Ashley's Journey


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I turned to the internet once again. Reading more about Dom/Sub relationships I realized this was something I wanted to try. I'm definitely a type A personality and Ashley is type B. So this seemed like a natural extension of our relationship. She already let me make most of the decisions. She seemed to really enjoy when I took control in the bedroom, so why not truly try this lifestyle for a few months and see how we like it. I realized that you don't ask a sub if this is something that they would like to do. You set a date and tell them we are going to do this. Of course rules and boundaries would need to be established and Ashley would have to have a good understanding of what I wanted.

So on a Friday night, after the kids were asleep, I shut the TV and told her we needed to talk. We were in bed and Ashley was naked. She usually sleeps naked. She looked so sexy. I told her what I wanted us to try.

"I want to have a true dom/sub relationship," I said. "We will start next Sunday, and go for one month." She looked at me like I was crazy but she didn't say no. She didn't really say anything so I kept on talking. I explained to her what I had learned and how I wanted to approach this. "You will be my submissive wife 100% of the time. You will have to trust me. I know your limits, I know what you like and I know your fantasies better than you are willing to admit. When we start you cannot say no to me. You will have rules to follow every day, chores to do, tasks to complete for me. If you do not perform as expected I will have the right to punish you as I see fit." I went on to explain to her that she was not going to be my slave, slaves had no rights, no way out. "You are my submissive. You have rights, I value your opinion."

I explained that I would not be her master, but her Dom. That when we were alone she would call me "Sir." I told her we would need to increase our communication with weekly meetings. That during these meetings she would be naked and would take notes. She would know exactly what to expect from me, exactly what I wanted. I told her as her Dom it was my number one responsibility to protect her and to make her feel safe. That I would no longer get angry since there would no longer be any conflict. I could tell this was all a bit much for her. She was silent and passive. I gave her some web sites I wanted her to read and told her that we would continue the conversation the next night. She had 2 days before we were to begin. I also told her that at any time she could use her mother's name, that I would not be mad if she did so, and that would end this trial journey and this would all be over. She never has done so.

The next night we talked again in bed. She had lots of questions. She wanted to know why I wanted this. Why I was not happy with the way things were. I explained my frustrations to her. When something bothers me I like to be able to get it off my chest. Sometimes this comes off as if I'm angry. In the past these situations have felt like I'm lecturing her. I explained that it's hard to argue or talk to someone who doesn't feel like they can answer me back. That this would hopefully address these issues and resolve them. With our new rules I laid out a schedule that I wanted her to follow every day. I informed her that she would have a weekly budget to keep. That the laundry should be done each day by the time I got home. Weekends would be for hobbies and family time. I thought that if there was ever going to be a time when she was gonna tell me "no way," it would be after she looked at this list.

"So we are gonna try this for a month?" she asked quietly, still staring at her list of chores.

"Yes, one month," I answered and then told her that we would re-evaluate and see how we felt at the end of that time.

"Ok," she said, "but can we wait until next week? Because I have a few things going on this week."

I thought about it for a moment. I knew I had to stay strong. "No," I answered firmly. "We will start Tomorrow night like I had planned. When we have our weekly meetings we will review the week's calendar so I will know what to expect from you time wise." I saw her get angry, I could tell she was already frustrated. I moved my arm around her and pulled her close to me. She didn't back away. She was not cold, in fact she seemed to enjoy my embrace.

"There will never be a perfect time to start this. We always have something going on." I explained.

Sunday night arrived and I couldn't wait. It seemed like it took for ever to get the kids to bed. Ashley looked nervous. She was still unsure about this whole thing. I really didn't blame her. I was asking a lot of her. I had laid out our meeting agenda. We reviewed the rules we had already discussed. Her required house chores for each day would be specified. We discussed our budget and her weekly allowance for groceries and household items. If she needed more she had to ask permission. She would be available to me whenever I wanted. At the end of each day she had to present herself to me naked at night and ask me if there was anything else I needed. For this first week I also wanted her to review some web sites on dom/sub relationships for us to discuss.

The first few days started out pretty uneventful. Then one night I came home about an hour earlier then normal. She still had laundry out, and was working on dinner with a toddler crying. It had been a bad day. She assumed I would be angry and started defending herself instantly. I told her there was no problem since I came home early; I didn't expect her to be ready. She didn't seem to hear this or it didn't register and she kept going on, telling me she didn't like all this pressure and that this was not a good week for her. I told her to go up to our room and that we would finish this conversation in private.

I met her up in our room and locked the door. I told her to take her clothes off. She was still frustrated and complaining about her day, yet she obediently undressed as I had asked. We continued the conversation with her naked. This seemed to me to be natural, the way things were meant to be. I didn't get angry, there was no need to. I let her unload about her day and her frustrations. I told her there would be a learning curve, things would get harder before they got easier. At the end I affectionately hugged her and told her to take 5 minutes, relax, get dressed and come back down. I went downstairs, and played with the kids. I didn't feel angry or frustrated, in fact I felt very good. When she came back down she was like a new woman. Revived and in a good mood as well. I could see that this could really work and that we were headed on the right path. But as we continued exploring our new lifestyle, I quickly realized that, as was true with most aspects of life, there would be ups and downs along the way as we both discovered new things about ourselves and each other.

One of the best, and most rewarding and enjoyable changes that took place as we made the transition to dom husband and submissive wife was Ashley presenting herself to me each night before I went to sleep. This was not only a major turn on, seeing her stand there naked before me asking if there was anything her "Sir" needed, but also served as a daily time for us to look at each other and talk. If you have ever been married you will understand what I mean. Between kids, work, and all the other aspects of daily married life, sometimes a couple can get caught up in it all and forget to talk to each other or to even just say good night.

"Is there anything I may do for you Sir?" My beautiful, submissive wife asked one night as she presented herself to me.

"Put your hands behind your back," I told her. I loved taking my time and touching her. I reached for her breasts. She felt so smooth as my fingers played with her and her nipples responded instantly to my touch.

"How does that feel when I pinch your nipples?" I asked.

"It feels good sir, I love when you play with them."

"Do you like being my sub?" I asked. Expecting a yes sir, I was actually surprised by her response.

"I am having a hard time," she admitted, her eyes downcast.

"Oh?" I told her to put her arms down and had her get into bed next to me. I asked her what was going on.

"I don't like being told what to do. I wasn't raised this way." She told me that there were times during the day where she was actually angry with me for doing this. This was odd and I was puzzled because it was the exact opposite of what I was observing. It appeared to me that she had seemed to be enjoying our new lifestyle.

"You don't act like you're angry with me."

"That's because I'm your sub sir." She could tell I was confused, and further explained that this new life style was what we had decided to do and that she was going to give it her full effort. However, when asked she felt it was important to tell me the truth. I agreed with her. For this to work she had to be able to speak her mind.

By the end of the week, she had completed all of her assignments. She had followed all the rules, was subservient to me, called me Sir, and was available to me when ever I desired. As much as she was having a hard time with our new lifestyle she was definitely giving it her all and putting in a full effort trying it out. I was very proud of her. I believed that a big part of her problem was the overlying thought of punishment and the feeling that it was constantly hanging over her head. I felt that we needed to get the first punishment out of the way and over with so she could see that it was not gonna be any big deal; nothing we hadn't already done. The problem was, that she is a good sub wife and does what she is told. My opportunity finally came at the end of the second week. She had not reviewed our previous meeting notes and had forgotten to review some web sites I asked her to look at.

I told her to come stand at the side of the bed and had her place her hands behind her head. As required, she was totally naked.

"You have failed to follow the rules for the week," I told her. "You will now be punished." Our oldest child had just gone to bed so I knew I couldn't spank her ass since it would be too loud. So I proceeded to spank her tits. Not very hard in my opinion, but she seemed shocked by this and for the first time ever told me I was doing something too hard. I eased up a bit but not much, this was a punishment after all. I slapped each breast about 7-10 times. I then told her to stand in the corner. While she was there I reminded her of the rules, and why she was being punished. When I turned her around to face me she had tears in her eyes. I pulled her to me and told her it was ok, she was allowed to cry. I held her for a minute but she didn't cry, so I started kissing her. Afterward I told her to go get cleaned up and I got into bed. My head was spinning. Did I do the right thing? If she hated it she could have said the safe word. I had spanked her tits and pulled her nipples much harder when we had played in the past.

As I started to fall asleep I felt her get into bed. The room was dark, I could just make out the outline of her body under the covers. Then I heard her. She was crying. I felt like crap. I had read that this was a normal response, and that it was even therapeutic for a sub to cry. Yet this was my wife. My Ashley, the woman I loved. What had I done? I turned on the light and asked her if she needed to talk.

"I can't believe you had the nerve to kiss me afterward," she said. This surprised me since she didn't seem to hold back when I kissed her.

" I did not like that at all. It did nothing for me," she added.

I was not sure what to say. I was tempted to end the whole thing right there. Yet I felt, that if she wanted it to be over she would tell me.

"You know if we end this I won't be mad at you," I said. She did not respond. I pulled her close to me and held her. To my surprise she snuggled into me and held me tight. She cried a bit, but eventually relaxed. We laid like that for about 15 minutes. I told her to go to sleep, she would feel better in the morning.

The next day things were like normal for us. We talked again that night in bed and I told her that I felt we had to get that first punishment over with and out of the way. That I chose something simple to use as a reason. It was not meant to be a big deal or a big punishment. She asked me why I kissed her. I told her because she is mine and that I will kiss her when I want. I saw a little smile when I said that and then pulled her towards me and kissed her. Deeply. She allowed me to explore her mouth. I laid her back and pulled her arms above her head and told her to leave them there. I got on top and entered her. She felt so good and was so wet that I easily slid right in. I started fucking her slow and deep.

"You my little sub?"

"Yes Sir."

"You belong to me."

"Yes I do," she answered with a moan of pleasure.

"I can have you whenever I want, anyway I want."

"Yes Sir. I am here for you. Your toy to play with." It doesn't take me long when she talks like that and I exploded inside her.

We continued exploring our new dom/sub lifestyle. It seemed to me like it was becoming easier each week. More routine. She continued to present to me each night, and that would often lead to us having sex. She enjoyed and was receptive to me touching her around the house. We both agreed, though, that we needed to be discreet in our play. This was not something we wanted our kids, family or friends to be aware of. When I would ask how things where going she continued to tell me that she was not liking it, but that she also did see some positives, like our increased communication. I told her that she was conflicted between what she wanted, being my sub, and what society dictated. She agreed with me.

Each Sunday night at our weekly meeting, I would add some new rules or chores that she was required to follow or do. I also taught her positions that she was required to learn. If I said the designated name she would immediately go into that position without question. On one particular Sunday night I had a plan for our upcoming week. Ashley does not like anal, she says it never really feels good. She does like ass play though. I told her I wanted her to go out and buy a butt plug at some point during the week. She was told to wear something sexy, and then go into the sex store and ask for help. While they were helping her she was to tell them she was a submissive wife and ask them to take her picture, which she would then have to text to me. She seemed to like the idea but admitted that she was definitely feeling nervous about it. So I told her that every time I had been in this sex shop it was run by women. This helped calm her nerves some.

I also told her that she was not allowed to masturbate or cum during this week until I inspected her the night she got the butt plug. It was only 3 days. I thought this would be a turn on for her as well. I couldn't have been more wrong.

"I can't masturbate?"


"But why?"

"I want you to be really horny when you go into the store."

"I'm really horny, already."

"Good." I said, "Then you will be ready when it's time to go." This didn't seem like it was enough of an answer for her and she was clearly not satisfied. Her reaction was odd and unexpected. Different then I had ever seen from her before. She became like a little child who doesn't get their way but has no choice but to do what they are told. She pouted and tossed and turned in the bed. She told me how much she didn't like this. How awful the last few weeks had been for her. She even said she could not stand the grin I would get on my face whenever I was dominating her. She felt angry and frustrated. I was tempted to pull her over my knee right then and there, but decided that she needed to be allowed to express her feelings and that it was extremely important for Ashley to realize this and to feel free to do so. So I let her vent and we eventually fell asleep.

The next day she texted me at work and told me she was sorry. She was not sure why she had reacted the way she had. I thanked her for apologizing and told her we would talk later at home. When we got into bed that night I told her it was good that she let me know her feelings. That she is allowed and encouraged to express herself. However, I also explained very clearly that she is not allowed to attack me or my expressions calling me names is totally unacceptable. I then told her that because of this disrespect on the day that she gets her anal plug I would be fucking her ass that night. She cuddled up against me and said, "Yes Sir."

The day finally came and she texted me that she was on her way to the store. I had picked out a skimpy little white tank top that you can see her nipples through. She was in a skirt with no panties and had a pair of heels on. I was a walking hard on that entire day. Like I was 18 again. I kept checking my phone waiting for the picture of her at the store. When it finally came she looked so hot and had a huge smile on her face. She texted me again when she left the store.

"I did it! Have the plug and heading home to put it in Sir."

"Good girl," I replied. As soon as I got a chance I called her. She said it went well, the girl in the store was cute and did not seem to even react when she told her why she was there.

"Do you have the plug in?" I asked.

"Yes I do."

"How does it feel?"

"Filling," she said. "But not bad."

As soon as I got home I pulled her up to our bedroom. I had her bend over and I raised her skirt. There it was. The handle of a little pink butt plug sitting in her ass. I touched it and turned it, pulling gently on it. With my other hand I fingered her soaking wet pussy. My cock was throbbing, I could have fucked her right there but we had to get back downstairs. We flirted and teased each other the rest of the night, by the time the kids were asleep we were on fire and ready to go. When we were back in our bedroom I had her get on all fours. I then told her to crawl around on the floor, and to tell me what a little submissive slut she was. I went behind her and played with the plug, teasing her. I pulled out the plug and used my finger to fuck her tight little ass hole. She was moaning and pushing back against me. I went and put a condom on and got the tube of butt lube she had bought. I placed the tip of my dick at the entrance to her ass hole. I then slid it in slowly. I heard a moan escape from Ashley's lips as she gasped for air. We had done this in the past, but she had never enjoyed it before.

"You like that baby?" I said.

"Oh yes," she responded.

"You're my little sub aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm yours to do as you wish Sir." I twisted her hair in my hands and pulled her head back, leaned forward and kissed her deep.

"I can have you anyway I want, whenever I want."

"Yes Sir." I reached my hand around and started rubbing her clit. I could tell she was really enjoying herself, and was close to orgasming.

"Where's my cock slut? I asked.

"In my ass." She responded. I did everything I could do to hold off my own orgasm because I wanted her to cum first.

"Permission to cum Sir?" she asked.

"Yes. You may."

"Thank you Sir, you're so good to your sub." With that I felt her rock back into me. I rubbed on her clit and she started to shake. Her orgasm was intense and she went limp on her knees. I had to hold her up against me. I felt myself tense up and let go as I came deep inside her ass hole. Her ass was sore for days. It was fun she later told me, but not something she would want to do frequently.

After a month of our new life style I decided it was time to straight out ask her. Did she want to continue with this? We talked about how in reality, even though she was my sub, she had the power to end this at any time. That she was actually the one in control. She talked about the last month. How it had been difficult for her. Once again we discussed her conflicting thoughts. She did admit that she felt there had been some positives. She recognized that we definitely were communicating better. She liked knowing what I expected from her each week. I told her that I liked reviewing what she had planned for the week. We agreed that the butt plug shopping had been fun and exciting, and that our sex life had been great. We also agreed that I was not getting angry or tense as much as I used to. Ashley felt that since we were both very new at this we needed some more time before we decided if it was right for us or not. So we continued on.