Anya's Unusual Dream Ch. 01

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Anya wakes up forever changed...
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/17/2016
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The dream was so vivid... so real...

Anya struggled to remember it. Already the memory was fading. She lay in bed, trying to recall details... The white room... the bright lights... the copper skinned woman... And then, everything was gone. She couldn't remember anything. With a frustrated huff, she turned onto her back and stretched. The alarm clock was already blaring. It was time for her to get up.

Anya was a single mother of two. Her daughters, Georgia (George for short) and Rory, had probably already left the house. George had an early class on Wednesdays at the local college, and Rory had cheerleader practice first thing in the morning. Anya normally drove her younger daughter to school, but on practice days, thankfully, Rory caught a ride with a friend.

With a scowl, Anya reached for the bedside clock and turned off the alarm. She stretched again and yawned, before sitting up groggily in bed. As she moved, she suddenly felt something warm press against her inner thigh. 'What was that?' she thought, startled. She pushed back the covers and looked down. Her eyes grew wide, and she let out a wordless yelp of surprise.

Between her bare thighs, Anya's panties were stretched around a massive, twitching bulge. With shaky hands, she reached down, pulling her flimsy underwear to the side. A huge, throbbing cock spilled out, attached just above her hairless pussy. "Oh my God!!" Anya cried, covering her mouth in horror.

The shaft was thicker than any she'd ever seen, and the head was bulbous, purple and shiny. Thick blue veins wrapped their way along it's length, and the whole thing seemed to radiate a powerful heat.

Anya yanked her panties completely off and quickly jumped out of bed. Going to her full length mirror, she gaped incredulously at her newfound appendage. "How could this happen??" she gasped, turning from side to side. There were no testicles, and her vagina seemed as if it were still completely intact. Her shaft, however, was massive! And it seemed to be getting bigger! No, it wasn't getting bigger, she realized... it was getting harder!

Anya moaned despite herself as she felt her arousal grow. She licked her lips, and reached for her cock with nervous, trembling hands. When she grasped it, she almost passed out as a wave of pleasure washed over her. The warm shaft throbbed in her fingers, and she immediately began to stroke.

'This... is so... wrong...' she told herself, even as she started to masturbate harder. She fell to her knees, wrapping both hands around her thick, bulging length. She fucked her hands as fast as she could, grunting uncontrollably. She'd never felt pleasure so intense, and it made the normally reserved mother of two completely lose self control!

As she jerked her shaft, Anya looked at herself in the mirror. The sight of her body turned her on! With one hand, she struggled to rip off her short night gown, exposing her full, naked breasts. Licking her lips, Anya raked her eyes over her own hot, sweat-soaked body. Her hand became a blur as it pistoned along her searing shaft. Sweat dripped down the sides of her face and ran along her pert, jiggling breasts.

As her excitement grew, thick precum began to leak from her swollen cock head. She eagerly smeared it along her length, and it made every stroke even smoother. Soon, her entire shaft was slick with jizz, and her hands flew even faster!

"Oh! Oh God!! Oh my GAAAAWD!!" Anya suddenly screamed. Hot, white semen shot from her bulbous cock head, spraying generously against the mirror.

Her eyes bulged at the sheer amount of it. She convulsed as one thick rope after another of thick, creamy liquid splashed against her reflection. When at last, her cock stopped shooting, she let it flop against the floor. White fluid continued to leak out of the tip, but it seemed as if it were almost spent.

"Fuck..." she moaned, bringing her sticky fingers up to her open lips. Without hesitating, she sucked the sticky cream into her eager mouth. The taste was incredible, and she could feel herself getting hard again, almost immediately. With incredible effort, she pulled her sticky fingers out of her cum-hungry mouth.

Weak from her incredible orgasm, Anya crawled to the bedside table. She reached for her phone and dialled her office.

"Hello? Yes, hi Caroline. It's Anya. I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. I don't think I'll be able to make it in. Yes. Yes, thank you. Yes, I'll be sure to rest up. Thanks so much. Goodbye."

With a heavy sigh, Anya hung up the phone and looked down at her hardening cock. 'What the hell am I going to do?' she thought as she watched it grow in her lap...


Not knowing what else to do, Anya stayed in her room for the rest of the day.

When her daughters got home, she called out to them and said she was feeling under the weather. Georgia offered to bring her some soup, but Anya declined, not wanting to let her into the room.

She had spent most of the day masturbating, discovering her newfound sexual desire was unrelenting. When she wasn't getting off, she busily cleaned up the messes her orgasms created.

Several times, she'd found herself dialling her family doctor, but always hung up before completing the number. "What would I say?" she told herself, the third time she put down the receiver. "Who could possibly believe this??"

It was 9 o'clock in the evening, and Anya was back in bed, trying to keep her mind off the problem twitching between her thighs. She'd managed to quell her desires for the past hour, and finally gotten herself cleaned up and dressed.

There was a light knock at the door, and Anya almost jumped, she was so on edge from the day's events. Before she had time to say anything, Georgia poked her head into the room. "Hey, Mom! How are you feeling?" she asked.

Georgia was a sweet girl, and top of her class. Anya was so proud of the studious brunette... she seemed to have so much going for her! She was so good natured, and smart... and so, so pretty... Anya's bulge began to strain against her panties again...

"I... I'm doing much better now, Sweetie. Th-thanks for... for checking in." Anya stammered.

George grinned and stepped into the room. She was carrying a laptop by her side. "That's good!" she said. "I thought, if you were up for it, we could watch the new episode?"

Anya normally had a ritual with her eldest daughter where they would lay in bed together and watch the new Downton Abbey. With all that had happened, she had completely forgotten there was a new episode this week.

"Oh! Well... um..." Anya could see the hope in her daughter's eyes, and found herself relenting. She was so pretty, after all... "Oh, why not? Come on over. I shouldn't be too contagious!"

'What am I doing??' she thought to herself, suddenly in a panic. 'What if she finds out?? Why did I invite her in???' It was already too late, though. Her daughter was coming toward her!

"Yay!" Georgia grinned and hopped onto the bed, crawling under the covers beside her mother. She snuggled in close and opened the laptop, the episode already cued up.

Anya bit her lip and wrapped her arm around her daughter's shoulder. She could feel her cock starting to twitch, and did her best to keep her mind off of it. Despite herself, she glanced down, her eyes falling directly on Georgia's cleavage. The brunette was already wearing her night clothes, which consisted of a grey tank top and a pair of loose, pink pajama bottoms.

Staring at Georgia's breasts, Anya could feel herself getting harder. The episode had already started, but she wasn't paying any attention. The only thing she could focus on was her own daughter's nubile young body...

"Um... Mom?!?"

Her breathing began to grow ragged. She licked her lips, her mouth growing dry.


Anya finally snapped out of it and looked up at her daughter's face. "W-what is it, Sweetie?" she stammered.

"W-w-what is THAT??" George replied.

Anya looked down. The laptop was tilted at a nearly 45 degree angle, one end being lifted off the bed by her now fully raging erection! The sheets were tented over her crotch, and it was impossible to hide what was throbbing beneath.

"Um... I uh... I..." Anya panicked, not knowing what she should do.

George didn't wait for her mother to react, grabbing the covers and pulling them aside. Anya's boner was already sticking out of the leg of her panties. It stood straight up from her pelvis, the thick head twitching as it swayed back and forth.

"Jesus..." George breathed, her hand flying to cover her mouth in surprise. She looked up at her mother, who could only seem to sit there, frozen in silence.

"How... How did this..." Georgia stared at her mother's cock again, and slowly reached for it.

"Honey, no... don't!" Anya finally managed, but her daughter already had her hand wrapped around it.

Anya's shaft throbbed in George's grip, and she let out an involuntary moan.

"This is... I don't understand!" Georgia breathed. She seemed more curious now than anything else. There was a sudden flash in her eyes... Was it... arousal? She leaned forward, her fingers gently running up and down along her mother's length.

Anya began to tremble. Her daughter's touch was driving her wild. Precum started to leak from the tip of her cock, and oozed it's way down her rigid shaft.

Georgia watched it crawl along the skin until it rolled over her own fingers. She licked her lips and leaned forward, planting a kiss on her mom's bulbous head.

"Georgia, no!" Anya croaked in protest, but her hips pushed up off the bed, shoving her cock hard against her daughter's face.

"Jesus, Mom! It's so big..." George enthused, seemingly unable to resist. She opened her mouth, and sucked the thick, shining head of her mother's cock past her lips. "Mmmm!!"

She seemed to love the taste, and immediately started to slurp in earnest.

Anya's eyes rolled into the back of her head and her jaw hung open with a long, steady groan. Involuntarily, she started to work her hips, slowly fucking her sweet daughter's hot little mouth.

Without breaking contact, George quickly adjusted herself, getting onto her knees. She shrugged out of the straps of her tank top, letting it slip down over her chest, to her stomach. "Mmmm..." she moaned again, her lips clamped tightly over her mom's cock head.

Anya gaped at her daughter's bare chest. Her tits were so perfect, so soft and pert... and was that a nipple ring?!? This certainly wasn't the innocent girl Anya had thought she'd raised! Her cock twitched and she moaned again, shoving it harder into her daughter's mouth.

George seemed to enjoy being filled by her mother, and shoved her lips down even further along the older woman's shaft. She looked up into her mom's eyes, her own already hazy with lust.

Anya chewed her lip, losing herself totally in her pleasure. "We can't... we can't do this..." she whimpered. She could feel her cock grazing the back of George's throat, and still the young brunette didn't let up. "Oh, God..."

Without thinking, Anya reached for the back of George's head, twisting her fingers in the girl's matted hair. She could see the sweat building on her daughter's brow, and the shine of saliva on her throbbing member. George slurped and sucked lewdly on her mother's cock, her hands wrapping tightly around the base. Hands and mouth worked together to bring the older woman off expertly.

"Oh, Baby... I'm gonna cum... Oh, George, Hon... I can't help it, I'm sorry!"

"Do it, Mom!" Georgia groaned, finally pulling her lips briefly from the older woman's prick. Saliva dripped from her lips and coated Anya's shining, purple head. "I want your cum! Shoot it all over me!!" She quickly shoved the thick shaft back into her mouth, gagging as it plunged to the back of her throat.

Anya groaned, holding her daughter down tightly, forcing herself deeper inside. She tossed her head back, and her hips flew up off the bed. "Jesus! Oh God, OH FUCKING GAWWWWWD!!"

Once again, Anya felt the familiar sensation of hot liquid shooting up the inside of her shaft. It exploded into her daughter's hot mouth, quickly overflowing and streaming from the corners of her tightly sealed lips.

George gagged and tried to pull back, sputtering as her cheeks puffed out, full of semen. In her pleasure, though, Anya held the girl tightly in place, fucking her tight throat relentlessly. Cum poured out of her, flowing over George's chin and dripping across her bare chest. It coated her sweat covered tits, like milk pouring out of a carton.

When the tidal wave finally started to abate, Anya released her grip on her half naked daughter. She collapsed onto the bed, her chest heaving as she struggled for breath. George sat back on her kneels, covered from the waist up in her mom's semen. It dripped from her face and clung to the strands of her tangled, matted hair.

"Oh... my... God!!" Georgia croaked, her voice hoarse from the powerful throat fucking she'd just received. She licked her lips, and moaned, eagerly scooping up her mom's seed. She shovelled it greedily into her mouth, gulping down as much as she could.

Anya watched from her place on the bed, exhausted and covered in sweat. Her nightie was matted to her chest, and her panties were torn nearly to shreds. Her cock still throbbed painfully hard, though, as if it were eager for more!

Georgia eyed it as she sucked at her fingers, seemingly on the same page. She started to fumble with her pajama bottoms, hastily beginning to pull them down.

"W-w-wait!" Anya panted. "We... we can't!" She sat up, grabbing a pillow and clumsily covering her raging cock. "You need to leave, Sweetie. Now! Before this goes any farther!"

Georgia gaped at her mother. "But... but Mom!!" she cried. "I... I need to feel that thing inside of me!! Please!!"

"Is everything ok, in there?" a voice called out from the other side of the wall. Rory's room was right beside her mother's, and her voice made both women jump.

"I'm fine, Sweetie!" Anya called back, doing her best to make her voice sound normal. "Just... uh... stubbed my toe!"

"Shit!" George swore, reaching down for her tank top and hurriedly pulling it over her breasts. Rory's interruption had frightened her, and she quickly jumped off of the bed. She hurried over to the door, still covered in cum, and paused looking back longingly at her mother. "I'll... I'll be waiting in my room, i-if you change your mind..." she said, almost shyly.

With that, she turned and left. Anya let out a heavy sigh, falling back again on the bed. 'What do I do now??' she asked herself. 'How do I fix this?' She pulled the pillow off of her cock, and sighed as she saw it spring up, harder than ever.


Anya tossed and turned for half the night, trying in vain to fall asleep. Her cock refused to go soft, and she didn't dare masturbate it again. She couldn't stop thinking about her daughter's breasts, and that fact absolutely disturbed her. 'I'm so sick...' she thought miserably. 'What is happening??'

She glanced at the bedside clock and sighed. It was 2:45 in the morning. With a groan, she climbed out of bed and padded quickly toward the door. After the briefest hesitation, she stepped out of the room and walked to the top of the stairs.

Georgia's room was in the basement, and that's where Anya found herself going. She made her way down in the dark, careful to make as little noise as possible. If Rory woke up and discovered her, she didn't think she could ever forgive herself. Before she knew it, she was standing outside of Georgia's bedroom door.

She paused. 'This is crazy...' she thought, suddenly ready to turn and bolt back up to her room.

"Mmmm..." Just then, a quiet moan drifted softly through the door. Anya froze, and her cock throbbed to life. She leaned forward, and heard it again. "Mmmm... Mommy..."

Shuddering with arousal, Anya pushed her daughter's door open. George was laying on top of her covers. She still wore her pajama bottoms, but her tank top was thrown on the floor. Dry semen clung to her naked breasts, and her hands were shoved in her pants. The young brunette was masturbating furiously. Her body was covered in sweat.

A bedside lamp bathed the room in a soft, yellow light.

"M-m-mom..." Georgia groaned, seeing her mother standing in the doorway. She pulled trembling hands from her pajamas, and started to yank them hastily down her legs.

Anya stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. She approached the bed, pulling her own nightie off in the process. "Th-this is j-just for tonight..." she stammered, climbing naked onto the bed.

Georgia tossed her pajamas away and nodded eagerly, sitting upright. Her legs were spread, her pussy bare. Anya salivated at the sight. Her daughter's pussy lips were swollen and pink from what must have been hours of masturbation. Juices seeped from between them, glistening in the low light of the bedside lamp.

Anya crawled over to her daughter, and Georgia reached forward eagerly. The two women attacked one another, their hungry mouths colliding in a passionate kiss. George pulled her mother down on top of her, their hot bodies mashing together.

"Oh, fuck, Mom!! I couldn't stop thinking about you!" George groaned, between hungry, furious kisses. Her hands slid down Anya's body, eagerly grasping at her thick hard-on.

Anya moaned, and moved her lips down to nip at her daughter's hard little nipples. She could taste her own cum dried over them, and that set her body on fire! Her own pussy leaked copious juices even as her cock swung like a lead pipe. She took her daughter's nipple ring in her teeth and flicked it hard with her tongue.

"Ooooh, God, Mom! That feels awesome!"

As her mother mauled and sucked her breasts, Georgia tossed her head back. She spread her thighs, humping her pelvis up off the bed to grind against Anya's cock. Her wetness spread over the bulbous head, until it was shiny and dripping with hot pussy juice.

Anya tried to hold back, resisting the urge to plunge hard into her daughter. The hot brunette was so eager, though... her hips pumping manically from below. With a frustrated growl, George rolled her mom over, and straddled her raging boner.

"Take me!" the girl cried, sinking down hard, until her cunt devoured Anya's cock head. She groaned, pushing lower, and gritted her teeth, until the shaft was halfway inside her.

Her daughter's tightness made Anya tremble. She couldn't believe how intense it felt! Without thinking, she grabbed the girl by the hips and started to pump herself deeper.

George squealed, bouncing on top of her mother as the older woman fucked her expertly. She leaned forward, gripping her mom's ample tits and squeezing the soft mounds with her fingers.

Anya grabbed her daughter and pulled her down hard, until their chests were pressed hard together. The two women kissed again, their tongues slurping wetly in each other's hot, open mouths. They pulled their bodies together tightly, their hips pumping harder and faster.

Anya's entire cock was sheathing itself inside Georgia over and over. It shone with pussy juice, slick and smooth as it pumped inside the girl's slippery gash.

"Fuck me, Mommy!! It feels so good! It feels sooooo goooood!!"

Anya sobbed as she felt George's cunt tighten it's grip around her pumping shaft. The girl was convulsing on top of her, and it was obvious she was climaxing. Rather than slow her manic thrusts, Anya flipped her daughter over. Once again, she was on top, her cock still buried inside the brunette.

"OH FUCK!! FUUUUUCK!!" Georgia wailed as her mother relentlessly impaled her spasming pussy.

"That's it, Baby!" Anya cried. "Take your momma's cock! You take it so good, Hon!!"

Georgia shuddered as she continued to cum, her juice spewing around Anya's shaft. Her legs shot up in the air and trembled, her muscles twitching uncontrollably.