Arranged Marriage Ch. 04

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Karthik's life couldn't possibly get worse, right?
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/17/2019
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The next three months was a full downward journey for Karthik. His misery and horror slowly became routines and he accepted his fate and walked around like an automaton. Go to bed late at night. Naked. And, only after he had licked Anitha's ass or feet until she finally relented and allowed him to sleep. Wake up at 6. Set milk and coffee. Sweep and mop the house. Kiss Anitha's feet as she came out. Anitha slept in her bikini or naked which was a torment to Karthik. She of course did not allow him to have sex with her and had threatened him with dire consequences if she found he was masturbating. What possibly could be dire consequence for a naked slave? Karthik did not intend to find out.

There were a few minuscule good things though. Firstly, as she had promised, she kept sending money to his parents every month. Also, even though Anitha's commands were that he would be perpetually naked, he was dressed for half-hour to one hour every day when they video called his or her parents. Anitha intended to keep things as normal as possible. Karthik spent the entire day anticipating the video call which was about the only thing that kept his sanity. Sure that something was wrong, Karthik's mom repeatedly questioned him if something was wrong. What was Karthik going to say? He avoided her queries such as those and never hinted at his torments. Anitha walked about unaffected. It was Karthik's responsibility to keep their lifestyle private. Failure there meant that he would be kicked out of the house naked and left for dead. If he or his mother tried to start anything, his naked videos would be all over the internet and Karthik could never risk that.

At the end of three months, Anitha's mother started the question. When are you having kids? They were both blindsided. While Karthik kept mum, for the first time he saw Anitha flustered and bumbling just like him and it was funny. He could not help smiling. Anitha made up an excuse and cut the call. Seeing his smile, she asked sharply.

"What are you smiling about, worm?"

"Nothing, ma'am." He replied. "Sorry, ma'am." But, he could not stop. He let out an involuntary laugh. He closed his mouth in terror. However, a second later, Anitha also started laughing. Objectively, Anitha's mother asking them about kids when the high point of Karthik's day was when Anitha gave him permission to clean her shoes with a brush was so messed up that they could not help themselves. Anitha was further amused by the funny sight of Karthik's terror. The call completed, Karthik, as was expected, started taking his clothes off. Watching him, Anitha could not help getting turned on. The giant penis struck again as Anitha led him to her bedroom holding it. She then stood in front of him smiling. He could get some if he dared.

Karthik was still traumatised by the punishment he had received the last time he had initiated oral sex. However, his throbbing cock had a trauma of it's own of not having any release for two months. His cock's trauma won out and he walked forward and kissed her while ramming his dick. Anitha parted her lips and Karthik gulped down on her tongue. They made out for a couple minutes when Karthik's hand went to her shorts. Anitha, never someone to take a passive role lifted him and threw him on the bed. She took off her clothes in a flash and got on top of him. Karthik realised that their first time having sex was nothing as Anitha rode him aggressively. She also licked and nibbled allover his upper body and he came in less than a minute. Anitha then came up and pressed her breasts against his face. Karthik nibbled, licked and squeezed them both as he started getting hard again. Anitha waited until he was fully erect and got off him lying on the bed. She then pulled Karthik on top of her and Karthik once again plunged into her. Anitha got treated to multiple orgasms as Karthik too cried out with pain. That night, they actually cuddled and dozed off in each other's arms.

While that night was the highlight of the last three months, Karthik was generally miserable for the rest of the time. Anitha had now found a regular partner in Cam and they frequently ended up at home. Cam got bolder and ordered him around and Karthik had to always address him as sir and follow every command. Also, after they were done having sex, Karthik had to eat her out. The very knowledge that this meant he was effectively eating Cam's semen was a body blow to Karthik. And, yet, he had to live with knowledge every waking moment.

Earlier, when Anitha came back from office, she would fully inspect the house with every intention of beating him up for the slightest infraction. She rarely found any. However, it was still a good excuse to drag him around by his leash. Karthik never fully got over this humiliation. Dragged around like a Dog! And, just like a Dog, fully naked. Anitha knew how miserable he was every time she did this and it only increased her amusement. However, when she saw that he was efficient as a slave, she stopped. Anitha was never unnecessarily cruel. Karthik was her naked slave and they both knew it. Anitha did not need to physically torture him any more than needed. Lakshmi, Anitha's friend from India - who, Karthik realised as he looked back was the initiator of his horrific torment - however, was another matter. Anitha had a video chat with her some Monday evenings. When Lakshmi came on video, she frequently asked Anitha to do demeaning things to him. Monday evening for Anitha and Karthik meant Monday morning to Lakshmi in India and torturing Karthik was a great way to lift Lakshmi's spirits and get rid of Monday blues.

Anitha could not get a chastity device for Karthik. She, however, got him a butt plug. You could send a command from a phone app to it and it would vibrate causing massive pain. Anitha initially intended him to wear it all the time. However, she realised that forcefully inserting it in his buttocks was far more painful and that was generally the first request from Lakshmi. Lakshmi repeatedly also asked Anitha to whip Karthik laughing every time he shouted in pain or started tearing up. Once, Lakshmi had a bright idea. She installed the same app on her phone and repeatedly sent the commands for the whole day. Once again, it was night for Karthik while at the same time it was Lakshmi's morning and afternoon. She timed it around half hour to one hour apart which meant that Karthik would just be dozing off and would suddenly be awakened by the shock. Karthik was in severe pain the next day and Anitha had to take him to the Doctor. She forbade Lakshmi from doing that ever again and then once again whipped Karthik in front of Lakshmi as punishment. Karthik was in severe pain over the next week and it took every ounce of his energy to ensure completed the chores. He knew that his physical weakness was not an excuse and if he failed in any task because of it, he would have to add hunger to all the pain in his body and Karthik managed to avoid that.

Weekends consisted of Karthik serving Megan as her naked slave in her sex shop. Anitha was a great trekker and was also involved in a local Karate coaching club for adolescents. She was a mentor in the trekking club and was already a teacher in Karate. She had only one condition in both areas. She would mentor/teach only girls. Since she was ready to do so without any pay, both clubs readily accepted her conditions. When she was bringing her slave to the US, she had felt it would be tough to balance a home slave and continue her weekend activities. Megan had provided a superb solution to that. As Megan had requested, Anitha took Karthik to her sex shop where he would serve as Megan's slave. Very soon, she was driving him naked as opposed to making him strip when he got there. Anitha had tinted windows and Karthik was easily camouflaged as he sat in the rear seat. Once she reached the sex shop basement, Karthik got down, opened her door and kissed Anitha's feet.

In addition to being naked, Karthik would have his leash on. The ritual to follow was that, he would crawl over to Megan and kiss her feet. Then, take the end of his leash and hand it to Megan as an offering. Megan would then drag him - none too softly - by the leash to the closet and put his mask. Karthik would then start sweeping, mopping etc and was generally doing anything Megan said. It was humiliating to the core. In addition to the janitor activity, Karthik was also responsible for demonstrating some of the sex items. A couple would need to know how some things worked and Karthik was generally in the receiving end. Karthik, wearing only his mask to protect his identity, modelled handcuffs, leashes and the occasional strap-ons/vibrators. The strap-on/vibrators were particularly bad and Karthik hated it. A very large percentage of Megan's clientele included femdom couples. Karthik was a fantastic slave to have in this regard. The men who were involved in these relationships were already submissive to their female partners. One look at Karthik's gigantic penis and the women would get determined to push their slaves further. Practically not a single couple left Megan's sex shop without a chastity device. The women seemed to feel that, if Karthik with that schlong was being this submissive, their partners deserved lesser and lesser and most of them loosened their purse strings way more than they intended. In addition to his demeaning role in demonstrating sex toys, he also did all her house chores in her house above the sex shop. He started with her toilets and cleaned her entire house. She also passed her entire week's worth of laundry on to him. After washing them, he had to dry them on her terrace. Still, completely naked.

If Anitha was in her karate class, she generally hit the bars/pubs after. If she went on treks, however, she would be away for the whole weekend and, as a result, Karthik eventually ended up spending every weekend fully at Megan's many times. Megan had a girlfriend named Gen - Genevieve - and she too came to Megan's during many of the weekends. While a naked man shocked her at first, Gen quickly realised she could use this advantage and brought her own laundry for Karthik. They would punish him severely if he did not do the laundry properly. So, completely naked, Karthik spent a long time hanging clothes and was a sight to watch for many of his neighbours. In his humiliation and misery, it took more than a month, and Megan's telling to realise that the women were actually ogling at him. The women saw everything and liked what they saw. They wanted to have a piece of him inside them and frequently ordered him to take the mask off and come to them. Karthik rebuffed them every time. However, he eventually understood that he was a desirable object to the women and it helped restore a small iota of self-respect which he had lost due to his treatment by Anitha.

While serving the two women and being their total slave was obviously humiliating, Karthik ended up forming some sort of a friendship with Megan and Gen in those three months. He had no illusions, though. He was never an equal to them. Not even close. He was two levels below their feet and they treated him that way. However, they were friendly and they frequently ended up catching a nice Netflix movie. The two of them would hardly watch the movie and start their make-out session while he would naked and on the floor. They also involved him in their sexual acts. Anitha had forbidden him to have sex. However, she allowed them to treat him in any other way they wanted and he frequently ended up licking one of them for a long time to get them wet and ready for the strap on from the other. If he took a longer time than what they felt necessary, he would be whipped and he would use his tongue more vigorously.

Apparently, impressed by his size, they propositioned Anitha to use him for sex. Anitha immediately forbade it. Karthik had no clue they were planning to do so. When Anitha forbade it, he was disappointed at first. He was in a state of perpetual erection and no sex and no masturbation was having it's effect. That disappointment, however, turned into a morbid fear a second later. Karthik went home that day horrified beyond all else certain that Anitha was going to punish him. But, far from it, Anitha did not even once mention that. He had to say this for her. She was never cruel just for the sake of being cruel. She did not want Karthik to have sex. However, she had already permitted them to use him to go down on them. She saw no harm in that. After all, what man liked licking a woman's vagina and Karthik was no different. He hated the smell, he hated the taste in his mouth and he hated the humiliation it ensued. Not to mention, Megan and Gen invariably also grabbed his hair and his balls were just too enticing for their toes to ignore. They also were experts in controlling their orgasms which ensured that Karthik was going through all his torment for quite a while. Anything which hurt Karthik or made him miserable, Anitha had no troubles with it.

When Anitha came to drop him off the next weekend, Megan was working out. She asked Anitha to come upstairs. Anitha dragged the naked and leashed Karthik who followed on all fours. When they reached Megan, Karthik, as usual crawled to her and offered the leash. Megan had a brainwave.

"You know, Anitha denied sex between you and I. You need to be punished for that." Gleefully, Anitha picked up the whip that was on the table.

"Oh, not that." Megan waved to her. "My legs are sweaty. Clean them." And, she brought her feet in front of the naked and all-fours Karthik. Anitha cheered and Karthik stared at Megan's feet. This was way down below the belt. He had no idea his position in life could be degraded further but, here it was. He did not start on his order.


Anitha had whipped him. Right on his ass. Karthik screamed and started tearing up. Anitha whipped him again and he started licking. However, the stink was unbearable and he fell back, retching.


"Please, no." He begged them. Megan had not moved. She stood majestically in her sports bra and her micro-mini shorts. Karthik was the slave and it would be him that should come to her for carrying out his task. Karthik got a fourth lash and he cried out in pain and fell down. Anitha turned him over with her legs. She then brought the whip and slowly caressed his balls. The message was unmistakable. She was threatening to whip his balls! Karthik jumped up instantly and once again crawled over to Megan. Megan pulled a chair, sat down and stretched both her legs. "Sniff!" She said imperiously.

Crying like a baby, Karthik crawled forward again and started sniffing. Anitha was standing behind him, waiting him to pull his head back. Karthik, knowing this, breathed and breathed in the stench emanating from Megan's otherwise delectable feet. Megan showed no signs of any respite and kept him at it. After two minutes, Karthik could no longer hold and started coughing and gagging and his head snapped back.


Karthik screamed and resumed his position. Megan was unconcerned and pointed to the other feet. Karthik continued smelling and licking and it was horrific beyond anything he had experienced until now. Anitha waited and waited but Karthik, despite his agony, held his position. Anitha smiled eventually, and gave Megan a hug. She then smacked him one last time with her bare hands with all her strength and Karthik jumped again. Karthik's butt was red-hot and burning and Megan did not allow him to rub once. She then informed him he would go through this every week. Karthik could not stop his tears as he started on his daily chores.

When he picked up Megan's laundry (Gen was absent for this week) to the terrace, the four neighbourhood women were present, as usual. Two were from the adjacent house on one side, one from the adjacent house on the right and one from the opposite. The ones from the left could easily jump over from their terrace to him and they frequently did so. They would then parade him around leading him by his penis to the other two women as they cheered and gloated at him. Karthik was protected by his mask and both Anitha and Megan had warned the women that they could do whatever they wanted with him but they could not touch his mask. They seemed to be more scared of Megan then Anitha and obediently did not even lay a finger on his mask. However, they punished him severely. Today, when they saw his butt, they whistled.

"What did you screw up so badly, slave? And, stop crying unless you want us to crush your balls."

Karthik forced himself to stop crying. Like a dope, he told them what had happened. The women looked at each other.

"Why the hell didn't we think of this? God, Megan is smarter than all of us."

And so, Karthik watched in horror as the two women vaulted over and stood in front of him. They were wearing their workout shoes. With socks! Karthik stared horrified at the socks and then at them. They pointed downwards and Karthik fell to their feet.

"Please, please don't make me do this." His horror raised further as, just prostrated in front of them, he could already smell their sweat through the socks. It smelt like stale eggs in water. Now, they were going to make him remove it and smell and lick them up close. No, no, please. Karthik bawled and screamed and pleaded to them but he could see it was to no avail as he stared into their pitiless eyes. They did not threaten or force him but waited for him to cry himself out and give them a second to talk.

"Naked boy. You can lick our feet for as long as we like it. Or, we can make you masturbate. You can then explain to your wife as to why you masturbated."

Karthik let out another groan of massive tears. He knew from the way these women ogled at him that they wanted to have sex with them. He knew that he could have had his pick. And yet, he was going to sacrifice that and instead smell and lick stinky, sweaty feet for god knew how long just to please his mistress. And, while he was doing this, Anitha was walking around - no, prancing around - without a care in the world as he slaved himself to the extremes of the world for her pleasure. Karthik cursed Anitha, cursed God and cursed himself as he crawled to the women and started removing their sock. He received a strong kick to his ass from the other woman. He looked up at her and she pointed to her mouth. Resigned, Karthik got his mouth to her socks. The stench gagged him but he did not have a choice as he slowly removed her socks with his mouth. The two women kept him at his feet-smelling and licking duties for more then an hour at which point Megan came to the terrace to see why he was still not back from hanging her clothes. She then smiled watching him sniff and lick the other women's feet.

By the next week, this became another part of his naked slavery life. All four women would now assemble on Megan's terrace. Megan, Gen and the four women would start their workouts and jogging at the same time and text Anitha. Anitha would show Karthik the text, tell him to get ready for his next feet-smelling session and gleefully smile at the expression on his face as she dragged him to her car. Karthik would never dare ask Anitha to stop this but frequently begged Megan to stop with the feet-smelling. At least, smelling the feet of the other women. Megan warned him that the next time he asked her, he would no longer be wearing a mask and he stopped. He would then start with Megan's feet. The stench never failed to make him retch and gag which greatly amused both Megan and Anitha. Megan would then send him up to the terrace with her laundry and the four women would be waiting. They would keep him at it for at least an hour. He would be licking the feet of one of them when he would receive a kick on his ass from one of the others. He would then have to correctly determine who kicked him and start on her legs. If he guessed incorrectly, he would receive one from all four of them. His begging and his tears only made them laugh further.

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