Ægir's Wife Ch. 03


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He first grabbed several lengths of rope and tossed them to both his brothers as they spread her arms wide between the wooden posts at the foot of the bed. They repeated the process at her feet. He smiled as he listened to their friendly debate about whether or not ones about her waist would be necessary.

He laughed and called over his shoulder, "Who cares if it is necessary? Feel her cunt and you'll have the only answer you need." Laughter echoed off the dark wooden walls as they each wrapped rope about her waist and cinched it too to the bed posts.

He selected the things that he thought they would need most and arranged them on the 'throne.' By the time he joined them, his confidence was rising as he handed Bjorn the large, thuddy flogger that he had learned bore the name Thor. "Get her butt warmed up with this. While Sven and I handle her front."

He nodded his head and Sven followed him to the bed. Each of them approached her from one side of the bed. Mikael smiled at her as the first blow from the flogger landed on her bare bottom. "Feels good, doesn't it, elskling?"


Kirsty knew she was in trouble. Big trouble. Trouble times three. Delicious trouble. She sighed as she looked into the eyes of the man she knew was her ally in all this. "So fucking good, Sir."

She chuckled as Sven's brows knight together, "Language, young lady."

Mikael chuckled as he bent his darker head and captured her right nipple between his teeth. Her beloved sadist never did anything slow and easy as he bit down on the peak. She moaned and arched her back, a move that caused her bottom to jut out making the impact of Thor across its cheeks all the stronger. "Ohhhh..." she moaned as she closed her eyes.

"Nei, Kirsten," his voice was firm as she felt her other nipple pinched between thumb and finger.

She opened her eyes and turned to head to look up into his blue eyes, "Ja, Herre."

Mikael bit her nipple harder as he gave her that sexy sadist smile and managed somehow to speak without letting it go, "Not only are you talking too fucking much, lilla gumman, you are managing to do it two languages." He sucked it deeper into his mouth then released it with a loud pop as he sat back on his heels to admire his handy work. Before she even knew what was to come the shiny silver clamp sprang to life over her nipple and she screamed out at the instant, burning pain of the clovers.

He smiled as he passed the one on the other end of chain to Sven. "That's better, much better, elskling. Baby brother, don't you think her butt is warmed up enough. Time for something with a bit more bite maybe?"

If the look that Sven gave Mikael was any indication, she was damned glad she could not see Bjorn's. While she and Mikael often played to this depth with pain games when they were alone, they had never gone this far in front of Bjorn...and now Sven was added to the mix. But rather than concern her, it only heightened her need...for pain as well as them. But it was up to her to make them understand that. "Please, Master. Yes, please, Hermóður."

She felt Bjorn's nails run lightly across her bottom and moaned again at the intense feeling as Sven bent his head and suckled her nipple into his mouth at the same time. Her pussy was on fire already, she could feel the sticky wetness leaking down her thigh like molten lava flowing from Kilauea. And damned them for the ropes about her waist that stilled her movements and kept her from being able to rub against him even more. "Arghhhh..."

Mikael chuckled, "That's the language I love most, lilla gumman." He kissed her lips tenderly as Bjorn's nails scraped over the heated flesh of her bottom and Sven's teeth worried her turgid nipple. "See how wet she is, Bjorn?"

When his thick fingers trailed slowly down the crack of her ass and between her indecently splayed thighs, she strained as far as she could against the ropes, trying to draw them inside her. But rather than being rewarded with the thickness filling her, it was a solid stinging blow to her ass that caused her to jump.

"No, sweetheart. You will come only when we give you permission." She felt Bjorn breath the words into her ears as he gave in and slipped Freya only knew how many fingers inside her. She cried out as he whispered, "You do NOT have permission to come, our beautiful slutty wife."

She turned her head to look into his Kelly greens eyes, prepared to beg and plead for misery. Until she saw that look...Bjorn's sadist may not enjoy giving her physical pain, but this was worse...so fucking much worse. Still she had to try, "Please, Master, oh please...I need to come so bad."

"Badly," he smiled as he corrected her English.

But she was beyond caring, unable to intelligently communicate in any language.

"Please, vær så snill, s'il vous plait," she begged.

He shook his head as the light blond lengths shook about his broad shoulders, "Not even if you manage to say it in German, Russian, Italian, Spanish and Mandarin. The answer is still no...nei...nein...nyet...méiyǒu."

She whimpered as she stared into the resolve in his eyes as he bent to capture her lips in a gentle kiss that only made the aching need between her thighs and the sweet torture of Sven's lips, tongue and teeth on her nipple all the worse.

But nothing prepared her for the shocking pain as Sven released her nipple from his mouth and popped the other clamp onto it. She screamed into Bjorn's mouth as she fought with everything inside of her not to come from her favorite mixture of pleasure and pain. She did not want to go through another night of denied orgasms...not with all three of them finally in her bed.

Not after having waited for months for this moment. She was not going to spoil it...well, for her anyway. At least two of her sadistically loving husbands would probably enjoy it very much. And somehow, by some miracle, she managed it. Just barely though.

Bjorn withdrew his fingers as he broke the kiss. He smiled as he stepped back just enough that their bodies no longer touched. He brought his fingers to her lips, but it was his oldest brother's voice that growled, "Good girls clean up their messes, Kirsten."

She looked back and forth between them with a smile as she sucked two of Bjorn's fingers deep into her mouth. She took turns meeting each of their gazes as she toyed and licked all four of his fingers completely clean. If she was going to be in trouble, she was determined they would be too as she teased them with the image of something other than fingers between her lips.

Mikael leaned forward and laced his fingers through her hair, tugging her head back until she stared only into his silvery depths, "Enough, my delightful brat. Enough with your teasing." He bent and kissed her cheek as he whispered, "All for you, elskling. Just for you because we love you. We all love you."

The tears in her eyes as Mikael drew back had very little to do with the fact that her beloved bad boy thought it appropriate to offset his sweet words with a massive dose of endorphins of another kind as he tugged on the chain between the clovers ratcheting the constant but bearable pain to blinding hot flames that licked from her nipples straight up to consume her whole brain.

Once more he leaned back on his hunches as he looked over her shoulder to Bjorn, "Warm her upper back and shoulders with the damned flogger until you raise red welts on it."

She turned enough to see Bjorn frown until she nodded her head and bit her lower lip, "Please, Bjorn."

He nodded and walked across the room to where Mikael must have set out the toys on that damned throne. She could not see everything that was on it, but she watched as Bjorn laid Thor across the arm of it, carefully shaking and combing out the falls. She sucked in a deep breath as he picked up Hermóður.

"If you are a very good girl for baby brother, I think there might be a special surprise for you, lilla gumman," she turned back to watch Mikael as that smile split his handsome face. Oh, she was in such trouble here. As he turned to Sven, "Have you shown her your specialty?"

Sven shook his head as he smiled at her, "Nei."

Mikael caressed her cheek as she felt the first stingy blow of Hermóður land across her shoulders. "If Bjorn is sought after in the clubs for his skills with floggers, Sven is equally or more so for his...with the whip, elskling."

Her head swam at those words as another blow of the flogger connected and more of her juices slid down her thigh. She had never thought to try a whip. She chuckled and both Sven and Mikael gave her a stern stare as Bjorn landed an even more powerful blow with Hermóður. "What do you find funny, lilla gumman?" Mikael frowned as he caged her jaw with his fingers.

She dropped her eyes like a good submissive before she replied, "I was just thinking about all those hard limits that I once thought were too much for me, Sir."

They all laughed and the deep, rich song echoed around the dark walls of the dungeon cum bedroom. "Our sweet, lovable wife, how many times must I tell you...what kind of Doms would we be if we did not push your limits, try your boundaries?"

She nodded and closed her eyes, rubbing like a kitten against Mikael's fingers as another blow fell across her shoulder. "Yes, Sir. And I have such selfless Doms," she chuckled.

"And don't you..." Bjorn said as a blow landed across her shoulders. "Fucking," another fell on the other one. "Forget it," he said as another landed exactly in the middle.

She moaned as she once more fought back another orgasm. It was getting harder and harder not to come. Mikael released her chin and she opened her eyes to see him move off the bed to join his younger brother behind her. She could not see what he was doing or hear what they said but she truly had to fight the need to come as she felt the cold, sharp steel begin to trace along the sensitive skin of her back.

"Beautiful as always, baby brother. Come see, Sven. I think he has managed to warm her up very nicely for you."

Sven smiled at her and caressed her cheek as he challenged, "We shall see." Then he too joined them behind her and she was left to stare at the intricate red patterns of interlocking circles that she had learned from Petrine was called the wedding ring pattern.

She smiled, though she knew that society and especially her mother might never understand or accept the bond that she shared with these men. She might never be able to actually stand in a church in front of god and everyone and proclaim her undying love for them. That did not matter. In her heart where it counted most of all, she knew...she was married to each of them...all of them. And this was her true wedding night.

Then it was Bjorn and Mikael who came to kneel in front of her on the bed, who caressed her face and took turns as they did turning her face, kissing her deeply until her head swam with confusion. Then she felt it...the first sting of a whip landed squarely between her shoulder blades.

"Look at us, lilla gumman. Watch us as our brother uses his whip on that soft, white skin of yours," Mikael whispered.

"You will wear our marks for days, sweetheart. Hermóður's, the whip, Mikael's knife. Your sweaters will rub against them sometimes...and you will remember this night," Bjorn purred.

She smiled up at them with tears cascading down her cheeks, "I will remember this night always, my loves."

They smiled and each kissed a tear from her cheeks. "So will we," said Mikael as the impossibly loud crack of the whip warned her a fraction of a second before she felt the stinging blow.

Bjorn leaned in and whispered, "Come for us, our sweet Freya."

And the whole fucking world went black as she screamed out and her body spasmed in the truly most earth shattering orgasm she had ever felt that combined perfectly with the pain of Sven's whip and their gentle kisses and caresses as the ropes strained and their arms wrapped about her to keep her standing. She felt warm liquid gush and squirt, flooding the floor and likely wetting the quilt at the end of the bed as well as it went on and on and fucking on...forever.


Sven chuckled as he began to loosen the bindings on her arms as his brothers held her semi-conscious and very spacey body up. "Changed my mind on your mind control crap, baby brother."

Mikael laughed as he slapped Bjorn on the back, "Damned straight, that was awesome."

Sven wrapped one arm over each of their shoulders and allowed his brothers to massage blood back into her extremities as he made quick work of ropes about her waist. He laughed as he bent to work on the ones around her ankles. "Damn, I think I might have to let her pass this once on good girls clean up their messes." He looked up at Bjorn, "Toss me your towel."

His brother scowled darkly, but again it was Mikael, who kept things light as he reached over and yanked it from Bjorn's waist. "Don't go all shy on us now, baby brother. In about two minutes we're all going to be holding her naked in this bed. And once we bring her out of subspace we're going to give new meaning to brotherly love."

Sven shook his head as he used the towel to clean up the floor as Mikael bore her full weight for a moment as Bjorn got off the bed and scoped her into his arms and carried her back to it. The two of them sandwiched her between their bodies as they began to caress and kiss her back to reality. He just stood there...feeling decidedly out of place, reminded that the two of them had been doing this for months, sharing her and this bed, working as a team to care for the wife that he had abandoned.

For a moment, he thought perhaps to just slip from the room while they were occupied with her. After all that had happened, did he really have any right to be here? Then Mikael caught his gaze and shook his head, "Don't you fucking dare. Not now, big brother." He rose from the bed, "You take over here, and I'll go downstairs for a few more things."

Sven shook his head, "No, it's is all right. I will get them."

"No, no, you won't. So get over here before she starts to come out of it and wonders where you are," he tossed Bjorn a stern look. "And you...play nice with our toy for two minutes while I am gone."

Bjorn chuckled as he drew one of her fingers into his mouth and smiled around it, "Or what? You'll tie me up and throw me in fjord? I'm not five anymore, I can hold my own these days."

Sven laughed as he took Mikael's place behind her. He unbuttoned his jean, which had been too fucking tight from the moment she fell to her knees on the floor between them. "Against us both?"

"No fighting," she whispered into his brother's neck as he wrapped his arm about her waist and nestled his hard cock between the cheeks of her ass.

"Subs do not give orders, Kirsten. How many times must I tell you that?" he purred against her neck.

She turned her head and half smiled through what he could tell was a lazy haze that was still skirting the edges of subspace. "No, but wives do. Especially shieldmaiden ones...so fucking get used to it, old man."

Mikael bent over his shoulder and kissed her forehead, "And you be nice, brat, or you will feel fifty with the tawse on the bare cunt."

"And another twenty on your ass with the cane," Sven added.

"And three days of denial and edging, brat," whispered Bjorn with his golden head between her tits.

"Damn, baby brother, and I thought I was the fucking sadist," Mikael said as he turned and walked to the doorway.

Kirsty roused herself enough to smile at him as she wrapped one arm about Bjorn's head holding him in place as he nursed on first on and then the other of her nipples. She entwined the other with Sven's about her waist, their fingers laced and locked tightly together until his breath caught and froze like the icy fjord on the coldest, and darkest winter's night.

His heart stopped beating in his chest. It was an intimacy he had never shared with anyone. A depth of connection he would have avoided at all cost with any other subs. But one that felt incredibly right with her. He lifted her hand and brought it to his lips as those words raced once more through his mind, he only barely managed to hold them back. Not here. Not with his brothers around.

But soon... Very soon. He and their wife needed to have a talk. A real talk. And he had a very good idea how to get it stared. Something he had had his eye on for months. Though why he would ever have been looking at collars was beyond him. But time and time again, he had found himself visiting the same profile on the site where they met. A sub that crafted the most beautiful collars that could easily pass for a simple necklace unless you looked closely to notice the charms that were handcuffs, whips, floggers and keys among others. Yes, maybe it was about time they all made this thing official.

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Auspat2121Auspat2121about 3 years ago

Beautiful session sounds like Kirsten was very well pleasured and gave the three lads much pleasure too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Wow well this is by far the story I have enjoyed most on this page. Wanna keep Sven for myself... ;-)

GemmaGreyGemmaGreyabout 8 years ago
whoa baby

Bjorn is really turning me on with all this talk of denial... I wish he would come pay me a visit haha. This scene was unbelievable! I think you did such a great job!

sweetone66sweetone66over 8 years ago
One of the very best!!!

I love this series... it is well written, exciting and oh so interesting!!! I hope this isn't the end of AEgir's adventures. You are a fine author and this truly deserves to be published for the paying public! I for one would buy it, and there aren't very many stories on this site that I would say that about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It was a good ride while it lasted.

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