Anna's Next Husband


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Saturday night came and with it the customary orgy in the lodge. The Sisters gathered for naked revels with their slaves. Leilani arrived, enthroned on a chair mounted on long poles, her husbands bearing it on their shoulders, straining under her bulk. This made for a surplus of slaves so the women could enjoy the pleasure of two tongues at once, known as TTAO, without leaving other Sisters unattended. Paul found himself on his knees tied chin to chin with one of Leilani's harem so Sisters could stand straddling them as tongues did their loving labors on pussy and anus at once. He served Sister after Sister from front and behind. All had orgasms that turned them to jelly. He and his partner in service had to ease them gently to the ground as they passed from consciousness before the next took her place. Anna enjoyed the attentions herself, so lost in lust she seemed to not recognize him. Other Sisters lay face up on the grass mats covering the floor while being served by three slaves in the heavenly trio (HT), one mouthing each nipple while the third tongue loved her between the legs. On into the wee hours orgasmic cries rang from the rafters, finally falling off into soft moans and sighs of satisfaction from the fleshy heap on the floor.

The days in paradise passed all too quickly. There were long days on the beach and long sessions of rimming under the shade of the palms. Nights of ecstasy blurred into one. Then it was time to wing their way home to begin the routine of married life.

They returned Sunday night, shared pleasures and slept. The morning rituals were observed and Anna left Paul kneeling in the bedroom and retired to the dressing room where behind closed door her eunuchs clothed and coiffed her to prepare her for the work day. She returned to the bedroom wearing a woman's business suit, very grey and professional looking with skirt to below the knee, and led Paul over to a small door, low in the wall, only high enough to crawl through. She removed the leash clip from his ring, had him kneel then touched a button in the wall above and the door slid up.

"You'll spend the day in here darling and any other time when we must be apart for awhile. It's your immersion room. I think you'll know what I mean when you're in there. Now give me one last kiss goodbye and think of me today."

She hiked up the skirt to reveal she wore no panties, only garters framing her hairy sex. He leaned in to press his lips to hers, slipping in his tongue for one last taste and rubbing his face in to cover it with her scent. Then he crawled into the cell.

The room was comfortable and in no way punitive. There was a bed and a wide screened TV mounted on the wall at its foot. A small bathroom opened off one end. And covering the walls were photos and some paintings too, all of Anna in her lascivious glory, posing nude or in provocative get-ups of every description. He gazed about as he knelt there. His cock stiffened and rose. He laid on the bed face up only to find the ceiling covered similarly. There was no escaping the sight of her and he didn't want to. Time passed. Who knew how long? He drank in each picture in its turn, an ache building in his balls. Every breath brought her scent, arousing him the more and worsening the ache. He tried closing his eyes but found the sight of her irresistible. Desperate for diversion he found the remote that lay on the bed and switched on the TV to be greeted by a video of his goddess, writhing and posturing in lewd abandonment, displaying he luscious womanhood shamelessly. It went on and on in countless variations. His eyes were riveted there even as he squirmed in the growing torment from his aching testes. An immersion room indeed. No doubting its purpose: to inflame him beyond enduring in preparation for her return.

He lay for what seemed eternity, rapt, wide eyed. He heard a click and a sliding sound and looked about to see a small compartment in the wall had opened and there was food and drink. He felt his hunger and fell to eating, eyes still feasting on what was arrayed all around him. And he knew hope. It hinted that his ordeal might be half over and in perhaps four or five hours her would taste her again and her cock would pierce him. Time dragged on. His hand strayed to his cock to stroke it but he wrenched it away in a supreme act of will. He had suffered the consequences of masturbation once before. He dared not think of how much worse they might be now. In his mind a clock ticked, each interval between ticks seeming endless. The ache throbbed now, relentless. He lay wide eyed, staring at the screen, resigned.

He heard the door slide up and flung himself from the bed, crawling through it, banging shoulders and hips in his haste. There she stood, still dressed in her work clothes. He groveled to her feet, staring up, beseeching. She smiled kindly but a look of lust kindled in her eyes as she bent to attach his leash. With an impatient jerk she urged him to his feat and tugged him along to the living room where a bottle of wine and a tall glass stood on the end table by her chair. She had him kneel and held out the glass to him.He picked up the bottle and filled it for her then waited as she drained it and held it out for more, drained it again.

"Goddess what a day! I go away for two weeks and the place almost falls apart. They try, I know they do and I know they'll all learn but the stress! Now help me out of these clothes!"

He started with her skirt while she shed her her jacket and blouse. In moments the clothes lay in a heap on the rug and she flopped back into her chair, draping her long legs over the arms, presenting herself for the attentions of his tongue. Her buried his face deep. Her scent was sharp, pungent, sweat and the musk of her lust, her cunt seasoned by the salt of her piss. And then he felt it, the desperate urgency of her need and he was overcome, filled with adoring compassion. She worked so hard! His own day of torment seemed like nothing. He turned to his duty thinking only of her release. Attuned by his training he knew her to be ready and just a few flickers of his tongue brought the clenching of those comely thighs, the convulsive shudder, the animal cry and the deep sigh as she went limp and senseless.

He held his place, planting soft kisses here and there over her sated womanhood until she stirred and gave a soft push downward and he burrowed low and deep to find her puckering vortex and slithered his long practiced tongue home. She lost herself in the rapture of its ministrations until that moment came when her climax would be perfect in its depth and power and she gave her wordless command for satisfaction.The orgasmic tsunami came and went and she lay still and flaccid for minutes, then rose and took his face between her hands to bestow a deep loving kiss.

" Ah! That's better. I'm so much more relaxed now. Our first day as wife and husband! And so many more to come. I know you must be aching darling but I'm famished. Let's eat and we'll both have more wine and then I'll fuck you and give those poor balls some relief."

She led him to the dining room where the evening meal was already set, had him kneel by her chair and put his plate on the floor so he could bend down to eat from it. A glass bowl was on the table beside the wine bottle and she filled it near overflowing and set it before him so he could drink from it. He slurped it down and she laughed and refilled it.

"Have some more my sweet! I mean to get you tipsy and have my way with you!" She laughed again.

When food and wine were finished she led him by leash to the rug before the fireplace. She had him reach under the couch and bring out a rubber mat that was hidden there and lay it out on the rug. He helped her don her cock and knelt before her on the mat gazing rapt at her beauty in the soft glow of the fire. With a snap of her fingers she pointed to her cock and he fairly lunged for it, mouth agape. He took it full length, pressing his face deep in her bush and nuzzling it, drinking in the scent. She pressed the button and shuddered at the pulsing vibration while grabbing a handful of his hair. She worked him back and forth hard, thrusting and grinding her hips with mindless abandonment until orgasm rocked her, buckling her knees. Paul flung his arms around her hips and eased her to the floor onto her back and lay with his head across her thighs while she savored. After switching of the vibrator she lay for awhile running fingers through his hair.

"It just gets better every time darling. Now get up and bend over and I'll take you. You must have quite a load in there for me."

He was on elbows and knees on the mat in a heartbeat, offering himself. She went to her knees behind him, found his orifice and drove to the hilt in one thrust. It gave her such a sweet feeling of her ownership of him when she plunged to his depths and he moaned in welcome then pleaded with her to be taken hard. She hit the switch and quivered, feeling goose bumps as the pulsing began. Driven by sweet ardor she ravished him. The mat beneath her knees both cushioned and gave her traction so she could rut upon him unrelenting. The coupling was brief and brutish. He gave out his sweet sound, pushing her over the brink as well, their cries of delight mingling in harmony. Copious white spurts splattered over the mat beneath him as his balls contracted again and again, easing his desperate ache.

But she wasn't finished. After a few deep breaths she renewed her rutting, one climax blending into the next. She made him come again then satisfied herself with final frenzied gyrations and they collapsed in a heap. She switched off but lay on top of him for awhile, keeping him impaled, running her tongue over his neck and shoulders like a predator tasting its prey before feasting. Then she rolled to the side and helped him to his knees so he could suck her member clean. After shedding her shaft she led him to her rimming horse, settled onto it, sighed in sweet contentment as she felt his tongue slide deep inside and found a movie to watch on the TV that hung on the wall. She rested her chin across her arms and relaxed, contented, just another quiet evening at home.

Days passed, becoming weeks, then months of happiness unalloyed. Anna went to work every day while Paul languished in his cell aching for her. Evenings were for lovemaking until bedtime. But Wednesday nights were swap nights when was given to another Sister who in turn shared her husband with Anna. He came to know Sisters of all ages, shapes, sizes and races and gave each the loving due her without reservation.

Weekends varied. Often they would join Jane and Claudia and their husbands for long orgiastic evenings. The women enjoyed TTAO and HT to hearts content and took turns with their cocks until all three husbands were drained of cum and lay in a heap on the floor. Then there were the Saturday parties on weekends without weddings, often at Anna's house, orgies in fact, that went on to the wee hours until mistresses and slaves alike lay spent and drained. And Sunday was for worship at the temple.

Paul's loving devotion grew each day, every moment. His days in the immersion room were spent in contemplation of how he might make Anna's welcome home orgasm for each day better than the one before. Anna sensed it and her own love redoubled in return.

One Monday morning Paul's feelings brimmed over. He groped in his mind to find a way to show his love to be without limit. When she led him to the bathroom the thought struck him. Before sitting down on the toilet she had him lie down to accept a final drink of piss. She started to rise to take her seat but he strained upward to pass his tongue across her anus. She paused and settled down over him, unable to resist the sweet caress. Then his words rocked her universe.

"Please! In my mouth! Feed me! I love you so much!"

Her head spun in disbelief at first. She remained squatting over him, looking down into his eyes. They did not lie. He wanted with all his heart to submit to this ultimate degradation, one reserved as punishment for pig-males, just to show the profundity of his love. She lowered herself to plant her anal kiss on his lips.

"Yes my love. You may eat from me. Open!"

She raised herself a bit so he could see her twitching vortex hovering above him. It took moment for her to relax after this surprise but soon she felt the movement. Paul gazed upward open-mouthed, seeing her anus bulge and flare as the turd pressed its way out of her, just the tip showing at first. Then she pressed down and its length slid from her, filling his mouth and protruding upward. He choked a bit but in hunger not revulsion. It came from the goddess who reigned over him and he craved it. Anna sensed this and a warm glow suffused her. Never had she felt so loved. She watched with a warm smile on her face as he swallowed it down then presented herself for cleaning.

From that day on she walked on air. She kept it as a secret for awhile but Claudia, ever perceptive, noticed some strange and wonderful transformation in her friend and confronted her one Sunday after worship.

"Something's up with you dear. You're glowing, even more than usual. 'Fess up! I won't take no for an answer!"

Anna sighed and threw up her hands. "Alright. Come over early tomorrow morning for coffee and I'll show you."

Next morning Claudia sat at Anna's kitchen table sipping her coffee while Anna went to fetch Paul from the bedroom. She had him lie on his back on the floor and squatted down to press her anus to his lips. Nothing seemed unusual. Claudia raised her cup to take a deep sip and nearly choked at what happened next, spitting coffee all over the table and dropping her cup. She sat wide eyed as the act was completed and Anna rose and turned to her.

"Goddess in her heaven Anna what have you wrought? Now I see why you're walking six inches off the ground!"

"Isn't it incredible. I've done that so many times to degrade pig-males and it's always satisfying in its way. But to experience it as an act of limitless love takes it to a celestial plane. And he did it unbidden. One morning I gave him a drink before sitting on the toilet and he begged me for it. It's a feeling the like of which I've never imagined. He's going to be my Last. Please arrange a date for the ceremony."

After Claudia left Anna led Paul to the living room and sat in her chair with Paul on his knees before her. She looked down on him with warm tenderness in her eyes as she told him of what was to be.

"We've come to a rare and special place in our lives darling. You've shown me a love every Sister dreams of, absolute and selfless. I never knew there could be such happiness and now you're worthy of a special reward. Soon we'll be renewing our marriage vows but with one difference. I will vow that you will be my Last, my husband until death parts us. Then I will place my everlasting mark on your body. This is a rare thing, as I've said, the ultimate goal of every Sister but one that few will attain. I only know of perhaps a dozen such unions among all the temples in the world. And there's one very special honor for you. Every year upon our anniversary I will allow you to enter me, anywhere and everywhere. I'll be your willing slut and you may enjoy me to your heart's content."

The ceremony was held the next Sunday after worship. Vows were taken and then Paul was made to kneel, bend over and present his behind so Anna could take the red hot branding iron bearing her initials and place her eternal mark on each cheek. Then Claudia led the congregation to the hall for the after-party and orgy. She kept a smile on her face and indulged in the pleasures as always but inside she seethed in discontent. She and Anna were true and devoted friends but even with that there was a subtle undertone of competition. Now Anna had found her Last, a husband so special and delightful that she vowed to seek no other.

Her dissatisfaction with Charles grew as the days and weeks passed. He sensed it and spared no effort to please. But she became rough and mean with him, expecting ever greater sacrifices of his body and dignity. She knew what she wanted to make him do but feared that if she tried she would exceed the limits of his love. Finally one morning she could bear it no more. She ordered him to lie on his back and demanded his ultimate submission. But he demurred. It was too much. He turned his head away.

She slapped his face back and forth hard, grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to his feet, meaning to drag him none to gently by his pierced cock to her chamber for a harsh whipping. But then she caught herself, knowing her behavior was unbecoming a Reverend Sister. It wasn't his fault. He was just a weak man like all of them. And if she had to force him like he was a common pig-male what was the use? The act had to be born of selfless love. She kissed him tenderly and forgave him, then settled into a chair and made him serve her so she could compose herself and start her day.

She resumed normal married life. Charles would just have to do for the time being. His precarious state did not escape him and his desperate submission made his attentions most pleasurable but the days of his balls were numbered. A steely resolve came over her and with it a predatory lust. She was going on the hunt, on the prowl. Somewhere out there was her special one. She would not rest until she found him.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If this story was a little newer, all of these so called “women” would have a cock hanging between their legs!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It is a likable enough story, a-bit long though. My personal problem with this story is women that are crazy enough to try and think like this religious cult they have here, and the fact they have this money to waste on it. Any body that would treat other human beings as slaves to humiliate, degrade, torture, drug, and abuse others like cutting off their balls after their tired of them are not worthy of living among others, and should be hunted down and executed on the spot. As far as any man that would put up with half of the shit that these women were putting out deserves to be slaves, their no better than dogs. To not take revenge on these so call fanatical FLR types, especially after they have taken your balls. BS any man would feel they have nothing to live for, and strikeout to harm or most likely kill as many as possible, this is what would happen once you have truly taken everything away permanently. You made him a killer!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

To the author, please get help. I say this harboring no ill-will and only with your best interests at heart.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Congratulations on a wonderfully written and highly erotic story of life as it should be lived. Easily deserving 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

2편과 3편은 다시올라올까요?

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