Ægir's Wife Ch. 07


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Her insecurities were no longer buried, all floated like flotsam and jetsam on the surface of her mind. Which was exactly why now was the perfect time to skim them away, clear the oceans of their marriage, and make their wife see herself as they saw her. Beautiful from the inside to the out.

Her fingers trembled and her eyes were focused on the ground. It took far longer than the one minute that he had given her, but he would let that slide...this time. Though perhaps what he had in mind next was a far worse punishment in her mind than anything she could imagine.

He guided her around the cramped space of the tiny room until they stood in front of the full length mirror on the door of their wardrobe. He stood behind her, his hands resting lightly on her shoulders, "Look up, Kirsty."

She shook her head again, but caught herself this time. "Please, Mikael. Please, Sir, I can't," she pleaded as huge tears escaped the corner of her eyes.

He bent and kissed away each tear, "Yes, yes, you can. Because I told you to, elskling. Look up. Look in the mirror, Kirsty."

She inhaled deeply and more tears escaped those expressive eyes, but this time she obeyed. He rewarded her instantly, "Good girl, lilla gumman." His hands ran up and down her arms, spreading warmth.

He stepped closer to her until the rough front of his jeans rubbed against her round, bare ass. He rubbed his face against the side of her neck and whispered, "You're beautiful. So fucking beautiful." The way she stiffened in his arms told him even more than the shake of her head that she did not believe him.

"Look in the mirror, Kirsty," he commanded once more. "Look at my face, my eyes. Do you understand me?"

The way her throat constricted and more tears trailed down her cheeks was almost his undoing, but he knew that they must bury these demons before they returned home. There would be enough battles that lay ahead to reunite and rebuild their family. To create a better place for their girls, his hands found her round tummy and as she always did when he touched her there, she shuddered, and not with desire the way he preferred.

He chuckled as his girls awoke and protested against his palm once more, "How the fuck could you and little brother not notice?"

Her eyes dropped to the floor once more, "I guess I just thought I was getting even fatter. My tummy has always been too big," her voice was barely a whisper as she finished.

He shook his head at the depth of pain he heard in her voice as it broke on those words...fat...big. How could she not see her true beauty? He swore that she would before this day was over. They were leaving this demon in this place. A fresh start deserved nothing less.

His hand over her tummy tightened just enough to press her bottom against his erection but not enough to bother the girls too much. "Does it feel to you like I am turned off by your soft curves, my beloved wife?"

"That is just sex. Biology. Men can..." she stammered. "It doesn't mean anything."

Her words angered him in a way he did not think was possible. He had never wanted to break her the way he had Greta, especially at the end. He fought with everything inside of him to leash the darkest of his sadistic thoughts. She could be glad that she was pregnant or he was not certain what he was capable of. "Look at me. Look in the mirror. Look at my eyes, Kirsty," his voice was low and tight.

She obeyed instantly, which was probably for the best. "You will be punished for that. It may have to wait until these babies are born, but I will make damned sure you are reminded of what is to come often enough that it will be a punishment all on its own. And you know damned good and well that you fucking deserve it...and more."

"For over a year, you have had all three of us wrapped around this pretty little finger," he tried to lighten things just enough that she was no longer trembling in his arms as he brought her hand to his mouth and suckled her pinkie deep.

"Bjorn was already fucking head over heels before he even met you." He tapped her temple with her own wet finger, "How many women do you think could capture that boy genius's interest like that? Has he ever told you? You were his first." He chuckled at how red she turned at his words, "So he has then."

He smiled at her in the mirror, "And me?" He shook his head and sighed heavily, "Two fucking weeks, elskling. In the space of two weeks, you healed the anger and hurt that my family had tried for over two fucking years to do. And my little girl, you gave me back the only damned good thing that woman ever did."

He was fighting tears and his throat was tight, but he forced himself to continue, "If that was not enough, you broke through walls that Sven had built for a lifetime. A lifetime, lilla gumman."

He gripped her shoulders tighter and turned her to face him, only the precious lives that she carried in her womb kept him from shaking her until she finally saw sense, "Do you have any fucking idea how much that hurt? For you to say that anything that has happened between the four of us this past year was...'just sex'. That it doesn't mean anything."

They were both crying a moment later when she finally had the courage to look up at him, "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

He chuckled as he brushed her tears away, "You're not getting out of your punishment that easy, sweetheart. In fact, it won't be just me either. You insulted all of us. Demeaned what we all feel for you. So you will answer to all of us. That much I promise you."

"But that will wait, Kirsty. Tonight we bury these doubts and insecurities once and for all. I thought we had done so once before. Do you remember the morning I made love to you, counting each and every one of the ways, the things I love about this body?"

His hands cupped her breasts. Yes, they were most definitely larger, fuller, heavier. He shook his head, "Seriously, how the fuck could you and Bjorn miss all the obvious changes in this luscious body? Damn woman, I swear I think we should keep your ass pregnant."

She giggled and tried to push his hands away, "I think you have some kind of kinky pregnant woman fetish, Mikael."

"Damn straight, woman. And I am not apologizing. I also have a breast milk one too. Greta refused to nurse Monika, but you will these babies."


Kirsty could not stifle the giggle. This man truly brought out the brat in her. She would not miss the experience of nursing their baby girls for the world...even if it was difficult, she was determined she would find a way. Despite that, she found herself wanting to argue with Mikael...just for the hell of it.

The stern frown that he gave her in response only made her laugh harder. She knew she was spoiling whatever scene...mood...he had in mind, but damn, she had forgotten just how much she missed her playful sadist.

"What is so funny, lilla gumman?" he gave his sternest stare. It never held the same power as Sven's...because this man was the most comfortable pair of jeans she had ever owned.

She laughed harder. And it felt so damned good. After months of the overwhelming noise, smells and crush of the city, the job that she once lived for but was no longer quite as rewarding as she remembered, and of course, her mother. After losing Petrine, the only place she ever felt at home and now this new worry over Sven. It felt so good.

So damned good to playfully push his buttons. Goad him into action. To just be with him. Laugh with him. Love with him.

She finally composed herself enough to reply as she wrapped her arms about his neck and pressed a kiss to his lips, "I missed you so much, Mikael."

He frowned down at her, "Æ har savna dæ, I have missed you too, elskling. But something tells me there is more to it than that. So tell me the rest."

She stared sheepishly at the floor. She was certain he would not see it as the compliment that it was, but she would try anyway. She lifted her eyes slowly and pressed tighter against him, "I was thinking that you are the most comfortable pair of jeans I ever had."

As she suspected, his frown deepened, until the cresses around his mouth were marked even through the thick layers of his beard. She placed her fingers over his soft lips to stop his rebuke. "It is a compliment, Mikael."

"Don't get me wrong, I love the way Bjorn always challenges my mind. The long conversations about everything and nothing." She inhaled deeply as the pain awakened anew within her, "And of course, things have always been so complicated with Sven. So much angst," she shook her head.

"But with you, my beloved sadist, it is all just so natural. My brat feels free to come out and play." She frowned for a moment, "Like she knows it is safe to be herself with you."

She smiled as her fingers trailed down to toy with the top button on his shirt until it came free. Her fingers twirled the chest hairs that sprang into view, "And the laughter. You always make me laugh."

She worked on the next couple of buttons until she could run her hand beneath the soft material. She felt his heart pounding beneath her finger tips and knew that there was something right...something natural between them in some unexplainable way. "And the loving too."

She stared up at him, "Make love to me, Mikael," she pleaded.

He chuckled as he threw them gently onto the bed. Tumbling and rolling until he was atop her, careful to keep his weight off the babies though, "First, you insult me by calling me old jeans. Then, you spoil the whole me-Dom you-little sub scene by telling me to make love to you. What am I going to do with you, woman?"

She wrapped her arms tighter and drew him down to her. She captured his lips as surely as he had captured her heart that first night when he had meant to scare her. They were both breathless and her skirt was practically wrapped around her waist by the time they came up for air, "Love me, Mikael. Just love me."

Her breath caught in her throat as he entered her, "Always, elskling. Always. Until the day we die and beyond." His fingers wrapped tightly through her hair and tucked her head back so that they were eye to eye as he pushed deeper inside of her, "You're mine, lilla gumman. Never forget that."

His words might have seemed strange given their unusual marriage, but not to her. He was right. Some part of her was totally and completely his. Just as another belonged only to Bjorn. And as hard as she knew the battles ahead would be, yes, Sven too.

But right now...this man was all she was thinking about. Feeling. And he was more than enough as they took up the age-old dance that they had perfected almost from the beginning. In the end, she buried her face in his shoulder, biting down as she came apart around his hard cock.

He scooped her into his arms and held her tightly as she drifted off to sleep, listening to the still rapid beating of his heart. "Another punishment to come, lilla gumman. Although this one will not have to wait...biting is one of that hundred I told you about."

She snuggled closer, "I look forward to all of them, my love."


Petrine sat beside her son's hospital bed. She fought to hold back the tears. She had honestly thought nothing could be worse than losing the men she loved. But this was.

She rubbed his hand, being careful to avoid the IV line that stuck from it. He might be a grown man. Hell, this one had been born grown...old as the sea that he loved so much. But he was still her baby.

It was only yesterday that Stig had placed him in her arms. For a first birth, especially after the trauma of losing Lars just a couple of months before, his labor and birth had been easy. She had been terrified though when she did not hear the hearty wales that she expected from a newborn. So it was not until she held him after the midwife was finished delivering the placenta that she finally sighed with relief.

She would never forget looking down into those deep blue eyes that reminded her so much of the seas from which her husbands had come to capture her...and ultimately her heart. They were so cold...so deep...and yet calm too. "Damn it, Sven, open your eyes."

He had only done so a couple of times over the past three days that they had been here. Then only briefly and each time he was so disoriented and combative. Calling constantly for her. Refusing water or anything else, until the doctors and nurses were forced to sedate him once more for fear that he would once more open the wounds on his legs or put too much strain on his recovering heart.

Strong hands squeezed her shoulders, "Let the boy rest, woman."

She turned and stared up at the man, who had always just seemed to know what she needed, when she needed it. "He will be fine," he proved that yet again with the very words she needed most to hear.

"But you sitting here and fretting won't do him any good. Go back to the hotel. Eat something. Not just coffee. Food, woman. I don't intend on getting stuck on any bones." He shook his white head, "What did our boy ever see in that woman anyway?"

"A chance to break free of his big brother's shadow. To be different. His own man. To have something that was just his," she sighed heavily.

"So many mistakes, Olaf. I have made so many mistakes. Been so selfish. So thoughtless. Hurt you all," tears started to cascade down her cheeks.

He knelt on the floor in front of her. Her heart almost stopped. She knew how hard the concrete floor was, what it must be doing to his knees. But still he knelt. Her Master knelt before her in her time of need.

Her hand caressed the soft beard that made him look like Santa Claus. That was what he was to her in that moment. Love. Joy. Hope. All their forty-three years of Christmases rolled into one.

"You listen to me, woman. We all make mistakes in this life. None of us get it perfect. But what matters most...hell, the only thing that matters at all...is love. And you, my beautiful brat, have loved and been loved by four husbands, who each worshipped you in his own way."

"You have birthed and raised three strong, intelligent and caring sons." He chuckled and the deep rumble caressed her like the spring breeze off of the fjord, "Even if they are incredibly stubborn like their mother."

She shoved playfully at his shoulder, "I won't claim that trait fully. Damned Viking genes."

"Yes, well, too late now to be complaining, old woman. Besides seems to me you never complain much once you get me out of my damned Viking jeans," he chuckled.

"Oh, please, you two," came the raspy voice from the bed.

Rachel was out of the chair and beside her son in a moment, almost toppling her husband in the process, "Sven..."

He leaned his head further back into the pillow and closed his eyes again. She felt incredibly old when she noticed for the first that her son's hair was laced with as much gray as her own. She held her breath for a long moment. Perhaps it was just her imagination. Wishful thinking. Perhaps he had not spoken at all?

Then he opened those sea blue eyes once more...and she was forty years in the past. She clutched his hand tightly, not certain what to say.

"I hope I don't look half as bad as you do, mother," he tried to smile, but it came out more a wince.

Olaf had somehow managed to rise and came to stand beside her at his bed, "And you wonder why you have so much trouble with your wife, son?" he chuckled. "Welcome back. I assume that Valhalla was not to your liking then."

Sven shook his head and clearly winced in pain this time, "I would ask what happened, but it hurts too much right now. So can you just take the crying old woman away and let a man get some rest." He softened his words with a gentle squeeze of her hand, "Please."

Olaf nodded, "With pleasure, son." He turned to her and kissed her weathered forehead, "You heard the man, woman, you get out of here and get some sleep while our son does the same." He looked back and forth between them, "We have a family to start rebuilding."

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Auspat2121Auspat2121about 3 years ago

So good so well written again, I am completely enrolled with this family and their life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Women and Perceptions

First and foremost, another great chapter!

The best that the brothers will ever be able to convince Kirsty is that they truly see her as beautiful, perfect and everything they’ve ever wanted in a woman. In her own eyes she will always be fat and wishing she could change. Just like the rest of us there will be plenty of days when she walks past a mirror and thinks “huh, not too shabby at all” for the most part she’s not going to love her own body. Body image is as deeply entrenched as the Madonna : Whore Complex, so yeah it’s just as hard to break away from. That’s not demeaning their relationship in any way because she would come to believe them, it’s just how it is.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Please update already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, I want to read the next chapter so bad right now. I love all of your work, I have read most of your stories and they're amazing. If you ever plan to sell your work, please make sure to sell it on Kobo as well as so I can buy all of it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
PLEEASE upload next chapter!!

Cannot wait for the next one, this is my favorite series!

laydeenymphlaydeenymphabout 8 years ago

Waiting very impatiently for the new chapter... I NEED more!

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