mouth. She sucked hard at me, milking my cock.

Face to face again she showed me the cum in her mouth. I watched fascinated as she slid her tongue through the slick, creamy cum; tasting it, savoring it. She kissed me then and shared with me. She licked her juices from my face and kissed me some more.

"I love you very much," she said. "You are mine now."

"I love you too, Mom. And I'm happy to be yours."

We lay on the floor holding each other until it started to be uncomfortable. We got up then and Mom mentioned dinner. It was still early and we decided to wait.

Let's go fix your makeup," Mom said.

We gathered up our clothes and went to her bedroom.

"You will be sleeping with me from now on," Mom said. Her words were definitive. She was being the dominate I desired.

We went to the bathroom first and scrubbed our faces. Mom felt my face to check my beard but it was still smooth. Back in her bedroom we sat at her vanity and Mom helped me remove the remaining traces of my makeup. She started over after my face was clean and I was soon looking good again.

She told me to get the things I needed from the hall bathroom and bring them to hers. "It's ours now," she said. "Like the bedroom is ours."

As I went for my things Mom redid her own makeup. When she was finished she got a short robe from the closet and put it on over her, mostly, naked body. We went to my former bedroom and got my light silk robe for me to wear.

I had removed my blouse but still wore my bra. Neither of us put on panties. By the time we had finished the makeup it was almost dinner time. We went back downstairs holding hands. I felt very much in love.

Mom opened a bottle of wine to have with dinner. Our meal, however, consisted of frozen dinners, albeit one of the better brands.

"We have much to celebrate," Mom said. "But a toast will have to suffice for now."

We lifted our glasses. "To our Love," mother said. I echoed her and we drank.

We ate our dinners and poured ourselves another glass of wine.

"I'm thrilled that we are lovers, Andy," Mom told me. "I have been wanting to make love to you since I found out about your penchant for women's things. I should probably explain that, and I will; but not just yet."

"I'm thrilled too, Mom. I thought my life was ruined. You showed me something to live for. Thank you, I love you."

"I'm glad we have the rest of the week off," Mom continued. "We can take the time to get to know each other. Not just as mother and son, but as lovers too."

"Mom," I said. "I want to know how to please you. How to satisfy you sexually. It is important to me. I want your pleasure before my own."

"Thank you, Andy. That's a nice thought. You'll know in due time. We'll talk about you first."

We went back to the couch and sat close together. Mom said, "Why don't you tell me what you enjoyed the most with your ex?"

"Well I think the oral sex," I said. "Me performing on her."

"You mean going down on her, don't you? I've already told you once. You can use coarse language with me. One thing about it, we'll both know what you mean."

"I'll be happy to Mom. In fact I like that kind of talk while making love."

"That's good to know," Mom said. "And I can tell you right now that you can eat me whenever you want. I loved it this afternoon."

"I'm ready whenever you are," I said with a saucy tone.

"Pretty soon," Mom said. "This talk is getting me horny again. Tell me more that you like."

"Well," I continued. "I especially like eating each other like we did this afternoon." I hesitated then uncertain about the next thing that popped into my mind. But Mom urged me to continue. "One thing that I found pleasurable was the strap on in my ass. When it was from the back. It made me feel strange like it was a penance.

"Amanda spanked me sometimes too. And a few times used a whip. She frightened me when she did that."

I paused again. "The whip stung, but didn't do any damage. I never let her know the feeling things like that gave me. It's probably good that I didn't. I trust you with this information, Mom."

"I think you are affirming your submissiveness, Andy. I think it is probable that you need to be dominated. Or, maybe some form of abasement. But you can be assured that anything like that that I do to you will be with a sense of love.

"I think we need to talk more about this. So tell me, do you want to be hurt? Do you enjoy physical pain?"

I had never thought about it. I did now. I buried my face in Mom's bosom as my mind raced. I was trying to sort out my thoughts and feelings. Mom was making me face reality, to be honest with myself; I wasn't sure I liked it. But, her love meant so much to me that I made myself look at the subject.

"There is no wrong answer, Andy," Mom reminded me.

It took several minutes of thinking for me to frame an answer. "I don't think I like pain, Mom. Maybe I would if it is applied as part of something else. Perhaps as a part of your dominance over me. But it's not necessary."

I realized that I had made a major step. I had admitted to my mother that I wanted her to dominate me. Yes, we had talked around the subject, but it was in the open now. A frank admission on my part. Mom realized it too, she hugged me tightly.

"Mom," I continued. "There is one thing about when she used the strap on with me. When we first started we did it face to face as often as from the back. I never had a sense of degradation when we did it from the front. Physically I enjoyed it more face to face. Emotionally from the back did more for me. She may have sensed that, because as time went on it became from the back every time."

"Thank you for telling me all this, Andy. I will try my best to make our love life satisfying to you."

"How about you, Mom. Are you going to tell me how to please you?"

"Yes, but not just yet," Mom said. "You'll learn a lot of it just by experience, but there are a few things I will have to tell you when the time comes. For now I can tell you that you have a nice cock, big. I look forward to more fun this evening."

"I do too," I responded.

"You did well getting your story out, Andy," Mom said seriously. "I think I can sense changes in you already."

"I think you're right, Mom."

"Tomorrow we'll do some shopping. I know of a store far enough away that we aren't likely to be known."

Mom asked me if I liked being restrained. I told her no, there was no thrill for me in being tied up.

"You might find you like it," she said to me. "Don't be surprised if I tie you up someday." I felt a little shiver of fear. Mom must have noticed because she smiled at me.

"You don't need to, Mom. I am already submitting to you willingly," I told her.

Mom drew me close for a hug and an open mouthed kiss. She leaned back and looked at me. "Andy, another question came to my mind."

"Yes, Mom?" I asked when she hesitated.

"I'm trying to think how to word it," she said. "Once again there is no wrong answer, and honesty is needed."

"Go ahead and ask Mom. I'm finding that giving honest answers helps me define myself. Your questions cause me to face things I haven't, or maybe never thought of."

"Andy," she asked. "Do you want to be my panty boy or my man in panties? Do you understand what I'm asking?"

"I think so Mom. But can't I be both?"

"Maybe," Mom answered.

"Then let me ask you," I told her. "What do you want me to be?"

She laughed. "Both, Andy. Just like you."

"It will work itself out, Mom. I'm sure. We need to let our love give us the answer."

"I think you're right," she said. "But I probably should let you know that I think I have a tendency towards dominance. I might be tempted by your submissiveness."

"Then I would submit gladly, Mom. You have already told me it would be with love,"

I faced Mom and opened her robe. I bent my head to her tit as I lifted it with my hand. She sighed when I nipped the nipple and her hands grasped my head.

"Let's go to bed," Mom gasped.

I stood and held out my hand to help her up. When she was on her feet we kissed. A soft kiss that turned hot and wet; with lips mashing each other and tongues twisting.

Holding hands we went to the bedroom. Mom pulled the bedspread off and put a couple of pillows against the headboard. She climbed onto the bed and propped her back against the pillows. With her legs splayed lewdly she held her hand out to me.

"Eat me now, My Love. Eat me and then fuck me."

I laid between her stout thighs to eat her cunt, my mother's fragrant pussy. Her hands gripped my wig and pulled it from my head. She grabbed handfuls of my hair and twisted. Her legs clasped me and her nylon clad thighs pressed against my head. She had made me a prisoner at her garden, the lovely hairy garden of her cunt. I moaned with delight and she twisted her hands harder in my hair in response.

I pushed my face into the wetness of her flowing pussy. I reveled in the scents of her essences. I lapped up her nectar. I pushed my tongue far up into her hole as I rubbed my nose against her hard clit.

I sucked her clit and licked her and my body sang with excitement when she came and came again.

I heard her calling to me as from a distance calling me to rise up and fuck her, to shove my hard cock into her waiting pussy.

I obeyed, she was my mistress. She had told me so. Above her I shoved my hard shaft into her hot, wet cunt. She seized me, her pussy closed on my cock and drew me in. Into the heat of her being; the center of her motherhood. Into my mother's hot cunt. Her hard clit rubbed against the side of my dick as I thrust into her.

"Love me," I heard her cry. "Love me and fill me with your cock."

She held me with arms and legs clasping me close. I was in heaven. My cock nestled in my mother's snug pussy. A long ago fantasy, forgotten but recently recalled, had come true at last. I was fucking my mother.

Even before I started to move, to pump my hard cock in her pussy, she orgasmed. With gasps and quivers she came for me. Her hold loosened and I fucked her hard. Her hips lifted to me as I felt her cum again. I thrust into her, deep, she came yet again. I was a man now, not a panty boy.

I was consumed with the excitement of the moment. Exhilarated beyond belief. Her gasps, her cries of "Fuck me, fuck your mother." Her wild wet kisses. The taste of her tit that she fed to my eager lips.

I had to cum. I couldn't resist her. I wanted to fuck her all day, to feel her orgasmic joy. But I had to cum, I couldn't hold back. My seed exploded into her cunt and my body was on fire with the singing in my nerves.

I collapsed on top of her. She held me tight. She kissed me often. I kissed her back. I rolled off to lie close to her. Sated, we dozed off. To wake again and fuck and suck some more.

She sucked me until I was hard then straddled me to impale her hot wet pussy on my shaft. She rode me and came with cries of joy. Her clit stood out before her and she massaged it as she rode my cock. She leaned down for hot wet kisses and to feed me her beautiful plump tits. I had cum once so I was able to fuck her a long time.

She turned so she was riding me backwards. I watched in delight as her meaty ass bounced in front of me. She turned back and fed me her tit again. "Suck it hard, Baby. Bite it," she urged.

She sighed when I bit her nipple, she gave me her other tit to do the same. She was cumming hard when I shot my load into her. My body singing again, the thrills exhilarating me.

I ate her again as she sat on my face. Tasting her musk, her juices and my cum. She rubbed her wet snatch over my face as if anointing me, as if marking me for her own. She played with her clit as I ate her, like she was jerking off. I almost cried when she came on my face, I was so happy to be pleasing her.

When I had recouped enough to cum again she gave me a blowjob. I thought of it as a reward. She kissed me afterward to show me her pleasure and to share the cum.

I happily buried my face in her pussy again. Sucking me had left her horny and she twisted my hair to make me suck her harder, to suck and nibble at her clit, to fuck her with my tongue. The friction of her nylons stimulated me even further as her legs clasped me tight. Her heels drummed on my back. The high heels she was wearing hammering at my flesh.

I loved it all. Once again I was her willing prisoner. She held me there until she was replete, until she was ready to faint from hedonistic excess.

When she released me she sighed. "That was so good, Andy."

That first afternoon and evening left us sated. We finally took our shoes off. Mom helped me pick out a sexy nightgown. We snuggled together and slept soundly.

I woke in the morning feeling pleasantly rested. I was alone. I lay in bed for a few minutes thinking of the changes in my life over the past few days. My mother had given me reason to live. The abject despair I had felt after the breakup of my marriage was gone. I had found a new women. A new mistress. A new love.

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1L1k3t0r3ad1L1k3t0r3ad8 months ago

Very well written - and a surprising and exciting mix of sexy ways of being. One of a kind, good storytelling, and hot as fuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Such a turn on

my ex caught me in lingerie and from that moment i had to wear some sexy outfit in and around the house ,cleaning and tasks which the neighbour could see me,her uncle,parents were shocked the first time,but after a good talk they found it naughty and hot,uncle was a admirer,wife knew it and she forced me to tease him,get him hard,o she had 2 subs ,she also liked it to wear miniskirts,sstockings and high heels with blouses no bra showing her tits,she made us horny,let us play for her,controlled our orgasm,eat our cum,and give her what she wanted,uch a good time xxx great story and author

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Mother sitting on him

I liked her directing him to orally pleasing her while she let him cumi side her. He would feel he was “the man” while she was being filled with hiscum. Then she would sit on his face to enjoy the oral stimulation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Excellent perverse pleasingly pussy pumping.

Andy and the taboo relationship between the two was just a little more than a little bit of a few formulated fun and exciting times. Andrew became a good girl for the new exciting and wonderful experience in this case of feminine fantasy. Mama's pussy was a great wet treasure trove of my life. It was the only way I could have been a long time love to mama's needs. We have been together for years now. The first and foremost love of my life. Mama's pussy, I am completely in love with the idea of what is the best of all the time of the hot willingness of my own personal love. The mother and her naughty girl continued. It was true, " INCEST IS BEST "

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Between 4 & 5 stars

Erotic albeit too kinky for my taste.

I was imagining my mom half naked comforting me after my first wife left me.

i still had the hots for her at the time and i needed some motherly TLC.

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