Annie's Tale: Cuckolding My Husband


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"Thank you," I said.

He got bold. "I loved your pictures," he said. "I love the cute panties that you own.

Again, all I could think to say was, "Thank you."

"Are you wearing cute ones today? He asked boldly.

I blushed, as I did I thought about what I was wearing. It was a lavender hip hugger thong.

"I think they're cute," I replied.

Then he went all out. "Let me see," he almost commanded.

The way he said it sent a hot flash to my pussy. I looked around. We were hidden from everyone. Wait was I considering this? What would Craig say? My skin felt hot.

"Show me," he pushed.

"And what do you think my husband would say?" I asked.

"I bet he'd pull your dress up if I asked him to," Paul said.

I thought about it. The idea of Craig pulling up my dress and showing me off made my panties wet.

With that vision in my head my hands seemed to have a mind of their own. I slowly reached down and grabbed the hem of my dress and just as slowly pulled it up. The anticipation, knowing he was going to see me, was making my knees week. I had butterflies in my stomach but I didn't stop.

"Nice," he said, when I had my dress around my hips. "Turn around."

I was enjoying being told what to do, too much. Holding my dress up I turned so he could see my ass.

"Nice," he repeated.

Just then I heard the door to the men's room start to open. I let my dress fall back into place. The door opened and a man came out. He walked past us and into the restaurant.

I just stood there. I wasn't sure what to do. Paul leaned in and kissed me. I was taken by surprise. For some reason I kissed back. No tongue. His hand on my ass over my dress. Then he stopped and went into the restroom.

I was tingling all over. I tried the women's room door. It opened right up. I went in, locked the door, and leaned on the sink. I was breathing hard. I looked at my face in the mirror. It was flushed with little beads of sweat. I was aware my pussy was soaking wet. I finished up in the restroom. I composed myself and headed back to the table.

I was silent when I sat down.

"Are you ok?" asked my husband.

"Umm, yes," I nearly replied.

"What happened?" he sounded concerned.

"Ummm, you won't be mad?" I bit my lip.

"I want to know," he said. "Everything."

I looked over. Paul was at his table. He smiled at me. Then I started with the whole story. Me pulling up my dress, Paul kissing me, everything.

Craig listened carefully. At one time he turned and looked at Paul. I'm sure Paul knew I was telling Craig what happened. Craig made me repeat the sections about the dress and kiss. As I told story I could feel my skin get hot and my pussy get wet. I actually started to perspire.

Then he asked me how it made me feel.

"Are you done eating?" I asked.

He looked at his almost full plate. "Why?" he asked.

"Pay and let's go," I answered.

We paid the bill and jumped in the car. As soon as he got in I pulled him to me and kissed him. We made out like teenagers. We were parked right in front of the restaurant, I'm sure people going in wondered about the couple making out in the car. After a few minutes I broke the kiss.

"Take me Home," I breathed.

Craig started the car and headed home. I leaned over the console as close to him as I could get, my head on his shoulder. He placed his hand on my leg and started to caress it. I sighed.

"Mmmm, that feels nice," I moaned.

"What's got into you?" he asked.

"As soon as we get home it will be you," I replied.

His hand slid further up my thigh till it reached my soaking wet panties.

"Oh, what made you so wet?" he asked.

"Just get me home," I breathed.

I could feel his fingers playing with my clit over my soaked panties. I wanted something inside me.

We finally made it home. He parked the car in the driveway and we got out. As I headed for the door in front of him I reached under my dress and pushed my panties down. As I walked they shimmied down my legs and I stepped out of them. He stopped to pick them up from the lawn as he followed me.

I walked into the house and laid down on the couch. As I did I pulled my dress up to my waist.

"Fuck me," I said breathlessly.

Craig wasted no time undoing his pants and pulling his cock out. I was so wet you could hear his cock slide into me with a watery smack with each thrust. I'm what they call a squirter. I knew I was staining the couch and I didn't care.

"Yes, yes. Yes," I moaned with every thrust.

"Fuck me. God that feels good," I breathed.

"So," asked Craig. "What made you so hot?"

"Shut up," I replied.

"Yeah?" Craig continued. "It wasn't showing off your panties to a man in a restaurant?"

"Mmmmmm," I moaned.

Craig pulled his cock back leaving just the tip inside me. I strained to pull him into me but he kept pulling back so only the tip stayed in me.

"You do realize he's my coworker," Craig went on. "You just showed off your panties and kissed a guy I work with everyday," he teased.

I couldn't tell if he was mad or not, but the thought excited me. I just moaned.

"So you like knowing I work with him and everyday I'm going to have to see him knowing you kissed him and pulled up your dress for him."

I moaned again.

"That was a pretty slutty thing to do," he went on. "Were you being slutty?"

I moaned.

"Were you?" he asked again. This time more forcefully.

"Yes dammit," I hissed. "It was slutty, I was being naughty, I knew he worked with you and didn't care. I wanted him to see my panties. I wanted him to kiss me."

As the words came out Craig thrust his cock into me and started pumping my pussy. I moaned with every stroke.

"Yes, yes, god yes," I hissed.

Craig just grunted with each thrust. With each grunt I arched my hips so my pussy would meet his thrusting cock. He started pumping me harder and faster. I knew his orgasm was building, but so was mine. All of a sudden he stiffened up. I could feel hot jets of cum hit my pussy walls. As he filled me a mind crushing orgasm washed over me as well.

"Oh fuck," was all I could get out.

Craig rolled off me and onto the floor. We laid there, me on the couch, him on the floor, catching our breath.

After awhile Craig spoke up. "You liked it that much?"

I wasn't sure how to answer him. Should I be honest? Did Craig really want me to be that slutty? Finally I just said, "Yes."

Then I asked, "Is it what you wanted?"

"I loved it," he replied.

"Why?" I replied. I really needed to know why he got off on the idea of me with another man. I mean we'd played with the idea before, but this time something actually happened.

"Would you read something for me?" he asked. "It might help you understand."

"Ok," I answered tentatively. I wasn't sure where this was going.

He got my iPad and brought up a story in literotica.

"I think this story captures how I feel the best," he said.

I knew he read porn. I liked to watch more than read it. He liked reading better. He said when he read he could picture me and him as the characters. I liked to masturbate to porn. I found that hard to do while reading.

I didn't read it right away. Instead we cleaned up and got ready for bed. Once in bed we started kissing. We made love softly on top of the sheets. I loved the way I felt in his arms. I laid on top of him and just felt our bodies merge together. I came twice, he came once. We fell asleep.

The next day Craig had some errands to run. I puttered around the house and when I was caught up, pulled out my iPad and brought up the story Craig wanted me to read.

The story involved a young husband and wife on vacation. They run into two younger men at a bar and after an evening of drinks and fun they invite the men back to their room. Even though she was nervous she ended up fucking both of them while her husband watched.

It was a very sexy story and I was getting wet reading it. In the beginning of the story the husband and wife discussed the fantasy of seeing her get fucked. She wanted to understand what he got out of it.

The guy tried to explain. He explained that she was so beautiful it wasn't fair for him to keep her to himself. There was a level of voyeurism. A step past seeing himself have sex with her. Like having the sexiest woman he knew as his personal porn star.

There was an element of 'Save the last dance for me'. Knowing that these men now knew how amazing and sexy his wife was but in the end they knew she was coming home with him and they would be aware of what their lives were missing.

Last there was a roller coaster emotional ride, a nagging fear that when she was with someone, he might lose her, but that euphoric high in the end when she returns to him.

I kind of understood, but still had questions. I told Craig.

"I wrote the author," Craig admitted.

"Oh? What for?" I responded.

"After I read her biography I wanted to know if she had any advice for getting my wife to explore this fantasy," he said shyly.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Would you like to read the emails?" He offered.

I wasn't sure if I did or not, but figured the devil you know is better, so I offered to read them.

First he had me read her biography. It seems she was older than us, married, and was a swinger at one time. Her stories were about turning a nice girl into a slut.

In the emails she spent a lot of time discussing what he wanted. They answered a lot of my questions and concerns

Did he want to be with other women? No

Did he want to join in? Maybe, not required

Did he want to watch? Yes, but not required

He wanted me to be taken by these men and not thinking about him, just thinking about being fucked? Yes

She explored fantasies with him. Different ways I could be taken. Him being forced to undress me for another man, me being bent over a couch while the man told Craig what a good fuck I was. I could tell by his responses how turned on he was by the idea.

In their conversations the word cuckold came up. After exploring it he admitted he wanted to be cuckolded. They discussed her husband fucking me. She'd talk about different ways he'd fuck me. Craig admitted to getting hard and masturbating to these fantasies.

If I'd known before, I would have been shocked. When I finally read all the correspondence, I admit, they turned me on and made me feel like I understood more.

I read it all and thought about it. Craig did not bring up any of it. He just let it sit with me. We kind of got back to normal in our lives. Craig did not bring up any fantasies during our lovemaking. It was kind of like he'd laid this one out and the ball was in my court.

The only thing Craig asked was could he send pictures to the author.

"You're sure they won't share them?" I asked.

"I trust her," he said. "She knows most of my secrets and has never given me reason not to trust her.

"Ok," l agreed.

To Craig I barely reacted, i mean I wanted sex more often, but I did not bring up the stories or emails. On the other hand, when I was alone, I was sex crazed. I read the author's other stories, they were all about wifesharing and hot wives. I would masturbate two to three times a day imagining being shared with other men. I wondered what the author's husband looked like.

In some fantasies Craig joined in, in others he just watched. He was always there. The idea was turning me on more and more.

One night we were making love. We'd not talked about the fantasy for four weeks. After sex, as I laid in his arms, I finally asked, "Do you really want that?"

"Only if it would turn you on," he replied.

"It turns me on," I whispered.

He kissed me.

We would continue to take pics. Nothing x rated, but lots of sexy poses. He'd always ask if he could show them off, I always said yes as long as he didn't email them except to the author.

Whenever we'd do new pics I'd wait at home in anticipation of what the guys thought. Craig would always come home and tell me and we'd have great sex after.

One day when I was asking what the guys said Craig suggested I let them tell me themselves.

"How," I asked.

"Simple," he said. "I could give them your cell number. They could text you."

This both scared and excited me. Talking to men who'd seen me in lingerie. Craig's coworkers.

"I don't know," I replied. "Is that a good idea?"

"My author suggested it," he admitted.

"She did?" I asked. I forgot he was still talking to her, so this caught me by surprise.

"Yeah, she said it would make you nervous but excite you," he replied.

She was right, I wasn't sure how much I liked that this woman could read me so well. I wondered if I was just a cliche and lots of women felt like I did. I asked.

"She says that the New York Times just published an article and that group sex was the number one fantasy of both men and women. I'll send you a copy," he offered.

"Do you want me to text with other men?" I asked.

"I think it would be cool," he replied.

I agreed even though I had reservations.

My first text came that day, a guy named Mark.

Mark: Nice pictures.

Me: Thank you.

Mark: Thank you for sharing them. Please share more.

Me: (I don't know where this came from) any requests?

Mark: More ass shots.

Me: I'll see what I can do.

The conversation left my heart beating fast and my brain going a mile a minute. I knew Mark. I'd met him a dozen times and now he was asking to see my ass. I was surprised to realize how wet the thought made me.

Texts started coming through regularly after that. Compliments on how I looked or what I was wearing. Requests for certain poses. Comments on what a lucky guy Craig was. There were three of them, James, Paul, and Mark. I found myself enjoying the attention and the flirting.

On days that I knew we'd taken new pictures I couldn't wait for the responses to come in. I would stare at my phone hoping to hear the text ringtone.

Those nights, when Craig got home, we would read the texts and fuck like maniacs. I was loving it.

This went on for a few months, then Craig dropped a bombshell on me. His author was coming to town and he wanted us to meet her.

I didn't know how I felt. I knew she wanted her husband to fuck me. That was in the correspondence. Was that what Craig wanted? Is that what I wanted. I didn't even know the man. On the other hand the idea of fucking a handsome stranger was a turn on. Fucking, why was I thinking of fucking. It could just be, meet for dinner, like normal people.

I asked Craig what he wanted.

"Let's meet them for dinner," he suggested.

"Just dinner?" I inquired. "You don't want it to go further?"

"Well," he said. "If it went further I wouldn't mind but I won't be counting on it being anything but dinner."

I agreed to dinner. I got curious. What did they look like. Specifically her husband. I wanted a picture. Craig gave her my email address. It wasn't long till this appeared in my mail.

'Hi Anne, so nice to finally talk to you. Craig has told me so much about you I feel I know you. We look forward to meeting you. You are such a beautiful woman.'

I blushed reading that. I wrote back, 'Thank you. I've enjoyed your stories.

'I'm glad you enjoy my stories,' came the reply.

We started chatting. Their names were Dianne and Dave. I found her stories about her experiences fascinating. I had questions. How did she not get jealous watching her husband with other women. How did he not get jealous? And then, shyly, what was it like being with another man, multiple men?

I did not ask all these questions at once, but over time.

I found her perspective fascinating.

She loved her husband, and knew he loved her. They had an amazing marriage. If another woman wanted to fuck him, she knew she wasn't going to lose him, and he was such a good husband she enjoyed watching him enjoy himself. I told her I didn't think I could watch Craig with another woman. She told me that was ok, Craig did not want another woman.

Her husband felt the same about watching her. He wanted her to experience her fantasies. She told me that truthfully, she had experienced all her fantasies and now preferred just to fuck her husband and watch him turn women into sluts.

As far as multiple men she told me it was amazing. Letting go, being a slut, knowing it was ok.

Our conversations intrigued me.

Now we were making arrangements for them to visit.

The plan was for them to arrive on a Thursday and we'd have dinner. That was it. We made no other plans.

My husband dropped all conversation about me fucking another man. I don't know if I was glad or disappointed. Did he not want that anymore? Did it get too real? Why did I feel disappointed? Did I want to fuck her husband? Was it her husband I wanted to fuck or just any man? I had a lot of questions and no answers.

We still made love, he still told me how sexy and beautiful I was, but the fantasy portion kind of disappeared. The part that surprised me was how much I missed it. When he wasn't home I'd go back and read her stories. I'd masturbate to the thought of being fucked in front of my husband.

I'd seen a picture of her husband. He was graying, but distinguished. He became a part of my fantasies.

Finally the day came. I was nervous all day. I must have stood at my closet twenty times trying to decide what to wear. My heart felt like it was in my mouth all day.

First I spent a lot of time on panties. I know, I wasn't expecting anyone to see them but I wanted to make sure they were hot. I chose a pink and blue ruffled thong that perfectly framed my ass. It came with a matching push-up bra.

Then I started looking at dresses. Normally I would wear jeans but I wanted to wear a dress in front of them. I knew from our conversations that Dave loved a woman in a dress.

I found a cute summer wrap. It came down to my knees and tied at the hip. It showed a lot of cleavage. I had to pin it closed to hide my bra.

When Craig saw me he whistled.

"Damn, you look good enough to eat," he said.

"Oh?" I quipped. "And who's going to eat me?" I teased.

"I'm sure we could find volunteers," he replied.

I began to feel that warm feeling in my pussy. I pictured being eaten by Diane's husband. I could imagine his grey hair between my legs as I looked down. I was getting hot again.

"You'd like that," I quipped.

"Uh huh," he replied.

I lightly punched him in the arm.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

We jumped in the car and headed to the restaurant. We didn't talk much. I think we were both lost in thought. I had no idea what the evening would bring. The possibilities both scared and excited me.

We arrived at the restaurant and found that Diane and Dave were already there and had a table. They recognized us immediately and waved us over. Introductions were more hugs than introductions. They looked just like their pictures. We all sat down.

Surprisingly conversation came easy. None of it sexual. They were intelligent and articulate. Dave was complementary and flirtatious, but not overwhelmingly so. I don't know what I expected, but dinner was just very nice and I found myself warming up to them and flirting back.

Then at one point I got up to use the restroom. When I got out Dave was standing there.

"Oh, hi," I said quickly. He caught me by surprise.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He said. "I was just thinking of a story Diane said Craig told her, about you and a restaurant restroom."

I looked confused, then it dawned on me. I realized Dave wanted the same show I gave Paul. Up to now nothing too sexual had been discussed, but we had been flirting.

"Oh? And what story might that be," I flirted.

"How many are there," Dave replied.

"Probably just the one," I admitted.