Ægir's Wife Ch. 02


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Mikael bit his own lip. He had not been prepared to actually enjoy this, watching his wife fuck his baby brother. He would have sworn he would have been so turned off that he had carefully prepared back up plans should performance anxiety be too much. But fuck, he could only remember one other time when he had wanted her this fucking much, been this damned turned on...that first time he had taken her in this bed. The first time he had allowed himself the full pleasure of her body.

He was not sure whether to be relieved or disgusted with himself that the sight of his brother's cock plunging deeper and deeper inside of her did such a fucking head job on him. But for damned sure, it would make his plans for this night easier. He released his throbbing cock...if he could manage to hold off his own fucking orgasm that long.

Time to get the show moving forward a bit faster then, he decided as he pushed her forward to lean against Bjorn's chest. His hand caressed her shoulders and back as his brother took over most of the action, lifting his hips to pound his cock into their wife. Mikael scraped his nails down her spine. Though he knew they were not as sharp, it would remind her of his knife. Distract her just a bit as her orgasm continued to build. "Thank him, slut. Thank my brother for fucking your wet pussy. Tell him how fucking much you love it," Mikael demanded.

"Oh," she screamed as loudly as she had when he had finally given her that first release with his tongue on the boat. He flinched a bit. Though this room was more sound proofed than the ship, he was almost certain that not even that would prevent such an ear piercing scream from penetrating the walls and echoing into Sven's room right next door.

But there was nothing to be done for that now. Who knew...maybe that was what his thick headed, horse's cock of brother needed to make him pull his head out of his own ass?

He wrapped his hand through her hair once more and pulled her head back as he leaned down. His used his teeth to bite hard into her earlobe. "I said tell him. Fucking tell him, whore. Tell him how fucking good his thick cock feels in your wet fuck hole."


Kirsty skipped a beat, lost the incredible rhythm that she and Bjorn had going. His cock slipped from her wet folds and she cried out in frustration as the powerful orgasm came to an abrupt halt. She whimpered and writhed helplessly against him, trying to draw his thick cock back into her needy cunt.

"Please," she begged and pleaded.

"No!" His voice was deeper than ever. "Don't you fucking dare, Bjorn. Don't give the little slut what she needs until she tells you how fucking much she wants it."

Her eyes flew open. The first thing she saw was the dark clouds gathering in Bjorn's eyes. She could tell he was not happy. But she was. Oh, sweet Freya, she had never wanted her bad boy more than she did then. He was driving her insane and it felt like heaven.

In that moment she did not have time to soothe Bjorn's feathers, her body was too afire. All she could do was show him, show him how very much his brother's bad boy was the perfect complement to her gentle giant. And hope it would be enough.

"Please, I need your cock, Bjorn. It feels so fucking good inside my needy cunt. Fuck me! Fuck me hard. Use my tight pussy. Please," though it was Bjorn to whom she addressed her pleas it was Mikael's silvery depths into which she stared.

He smiled and nodded, "Fuck her tight cunt, little brother. Give our little whore what she needs." Mikael titled her head back further as he inched forward just enough that his own hard cock grazed her bottom lip. Then he pulled back with a devilish smile as she felt Bjorn's hand between their bodies guide his hard cock back inside her.

She sighed and moaned as she sank down on it. Looking down into Bjorn's green eyes she began to move on his cock once more. Her breath froze in her throat when he spoke, "I think my brother's cock needs sucking." His hands on her hips dug painfully deep into the soft flesh.

Sometimes it was way too easy for her to forget that beneath that gentle, loving exterior beat a darkness matched only by Loki himself. "Yes, Master," she breathed as she turned her head back to the side and looked up at Mikael, "Please, Sir, please may I suck your hard cock?"

"Good girl," they exclaimed as they took up complimentary paces. Mikael's hands laced through her hair as his cock plunged to the back of her throat making her gag a bit and pushing her further down onto his brother's cock. Both then slowly backing off just enough to allow her to her breathe. Before repeating the whole process over and over again.

She was mindlessly orgasming when Mikael pulled back. His cock slipped from her mouth with a loud pop. His fingers in her hair tightened until he forced her to look up at him, "Chapter ten, Kirsty."

For several long moments, she could not imagine what he was talking about as Bjorn slowed the pace, but continued to fuck her slowly and deeply. She shook her head slowly as she tried to remember what he was talking about.

Mikael answered her unspoken question, "Chapter ten of My Brother's Keeper."

Her eyes went wide as she shook her head. She struggled to break free of Bjorn's hold on her hips as panic took over worse even than that damned hood. Her vision clouded as tears gathered in her eyes. "No, Mikael, no," she pleaded.

His face softened as did his touch in her hair, his hands petted her hair tenderly. "Yes, lilla gumman. I know this scares you, but what kind of Doms would we be, what type of husbands, if we allowed that fear to keep controlling you?"

Kirsty felt the tears slid from her eyes, "Please, no, not that, Mikael," she begged as she turned to Bjorn, who had stopped thrusting completely though his cock remained buried to the hilt inside of her. Her eyes pleaded with him to back her in this, though she could tell he was as confused as she had been a moment before.

Mikael sat back on his heels as his hands continued to toy in her hair, "I know, Kirsty. We both know how much anal scares you after what happened. Just listen to me, please." He sighed as he turned to look at Bjorn as well, "Both of you."

"Sweetheart, you won't even fucking tell us, either of us, what happened that night. That tells us way too much. And while we know that anal sex was never top of your fetish list, until that night you were at least willing to explore things a bit. Hell, it was you who told me about that damned book," he smiled at her then, "which by the way...damn is that some hot porn. Why do you fucking women insist on putting those naked men on the covers? Just to scare us guys off so we won't find out what dirty little sluts we are married to?" She chuckled a bit through the tears at his sense of humor and his insight. "It was you, who suggested it remember?" he challenged.

She shook her head again, "Yes, but that was before..."

"Before what, Kirsty?" Bjorn spoke up, "Before my asshole of a brother raped your ass? Before Sven hurt you?"

She was not sure why his words cut so deep, why she felt the need to defend the man who was not there to defend himself. "It wasn't like that," she blushed. "Well, not completely anyway."

Mikael nodded, he thought he might understand, "Your pain slut liked it, didn't she? She got off to the rough way he used you and that makes you feel guilty, doesn't it, elskling?"

She felt more tears sliding down her cheeks as she slowly nodded her head. She closed her eyes against their looks of disgust and horror, feelings that she had battled so often since that night.

"Fuck," Bjorn cursed as his hands caressed her arms lovingly.

But it was Mikael who spoke, "Look at me, lilla gumman." She shook her head. "I said, look at me. Open those fucking eyes and see the truth, woman," he demanded more deeply. As hard as it was for her, her truly submissive nature could never disobey such a clear command. She reluctantly lifted her eyes to his dark storm cloud grey ones.

"My brother used your own body against you. There is no fucking excuse for what he did...and trust me he is still feeling the pain of that night. I made damned sure of that, elskling. But you have nothing to be ashamed of. Do you hear me? Nothing. Your body and brain are hardwired that way. It is your nature to respond to both pleasure," his fingers gently feathered across her nipple until it hardened again. Then he pinched it, hard, until she cried out. Her cunt muscles tightening on Bjorn's cock as she came hard. "And pain."

He allowed her body to come down from the sudden and intense release, for her brain to begin to function at least a little bit before he continued speaking, "Not everyone is hard wired that way." He chuckled, "Fuck, most people are not."

Mikael bent and brushed a soft kiss across her lips, "I have never fucking met a masochist, who could so perfectly match the depths of my sadism, elskling. That is a gift...to me at least. So do not ever again feel ashamed of being a pain slut, understood?"

She still was not completely sure that she agreed with Mikael's assessment of the situation when Bjorn's hands cupped the side of her face and turned her head to meet his gaze. "I may not appreciate the depths of that masochist the way my brother does, beloved, but one thing I have struggled with is the fact that none of us can truly change our natures. Oh sure, we can hide it. Sometimes even train it, so that it does not control us. But none of us can truly change who we are."

Bjorn pulled her down onto his chest once more as his tongue licked slowly along her bottom lip, "Never be ashamed of any part of you, my love. We know you don't see it now, but you are absolute perfection to us."

His hands slid lower to her too soft tummy and she flinched at the reminder of her imperfections when she was surrounded by male beauty that would have any woman wet and welling. "Yes, darling, those soft curves that cushion our hard bodies, welcome us and remind us of what a woman should feel like."

She sucked in a deep breath as she felt the bed shift and Mikael's hard chest press against her back, the wiry hair on it softly abrading her skin as he feathered kisses across her shoulders and his hands caressed her round bottom, "And this sweet ass, elskling. Its soft roundness. I am not and never will excuse my brother's action, but fuck can I understand how gods be damned easy it would be to lose control with it pressed against your hard cock like this," he whispered as he matched actions to his words, grinding his erection against the crack of her ass as he moaned.

"Tell me, lilla gumman, tell me that you do not want it still. Chapter ten. That you do not want to feel my hard cock buried in that tight ass while Bjorn's is balls deep in your cunt. That you do not want to feel the delicious pain of being stretched on both of your cocks. Filled like never before. Loved completely and thoroughly by both of us. Tell me that you don't want that still and we drop it completely. At least for tonight," he said as he continued to undulate against her crack, once more pushing her further down onto his brother's cock.

She moaned at the erotic web Mikael's words were weaving as Bjorn stopped his gentle seduction of her mouth.


This night had gone nothing like he had planned. Bjorn was still not sure he was comfortable with the rough way his brother treated their wife. But that was beside the point, because the way Kirsty reacted to Mikael's over-the-top dirty talk clearly said that she was. He had to come to terms with that, learn to respect it, that Mikael could give her something he could not. But there were other things he could give her that his brother could not too.

"Look at me, Kirsty," he demanded and waited until her blue gaze met his. "My brother is right. We would not be very good Doms, husbands or even men if we allowed what happened that night to continue to control that beautiful mind of yours." He smiled as he teased, "That is my fucking job."

She smiled and chuckled, "Yes, Master."

"Good girl," he reassured her. "This is the perfect time to deal with this, darling. You may trust me. You may trust Mikael. But somewhere in that sometimes warped thinking of yours, you cannot allow either of us to break through on this one. Gods know I have tried."

"Me too," his brother added.

"But together we can and will deal with this, baby girl. Think of it this way...together we are a safety net. You know that I will never allow anyone...even my brothers to hurt you."

"And you know that when I do hurt it...it is only good pain," Mikael replied as he pressed her tighter against his body.

Bjorn sighed and sent a prayer to all the gods and goddesses in Asgard that he would never regret this, "Do it, brother. You fuck her virgin ass, while I fuck her mind."

Mikael nodded and for a moment his weight lifted. Bjorn watched him reach beneath the bed and smiled as he brought out a plastic container of lube. They would definitely have a little talk about this later.

And depending on how this night went perhaps with their fists in the 'fighting' fields. He hoped his brother had not gotten overly confident with his battle against the 'old' man. He had grown quite a bit since the last time his brother had tied up that scrawny little kid for pestering him too damned much.

Oh, no, they would definitely need to have another long talk about this night before they did it again. But there was little doubt from the way their wife acted that they would be doing this again...and again...and again. That too would wait though, right now his wife needed his full attention. "Look at me, Kirsty."

Her eyes were wide and he could tell that no matter the cool logic of his words or their soft loving and reassurance their wife was once more deep in the throes of her fears. It reminded him that he had not yet taken his turn with the 'old' man in those 'fighting' fields and that fear made him want to. But that too would wait. "Listen to me, baby girl. Nothing exists outside of my voice. Do you understand me, Kirsty?"

She nodded her head slowly and a tear slipped from the corner of her eye. He kissed it away, drinking in the bitter saltiness of her pain, determined that they would replace it with sweet love. "What, Kirsty? Is that how you answer your Master?"

She shook her head again, "No, Sir. I mean, yes, Sir. Oh, I don't know, Sir."

"That's right, sweetheart. You don't know. Like other things, your thoughts and feelings have gotten so fucking muddled in that brilliant brain of yours that overthinks every gods be damned thing. So tonight you are going to trust me to tell you what you are thinking and feeling. Just as you are going to trust Mikael to use that responsive little slutty body of yours without abusing it or your trust. Understand me, darling," it was not a question, but a clear command.

"Yes, Master," she nodded.

"Good girl, now you are going to ride my cock until you come again. While Mikael uses his fingers to open up that virgin ass of yours," he saw her begin to shake her head at his assertion. His hand came down hard on her outer thigh, "I said virgin ass and I meant it. What happened then was not sex, it was rape and that doesn't count in my book."

He watched more tears cascade down her face and kissed each of them away. He smiled as his brother bent and kissed along the ridge of her back. His words perfectly suited to the moment, "And just because your pain slut got off to it does not make it right. Little brother is right. Your orgasm does not change the fact that what Sven did was rape, lilla gumman."

Bjorn nodded his agreement as his hands on her hips began to guide her movements on his cock once more. He began slowly, tenderly making loving to his wife as his brother followed his suit perfectly, kneading and caressing her shoulders and back. They took turns kissing her sweet lips, turning her head and passing her back and forth between them until she was panting.

"Come for us, our sweet Freya," his brother whispered against her shoulder as she exploded on his cock, screaming out once more as her orgasm consumed her. Only then did Bjorn feel the warm oil cascade down her ass and coat his balls as his cock plunged inside her tight cunt.

Her moans deepened as he felt her cunt tighten even more as his brother's finger entered her ass, constricting the space around his cock until he feared he would lose complete control and come before they could finish what they started. He first tried naming all the baseball teams, AL and NL, but that did not take the edge off as Mikael slipped a second finger inside her ass and there was even less room for his cock to move.

Bjorn moaned and begin to work on his latest proofs of the unsolved P versus NP problem that he had toyed with since he was a teenager. It was his secret weapon for keeping the darkness at bay anytime he was angry or worried or as now unbearably horny. He pulled it out and began to work on the solution in his mind. But even that was scant help when Mikael added a third finger to her impossibly tight asshole. "Fuck, man, you're killing me here," he cursed.

She chuckled, "Killing you? Fuck...you have no idea how it feels."

"Tell me, lilla gumman. Tell us how it feels," Mikael purred as he kissed along their wife's shoulder.

"So fucking amazing. So good. Oh...so fucking full," she cried out as another orgasm left her shaking in Bjorn's arms and his control in shreds.

"Fuck, woman," he cursed as his hand on her hips tried to still her movements before she took him over the edge with her.

"Yes, yes, fuck me. Both of you. Fuck me!" She screamed and begged and pleaded as she frantically rode his cock.

"Damn it, Mikael. Do it! Fucking do it before I lose control and embarrass myself here," Bjorn tried to laugh until he realized what a mistake that was, driving his cock deeper inside her tight cunt.

Mikael did laugh as he nudged her weight forward, pressing her soft tits tighter on Bjorn's chest until he moaned again, followed by a string of colorful curses in French, English, Italian, Russian, German and both traditional and the local dialect of Norwegian. His brother added a few of his own as Bjorn felt his cock slip inside their wife's tight body.

It became a real test of control then as Bjorn held perfectly still, though Kirsty's eyes flew wide open with inch millimeter that Mikael's cock advanced. "Fuck," she spat as her chest heaved against his.

"Exactly, my darling wife...totally and completely fucked and filled by both our cocks. That is what you wanted it wasn't it?" growled Mikael as he fully imbedded his cock in her asshole. "What you fantasized about in this bed all those nights when we are gone? Chapter ten...filled by both our fucking hard throbbing cocks in both your gods be damned tight holes. Just like the good fucking slut wife you are."

"Yes, oh, fucking yes, Mikael," she pleaded as she began to move harder and faster on both their cocks. "Now shut the fuck up and do it. Fuck me...use me like your good little whore."

Mikael bit down into her shoulder as he began to move hard and fast inside her ass. "Tut-tut, my little brat. You know you will pay for that later. But for now, you may have a point. This sweet ass can't take the prolonged fucking I want to give it so get ready for hard and fast, my luscious little slut. Cause little brother and I both have full fucking balls we need to empty in your tight little holes."

Bjorn did laugh as she turned her head to stare up at Mikael in challenge, "Big talk, Sir."

Mikael growled and slammed into her ass hard, pushing her down further on Bjorn's cock. His hands on her hips held her there as his brother used her ass. Bjorn figured he would let his big brother do all the work for them both for a bit. The sensation of his brother's cock through the thin membrane that separated her cunt and her ass was providing more than enough stimulation to get his already overexcited cock off.