Apples & Oranges


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I was still hard after Briana's second scream. Belva lay beside us, stroking her twin's face and hair while awaiting (demanding!) her turn.

"Hey, she's had enough for now, give me some too!"

I pulled out from Briana's twitching body and slid down to give her torrid pussy a slurp. Mmmm, nice flavor! I crawled between Belva's open thighs and tasted her also. Mmmm... subtly different, and not just from the hint of sweat. I licked again, from her taint up and back again, and probed around and between her engorged labia. She groaned but pulled my hair.

"We can do more of that later! I want you INSIDE ME. Now."

"You're sure about this?" I wanted to absolutely certain.

"Fuck YES! Cut the shit. FUCK ME!"

I had learned little about women in my short life but I knew I would never win an argument. So, I did not argue.

[Note to men: REMEMBER THIS! It is the basic rule of life: DO NOT ARGUE WITH WOMEN! YOU CAN NEVER WIN! Just shut up and agree. And then do what you want.]

Briana recovered enough to smile at me. But I was not distracted.

I moved up Belva's body and poised over her pussy. Briana guided me in. Literally. She stroked my dickhead in her sister's slit with one hand and shoved my butt down with the other, driving me inside. Wow!

Belva's moan was one of the sweetest sounds I ever heard. I could not get enough -- I put my mouth to hers and swallowed her vocal passion.

We shifted positions. I drove deeper. She moaned louder. I bent her double and saw her ankles' silver angel-wing tattoos. I kissed each as I had Briana's. I fucked her nearly unconscious, as I had Briana.

Belva came. And I came. Oh fuck, how I came! Yes, Briana's lubed finger massaging my prostate helped. I heard a bestial roaring. That was me. I was a primal god balling a carnal goddess. I was immortal for as long as I lasted.

(Ever since then, when someone told me to take a flying fuck, I thought back on those ankle wings, and I smiled and said, "Good idea." But I digress.)

We cuddled afterward. Under light bedcovers, one sweat-stained sister on each side of me, fondling and nibbling and murmuring. Yes, it is Heaven.

"Damn, Mikey, we've had some good ones, but you're hard to beat." Belva tweaked my re-stiffening cock. Hey, I was nineteen and immortal. "And you're hard again." She squeezed tighter. "We'll have fun with this."

"Let's see," Briana said, and dived under the covers. I felt her mouth on my cock. I groaned. Belva cradled my head and fed me her breasts. I fingered her still-pretty-soggy pussy and worshiped one areola, then the other, while her twin brought me to the edge of another climax, and over the edge. Wow.

That last cum tired me a bit. My energy level was low enough that I could lay back, and cuddle, and chat without feeling an immediate need to insert my cock somewhere warm and wet inside someone.

"Umm, this has been a helluva lot of fun, and I should probably know better than to ask, but I'm an idiot so I'll ask anyway. Why me?"

"Because you look good, and taste good, and act good," Belva said. She ran a finger lazily down my shaft. Alas, Little Mikey was too exhausted to elevate.

"Because you're a hunk, even if you ARE a music major. Must be all the drumming, right? We don't see many fat drummers. And because you're close-in and available." Briana pinched my nipples. "And you're kinda sweet."

"Thought we'd give you a test run," Belva cackled. She leaned to slurp my weakened willie. She looked back up at me. "You know, a proof-of-concept demo. And guess what? You pass." Another slurp. "And you're kinda sweet."

Briana squeezed my arm. My long arm, not my short arm. "But it's more than that. You don't make excuses. You're helpful. You worked extra hard at moving our stuff in. You didn't fall for our pranks. You didn't yell when we pissed you off. You shared nicely, and not just your cock and tongue and stuff. You treat us like friends. That's important."

She sighed. "Our brothers treat us like weak sisters. Everybody at school treats us like pussies, even if we'll be cops someday. You treat us good. So far, anyway. We'll see how this works out and if handcuffs are necessary."

It worked out nicely.


Dylan and DiDi were fitness freaks and raised all their kids that way, too. They had his-and-hers treadmills at their office AND in the upstairs guest room and they were not afraid to use them.

Among the attractions of the old Carson Compound (as we still called our new home) were the big back yard, the lap pool, the all-encompassing high fence that concealed backyard activities, and the many trails suitable for jogging the hills above, as well as nearby roads with bike paths to the coast and inland valley. This was an easy place to stay fit and exercised.

I liked bicycling those paths with a Sony voice recorder in hand. I wrote many songs to the rhythm of pedaling. Other exercises were more intimate.

My girlfriend Midori and I were exercising by the lap pool on a warm day with blue skies and puffy clouds peeping over the redwood spires surrounding the compound. I will admit that our calisthenics were sexual and were not tantric yoga although some positions bore some resemblance. My doggy-fucking Midori was more Kama Sutra but her sitting in my lap impaled on my flagpole was quite tantric. Ommm...

We wiggled in that pose when Belva breezed in. At least I soon discovered it was Belva when she took off her sneakers and revealed her angel wings.

"Hey kids, looks like fun!" Belva stopped beside us, looking down at our conjoined figures. She threw down the towel wrapped over her shoulders, kicked off her Nikes (yes, angel wings) and peeled off her silky nylon jogging shorts and THUNDER ROAD tee. "Don't mind me -- I just need to cool off." Her enticing body eased into the pool -- no cannonball splash this time.

She floated a bit, and swam a few laps, but climbed out before long and dried herself. Especially between her legs. That should have been a warning.

"You kids look hot! And I'm horny. I could use some tongue action."

Belva stood between us like the Colossus of Rhodes with great tits. Her pussy was in my face; her ass brushed Midori's cute nose.

"C'mon, start licking!" she demanded. We complied. She sighed. "That's nice." Her hands massaged her breasts. Her pussy leaked, "Yeah, nice..."

Belva muttered a series of coarse groans I took as warning of an orgasm. I eased a finger inside her, deep in her juicy love canal. Midori stuck a thumb up her ass, I guess, judging from Belva's reaction. She yipped like a puppy.

"Looks like fun," Briana's voice lilted over us. "It's my turn now. Get away from there, sis. Well, when I'm ready."

Already naked, she sliced into the pool, splashed about, emerged, dried carefully, and pushed her twin aside. Her rosy ass-bud was right at my mouth level. Midori had to stretch to reach Briana's clit.

I was no big fan of rimming, but for Belva and Briana, I would make exceptions. I would do anything for them. Except with hedgehogs.


A weeknight. All we 'kids' had schoolwork of some sort. I was a bit behind on my keyboard practice. I fired up the Casio synthesizer, plugged in my studio-quality headphones, and wailed on a few Baroque sonatas. I set the voice to Clavichord for the early Flemish pieces. Those were hard to get just right; the school's reproduction clavichords had different action than a new synth. I had to be ready for anything..

I was not ready for what I heard in the pause before a coda: thumps, and a shouted "No! No!" I jumped from my workstation and ran out, and nearly ran into Taz. We followed the noise to Shayla's studio's just-open door.

Inside we saw Shayla's boy Senzo and another Asian guy bumping our naked struggling Shayla against a wall. The guys wore only tees -- their sandals, trousers, and boxers were on the floor. They seemed to be forcing Shayla into a spit-roasting posture for a cock in each end of her, and thumping her when she resisted.

Taz dashed in first. He ran full-tilt, arms spread, hands open -- and he caught each guy's head and slammed them into the solid wall. They fell. He stepped heavily on Senzo's groin and then on the other turds. They writhed in agony.

I pulled Shayla away. I saw her robe draped over a chair and quickly wrapped her. Taz kicked each guy's head and then in their groins again. He jumped beside us; together, we supported Shayla to her bed. She sat on the edge. Taz sat beside her, held her shoulders, calmed her sobbing.

"Did they hurt you?" Dumb question. I saw bruised arms and legs.

"Did they hurt you?" Belva and Briana chorused, running inside. The barefoot blondes wore only pajama bottoms and carried weighted police batons.

"Yes, ohhh, they wanted..." she sobbed, "...but I, oh I just couldn't..."

She cried into Taz's neck. I released her to him and stood by the topless twins. We looked down at the human turds. All rapists are turds. These turds moved a little. My Keds-shod feet shoved them further apart.

Belva (or was it Briana? No, these ankles displayed angel wings) said, "We have procedures for this."

"Just like in Perp-Handling 105, right, sis?"

Briana pulled a pack of zip-ties from her pajama-pants pocket. (Why the fuck did she carry THOSE to bed?) The twins' bare feet, toughened by karate practice, positioned the rapists face-down. Zip-ties quickly bound their hands behind their backs. They stirred a little more. The twins considered them.

"We're not police yet, are we?"

"No, so if we hit them, it's not police brutality."

"But we don't want to leave bruises."

"Okay then, soft tissues only. Around the kidneys."

"Yeah, these perps will remember."

"Let's roll-em over and get started educating them."

Envisage a scene of savage beauty: Two topless blondes with swinging boobs and batons, thud thud thud into the midsections of two bottomless rapists -- instant justice with little trace beyond any Taz or I administered. No blood or bruising. Headaches and sore groins from us guys; scientific pummeling from those gals. A world of hurt for the human turds.

"Now what? They can't stay. It's catch-and-release, y'know?"

"Check out front. See if they came in one car or two."

Briana (devil wings) ran out, ran back.

"Just Senzo's ratty Mazda. Do we go with Plan Drunk?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll get the bottom-shelf whiskey."

Belva (angel wings) ran out, ran back.

The bound, beaten guys groaned and twitched. The twins donned sandals from Shayla's closet. Not perfect fits, but close enough for now.

"It's evidence time. Hold that perp's head up and his mouth open."

A fat dose of cheap booze slid past his choked gasps.

"Now the other perp. Slap him so he's awake enough to swallow."

Senzo did not quite drown as the swill poured in.

"Splash more on them later so they smell ripe to responding officers."

"Now we've got to get them outside. I don't want to carry them."

"The garden wheelbarrow is outside. It held manure."

"Perfect. Roll it by. You guys" -- Taz and I -- "get to toss them in and wheel them out. Roll them around in the fertilizer, too. Give them a nice aura."

Belva (angel wings) searched through the dropped trousers for keys, wallets, flip-phones, items of interest

Briana (devil wings) viewed the piled clothes. "Better burn those."

"Easier just to bundle this crap and toss it all in the river."

"Good idea. Hey, let's go where these guys live and clean them out!"

"We're not cops yet so it's not evidence tampering, sure."

"Not breaking and entering either because we have keys."

"Let-em try to prove burglary after they're kicked out of the wino tank."

"Let's get these drunks into the car now. One at a time."

I kicked Senzo's abused near kidney and took the other under his arms. Smelly armpits. Taz hoisted his nasty feet. His exposed pencil-dick hung limp. We dumped him in the dirty wheelbarrow, head hanging out the front, legs hanging in back, just like undertakers hauling away bad-guy corpses from Wild West shootout shows.

(In those staged shows, the loaded corpse has one leg sticking up. The undertaker pushes it down, and the other leg rises. He pushes that one down and the first leg rises. The undertaker then pulls a revolver and shoots the bad guy. Both legs rise and fall. The undertaker rolls him away. Our chore was quieter. But I digress.)

Belva (angel wings) directed us.

"This perp goes in back. That's the procedure."

We returned for the next filthy load and the clothes, wrapped in a ball.

"Put Senzo-san in the front passenger seat."

The car was now primed with drunks.

"Pour extra booze on these perps. More stink is better."

Eau de rotgut filled the air.

"It's time to plant them at the bottom of the hill."

Briana (devil wings) waved the car keys. Her bare boobs bounced nicely.

"Put this on." Belva threw a pajama top to her twin. Where the fuck had she hidden that? "I'll follow in the pickup."

Briana stripped naked, stepped to the covered patio, beat her pajamas against a post, then shook out her hair and sandals.

"Got to minimize DNA residues." She dressed. She and her twin donned latex gloves. "Let's go."

The women drove away. Taz returned to comforting Shayla. She held him tightly and cried. He smoothed her dark hair, soothed her shoulders, absorbed her tears, whispered to her.

I think that is when Shayla decided her new step-brother was an okay guy.

The pajama-clad cops-to-be returned a few minutes later and slid from their anonymous Nissan pickup. They brushed-off each other.

"Whew. That's done. We'll call in an anonymous complaint from the pay phone at Berry's Deli," said Briana (devil wings), "and then we'll take a look at their apartment. They room together so it's easy. Maybe their electro gear will melt in a voltage surge. Do you have that 240-volt 50-amp charger, sis?"

"You know where it is. Let's get dressed and go to town. This investigation is proceeding." They ran to their studio and quickly emerged wearing sneakers and baggy track suits.

"You know nothing. You saw nothing. Absolutely nothing happened. Nothing to see here. Move along now." She performed the Bored Cop voice.

They left. I returned to Shayla's studio. She and Taz were clutching and sucking face. I left my little sister to her hero. I needed a shower.


The twins returned and showed us money and bonds, gold chains (for open shirts and hairy chests), expensively-bound illegal filthy Japanese adult porn, a bag of hashish, and a notebook containing women's names and addresses.

"We left the crack cocaine, the kiddy porn, the forged passes, the illegal guns with filed-off serials, and all the stolen purses and wallets filled with IDs. We scratched the door lock to look good. Maybe while they're tanked for a couple days, someone anonymous might call in a breaking-and-entering report. Responding officers will find a pile of interesting stuff," said Briana (or was it Belva? I could not see their ankles.) "Their lives are about to go vivid."

Moral: Do not mess with these girls.

Life in the Old Carson Compound calmed. We did not tell the folks about this event; they lacked Need To Know. Sheriff deputies came by to ask about wild stories heard from assholes in county jail. ('Asshole' and 'perp' are official police terms for a 'suspect'.) Yes, Senzo had visited, but not lately. We never saw the other guy. What, misdeeds when? Nothing happened here then.

It helped that Deputy McCain was an occasional instructor in the Public Safety program and knew Belva and Briana. They were great students. No reason to waste their time. Sorry to have bothered you. See you next week.

Senzo and his buddy only rated a five-line notice in the local newspaper.

Taz and Shayla smooched a lot but brought home their own guests -- which they sometimes shared. The latest was Dov, a lean pale sabra raised in a kibbutz near Haifa. I do not know who invited him. But he seemed versatile.

Shayla often left her studio door open. I walked by one time to see a naked scene of Shayla on her hands and knees, Taz's cock in her mouth, Dov's cock apparently up her ass, her sweet tits swinging back and forth, back and forth as they rocked. Hey, if Senzo et al had only talked smooth and cleaned up, they could have spit-roasted her as much as they wanted, no problem.

I passed the door later. Taz was on his back on the bed, Shayla sat on his face and wiggled, while Dov fucked his ass and jerked his cock. The next time, Dov was on his back, Taz's cock was in his mouth; Shayla was between his legs blowing him and reaching for a long black vibrator. I had guessed that Shayla liked such kinks but now I knew for sure.

Things went fine until Dov proved himself a jerk. He got the Belva and Briana special treatment too, with deportation as the prize. Nice work, girls!

Taz came to me one evening.

"Ummm Mike, Shayla and I were going to have a session but we're one short. Would you mind, umm, coming in and fucking my mouth while she blows me, and then I eat her and you fuck my ass, and more while she and I 69? You won't be fucking your sister, nothing weird like that. Just don't stick your dick in her anywhere."

I thought. The Manson girls did not mind kissing and tit-sucking each other -- that was not sex -- but they did not muff-dive, especially not each other. That would be wrong. Would mouthing my sister's face and torso be wrong? Not by these rules. We all made sure not to mash gonads with our own siblings. But with someone else in the action? Like the twins and me?

"Get some hashish and tequila," I said. "And Vaseline. When do we start?"

That is how it went. Taz sucked me quite expertly but not to orgasm -- he wanted me stiff. Shayla blew him and got a mouthful.

We switched around. Taz lubed my cock and told me to slide into him slowly. Yes, even turd-burglars can be gentle. Shayla sat on his face; she stretched to fist his cock. My hot little sister and I leaned together and kissed with tongue for the first time. I held her full breasts for the first time, circled her bumpy nipples, pushed her up and moved my head to suckle, all while going slow and easy inside Taz. He spurted on Shayla's tits and my chest. So what?

My little sister's tits tasted great before the spurt. But that was not really sex.

"Oh. Oh. Oh yeah. Oh. Oohhhh... yeah. Mikey, I've gotta blow him now." She dropped into a 69 and swallowed Taz's cock. I sped up in Taz's ass. It seemed prudent.

Pound. Pound. Pound that boy's ass. Pound faster. Faster. Feel his tight anal muscles squeeze down on me, tighter than any adult pussy. Faster. More. I'm fucking my step-brother's ass while he's eating my little sister who is blowing and fisting him, her head bobbing up and down in their 69 right in front of me.

It was lots of fun and it was not even incest. Not quite.

Taz's continuing girlfriend Cyndi came by for more fun with her strap-on. I bet Taz and Cyndi and Shayla were all pretty happy.

I got involved, too It was always fun when the girls got in a 69, me fucking Cyndi senseless while Shayla ate her to insanity, my fat Todd balls bouncing off Shayla's tense forehead, and Taz down at the other end giving Shayla some good Manson cock while crazy Cyndi ate my sister. We guys tended to spurt around that time. But I did not let Shayla slurp the goo off my spouting cock. That would be wrong. She had to be content with what semen she siphoned from Cyndi's soggy snatch. I keep my cock out of my sister.

Maybe the closest we got was with Shayla on her back, Midori crouched on elbows and knees with her cunt at Shayla's mouth for a good pussy-licking, while I knelt over Shayla's sweet chest and throat I had just kissed, and pressed in to fuck Midori from behind, her tits swaying as she yelled into the pillow, my swinging scrotum bouncing off Shayla's chin. She got to slurp up whatever drained from Midori.