Ashley's Prostitution Ventures #03


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Anger seethed through her, and Ashley just stopped herself from doing what she had been fantasizing about since their encounter has started—clamping her teeth down on his erection. Focusing on his beady eyes and soft, cruel face, she stopped halfway down his shaft and hollowed out her cheeks with suction. She watched his smug expression turn to surprise when she added tongue action to the vacuum effect. When a low moan accompanied his knees wobbling, she felt a cold sense of satisfaction.

"Like that?" she asked him, letting his slick, throbbing penis fall from her mouth.

"Fuck yes."

"Well, you're never gonna feel it again. Fuck you and your fucking blackmail shit, asshole. I'm not your fucking bitch, and I never will be."

"No, you're my fucking worthless slut," the rotund young man shouted, an angry red spreading across his fleshy cheeks. "And you'd better keep sucking."

"You shouldn't have hit me, Darren," Ashley told him as she climbed to her feet. "I was all ready to suck you off and do what you said, but you knocked the sense back into me. An asshole like you would still tell no matter what I do. You couldn't fucking help yourself from being the world's biggest dick. So, fucking tell everyone. No one will believe you. No one ever does. Shit, if I'd thought about it more, I would've known right away how hollow your fucking threat is, dickwad."

"Ashley, wait," Darren started, but she did not let him finish.

"And another thing, you fucking fat pig. I may be a whore, but I'll never be your fucking whore again."

"Don't call me fat, you stupid fucking cunt!" he bellowed, his face purple in his rage.

"Fuck off," she shrugged, striding to the entry hall, knowing his angry little eyes were following her and not caring. She did not think he would have the guts to actually harm her, not now that she was standing up to him.

"Get back here, fucking twat," he said, but a quaver in his voice belied the authority he had tried to infuse in it.

"Never, asshole," Ashley replied as she pulled on her jeans, stuffing the money into her pocket. Her top followed, and she buttoned it up as fast as she could. "Not for any amount of money, 'casue I'm worth a fuck ton more than you'll ever have."

After she pulled on her shoes, not bothering to tie the laces, she stuffed her panties and bra in her purse and headed out the door. She was sure Darren would not follow.


Ashley called Corey as she hurried away from Darren Connor's house, telling him which way she was walking. He tried to ask her what had happened, but she hung up the phone. When he called her back, she did not answer. She wanted to be alone with her thoughts, which were not nearly as brave as her actions had been.

You are fucking ruined, a voice in her head that sounded suspiciously like her mother told her. No good man is ever going to want to marry a cheap whore.

"Who the fuck says I want to get married?" she said aloud, shaking her head.

As far back as she could remember, her mother had used that line, telling her that whatever action she was doing that displeased her mother was something that was going to keep a good man from wanting to marry her. The cumulative effect had been opposite of what she suspected her mother intended, because she had grown not to care whether a good man would marry her. In fact, she was determined never to get married at all just because that was what her mother had planned for her.

You'll be kicked out of school, the voice went on, another common refrain when she acted out. And you are so close to actually graduating. And of course, you'll need to go to a good college to meet a good young man to marry you.

The brunette stopped and considered a new thought. Would it really be so bad if she did get kicked out of school? She was eighteen. She could get a job, a car, and a place of her own and still do what she had been doing. In fact, she could expand to older men and probably start charging quite a bit more. And while she was doing all that, she could earn a GED. After all, why would a whore need a high school degree?

A car pulling up to the curb beside her drew her from her thoughts. She blinked a couple of times before she realized the car was Corey's. And at the sight of his cute, concerned face, the resolve that had just emboldened her faded away. Uncontrollable tears flowed down her cheeks, and by the time she dropped into the passenger seat of her friend's car, Ashley was sobbing.

"What's wrong? What did that fat prick do?"

"He said he'd tell everyone unless I gave him head again. But when I was doing that, he said I'd have to be his private whore, and I'd have to give him the money back, or he'd tell. I couldn't do that. I got up and left. I didn't even clean up first, so I've got his fucking jizz everywhere. At least he didn't come inside me."

"I'm going back," Corey announced before he made a U-turn.

"No, Corey. Please don't."

"I'm sorry, Ashley, but that asshole won't get away with this."

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about that," the young man told her as he swerved across the street and screeched to a halt in front of Darren's house, his car parked the wrong way.

"Corey, wait," Ashley called as he bolted out of the car, leaving it running and his door open.

"Please," the brunette whispered again, her head down, her cheeks slick with salty tears. But no new tears added to the moisture already on her face. She had cried herself out, and all she was left with was irritated, puffy eyes and a sense of dread that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

A few minutes later, Corey returned, his jaw set, a vein prominent in the middle of his forehead. After he did not say anything, Ashley reached out and touched his hand. That seemed to bring the young man out of some spell, and he turned and looked at her. For a moment anger lingered in his blue eyes, although she was certain it was not anger with her, then they softened

"He won't tell anybody anything."

"What did you do?"

"I reminded him that my friends and I have known him a long time, and we know lots of shit about him. Like how he wet his bead until freshman year. And how he shit himself on a field trip in junior high because he was scared of our teacher."

"And that was enough?"

"Oh, there's other stuff too."

"But he's really not going to tell?"

"He's not going to tell. In fact, he's not going to talk to you or about you at all. If he does, everyone at school will get an email filled with things he does not want them to know about."

Ashley stared at Corey, several emotions stirring in her. The first was hope, followed closely by relief. She would not have to leave school. She would not have to continue down the road she was on unless she wanted to do so.

And it was that realization that made her acknowledge a third feeling, one she could not classify as neatly. Part of it was lust—the strength of Corey's voice when he told her that Darren would not talk about her had awakened her arousal. But there was more to it. Much more.

"Corey, I know you've said you don't want to be with me after, um, well, afterward. But I need you. I really need you. I need you to help me think about something better, something that doesn't make me feel disgusted with myself."

"Hey, whatever you need, Ashley."


"Really. But, where should we go?"


Corey stopped at a gas station, and while he bought them both sodas, the brunette went to the bathroom and used wet paper towels to clean her face. She did her best to ignore the haunted look in her eyes. She then applied new makeup before pulling her frizzy hair into a ponytail. She would have liked to have cleaned her breasts, bottom, and legs as well, but she did not really want to do so in the middle of a gas station bathroom.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Corey waiting for her. A smile spread across her face, and she felt both her cheeks and her loins heat. A grin appeared on his face as well, and the heat between her legs grew damper.

Back at his car, he opened the door for her. Ashley bit her bottom lip as his gaze held hers, then she grabbed a soda from him, ripped the cap off, and took a long drink.

"You must be really thirsty," he laughed as he started to head to his side of the car.

The young woman grabbed her friend's jacket, pulled him close to her, and kissed him, sliding her tongue between his lips. For a moment he didn't respond, then his tongue pushed against hers and his hands grasped her bottom and pulled her closer to him. After a few seconds, she felt his erection against her groin. A twinge from deep inside her vagina and a jolt of pleasure from her clitoris weakened her knees and caused her to cling to him.

"We'd better go find a place to park," he croaked a few seconds later.


Ashely smiled at Corey, who had just parked his car on a vacant, tree-filled lot outside of town. But before she could open the door and climb into the back seat, the young man pulled her into a hug.

"We don't have to do this," he whispered in her ear. "I can just hold you if you like."

"No, I want to do this. I need to."

"Okay, but if anything is too much for you, let me know."

Ashley gazed into Corey's eyes, and the earnestness in them, the caring in them, warmed her in a way that had nothing to do with her body's sexual response. Closing her eyes, she pressed her lips against his. This time there was no hesitation before his tongue was battling with hers. She wanted to concentrate on the emotional closeness, but the tingle in her sex, which had not gone away since they had kissed at the gas station, turned to quivers, and small jolts of excitement traveled up her belly to her hard nipples.

"Let's get in the back," she told him, not waiting for a reply as she threw the car door open.

Moving as fast as she could to prevent too much warmth from escaping from the car, Ashley tilted the seat forward and climbed into the back. She had barely managed to draw the door shut again when Corey joined her.

"How do we want to..." he started to ask, but she stopped him with another kiss.

As their lips and tongues moved together, Ashely dropped her hand to Corey's lap and fumbled at the buttons to his jeans. While she worked, her fingers brushed against the hard outline of his penis, eliciting a moan from her friend and more quivers deep inside her. She doubled her efforts on his pants, and soon she had pulled the jeans and his underwear down far enough that his now familiar, yet still exciting to her, manhood stood free and proud. Breaking their kiss, the brunette bent over and engulfed the head of his shaft into her mouth, slurping on it as her tongue swirled. She was rewarded with another moan.

"Give me a sec to get out of these jeans," she told him as she kicked off her shoes then wiggled pants and panties down her legs, contorting to free them from her feet.

"Can I help?"

"No, I've got it."

"Now what?"

"I figured it'd be easiest for me to climb on and ride. I didn't think you'd mind," Ashley informed Corey as she sat astride him, his erection pushed up against her shaved mound.

"No objection from me," he replied, his voice heavy with what she knew was lust.

"And just so you know, he didn't come in me."

"I know. You said that earlier. That doesn't matter anyway."

"You've never wanted to do this after I've been with..."

"Yeah, well, I want to now," Corey shrugged.

"Fuck, so do I," Ashley moaned, lifting her pelvis until she felt the head of Corey's hard shaft slide between the dripping folds of her labia.

Reaching down, she grasped the warm length of his penis and positioned it so that the tip was ready to slide up inside of her. After leaning forward to kiss his soft lips, the eighteen-year-old let gravity take over and slid down the length off Corey's shaft until he was all the way inside of her, filling her.

"God, I love that feeling," Ashley sighed, kissing his neck as she started to rock forward and back.

"So do I, Ashy," Corey groaned, his fingers working on the buttons of her top.

"I think I need to keep that on," she told him, moving his hands to her bosom. "I don't want to get too cold."

But that was not the whole truth, and Ashley knew it. The main reason was that she still had Darren Connor's dried semen on her chest. And at that moment, she did not want to think about Darren nor deal with any of the fallout from her encounter with him.

"Whatever you want, Ashy," Corey said, his hands tightening around her breasts as her nipples strained against the thin material of her top. "I'm just going to miss seeing your tits."

"I think they'd be old news to you by now, Corey Strickland," she teased, happy to have something to laugh with him about.

"I don't think that'll ever be true."

"You don't think they should be a cup size bigger?"

"Why would you ask that?"


"He's a fucking idiot," Corey growled, surprising Ashley. "I can't imagine breasts more perfect than yours."

"Fuck, Corey," the brunette gasped as an unexpected climax rippled through her body. It was not as intense as her orgasm with Darren, but it felt better, and cleaner.

After a brief rest, during which the young man kissed her neck and massaged her breasts, Ashley pushed herself up so only the tip of him was inside of her. Following a quick kiss, she slid back down his length, only to repeat the process faster. And as she picked up speed, Corey's hands tightened around her breasts, sending little sparks down to her clit and shivers along her spine.

"That feels incredible," he groaned, head back, eyes closed.

Yes, it does, the young woman thought as perspiration gathered on her face despite the chill. And it's giving me a chance to fuck the feel of that asshole right out of me.

"Good," she said aloud, hands on his shoulder for support as she pushed herself even faster. The rawness of this, the physicality of it, was exactly what she needed.

But there was more she needed as well—to climax again. Darren had given her one orgasm. It was suddenly very important to her that she have more than one with Corey. That way, she could assure herself that sex with Corey was better than sex with Darren, just like it had been better than sex with any of her other clients. Focusing on that goal, the eighteen-year-old concentrated on the spikes of pleasure emanating from her sex.

"I'm not going to last too much longer," Corey warned her less than a minute later.

Ashley nodded but did not back off. She was close to that needed second orgasm, and she did not want to risk that. Still, she knew it was now a race, and if he beat her by too much, she would lose.

"Try... to... hold... off," she panted, looking into his reopened eyes. "I'm close again."

"Not sure I can, Ashy," her blonde-haired lover breathed. "You are too much for me."

"You're just right for me," Ashely countered, the truth of it pushing her over the edge and into another whole-body release.

At the same instance that pleasure again infused her body, spreading out from her clitoris, she felt Corey's hands clamp down even harder around her breasts as his pelvis thrust up into her. For a moment they were both still, then she felt his penis twitch inside of her and she knew he was filling her. A second orgasm, this one confined to her loins yet still wonderfully pleasurable, followed the first as her lover groaned and shuddered beneath her.

They held each other for some time, his penis shrinking inside of her as she clasped him tight, her hands around his neck. And at first, she was warmed by the closeness. But then goosebumps that had nothing to do with arousal rose on her bare legs, and her damp hair grew cold against her scalp and face. Seconds later, she started shivering.

"Shit," Corey blurted out, pushing her away from him. "You're going to go hypothermic."

"What," Ashley asked, sliding off his groin to sit beside him. "It's not that cold."

"Yeah, but you're super-cooled with all that sweat," her friend said as he pulled his pants up. "I need to get the car started so we can get some heat in here. And you need your pants on and to move to the front."

"Girls don't sweat, Corey," she assured him, stroking his warm cheek with one hand. "We perspire. And really, I'm okay. Just tired and a bit cold."

"Your fingers are ice cold," he said, taking her hands in his and rubbing them. "We need to get you warm."

"My pussy's always warm around you, Corey," Ashley giggled, not sure why she had picked the current moment to tell him that.

"Yeah, but it'll be warmer with your pants up," he said, and she wondered why he kept repeating himself.

"Okay, okay," the brunette pouted, putting her feet into her pants. "I guess you don't want to fuck again."

"Ashely, we need to move to the front. Now."

"I'm almost there," she mumbled, wiggling her hips and bottom as she tried to pull her jeans up. "Not sure I can button them. My hands are shaking a little. And I'm not sure why you're in such a rush. Most guys would want me out of my pants, not back into them."

"Don't worry about buttoning them," Corey told her as he opened the driver's side door.

Cold air rushed into the car. And even though Corey had moved to the front seat and slammed the car door shut again in just a couple of seconds, her shivering intensified. Trying to warm herself, she pulled her coat tight across her chest and hugged herself.

"The car's running and the heater's on. You need to move up here."

"Okay," Ashley nodded, some of Corey's concern rubbing off on her. She really did not feel right. She was even more tired than she had been moments before, and she felt like she couldn't quite catch her breath.

"I'm coming around to help you," he said, his words startling her almost as much as the brief blast of cold air from his open door.

"Thanks," she whispered, closing her eyes.

More cold air, this time from her right side, snapped her back to full awareness. Corey tilted the seat forward, then stood beside the open door, his hand held out to her. She grasped his hand, and he pulled her out. For a moment she was in his arms, then he reached around her to do something. Ashely tried to kiss him, but he pushed her down into front passenger seat and closed the door.

"Warm," she mumbled, holding her hands out in front of the car's vents.

"Yeah, I've got it cranked up all the way. Luckily we weren't sitting long enough for the car to cool off too much."

Ashley nodded, trying to understand what they were doing. They had been having sex, and she had climaxed. But it had been the second time. No, it had been the third. Or was it the fourth? Had they had sex at his house first? If so, why had they just had sex in his car?

"It was someone else," she said, looking over at Corey.


"My first orgasm. It was with someone else. A client."

"You were with Darren Connors. Did he make you come?"

"He's an asshole."

"That's very true, Ashley," the young man beside her agreed. "But did you..."

"And I was upset because he threatened to tell everyone about me. You talked to him and said you would tell his embarrassing secrets. Then we went and fucked because I needed to feel you inside me, needed you to make me come so I could forget that he had."

"You did. Twice."

"Three times, actually," the brunette sighed, closing her eyes.

Corey did not respond, other than to rub her arm. A smile spread across the young woman's face, and she wished he was touching her skin rather than her coat. But she needed the coat, she knew. Even despite the warm air blasting her, she still felt a deep chill.