Anna Loves Me and I Love Her


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Susan and Anna spent some time together but not as much as I had thought they might. When Susan left on Sunday, I had the feeling that she had visited for the weekend because she thought it was expected and not because she wanted to see us.

I didn't say anything about that to Anna but she started talking about it.

"That was weird, Daddy. What was wrong with Mom?" she asked.

"I know what you're talkin' about, honey, but I don't have an answer for ya." I could see that Anna was upset. "Come 'ere," I told her.

I gave her hug and kissed her on the top of the head. "We've got each other, sweetie, and you can always count on that," I promised her.

"I know, Daddy. I love you," she replied.

* * *

The school year continued with a few sporadic visits that were equally cool without being totally aloof. I hoped that the Christmas holiday would give us a longer visit and things would get back to normal, at least for a few weeks.

When the fall semester ended, Susan came home and began preparing for Christmas. In the midst of shopping, baking, and cleaning the house, Susan told us that she loved being in school but she loved being back home, also. That statement surprised me but I really wasn't sure how sincerely it was meant. Our lovemaking was lukewarm, but I was feeling so horny that I probably would have screwed a knothole in a floorboard if it had been offered to me.

Anna went out to a party on New Year's Eve. Susan went to bed but I waited up for Anna. She came home at 1:30 in the morning and I could tell that she had been drinking. She was slurring her words slightly and her gait was a bit sloppy.

I followed her to her bedroom and she immediately began undressing. "Are you mad at me, Daddy?" she asked.

"Yes, but we'll deal with this after your mom leaves tomorrow. Take some aspirin and drink plenty of water before you get in bed and, if you wake up to pee, take more aspirin and drink more water. You'll feel better tomorrow," I advised her.

She approached me and put her arms around my waist. "I love you, Daddy," she said.

"I love you, too, but . . . that doesn't mean you're not in trouble," I replied.

* * *

When Susan left the next morning, I wasn't sure when, or if, she would be back. I was enjoying being the one that Anna depended on and the way that she was more open with me about herself but I was really down about Susan. She was my wife and I was afraid my marriage would soon be over.

Anna woke up late -- no surprise -- and had a hangover. I didn't yell at her. I wanted to, but I know she had a headache and nothing I said would really make much of an impression on her until she felt better.

Later that day, I told her that she was grounded for a month.

"I hate you, you meanie!" was her immediate retort, and then, she started crying and she put her arms around me. "Don't hate me, Daddy. I'm sorry I was bad. I won't do it again. Promise me you won't hate me," she begged.

"I don't hate you, baby girl," I said. "But, I do hate it when you do stupid things like getting drunk. Don't you know that a lot of boys will try to take advantage of you when you get drunk?"

"You mean, like try to have sex with me?" she taunted me.

"Yeah, like try to have sex with you! You've told me that you're still a virgin, so do you want your first time to be something that you don't even remember the next day? And you'd better believe that whatever lucky boy does that to you will be at school tellin' all his friends and, before ya know it, kids are callin' you a slut. Is that what you want?"

"No, Daddy. You're right; you're always right," she admitted. "But, a month is a long time to be grounded!"

"You can still go out with me on Saturday nights, and you can have your friends over here, and I really do expect that you'll survive it," I replied.

* * *

Later that month, we had a birthday party. It was Anna's 19th birthday and she had about 10 boys and girls over. The girls all looked so hot, if I was 19 years old again, I'd be trying to score with each one of them. What a fantasy! -- a group orgy with me and four teenage girls. It's not gonna happen, but, hey, it's just a fantasy. Anyway, I'm not 19, so I kept those thoughts to myself and I acted like a parent should.

After the last guest left, Anna found me in the kitchen.

"Did my little girl have a good time tonight?" I asked.

"I had a great time, Daddy, and . . . I wish you wouldn't call me 'a little girl' anymore," she exclaimed, obviously wanting some respect.

"What's that s'pposed to mean? Are you a woman of the world now?" I asked teasingly.

"Well . . . I'm still a virgin, if that's what you're askin', but . . . I feel older, Daddy. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a young woman instead of a little girl. When I see little kids, I think 'gee, I used to be like that but I'm not anymore.' You know, I just feel like I'm maturing and I'm wantin' different things, more like adults."

"What is it you want, Anna? I'll try to give you what you want, as long as I can and it's reasonable."

"I wanna be loved, Daddy. I don't mean just sex, but I wanna be loved the way a woman feels when she's loved by a man. The boys I date just wanna get in my pants and, when I say no, they stop callin' me. I think I'm ready to have sex, but I don't wanna do it just to say that I've done it. I want it to be love."

"Well, I guess I can't help you with that but at least most of it sounds right . . . except the part about being ready to have sex."

"Daddy, you've seen my body. I'm mature, I'm ready," she said, almost as if she was asking for my permission to have sex.

"Your body is mature but you spirit isn't. It's getting' there and, you're right, you're not a little kid anymore, but you're not ready for adult responsibilities yet. And you're definitely not ready to have a baby. You've got a lot of other things to do before you get around to that."

"Daddy, you know I'm on birth control pills now, so I'm not gonna have a baby. Anyway, for right now, I don't think my fingers can get me pregnant." As soon as Anna said that, I could sense that she regretted making the comment. The blush on her face told me that she was embarrassed.

"It's okay, honey, it's nothin' to be embarrassed about. Most people who reach puberty masturbate unless they have a sexual partner. I'd be surprised if you told me that you didn't masturbate."

"Daddy, this is so embarrassing," she said, the red in her face validating the feeling being expressed. "Does that mean . . . that you masturbate?"

"Well, uh, I, uh . . . well, I shouldn't discuss that with you but . . . your mother isn't here and I'm faithful to her, so . . . you can form your own conclusion about that."

"Daddy, I'm sorry Mom's not here for you. She's never comin' back, is she?" Anna asked.

"I'm afraid not, honey. She hasn't said so, but whenever she visits, it's like she really doesn't wanna be here."

Anna put her arms around me. "I'll never leave you, Daddy. I'll take care of you," she said.

* * *

Susan came home twice over the next four months. The second time she visited, as she was leaving, she said that she would be taking classes during the summer and probably wouldn't be able to come home until late in August.

"What about Anna's high school graduation?" I exploded. "You gonna miss that, too? You could come home if you wanted to! You just don't want to . . . if you don't wanna be married to me anymore, you oughta just say so. But what you're doing to Anna just isn't right and you know it!" I was furious and my volume and tone of voice left no doubt about my agitation.

"Well, if you don't want me at home, I won't come back!" she retorted.

"That's not what I said and if you try to use that as an excuse, we'll all know it's bullshit. You can divorce me but you can't divorce your daughter! She needs you!"

"That's not what she tells me. She says you two are perfect together!"

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" I exploded.

"She says you take care of everything she needs and I shouldn't worry about bein' away this long. I didn't mean anything more than that."

"GOOD BYE AND GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" I screamed at her. She revved up the engine and left part of the tires in the driveway as she backed out.

I walked back into the house as Anna was runnin' down the stairs towards me.

"That was awful, Daddy. I know Mom's not bein' much of a wife to you. I wish I could make it better."

"Anna, you are the joy of my life, but I'm not very happy 'bout you tellin' your mom that you don't need her here."

"I just told her the truth, Daddy. I said you take care of everything I need and I'm not missing out on anything. I didn't mean to say anything bad. I was jus' telling her what a good job you do when she's not here."

"I'm sorry, honey, this isn't workin' out very well but I sure am glad you're here," I said, and I meant every word of it.

* * *

Things settled down by the end of that week. Anna had a few more weeks of school remaining and she didn't have a job yet so she was at home most days after 2 PM. I knew she spent a lot of time by the pool because I could see her skin turning darker. One day, I came home early and looked out by the pool. There she was, eyes closed, taking in the afternoon sun without a stitch of clothing on her body. I had seen her topless a few times but I hadn't seen her totally naked since she was a little girl.

She obviously shaved her pubic hairs because her pussy looked as smooth as glass. She was a vision of loveliness and the sight of her body got me aroused. When I realized that I was getting a boner, I made myself walk away from the window and I went to my bedroom to change clothes. A few minutes later, I was walking down the stairs when Anna came in the back door, heading for the stairs and her bedroom.

"Oh, Daddy, I didn't know you were here," she said, making no effort to cover herself.

"Yeah, I took off early today, it was kinda slow. I didn't know that I'd be walkin' in on a nature show."

"Well, you know I like to lay around naked in the sun and I didn't think you'd be here and you sure didn't call me to say you'd be comin' home early, and . . . you taught me to not be ashamed of my body."

"That's true, but I'm a man and you're a woman, and, if anybody else ever hears about this, they'll start sayin' that I'm a pervert for seein' you naked. It doesn't matter if I'm a pervert or not; that's what they'll be sayin'."

"Well, nobody else will ever hear about it, you're not a pervert, and I'm glad that you finally recognized that I'm a woman," she quipped. With that comment, she continued on to her room as if she were the Queen of Siam in charge of the world.

* * *

I didn't see any more "nature shows" around the pool but Anna did start to walk around the house in just her panties and a t-shirt that was cut off so that it just covered her boobs. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable but I usually had to leave the room when she entered dressed in such attire. I certainly didn't want my step-daughter to see me with a "bone in my britches" and confirm for her that I was actually very aroused by the sight of her body. Hell yes, I was aroused! She was 19 years old, she was physically mature, and she was damned hot!

Anna had decided to attend a local junior college for her first year of college. When we did our back-to-school shopping, she again pushed the limit with some of her choices in clothing, especially when she bought a see-through nightie and several thong panties. I didn't want to disappoint her and, with her mother not here, I guess I just indulged her a bit more than I should have.

When we got home from shopping, she told me to wait in the family room and she would start the fashion show, harking back to my comment from a year earlier that she could buy anything she was willing to model for me.

She started with the more modest outfits and, actually, all of her choices for outerwear were reasonable. Then she started the lingerie revue. She came parading in wearing new bra and panty sets, including thongs, and she was really hamming it up acting like a high fashion model. After the first bra and panty set, I grabbed a newspaper and started reading it so I'd have something to cover my lap when she returned.

I managed to cover my state of arousal until she waltzed in wearing her see through nightie. By this time, I had had seen her totally naked once and had seen her several times topless in the recent past, but that didn't prepare me for the sight before me. The nightie was a see-through babydoll and it was the sexiest thing that I think I've ever seen. The panties were a silky satin which clung to her skin and revealed an obvious camel toe. Her ass looked tight and smooth and, to tell you the truth, she was real lucky that I have such excellent self-control.

I knew that I was aroused, of course, but it appeared that she was, too. Her nipples were visible through the sheer material and they were absolutely erect and "standing at attention." I don't think the house was cold enough to make her nipples hard so I assumed that perhaps she was aroused by the exhibition she was giving me.

"Honey, are you cold or are you happy to see me?" I asked.

"Huh?" she responded, obviously not realizing that I was referring to her nipples being hard.

"Well, it seems obvious that 'the girls' are quite excited. Sweetie, I'm beginnin' to think you might just be an exhibitionist or somethin'."

"Daddy! I'm not a weirdo but I'm happy to be givin' you a fashion show . . . but if you don't wanna see any more, well . . . actually, this is the last thing to model, anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter."

"Honey, I'm not tryin' to give you a hard time. I jus' think, sometimes, you enjoy paradin' around in front of me wearing next to nothin' . . . or even nothin' on one occasion I recall."

"Daddy, I didn't know you were gonna be home early that day you saw me naked by the pool. I'm comfortable bein' around you when I'm not wearing much and I'm more comfortable when I'm not wearin' much . . . but if it bothers you, I'll try to stop."

"No, it doesn't bother me . . . well . . . it gets me bothered, uh, I mean, ya know your mom isn't here anymore and there isn't anybody else for me, and . . . you have turned into an amazin' lookin' woman . . ."

"Why, thank you, Daddy," she said.

"You've turned into an amazin' lookin' woman and . . . it does have an effect on me, you know, physically, and, uh, I don't wanna embarrass you if, uh . . ."

"You mean if your thing gets hard?" she asked, obviously delighting in her torment of me.

"Yes, I don't want you to think I'm some kind of pervert if I get a boner when I see you without all your clothes on." That last sentence was one of the more difficult sentences I have ever uttered in my life.

"Daddy, you're not a pervert and, besides, I get turned on seein' you, too."

"But you don't see me naked or undressed like I see you, child!" I challenged her.

"Well, a few months ago, you were at the pool one night and I think maybe you thought I was asleep but I wasn't, and I looked out and saw you skinny dippin' and I thought 'Daddy sure is hot!'"

"Oh, holy cow, I'm probably gonna get arrested now. I can just see it: 'Man Arrested For Pervin' Out With His Daughter.'"

"Daddy, first off, nobody else knows about that. Second, I'm not your daughter just because I call you Daddy. Third, I'm a woman; I'm starting college and I'm 19 years old. "

"Yeah, but I guess I better stop skinny dippin' late at night . . ."

"Only if you want to . . .," she responded in a quiet, serious voice.

* * *

Anna's last comment definitely got my attention. She had admitted that she got turned on seeing me naked and she seemed that she wanted to continue seeing me naked. I'll have to admit that the sight of her body got me going like I was a young guy again.

Later that night, Anna and I watched a movie on cable. I told her to pick out something and she selected an R-rated movie that had a few sex scenes in it. It was mostly naked females, boobs and asses but there were a few pussy shots and one scene with a full frontal nude male, too.

After the movie, Anna went to her bedroom. As I was going up the stairs, I noticed that she had closed the bedroom door. I was going to say good night to her but, as I approached her door, I could hear some faint noises. Within a few seconds, I could tell that she was probably in her room masturbating, because the noises I heard were moans, soft but distinctively sexual.

I got a visual image of Anna on her bed, absolutely naked. In my mind, I saw her on the bed on all fours, with her knees spread apart and her right hand reaching back to play with her clit. She was dipping a finger into her pussy, finding the G-spot, and then returning the finger to her clit. In my image, I was standing behind her and I could see her finger disappearing into her tight virgin pussy. Because her knees were spread apart, I could also see her puckered little anus. In reality, I had seen Anna's tits several times and even her pussy once in the past year, but I had not seen her back entrance since many years ago when she was being toilet trained.

When the moans stopped, I quickly stepped away from the door and proceeded on to my room. I imagined that I would need to do the same thing if I wanted to get some sleep. I heard Anna's bedroom door open and then, within a minute, I heard the house alarm chime, signaling that an entry door had been opened and closed.

I looked out my bedroom window and saw Anna out at the pool. She was wearing a robe but she removed it and revealed that she was wearing nothing other than her birthday suit. She jumped in the water and began swimming laps. I was mesmerized by the sight of this beautiful nymph, just 50 or 60 feet away, playfully swimming in the nude.

I felt tormented by the sight. I wanted to see more. I wanted to see her closer. I wanted to touch her, to feel her in my arms and taste her lips. I longed to suck on her sweet, firm nipples and feel the perkiness of her young titties. I wanted to put my hand between her legs and feel the wetness of her pussy. I wanted to play with her clit until she exploded in orgasm. I wanted to taste her pussy and make her cum with my tongue. I wanted to put my hands on her ass and feel her asshole quiver while she had an orgasm. I wanted to plunge my stiff dick into her virgin pussy and hear her loud, passionate moans, rising in a crescendo until she reached the peak of arousal and plunged helplessly into an uncontrollable, gripping paroxysm of sexual delight.

I knew that I couldn't actually do any of that; I am her father. I thought that she had been teasing me but I never thought that she really wanted me in a sexual way. No, she was just testing her females skills on a safe subject: me. And, even though I was not her biological or legal father, I reminded myself that I was the only father that she had and she needed me to be her father, not her lover. Yes, the only thing that I could do was to go to her and explain that her displays of partial or complete nudity were unfair to me and I needed her to be more modest around the house.

I put on my robe and went downstairs, then proceeded out to the pool.

"Oh, hi, Daddy! I thought I heard you goin' to bed," Anna said as she looked up and saw me.

"I was goin' to, then I looked out the window and saw you and . . .." Despite my mental rehearsal of this speech a few moments earlier, I was at a loss for words.

"And what, Daddy? You weren't out here and . . . well . . . you've seen me naked before, and . . . I didn't think you'd look out and see me, and . . . I hope I'm not in trouble. Am I, Daddy?" she asked in her little girl voice.

"Anna, honey, don't you know what effect it has on a man to see a girl like you prancin' around half naked all the time and especially all the way naked?"