Ashley's Tale - Demon's World 05


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I pouted to no effect. Then another portal opened and my mother came through.

Sandy said without preamble, "What's the plan?"

Cat said, "We attack now, banish them after stripping their equipment. After that, it will be up to those that are left. I don't see how we can hunt them down in a city."

Cat touched my forehead and I felt the buzz drain away. I blushed at my actions, but I still felt good about them, it had been the right thing to do. I hoped I still felt that way in a few days.

Cat opened a portal and we all stepped through. We immediately felt the buzz in the back of our heads, the magic that kept people from seeing their village was obviously more tech. We went into their village and just started stunning them all unconscious. At first it was easy, but then they started fighting back, and they weren't shooting stuns at us.

The three of us had a good view in all directions and protected each other's backs, redirecting the energy beams fired at us as we continued to stun them. A part of me wanted to kill them, for all that they had done as a race, but most of me was glad we were just sending them from the Earth. When we were sure all the tech from both the Elves and the village had been gathered up, we destroyed it.

It was both not useful to us, and we didn't necessarily want the government playing with that advanced technology either. Cat had a very paranoid outlook that way, and I wasn't sure she was wrong.

Cat cast an enchantment to allow dimensional hopping as my mother calls it, and I opened a portal to the banishment dimension. We weren't very gentle when we used gravity to throw the Elves through it, and good riddance.

We followed the same procedure in Russia, then again in a third village only Cat had known about in Africa. When we got home Bonnie looked relieved, and I blushed remembering all I had done. I had tried to kiss her in front of practically the whole supernatural task force at the bar. My succubus side made me a slutty drunk. But I wasn't wrong, she was so beautiful, and I loved that she was mine.

My mother said, "We need to send a message to those who are left."

Cat asked, "What do you propose?"

She shrugged, "A promise and a threat. Tell them we simple evicted their command posts, and if they volunteer to leave peacefully we will send them along as well. As for the stick, we can threaten to duplicate any atrocities they cause on this world on theirs, that we are only peaceful if dealt with peacefully."

Cat frowned. "For that to work effectively, we will have to make specific threats against their world, and publicly so the Elves will hear of it. I would rather not let it be known just how powerful we are. If we threaten great harm to their world, the Humans will fear that we might do so here. It could cause the very internal war we are trying to avert."

We talked about it for a long time and it turned out to be Bonnie that had the solution we needed. We took her solution and ran with it, scheduling an interview. There would still no doubt be fallout for us taking such far reaching actions without even telling the government, but the effect should be lessened, I hoped.

Of course, it would mainly be a big bluff, I don't think I had it in me to do what we were about to threaten to do. No matter how bad things got. Their big bluff against me failed, I hoped ours would be more effective. We were actually going to prove we could do it though, that might make a difference. We were going to prove we are a threat...

Chapter 20

It turns out it was taking a while to gather what we needed, so mom had Jezebel brief the President. He was all for us moving forward as quickly as possible, preferably before something he couldn't see killed him. He was partially relieved when my mom volunteered to guard him for a while, but there simply wasn't enough of us for that to be a long term strategy.

I just hoped they would back down at the threat, and not decide to attack anyway. The hardest part was we couldn't read them at all, they were so different from Demons, Humans and Angels it was hard to know how they would react to it. I wound up calling in sick on the next day, it took all night and most of Friday to get things finished and ready.

Cat was not included in the interview, but my mother would be there with me, and we had a fifteen minute film set up to go before hand. The President had called for an official address to the country, so it was going out on multiple TV channels. He was going to go on after the short video and we went on to answer questions. Things were kind of snowballing.

He was worried about riots, how would people respond to a threat they couldn't protect themselves from or even see? What we were going to do would be a gamble on both ends.

The first few minutes of the video gave a run down on the Elven race. Their abilities, why they were thought to be here in the past and what we now know to be true. What they were doing on the streets, causing Demons and Angels to lose their mind and attack others, trying to foment discontent between the races over the world. How they had set the Demon dimension on us all.

The next part was a message to the Elves, turn yourselves in to be removed from our dimension peacefully. If they did not, and started attacking our world, we would attack their dimension. Then the clip showed pictures of their cities, proof that we had been there and could do so with impunity.

The Elf that captured me had said their dimension was protected, I didn't know why we got through so easily, perhaps that was part of his bluff, or something had changed over the last five thousand years and they didn't do it anymore, thinking themselves safe.

Then Bonnie's idea came in, the stick was the nuclear arsenal of the world, not Witch magic, keeping our power hidden from the world.

If they attacked us, we would open the portals, and the government would destroy their cities and send weapons to their world. To prove they couldn't stop us, we actually sent one and took a picture. A disarmed nuclear missile was sitting in the middle of a street in their capitol, Elves in the background staring in shock. Thus giving our bluff teeth, although, I wasn't quite so sure it was a bluff on the part of the President.

Then a last warning, no attacks, no more brainwashing, they needed to turn themselves in and go peacefully, or else.

As silence filled the room we were in, the interviewer obviously shocked, I thought maybe we should have given her a preview of the content. Dead air reigned for at least fifteen seconds before she finally asked a question.

Karen Carter, who was also a Witch, asked, "Are you sure about all that?"

I said, "Unfortunately, yes I am Karen."

Karen asked, "Was threatening them the best way?"

My mother sighed and said, "It was the only way. They were already here to make sure we could never threaten them, prepared to destroy us before we could do that. They have already put forth great efforts in that direction, from internal worldwide strife to outside attack.

"Fortunately for us they miscalculated, focusing on the technical advances, rather than the abilities Witches bring to bear. The government has weapons, we can cross dimensions, and by working together we achieve a state of mutually assured destruction with the Elves.

"It is too late for their original mission; they can no longer overpower us without severe repercussions on their home world. The concept of peace through mutually assured destruction has worked well here since world war two, hopefully they are of the same opinion."

Karen nodded before she asked, "What would you say to the people out there."

I said, "Try to remain calm and trust that your government and the Witches will do all we can to keep you safe."

I crossed my fingers at that point, figuratively speaking. There wasn't much else we could really do. Karen turned it over to a White House correspondent as the President was coming out to speak. My mother and I said goodbye to Karen, and we both left, each going home. It was up to the remaining Elves now, I hoped they would back down, but it was nerve wracking.

I sat on the couch with Bonnie. Tom was at work, when the president came on. He basically just went over it all briefly again, and urged people not to panic, that we had things in hand. I sincerely hoped that turned out to be true. Things could get really ugly if they decide to fight.

Bonnie pulled me over and sat me between her legs, and then she started to massage my shoulders. I melted back into her, enjoying the feel of her hands on my body.

I said with a soft sigh of pleasure, "That feels amazing love."

Bonnie kissed the side of my neck and whispered in my ear, "It's later my love," I felt like lightning struck at my body's response to her whispered words. I moaned softly as her hands massaged down to my lower back and the crack of my ass.

I felt something new from her, I knew she was more dominant, but she had been very shy about coming out with it until now. Joining Tom in calling me a slut was about as far as she went in the past.

She told me, "You've been a bad little succubus, not telling me what was going on. I think you need to be punished."

I said questioningly, "Punished?"

She lifted me and lay me down on my stomach over her knees. Oh god, was she going to spank me? I got wet as she pulled up the bottom of the dress I wore for the interview, exposing my ass to the air in the room.

She teased my butt with her fingertips and said sternly, "Yes, Punished," as her touch left me I held my breath, her hand slapped my ass hard, it stung bad, but my core clenched and I was now beyond moist.

She rubbed my ass again softly and said, "You like that don't you slut, here I am punishing you and you're getting off on it. Tell me what a nasty slut you are."

She brushed my labia and puckered star with a fingertip, then smacked me hard again on the other cheek. I gasped in pleasure and said in a shaky voice, "Yes, I am a nasty slut, who loves to be spanked mistress."

I squirmed a little on her lap, sure my ass was bright red already. Her fingers stopped for a moment when I called her mistress, but I felt a surge of lust from her when I said it.

I begged her, "Please mistress, punish me some more, I've been a very bad dirty slut."

She spanked me then, over and over, at least ten times on each cheek. My ass was stinging and burning, but my honey pot was dripping and I was breathless. When she started softly rubbing the stinging flesh of my ass, I moaned in pleasure at her touch.

I gasped as she invaded my body with her fingers, driving them into my body roughly as she curled her fingers to rub my g-spot.

I begged, "Can I cum mistress? Please?"

I was so close it was driving me crazy, but I held it for her, I would do as she demanded. Then she slapped my ass hard again with her other hand.

She ordered, "Come now!"

I exploded in bliss, the sharp pain from her spanking my stinging flesh mixed with the ecstasy of my hot silky center squeezing and milking three of her fingers as she fingered me. When I started to come down she traced circles on my back, stinging ass and thighs. The mood changed then, what she had wanted, and what I wanted to give no longer held true.

I felt an amazingly tender feeling from her that made me love her even more, and she lifted me up and started kissing me passionately.

She didn't bother to speak, it wasn't necessary. We got up and retired to the bedroom where I worshipped her body with my lips, tongue, teeth and hands. I gently teased her from orgasm to orgasm for close to an hour. It wasn't until much later as we fell asleep, that I realized her rough treatment of me had led to the tenderest lovemaking we had ever shared...

We were still waiting for some type of response to the Elves on Saturday morning. We all had the day off, and although Bonnie was dubious about Harmon, she was willing to give it a shot. Tom was just curious to meet such an infamous person that I thought would be a good fit in our family. Gloria was curious about it too, and looking forward to it.

Harmon himself had resisted at first, claiming he was only flirting with me and was too old for such nonsense. I knew the truth though, he craved a life of more than duty, and more than that he deserved one. He was interested in polyamory when I told him about my family. And he most definitely had feelings for me, and I affectionately thought of him as the dirty old cradle robber...

Sometimes I questioned my own sanity, but I didn't really see an issue with it, especially when age was such a non-issue, I liked him, and I could make him young again if it worked out. Even if it didn't work out relationship wise I might, the Demon dimension could do worse than having him look over it. Although I would ask him first, he might be ready to give it all up rather than live another long lifetime of nothing but responsibility.

Obviously if this did work there would be some major travel going on, so we could all be together. But still, I hoped this first group date might go well. I was taking us all to the beach in Puerto Rico, it would be about eighty down there, and it was tropical without worrying about passports.

I hopped over, my mother got me thinking of it that way, to Demon world and picked him up. Then came back right away and we all took a portal to a beach I knew, we all just stepped out into an out of the way spot and strolled out in the sand. We three women were wearing bikinis under our shorts and t-shirts, so we stripped down to them and laid the blanket on the sand.

It was a gorgeous day, the sun felt hot on my skin, but there was a nice ocean breeze coming off the water which would keep us from overheating. We chatted some, but we all avoided the E word as we enjoyed our day. Tom took Harmon to get us some lunch, and when they came back they looked like they reached some kind of understanding. I wondered if there would be more football games in my future.

Mostly I just hung back, I already liked the guy, so I let the other three get to know him. I could feel Bonnie's doubt fading as she talked to him. He had a strong presence about him, but he didn't flaunt it. I thought things were going really well, until I heard the air raid/tornado siren go off. I didn't even try to be subtle, just opened a portal to my living room and we all piled through it. I put the television on where a special report was in progress.

Apparently China had launched five nukes, at the United States. If it wasn't the Elves behind it I'd eat my toes. I also wasn't feeling all that Witchy at the moment, I wanted to kill the dumb bastards. We almost had to, if we didn't follow up on our threat they would never stop. I felt a bit sick to my stomach.

"Harmon, I have things to do, you need to go home?"

He shook his head, "I can stay."

I nodded and created a portal to the President and stepped through, the thought that I was in my bikini occurred to me too late to make a difference. The secret service didn't look happy, but at least they held their fire when they saw it was me, and the President's face was white.

I said, "Sir, do you have a way to stop them?"

He shook his head, "These new ones skim the surface and evade anti-missiles quite well. They'll hit the coast in seven minutes."

I nodded, "Sir, did you want to retaliate?"

A part of me wanted him to say yes, a part of me thought it was horrible and prayed for no.

The President nodded, "We have to. It's our only chance to get them to give up."

I looked at the monitor tracking the missiles, memorizing the coordinates for each and I embraced my magic, time slowed to a standstill. I opened a portal and stepped out, using gravity to hold me above the Earth.

I saw the first missile coming, slowly. Its movement was perceivable unlike everything else, but it was still painfully slow. I created a high gravity point in the warhead. I didn't know all that much about nuclear weapons, but I knew the blast had to be both perfectly aligned and perfectly timed. The missile started to collapse in on itself, then it exploded.

The blast was quite large, but there was no nuclear detonation. I handled the next three in exactly the same way. I hesitated on the last. I was very angry for all the Elves had done, had tried to do, but it all paled against the rage of what they were making me do. President's decision or not, I was the one actually doing it.

I enchanted the missile to block the waves from the enchanted gravity wave emitters in space. Then I opened a double portal, and aimed it so the other side was a hundred feet above a city street in their capitol, and I made it horizontal so it pointed straight down. I waited as the decision ate away at me, when the missile slowly crossed through the portal I closed it down.

I went back to the President's bunker office and tired of doing it over and over, I added a blocking enchantment to my necklace with the ability to turn it off and on with a thought. Then I opened a portal twenty miles from their city. I added filters for hard radiation and bright light, just in case.

In all maybe thirty seconds had passed in real time since the President gave the order, perhaps less, I wasn't sure. I pulled out my cell phone and started recording as I released the magic holding the world still. The city flashed white and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky...

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observer7observer7about 9 years ago
Gindjurra, observations

Fact one: highly critical and pointlessly negative, know-it-all comments meant to smear the author's knowledge base

Fact two: newly created account, 3-3-15

Fact three: sole "favorited" author is Magicwrtr

Fact four: going in alphabetical order with an author of 91 submissions

Conclusion: Gindjurra is an alt account for someone without gut to risk this with their better-known name, has Little Dick syndrome with a personal ax to grind. To be ignored.

GindjurraGindjurraabout 9 years ago
Nuclear missiles

It's obvious the author is like the character -- very little knowledge of how nuclear weapons work.

The problems, in no particular order:

Unless the Elven city is in exactly the same spot on their world as the Earth city the missile was launched at, the missile would not have detonated. The guidance system would have failed to recognize its location as the target and would not have armed the detonator.

Nuclear weapons do not go off on impact, they are detonated by a combination of navigational sensors and altimeters. Before launch they are given a set of coordinates and an altitude, and simply will not explode unless both match. Crashing one into the ground will result in a spray of radioactive fragments but no explosion other than the remaining fuel exploding.

Nuclear weapons are delicate, like a camera or computer are delicate. Where a normal bomb can be set off by handling it too roughly, you can defuse a nuke with a sledge hammer.

The skimming missile idea you had would make it easier to shoot down than a conventional ICBM, not harder. An ICBM is armored almost like a tank, with uranium armor plating -- the only difference between the outer shell of a nuke and depleted uranium is the depletion part. Enriched uranium is just as strong as depleted uranium, but it acts as fuel for the nuclear reaction.

The biggest single error in your description of nukes though is using gravity to destroy one. By crushing them with gravity, Ashley would have set off every single one of them at full power. The conventional explosives do have to be precisely oriented and timed to crush the plutonium into a critical mass, but a gravity well doesn't have that limitation. What triggers a nuclear blast is crushing the softball sized sphere of plutonium into a golf ball sized sphere. That's all it takes. It's really hard to do with conventional explosives, but with Witch gravity powers? It's easy enough to do it by accident.

Ashley would have killed herself with the first nuke.

cliuincliuinover 9 years ago

The reverse Lord of the Rings .

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