April Fools Blind Date

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Cousins tricked into going on blind date for April Fools Day.
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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.



Charles got to the hotel's lobby a little earlier than he told his date he would. He was always a punctual person, and he found that being early and sitting around doing nothing was better than coming in late and facing the repercussions. At most, he would have to wait for his date for ten minutes before she showed up. He also felt being punctual made a good impression on people; whether it was for dates, business meetings, or appointments, it always made you look good to be early or on time. Normally, he wouldn't go out of his way like this over a blind date, but if Eva was as beautiful as his mother promised him that she was, he definitely wanted to make a good impression on her.

He was a little nervous to meet Eva. Mostly because their blind date is happening on April Fool's Day. He wasn't a superstitious person, and April 1st is considered a joke day, not a bad luck day, but he couldn't help thinking that it probably wasn't the best night to do this. But after texting Eva the last couple of days about their schedules, it was the only night they were able to go out. He was also a little worried this was some kind of prank by his mother, but he realized she was not the kind of person who pulls such elaborate jokes.

He found a seating area in the lobby, which was a group of cushioned chairs around a coffee table with several magazines on top. There were already several people sitting there, and he was lucky there was one chair open, which he quickly took before someone else had the same idea.

As soon as he got comfortable, he decided to text his date that he had arrived. They had been texting throughout the day ever since both of their mothers arranged this blind date for them to agree on a time and place for them to meet up.

Charles: "I arrived. I'm in the lobby."

Eva: "Me too. Where are you?"

He started looking around the room. That's when he noticed the woman sitting to his left was also doing the same thing.

"Eva?" he asked.

The woman was surprised to hear her name called out like that right next to her.


They both had a good laugh at the situation before standing up to greet each other with a handshake.

"I usually like to come early to things, that's why I'm here already," she said.

"I do the exact same thing," he replied.

"It's funny how after be we've been texting the last few days, we didn't think to describe each other or send a picture so we would know who to look for."

"At least we got a funny story out of it," said Charles.

Eva laughed and agreed. They talked for another minute before agreeing to head over to the restaurant that was connected to the hotel lobby.

Charles thought the date was already off to a good start if they had a funny moment like this and already had something in common. He was also relieved to see that she was as beautiful as his mother said she was; he was worried she was overselling it. Eva was a couple of inches shorter than him, with long red hair, blue eyes, and high cheekbones. She was still wearing her coat, but he could tell she must have an amazing body underneath.

Eva was also relieved to see how good-looking Charles was. He was tall, with dark hair, a clean-shaven face, and sexy eyes. He wasn't too muscular, but she could tell he had a good muscle tone; it showed he liked to work out to stay fit but wasn't trying to overdo it.

"So, why did you choose this restaurant?" Eva asked. "I don't really hear hotel restaurants as a suggestion for a date."

"This isn't some small dining area of a motel where they serve continental breakfast," said Charles. "This is a 5-star hotel that has a very upscale Italian restaurant. Also, I like that just outside there's a bar or that lobby where we just were, to sit down and wait for reservations or meet other people before dining. Just like what we were doing just now."

"That's a good idea. I never would've thought of it that way."

At the entrance to the restaurant, Charles gave his name to the hostess, and she led them to their booth. They moved ahead of the line of other people waiting, which showed Eva that he had connections with the managers. It wasn't the first time a guy did something like this to impress her, but it didn't matter how many times she saw it happen, she was always impressed by that move.

When they got to their booth, Eva took off her jacket and put it to the side. Charles did his best to hide his reaction to seeing the dress Eva was wearing. She wore a skintight black dress that was cut off a few inches above the knees, and on top, she was showing plenty of cleavage from her impressively large breasts. Charles knew he was going to have to exercise a lot of self-control not to keep looking at her cleavage.

Eva was aware that she was showing too much cleavage. She originally wasn't going to wear that dress, but her mother was surprisingly insistent on her wearing it. They were video chatting earlier to discuss the blind date and her mother asked what she was going to wear. She showed her a few dresses in her closet that she was thinking of wearing, but when her mother saw the black dress, she got very excited and made a convincing argument on why she should wear it. This was a surprise to Eva because her mother never liked it when she dressed too sexy, but she thought if someone like her thought the dress was good enough to wear, she would give it a try. And from what she saw of Charles's initial reaction, which he tried and failed to hide from her, she could tell that the dress was working.

Charles ordered for the both of them, and Eva liked his choices. The only thing she disagreed on was his choice of wine; she made a suggestion that he would like and he ordered that instead. They began asking each other general questions about each other, the kinds that help you get to know the other person when you first meet them.

Charles was impressed by Eva's acting career; most actresses he met were struggling, but Eva's career was very consistent. She made a living as a model, but she also did a lot of commercial work, some TV roles, a few small scenes in a few movies, and so on. Charles was excited to remember a few of those acting roles and asked some questions about them, which Eva was very happy to answer.

Eva also asked about Charles's work as an architect. He had done a lot of good work in his previous company, which led to his being poached by another company for a bigger position and more pay. It was the reason he had to move to Los Angeles, where Eva was living.

When their mothers heard they were in the same city, they decided to set them up on a blind date with each other. They both turned them down in the beginning, but eventually their mothers wore them down, and they agreed, mostly to get them off their backs. But after they started texting each other, they both began to relax about the idea of the blind date. The texts weren't elaborate, but they were good enough to put them both at ease.

"By the way, how do our mothers know each other?" Charles asked.

"I have no idea," said Eva. "My mother just said she knew your mother her whole life. I assumed it must mean high school friends or something like that."

"Makes sense, but maybe we do know them somehow. My mother's name is Martha; do you know her?"

Eva thought for a moment. "Not that I can recall. My mother's name is Diedre; do you know her?"

Charles also had to think about it. "It does sound very familiar, but I can't put my finger on it."

"I guess we'll just ask them later when we have the chance."

Charles nodded in agreement, and they went back to having a casual conversation. When their food finally arrived, Eva made an excuse that she had to return a text about an acting role, and Charles said he had to do something work-related as well. In reality, they were both simultaneously texting their mothers.

Eva: "Hey mom. Date's going well. This guy is very cute and funny. Thanks."

Charles: "Mom, sorry I doubted you. I'm liking this girl."


Upon seeing their children's texts, both Diedre and Martha got very excited and tried to call each other on a video chat at the same time, but it was Martha's call that went through first.

"I got a text from Charles; it's going great between them," said Martha.

"I just got one from Eva, too," said Diedre. "She really likes Charles and says he's very cute."

Both women began laughing hysterically. It took a while for both of them to settle down and talk again.

"This is the best April Fool's joke ever," said Martha.

"I can't wait to finally tell them they're actually cousins. They would never think that their own mothers would come up with such a crazy prank."

"It's because it's us doing this, they never would've seen this coming," said Martha. "I was worried they may figure it out if they keep asking questions about each other, but so far the prank is going very well for us."

"By the way, just for a little extra fun, I convinced Eva to wear this sexy dress that shows off way too much on top."

Martha laughed hysterically. "Oh, my poor boy. We might end up traumatizing him before the night is over."

"But still, after what they texted to us, I hope they don't get any funny ideas with each other if you know what I mean."

"Don't worry, Diedre. It's only a dinner; nothing is going to happen."


It hadn't even been an hour into their dinner date before Eva and Charles found themselves making out in their booth. They didn't know what had come over them. They were only halfway through their meals and their second glass of wine when they found themselves inching closer together as they conversed. At one point, they found themselves looking into each other's eyes, and Charles made his move by kissing Eva. He thought she would be upset with him for making such a bold move, but then she kissed him back. This led to their current make-out session in a public location.

Their kissing wasn't too heavy, and they weren't doing anything inappropriate. The most Charles was doing was grabbing her ass, but the table was covering that from any prying eyes. He really wanted to go for her breasts but realized that it might seem inappropriate if some of the other patrons were to look in their direction.

They eventually stopped when the Maître D' came by to let them know that they were making other patrons nearby, who could see them, very uncomfortable. After that, they finished their meals and had one more glass of wine before deciding to leave the restaurant.


Martha had always kept in touch with her first cousin, Diedre, despite living on opposite ends of the country. They had only seen each other in person a handful of times over the last fifteen years; it used to be a lot more when their children were younger, but because of heavy work schedules they just couldn't travel as much to see each other. But thanks to video chats, they were always able to see each other whenever they called.

During one of their more recent calls, Martha told Diedre how Charles got a new job and was heading off to Los Angeles. Martha knew that Eva had moved their years earlier and thought it would be fun for them to meet each other. Eva and Charles hadn't seen each other since they were teenagers, so it would be nice for them to have some family to be with while living in L.A.

Diedre thought it was a good idea, then started thinking about how much both of their kids have changed since they were both about fourteen years old. She realized that they had changed so much since then that they probably wouldn't even recognize a single detail about each other if they ever saw each other again.

The last time Charles saw Eva, she was using her original name, Trudy, which was short for Gertrude. When Eva moved to Los Angeles five years ago, one of the first things she decided to do was change her name to something more professional. Her original name was Gertrude Eva Green, but she decided it didn't sound like a name for a professional actress, so she decided to change it to something more appealing. She liked her middle name better, so she decided to make that her first name, but because there was already a famous Eva Green, she changed her last name to her mother's maiden name, Morris.

Also, since Charles last saw her, she had large glasses, bad acne, and a slenderer body. By the end of high school, her acne had completely cleared up, and she had gotten Lasik surgery as a graduation present, so she got rid of her glasses. Also, during college, she got breast implants and went from a size C to a double-D.

The last time Eva saw Charles, he used to be called Chucky. He was called this because Chucky is a nickname for Charles, and at the time he used to be very short, so his older cousins gave him the nickname Chucky, like the doll from the movie. Charles obviously wasn't that short to be confused with that crazy doll, nor did he have the same color hair. But his older cousins joked about it because of his height and name. Despite his pushback, the nickname stuck, and he just learned to deal with it.

Besides being short, he was also very skinny at the time and had to wear braces for a lot longer than most people would have because his teeth were that messed up. But fortunately for him, he got a good growth spurt the last couple years of high school. He got into fitness and got some muscles, and with his braces removed, he was looking much better for the other high school girls. He didn't let the attention get to his head, but he did take advantage of the sudden change to finally get everyone to stop calling him Chucky and just call him Charles.

Eva and Charles knew of each other's mothers but didn't realize who they were based on the names they used. Eva's mother, Diedre, was sometimes called Dee Dee, and when Charles was younger, he used to call her aunt Dee Dee. Charle's mother, Martha, also had a nickname, Mattie, and Eva used to call her aunt Mattie when she was younger. When they asked about each other's mothers in the restaurant, they didn't think about how they are sometimes called by their nicknames.

Diedre and Martha realized that their kids hadn't seen each other since they were fourteen, and they both had changed so much since then that they probably wouldn't even recognize each other. Eva was on a lot of social media platforms, but Charles seemed to stay completely off social media, so she figured out they probably never communicated with each other online.

After talking about it, they had this crazy idea of how they could get them to meet each other. They would convince them to agree to go on a blind date with the child of an old friend of theirs who was also living in L.A. and see how that would go. They would either eventually realize who they were and have a laugh about it, or they would have to wait until their mothers revealed who they were.

It was a crazy prank to pull; even they couldn't believe they were doing something like this. But they just couldn't help thinking about how much fun it was going to be at the end. They were sure their kids may be a little angry at them, but they were sure they would see the humor in it eventually.


"But still, we shouldn't wait too long to tell them," said Diedre. "I'm very excited to see their reaction."

"Me too; it will be hilarious," said Martha. "But it hasn't even been a full hour yet; they'll probably be at the restaurant a lot longer."

"You're right. At this time, they probably haven't even gotten to dessert yet."


When they got outside the hotel where the restaurant was, Charles opened up his Uber app to get it ready to get them a car. They had decided to get dessert somewhere else since the restaurant's choices were limited. They joked about how that seems to be the case for most restaurants.

"Do you have any place in mind for dessert?" Charles asked.

"Yes, I know a perfect place not far from here," said Eva.

"Cool, where is it?"

"My bedroom," said Eva with a sexy smile.

Charles looked up from his phone and saw how serious Eva was. He asked for her address to put it into his Uber app, and she gave it to him. He felt extremely lucky that they got a car that was only a minute away.


"But just in case, do you think Charles is the type to move too fast with a woman on his first date?" Diedre asked. "I mean, that dress I convinced her to wear is quite revealing, I wouldn't blame him if he did make a pass at her."

"Don't worry, I raised my boy right," said Martha. "I taught him that women like it when you take it slow with them, especially on the first date.'


As soon as their Uber car drove away, they were making out again, but much heavier than when they were in the restaurant. Charles had his hand up Eva's skirt, grabbing at her perfectly toned ass. He tried to resist the urge to grab at Eva's breasts because he wasn't sure if the Uber driver would notice or not. But then he figured the driver was used to this kind of thing by now and thought his rear-view mirror was too high to notice anything. So he started grabbing at Eva's breasts, pulling down the dress enough to get a good feel of one of them. He could tell they were fake, but it didn't matter to him; they felt fantastic, and she was loving the way he was feeling her up.


"I was thinking, they may be getting along right now, but what if we give them some tidbits about each other to talk about?" said Diedre.

"Good idea. I know my son loves music; how about Eva?"

"Yes, she's actually a great singer. Besides loving karaoke, they got her singing in almost every play she has been in since she started acting professionally."

"Wow, she must be amazing," said Martha.

"Yes, she has some amazing oral skills. Probably the best in the business."


As soon as they got into Eva's apartment, she closed the door behind them and got Charles to stand up against the door. She then got down on her knees, and it didn't take her long to get his pants down around his ankles. His dick sprang up into her face, and she smiled as she began stroking it. Charles enjoyed the handjob, but he wanted more. He put his hand on the back of her head and made her get a little closer to his dick. She opened her lips wide and took it all into her mouth.

Eva began bobbing her head. She went slow at first, letting her mouth get used to the size of his dick. It was not the biggest dick she ever had in her mouth, but she thought it definitely made the top ten. She then began to speed up the blowjob, getting Charles more excited by the moment. She sometimes stopped to focus on the tip a little as she stroked his shaft, and other times she deep throated him, making gagging noises that she knew men liked to hear.

Charles still had his hand on her head as she was sucking him off. He didn't need to keep it there anymore; she was doing an amazing job all on her own; he just liked to keep his hand there as she did this. He had slept with women on the first date before, but he had never gotten this far this quickly; it usually took several more hours before they got this far. But for some reason he didn't know why, he and Eva just couldn't keep their hands off each other.


"I sent Charles a text about her liking music and singing, we'll see if he responds later," said Martha.

"Is there anything else we should text them about each other?" Diedre asked.

"I know he loves animals," said Martha. "He even considered being a veterinarian once."

"That's nice. Eva loves horses; she's been riding them since she was six. When she was little, she said her career goal was to be a cowgirl."