April Freaking Fools


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My cock strained hard at his touch, and at the sight of him kneeling between my legs. Danny was biting his lip again. Then he shrugged. "We are doing the freakiest thing in the history of freaky sex on Planet Earth." He took a deep breath. "In for a penny, in for a pound."

With that, he gripped the base of my cock just a tad more firmly, extended his tongue, and ran it across the head. He paused for a moment to process what he had just done, then licked me again. And again. Then he circled the tip, round and round with his tongue.

Holy fuck. No wonder men loved this. The physical sensation was insane. I mean, it sort of felt like getting my clit licked, but... A cock is so much bigger (in this case, vastly bigger) than a clit, and so much more robust. I guess it can take and enjoy so much more stimulation. But damn, it felt good. Danny had stroked me with his tongue maybe, what, ten times, and I was already moaning just a little.

And the view down between my legs, with him down there kneeling, delicately intent face and dangling breasts in full view, was all such a turn on. Now, I've had my share of men kneel between my legs, employing their tongues, but the sensation and the mindset are totally different. As a women, I felt... worshipped.

As a man, I felt testosterone flowing freely. I felt... powerful. And that was before Danny placed a kiss on the tip, then actually sucked as he let the shaft slip into his mouth.

Oh fuck.

Danny certainly knew what he liked a girl to do, and was obviously trying to duplicate that. It felt great, but he hardly felt perfect. How much was inexperience, and how much was lingering resistance to what he had decided to do, I don't know. But I found myself beginning to issue instructions. At my first request, He had looked up at me with amusement in his face. My second request was that he keep looking up at me. Again, watching a woman suck my cock while looking up at me was strangely, wildly different from a guy looking up at me while he ate my pussy. I think the difference is that my cock stuck out from my body (way out), and I could see all of Danny's face, especially his delicate mouth, striving to encompass, to service my organ. By contrast, with a man licking my pussy, while I can see are his eager eyes, I can't see his lips or tongue working.

Between Danny's knowledge of what he liked, and my instructions on how to make what he was doing feel the best, I was swiftly shifting, groaning, and even shouting with delight. And I was learning, too. I had no idea how important pumping the base of the guy's shaft could be while blowing him. But Danny was totally committed to firm, gentle, rhythmic jacking of me.

I gasped and moaned as he took me in and out of his mouth, going deeper and deeper as he warmed to what he was doing, clearly enjoying my vocal response. The feeling got crazy good, and I could not believe how much of this monster schlong he had in his mouth. I can guarantee that my body had never deep-throated that much of any cock. "I am in your throat," I gasped. "How are you taking this much of me?"

I was genuinely curious. Could I have done that?

Danny slipped me free and gasped. Tears ran down his face, but he was smiling. "You know..." he gasped, "how I can relax my throat to chug a beer in a single gulp?" I did. It always seemed ridiculous and gross to me. "Surprisingly, turns out that is valuable training!"

Alas, he didn't stick my dick back down his throat. Instead he softly jacked me while he looked around. Suddenly, he sprang up, kissed me with his cock-tasting mouth and then said, "Don't go anywhere." Then he let go of me and dashed off to the kitchen, returning a moment later at a jog. I had no idea my tits bounced like that when I ran...

My hand had automatically gone to my cock when Danny released it. I needed something touching it in my current state of arousal. As Danny sank back to his knees before me, I saw that he had grabbed my hand lotion that I kept by the sink for after doing the dishes. He was going to finish me with a handjob. I guessed that made sense for his first time. But I started to get a little disappointed. Fingers on my cock felt great, but nothing like lips.

But instead, Danny squirted an excessive amount of lotion all over his tits. He set down the bottle and made a show of rubbing it into his tits, growling a little bit as he tugged on the nipples when he was finished. Then he removed my hand from my cock a little roughly before grabbing it himself, leaning in, and pressing it between his breasts. I moaned as he rubbed me all over his chest, pressing my cock into the softness again and again. The he grabbed both mounds, clasped them together around me and started bouncing up and down, jacking me now with his breasts. It felt amazing.

I leaned back and sighed up at the ceiling. "Okay," I groaned. "I get it now why so many guys have wanted me to do that."

"Feels awesome, doesn't it?" Danny asked with a grin, not slowing his movement. I just nodded emphatically. "I love the old Hawaiian Muscle Fuck," said Danny, breathing heavily with the exertion. "I thought you would too. From the goofy smile on your face, I was right." He paused for a moment, releasing my cock and slapping it against those soft mounds again. Then he nestled me back in and resumed humping with his boobs. "And I have to say about the experience from this side is, I'm not going to get off from this or anything, but it does feel pretty stimulating. The feel of that cock slipping in and between these titties is kind of a rush."

I only moaned.

Then Danny slowed and stopped. He released me from his mammary prison and stroked me softly. "But," he said, with the kind of hesitation you hear in the voice of someone about to bungee jump, "I think I ought finish what I started." With that, he bent and took me in his mouth once more.

He knew exactly what he would have wanted, and he remembered my coaching earlier on how to do it. I was quickly in heaven again. I groaned happily. My cock throbbed in response. I was doing next to nothing, but I found it hard to breathe.

And suddenly, my cock felt like it exploded. I shrieked in shocked surprise as much as joy, as I felt a hot rush up my shaft, my balls pulsing.

I had never had a cock before, much less ejaculated. How was I supposed to know the signs that it was imminent?

The problem was, I hadn't warned Danny. The blast of my jizz into his mouth took him by surprise as well and he jerked backwards. My cock slipped free from his lips just as what felt to me like an even more powerful jet erupted. It inundated the right side of Danny's face, coating much of his soft cheek, nose, lips, and chin. I could see him swallow in shock at what had just happened, then grimace a tiny bit at what he had just done.

Cowboy up, Danny. A girl should always swallow.

He just sort of sat there, bewildered at how his face, my face, was coated and sticky. He really looked non-plussed. He should have been tickled pink by his good work. He'd blown my mind.

As for me, I was jealous. He had gotten to enjoy the harvest of this magnificent cock. I wanted to know how he tasted, too. I pulled Danny up to his knees from where he had collapsed back on his ankles and licked his face, savoring the taste of what I had deposited there. That made him laugh.

"Uh, Kate, guys don't do that."

I laughed. "I'm not a guy... sort of." With that, I licked a huge swath of cum off his jaw and cheek. Leaving it on my tongue, I kissed him, thrusting my jizz-laden tongue back into his mouth. Hi eyes widened in protest, but we both enjoyed that kiss too much for him to stop my sharing my... his... my sperm. My hands wandered over the lotion-slick flesh of his breasts as I finished cleaning his face with my tongue.

We kissed again, then I looked at him. "Your turn."

"Oh, please, Kate," Danny gasped. "I'm on fire down there." He had no idea, I thought gleefully.

I pulled him up onto the couch, laying him along it with one leg hanging off the edge and the other lifted out of the way along the back. I was thankful that I had taken to waxing about all my lower body in the last year, everything was still smooth and beautiful down there from my last visit. And my body wanted to dive in.

"Okay, Danny," I said, gathering myself for yet another very strange experience. "Just like you did for me. I know what you are going to enjoy, you just tell me how to do it right." He just nodded, biting his lower lip again.

I'm going to be honest here. I don't think my efforts were are fantastic as Danny's had been. I wasn't as hesitant as he had been. I'd had a chance to wrap my head around it for a while, after all. But I just don't think my oral efforts measured up to his spectacular blowjob.

I didn't tease for long enough, kissing and licking on the way in. I pretty much just dove straight into his pussy, tongue bulling its way inside his lips. I knew how I tasted, of course. I'd sucked my share of recently removed dicks, after all. But sipping straight from the fount, as it were, was an interesting new experience. I also didn't use my fingers enough. Leaving them out was a mistake. And finally, I went for the clit too soon, and maybe too hard.

Danny did not seem to care about any of my shortcomings. He hardly asked for anything at at all. He just lay there, moaning in delight as I roiled all the pent-up sexual energy throbbing inside him. I just kept lapping and lapping, amazed at how fun this was, in a weird way, shoving my face into my own crotch.

It didn't take long, not nearly as long as I should have made it, before Danny came. I smiled to myself and kept rolling my tongue around his bud. He came again. I tongued him deeply and he came a third time before collapsing in a piteously mewling puddle on the couch. I'm glad I live in a house, not an apartment, or his screams would have brought the cops.

I lifted my face from his crotch and smiled at him as he picked up the pieces of his delightfully shattered mind.

"What... the actual... fuck was that?" He gasped at last. "What happened?"

"Come on, Danny," I replied. "I can't believe that you of all people haven't given girls multiple orgasms before."

"All the time," replied Danny. "Of course I have," he went, on unconsciously arrogant, apparently unaware that that was not the standard for all guys. Even single orgasms were not the standard performance for a lot of guys, alas. "But there is a difference between seeing a woman coming multiple times," he went on, "and experiencing it. That was incredible."

No shit, I thought. Being a girl is the best.

"I always thought multiples were like when a guy is fortunate enough to produce multiple spurts, like you did earlier, only a little more spaced apart. But that was three whole ramp-ups, explosions, and collapses, and the way they overlapped made it even more intense."

I just thought, damn, what if I had done a good job? He might have died.

I crawled up on top of Danny, and we cuddled for a few minutes silently.

The he kissed me and whispered, "I kind of want you to fuck me now."

That somnolent monster, already, or maybe still, at half chubb, woke a notch more.

"I want to fuck you too," I replied eagerly.

"But," he went on, "I am also hungry, even though it seems like we just ate. And I want you to rest that body some more, so there is no lack of performance!"

"You are the one with all the experience operating this device," I deferred. "And besides, I've worked up an appetite too."

We disentangled ourselves and wandered naked into the kitchen, deciding on sandwiches. We had eaten all the bacon, so there would be no BLTs. Instead, we settled on peanut butter and strawberry jelly on toasted sourdough. The half-eaten bag of Lays potato chips had gone stale, but we devoured them anyway. The sandwiches were great. And we both drank two cans of LaCroix Passionfruit seltzer apiece.

As we sat at the small kitchen table over our lunch, chatting about inane, normal subjects like how Danny could replace his aging Toyota, or how much we were enjoying this new show called Ted Lasso. I found it increasingly hard to concentrate, however, because I kept wondering how long we were going to linger over lunch, before I could get down to screwing Danny. This was also distracting because it was so out of character. I knew in the abstract that he was attractive, but I had never so much as fantasized about him, much less actively planned to have him. Now my mind was compiling a list of positions...

Of course, I had never sat naked across the kitchen table from him, and I certainly had never had this anaconda down there, once more rearing itself up to full height, insisting on getting on with it.

Then Danny lifted his arms and stretched languorously, which made his breasts do all sorts of interesting things, stretching upward and following his movements. I could not keep my eyes off them, even though they were, well, mine.

"Keep that up and I'll bend you over right here on the kitchen table," I growled, sounding to myself much more like my body than me.

Danny laughed, and said, "No."


"No. Your bedroom, with your nice big bed that was so comfy when I woke up in it this morning. In fact, last one there is a rotten egg," he called suddenly, and sprinted up from his chair toward my bedroom. I was hopelessly behind, but the view had its compensations for my sudden egg status.

I entered the bedroom steps behind Danny. He turned toward me as he reached the bed. I reached out and shoved him back onto the mattress. I forgot our reversed levels of strength and shoved harder than I wanted to. Fortunately, Danny only laughed as he bounced hard on the bed. I climbed up after and above him. I bent down and kissed him. Yep, still tasted great.

I had a laundry list in my head of different positions I wanted to rodger him in, but I wanted to start with the only position I had ever before fantasized about doing as a man: Good, old-fashioned Missionary. What would it be like to impose myself physically upon him?

Danny read my intentions, and seemed more than amenable. Of course, we immediately screwed up. I instinctively wanted to spread my thighs, while Danny pushed his together as if to slide between mine. We laughed again as we realized our momentary reversion to form, and I shifted to place myself between Danny's legs. I bent to kiss him again and we lost ourselves in each other's mouths for a bit, but I soon resumed my awareness of my cock resting eagerly against his mons. I shifted and my cock slid down between his legs, head brushing his smooth, hairless skin. He just sighed, anticipating relief.

I pressed upward. Achieving insertion was harder than I had naively thought, never having tried before. I had to rub it around and shift here and there, until suddenly the tip nestled in his extremely wet entrance, and we both held our breaths in sudden anticipation. I held there for a moment, to savor the anticipation, having on the brink.

But only for a moment. Even if I had wanted to drag things out, my imperfect control over this body would have prevented it. I exhaled in relief as I started to slide into Danny. His own answering sigh was light and happy.

I still took my time on my way in. To be honest, I was, in retrospect irrationally, worried about what damage this beast I was wielding would do to what I hoped would still be my body again in the future. I wanted to just plunge in, but I made myself invade Danny slowly, in hesitant small steps, with minor withdrawals between. I certainly was not scaring Danny. He had lived with this thing his whole life, and did not have the frame of reference to understand that he should have viewed this enormous thing I was coming at him with as an unnaturally large invader... if utterly mesmerizing.

Instead, he just grabbed my ass, dug in his fingers, and pulled me deeper and deeper.

I have always loved the sensation of a dick sliding inside me. Even the modest to average sized entrants that made up the vast majority of my prior experience almost always felt wonderful. The feel of a man pressing into me, filling me, was magic.

So was this, but in an utterly different way. Here I was an invader, pressing myself deeper and deeper into a warm, wet, welcoming but resistant embrace. My eyes almost crossed, just at the sensation of my initial entry. It took me a thrust or two to get the movement of my hips right, but once I had it, I found myself plunging in and out of Danny at a rapidly increasing rate. I braced myself on my arms above Danny, not (as I should have) to keep my weight from pressing down on him, but so I could watch his body move below me as I thrust.

I settled into a rhythm, and Danny wobbled beneath me with each thrust that buried me to the hilt. "Oh... wow," he said, in time with my penetrations. "Is this... as weird for... you... as it is... for me?"

"Yeah... crazy," I gasped through the exertion. "But good... right?"

"Fuck yeah..." sighed Danny.

I knew what to look for now, and when I started to feel my climax lurking around the bend, I stopped. In ordinary circumstances, it would have been a little disappointingly early. In this situation, it would have meant a criminally quick finale. I slid myself agonizingly free of Danny and gasped.

"We need to work our way through some more positions?" Danny breathed beneath me. I nodded breathlessly. "Good," he said, and shoved me to the side. I rolled off good-naturedly to the unoccupied side of my bed, and Danny followed me, hopping up to straddle me on his knees.

He cradled my cock in his hands and slid forward until he could rub my head along his pussy. It was wet, and open from my prior plundering. Danny sighed as he let himself settle downward, taking my back inside him. "Unnh," he groaned as he rested atop me. "Is this so good because it is so weird for me? Or is sex always this good for women?"

I laughed, pressing my hips upward a little to show my own enjoyment of the situation. "Sex is usually pretty good, you know. And I'll bet the novelty of this experience is making it better for both of us. And to be honest, I'm telling you that it is this good because you are getting screwed with this leviathan that you have carried around your whole life!"

"Oh really?" Danny drawled as he started to rise and fall atop me. "I thought size doesn't matter!"

"Yeah, we all say that," I gasped, revealing in Danny's progress up and down my cock. "Just a little faster please. We all say that, and none of you men really believe it. But honestly, it usually is really more about skill, personality, and chemistry than size. Unh. Usually. Oh god, that's just right. Please tell me that is perfect for you too."

Danny had leaned backward a little as I spoke and the shift had made him feel tighter around me. Such a small change made a nice improvement. It seems that it made more than just a nice improvement for Danny. I realized that my dick was now probably bashing against that nice spot I knew so well with every penetration. He broke an almost instant sweat, his face flushed again and stayed that way. His rate of rise and fall quickened more.

His breasts swayed above me and I almost absent-mindedly found my hands lifting to clasp, caress, and yes, squeeze them. Danny liked that too, and murmured his approval. His breathing got really shallow now and I figured he was going to come pretty quickly. My eyes locked on his face so I could watch when it happened.

I felt an orgasm of my own lurking in the wings, but I wasn't under pressure yet. And I really didn't want to come yet anyway. I hoped to have more control of it when I came, now that I had experienced it happening.

When he got really close, I released his boobs and grabbed his hips, using my hands to help him fuck me even more vigorously.