Angel of the Night


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For most of the day, they managed to stay a step or two ahead of the Nazi hoard. Peter was hesitant to join in the fray because of his concern for Martine. However, given the severity of the attack, he had little hope that either of them would come out of it unscathed.

As they ran from house to house, Peter did his level best to shield Martine with his body. Until well into the afternoon, they managed to stay ahead of the fighting but they were running out of precious real estate to hide.

The streets were filled with the terrible sounds of screaming and people dying. An armored vehicle roared down the street they were hiding in and soldiers poured out the back.

"We're trapped," Peter hissed in her ear

Martine shoved her rifle, unused until that moment, through the glass in the window and started firing. Her brave act gave them just enough time to make a hasty exit from the rear of the building. Across the back yard they scrambled over a wall and emerged in a part of the Ghetto that was as of yet untouched.

As Martine dashed behind Peter away from the gun shots, her thoughts turned to Kya.

"I need you, my angel of the night," she whispered under her breath.

But, with at least two hours of daylight left, her plight looked hopeless.

The German military presence was overwhelming and although resistance was stiff it seemed utterly futile. The acrid smell of burning structures saturated the springtime air. Less than a block away, a tank rumbled down the avenue and Peter looked at his sister with a forlorn, lost expression. The world they knew was coming to an end.

A nearby explosion violently shook the walls around them and plaster fell from the ceiling like rain.

"Let's go!" Peter shouted.

Martine abandoned her rifle; it was useless against the military might of the SS and a horrible feeling of dread spread throughout her body.

With bullets whizzing all around them, Peter and Martine ran in terror. The only place left was the tiny sanctuary that Martine called home, the place where she shared her first sexual experiences with Kya and discovered what love was all about.

As they fled down the stairs, Martine saw Kya's beautiful face in her mind and the overwhelming feeling of love she had for the compassionate vampire quelled her fear.


Hiding in the tiny attic, Kya spent the day restless and fitful. The gunfire, explosions and tumult in the streets, while blocks away, invaded her vampire hearing and grew louder as the day progressed. She had no idea that the Nazis were finally ending the rebellion and liquidating the Ghetto, destroying one house at a time.

By sunset, the relentless barking of the dogs, shots, yelling of the soldiers and screams assailed Kya's ears. From the shadows she saw the wholesale slaughter of those too weak and feeble to go another step, gunned down on the spot. Dead bodies littered the sidewalks and street. The rest were forced to run while SS men beat them with clubs and rifle butts.

Soldiers with flame throwers torched house after house until entire blocks were ablaze. A vampire's fear of fire rivals that of sunlight and Kya was not going to take any chances.

With unnatural speed, Kya raced to the secret room, her only thoughts of Martine's welfare. Hopefully, Martine would accept her offer to become one of the undead. It seemed to be the only logical choice to escape the tortuous ordeal inflicted by the Nazis. But, Kya would never coerce or force Martine to accept.

As she practically flew down the dark stairway to the door, Kya's senses intuited that something was wrong, seriously wrong. She smelled death, knew its odor very well and it emanated from the tiny room.

Kya found them, brother and sister lying on their sides. Peter's arm was draped over Martine as if symbolically protecting her. A small pill bottle lay open on the blanket and the nearly imperceptible scent of cyanide invaded her super sensitive sense of smell. Rather than be taken alive, they had committed suicide.

A terrible feeling of anguish descended on Kya as she sat next to Martine's lifeless body. Tenderly, she brushed back locks of hair that had fallen over the closed eyes. Martine's face looked tranquil. She was at peace, free of her earthly bonds.

"I love you, Martine," she whispered.

Kya wanted to weep and wail. Not since her parent's untimely deaths had she experienced such a profound sense of sorrow and loss.

In Martine's hand was a folded piece of paper and Kya carefully pried it from the dead girl's fingers.

It was addressed to Kya and written in German.


I hope you find this before the soldiers. No one can save me now. I would rather die with Peter than allow the Nazis to send me to a concentration camp.

I thought about your proposal but I can't leave Peter. He's my brother and I love him dearly.

My angel of the night, you have done so much for me and I am eternally grateful. Always remember that you gave me the greatest gift of all, your love.

Ich liebe dich,

(I love you)


Kya kissed Martine's cold cheek as rage, a horrible animalistic rage grew inside of her. The marauding SS were close by now and she heard multiple footsteps on the stairs.

When the first soldier kicked open the door he was confronted by a vision from a nightmare. Kya, with fangs bared and a look of hellish fury ripped the man's throat open. Blood spurted like a fountain in all directions and he collapsed, writhing on the floor in agony. The second SS soldier through the door suffered a similar fate.

Kya folded the note from Martine, stained with the SS men's blood and shoved it in a pocket. The dead soldier's comrades were shouting in loud voices, trying to locate their whereabouts. Unless she wanted to take on the entire German contingent, she had to flee and quickly.

Kya looked forlornly at Martine as the sheer calamity of the situation rocked her psyche. The proper thing would have been to bury the bodies but given the circumstances, it was impossible.

Under the cover of darkness and staying within the confines of the shadows, Kya fled the city. Her clothes were soiled with blood and she would eventually need to find replacements.

Just as the eastern sky was turning a light shade of pink, Kya found shelter in the barn of an abandoned farm. A terrible feeling of desolation held sway over her. She imagined walking out into the sunlight, bursting into flames thereby extinguishing her undead existence. But, the vampire part of her being would not permit an act of self-sacrifice.

Why do humans behave worse than vampires, she asked herself. It was perplexing to her that the Nazis had so little regard for their fellow man. They indulged in the wholesale murder of the innocent, something that horrified Kya.

Without a doubt, the undead were blood thirsty but not on the immense scale of the SS. The cruelty and limitless violence they practiced was the penultimate example of mans inhumanity toward his fellow man; human depravity at its uncontrollable worst.

A vision of Martine's serene expression as she reposed on the bed flashed across her mind, another blameless casualty of the ruthless Waffen SS. The image would haunt Kya for the countless years to come.

Kya's lover was gone, passed on to a world that she could never inhabit. The entrance to the garden was closed to all undead creatures that walked the earth at night.

In spite of their superhuman capabilities and easy dominance of mortals, her kind had a distinct disadvantage. Powerless during daylight, driven by an unnatural thirst, unable to procreate and relegated to a solitary, lonely existence that stretched on without a foreseeable end, Kya was in a hell on earth.

Kya's vampire impulses chided her for wallowing in self-pity. For the remainder of her existence, she'd never look older than nineteen, the age of her conversion. While it was considered one of the great benefits to the undead, she often questioned the fateful choice she made in Africa.

Was it the inexperience of youth? In hindsight, Kya lamented her decision. Had she carefully weighed the positives and the negatives, perhaps she would have chosen differently. Often, Kya felt torn in two by her conflicting desires and now in the wake of tragedy, it all seemed so pointless.

Under extreme duress, Martine chose and made the ultimate sacrifice. Was it the right decision? Kya wrestled with the question and eventually came to the conclusion that to Martine, it was the only decision, the only way out.

Until the end of hostilities in 1945, Kya slowly journeyed westward toward Paris. Except for feeding, she shied away from contact with humans.


Diane slumbered comfortably, held tightly by Kya. Her dreams were pleasant, safe; she felt secure. When she awoke, she did indeed feel weak but she snuggled against the sleeping vampire. Slick moisture crept into her pussy as she realized that she sexually desired Kya.

Diane was no stranger to girl sex having had some very willing partners in college. And, while she was enormously intrigued, she had serious doubts about whether such a thing was possible with Kya. With some effort, she was able to extricate herself from Kya's grasp and fled to the bathroom for a much needed pee and shower.

Diane checked her pale visage in the mirror and saw the minute wounds on the side of her neck. Her body trembled as she relived the most intense experience of her young life. She was amazed that something so painful could yield such incredible pleasure. In fact, she found the whole experience to be erotically charged.

With every part of her being, Diane realized that she'd offer her blood whenever Kya needed it. She wanted to be next to Kya when she awoke and quickly showered.

Kya stirred to find Diane staring at her.

"You're very beautiful," Diane gushed.

"Thank you." Kya replied, a look of amusement on her face.

Diane flung her arms around Kya's neck and tried to pull the full red lips toward hers as an overwhelming desire to kiss the undead hottie consumed her.

Kya hesitated at first but then kissed the other woman with demonic passion. Every nerve ending in Diane's body sizzled with craving for Kya. Quickly Kya shed her clothes and Diane gasped at the sight of her gorgeous nude body.

Kya untied Diane's bathrobe and her hands roamed the pretty mortal's freshly washed form, squeezing the firm full breasts, fingers tracing along toned thighs then finding the clean shaven sex. She then seized a hard nipple with her mouth and suckled with otherworldly skill as a long digit repeatedly traced the length of Diane's gooey slit.

Bolts of white hot sensation roasted Diane's creaming pussy and transported her to a higher plateau.

"Oh Kya...oh...ugh...ugh..." she groaned noisily.

Kya nursed the young hotties bosom with feral hunger. As her tongue whipped across the hardened nub with feathery light licks, Diane's head lolled from side to side and a lustful smile graced her lovely face.

Using the consummate skill that she had acquired over several lifetimes, Kya carefully nipped and nibbled the straining nipple. The effect was immediate and an enormous upwelling of sensation jolted Diane's sex.

"Oh my god...oh Kya...ugh...ugh..." she cried, and an orgasm of mythic proportions blasted through her pussy.

Diane held onto Kya with all her strength, humping the amazingly talented fingers like a madwoman as scorching tendrils of sensation charred her body.

"I'm cumming!" she shrieked.

Kya slid down Diane's body and affixed her maw to the undulating slice. Generous amounts of girly fluids flooded her throat and she ravenously swallowed the delicious nectar.

She basted Diane's clit with lightening fast licks and the spasms intensified, growing to insane proportions. The length of each wave from peak to trough was so intense that Diane's body shook violently and she lost all sense of time and place.

As her orgasm slowly ebbed, Diane felt as though she were floating on air. Strands of current reverberated throughout her being and a rapturous feeling pervaded her senses. Kya's pale face was soaked with her juices.

"Gosh Kya...that, better than amazing..." she gushed.

When she stood up, Diane felt woozy and lost her footing, falling into Kya. Her face landed against a small but plump breast and despite her predicament, it made her smile.

Kya held Diane effortlessly as her nipple hardened from the contact. She gazed fondly at the slim mortal. Her sex was blisteringly hot and she wanted to continue what they started.

Quite unexpectedly, they heard Diane's tummy rumble.

"I'm really hungry, sorry..." Diane said apologetically.

"Then you must eat something..." Kya insisted

"Will you stay with me?"

"Yes...for a while..."


In the galley style kitchen, Diane prepared a meal for herself as Kya watched from a chair at the center island. Food held no attraction for Kya but she was fascinated by the types and preparation.

The image of Martine savoring a piece of bread or wedge of potato, swept across her mind and she inwardly smiled.

Diane chattered away as she ate but Kya wasn't listening. The memories of Martine refused to go away and were still fresh, she yearned for her.

Despite the long years, Kya chastised herself for not doing more to save the innocent girl. But, in truth, what could she have done?

"You are my angel of the night..." Martine would say to Kya with enormous affection in her voice.

Nothing and no one since stirred Kya's human emotions with such incredible depth of feeling.

"I love you, Martine...I will always love you," she silently expressed, reiterating the sentiment that she uttered the last night they were together.

Recollections of Martine's slender nude body, loving smiles, eager exploration of her sexuality and absolute trust in Kya, dominated her thoughts.

However, the appalling tragedy of Martine's self-sacrifice was enough to mire Kya in total melancholy. The extraordinary bravery of the act still amazed Kya and filled her with self-loathing. The urgency to leave, to seek peace in the shadows took center stage.

Completely absorbed with her recollections, Kya was unaware that Diane finished eating and was laying out a line of coke on a mirror atop the center island.

In spite of her promise to stay, Kya disappeared without Diane realizing she was gone. Despite the physical resemblance, Diane had little in common with Martine. Certainly, she was a charming, lovely girl but with none of the inner beauty that Martine possessed.

Diane searched her apartment in vain for Kya. Why did she leave? She asked herself. But, in typical fashion for an empty headed woman of the modern era, she shrugged her shoulders and counted the experience as the most memorable during her twenty-six years.

Kya returned to a club on Delaware Avenue that she frequented. She entered undetected with a group of women and the large interior with lack of good lighting gave her ample opportunity to hide inconspicuously.

Kya gazed with longing at the mass of humanity on the dance floor. The times had changed but the allure of mortals to her human senses would stay intact until her demise sometime in the distant future.

Her maker never explained or revealed to Kya the dreadful loneliness of the solitary vampire, especially one that considered herself as half-human. The gnawing desire to interact with people beyond the act of feeding was always present, not far from her conscious self.

Yet, tonight Kya was content to observe, comfortably bathed in the reassuring darkness of the shadows.


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UncertainTUncertainT25 days ago

A very powerful story.

okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

Third time reading this ...

And oddly more powerful than the first time.

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94almost 3 years ago

That dark tragedy consumes the reader. This was a very good. Reminded me a little of Annette Curtis Klause the vampire and heartache. It made me think of my early teens reading her novels thanks.

LcnmdLcnmdabout 9 years ago
Oh so good!

loved it,

Thank you!


DocErotic3DDocErotic3Dover 11 years ago

A beautiful and erotic story. Very well done!

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