Asian Innocence Manipulated Ch. 05


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"Yes they were very tight. I couldn't help notice."

"Did you notice something about them; I saw you looking and your eyebrows were raised as if you were surprised at something."

"Well, I, it, I think, it..arr was....."

"It was his penis perhaps?" Josette answers.

Blushing, she nods. "Josette I didn't know where to look. It stood out so big, I've never been so close to a man so close to being undressed before and I thought if this is what it's like it''s...."


"Yes, I'm ashamed to say. I felt a strange feeling when I saw it; I'm glad he didn't notice me looking."

"Jacques misses nothing about you, Selena, and the strange feeling was you feeling turned on?"

"What do you mean, turned on?"

The French woman could go into hysterics discovering Selena doesn't understand the expression 'turned on' but she knows that this is not an ordinary virgin, she's one of the most protected rare kind of virgins, totally inexperienced, naive, gullible and with poor knowledge of the meaning of sexual words. She's so hopeless in anything intimate most men would not want to know her except for one thing: she's reeks of sensuous natural beauty and sexiness but she's unaware of how stunning she looks and the way this sexiness connects. She smiles at Selena and puts her hand on top of the young one's hand.

"Turned on means getting sexually stimulated Selena, you must surely touch yourself."

"Yes is that what you call it?"

"Don't worry about it my dear let me suggest to you that if seeing that hard shape inside Jacques trunks today did turn you on even for a moment you will get your chance to see the real thing tomorrow morning when you massage him. I assure you, once he knows it's you rubbing him he will be hard as an iron bar."

"You mean stiff?" the young virgin prompts.

"Yes, stiff if you like. And you must please him."

Pleasing him by making him come is the farthest thing from her mind and Selena doesn't know that's part of what she must do. "Oh Josette I wouldn't know how to go about it; I've never massaged anyone and he's met and mixed with hundreds of really experienced models, I could look foolish. I saw some of their portraits he's done. Some even had his signature on their faces. He said only some of the more experienced models got his signature because the client pays the models twice as much fee to have it put there."

"Did Jacques explain what the signature really was?"

"He said it was from him, his personal signature, from inside him. I was shocked and said the models must have been horrified and ashamed but he said they liked it."

"Are you telling me that you have never seen a man naked? You've never seen a man's cock with an erection? You've never felt one, seen a man ejaculate?"

"I am telling you the truth Josette, never. I've never been in a situation like that. What is it like? I mean, what is it like to see a man like that?"

The French model laughs playfully and squeezes the young Singapore girl's hand. "You will know tomorrow I'm sure but let me say to you it's a sight that will please many a girl and a woman and when you see my man naked, his beautiful tight butt and his majestic erection, you will know why I like to please him. Now Selena, you need to get the feel of what to do tomorrow morning. Please be up early and come into our room at 7.30 precisely that's when he is ready to get out of bed. I know his every move. Now I want you to wear the black negligee we gave you, he likes that one best. You will look twice as pretty in that one."

"I can do that, it is even more private on me than my silk bodysuit," she replies.

"Tell me what you find most interesting about my man, my Jacques," purrs the older woman to the novice. "Oh, I think he is very masculine, he would make an excellent father, and he is quite masterful in the way he seems to know what's right. He's handsome and gentle and I like that."

"And he's extremely sexy," adds Josette. "Now Selena let's get your clothes off so I can show you what a massage is like and this will help you tomorrow morning."

"Oh Josette please don't make me undress I feel ashamed to be naked. Please no."

"What's wrong Selena? What makes you so afraid for someone to touch you? You were like this at the hotel when I interviewed you for the job and you crossed your legs so I couldn't get near your panties. I was only trying to put the tape measure on you. Look, I'm your friend, I'm not going to hurt you, besides it's part of your responsibility for us as our au pair that you undress if we ask you to."

"I'm so unsure about it. You don't understand."

"Goodness girl, you're almost 20 and old enough not to have these sorts of fears unless...unless.. Selena, has someone sexually abused you?"

"I don't know what you mean. What does it mean?"

"Has someone, anyone, ever touched your body when you were younger for you to be afraid of undressing and being touched?"

She looks down at the floor and then looks at Josette finding warmth in her eyes and then throws her arms around the French woman hugging her tight. "I don't know I'm not sure," she sobs.

"Selena I'm not leaving this room until you tell me. I know you are still a virgin so what on earth can be wrong for you to be so afraid of sex or anyone even touching you. Now tell me you sweet child or I'll stay here until you tell me who it was. There was someone wasn't there?"

She nods.

"A friend, a relative, a neighbour, who?"

Finally years of pent up emotion break and she cries softly, consoled by a loving arm of an older woman who knows all about. "At the orphanage some members of the staff were allowed to take selected resident kids home for weekends every so often if we behaved," she starts to explain, and then bursts into tears again. Josette gives her time to find herself, gently stroking her hair. The French model is bi and can't wait to make love to Selena herself, knowing that in time it will happen but just now her heart goes out to the teenager. "Tell me more, I am listening and no one else will know if you tell me," she consoles.

"One lady there chose me, she was in her forties I think but I was just nine then but I had no mother and she treated me so nice I was happy to go to her home. She lived alone but she had a friend, another woman about her age, who also stayed with her on weekends.

"On the Friday and Saturday nights I had to sleep between them and that's when they did it to me."

"What did they do?"Josette asks fearing the worst in a world of strap-on dildos, light bondage and even BDSM. "They took turns kissing me."

"On the mouth I hope?"

"No, between my legs and they took turns until my whole body shuddered and I felt a strange sensation down there that made me puff and pant for breath."

"They made you come."

"I didn't know what it was except that it felt good and I didn't know what they did to me was wrong. How would I know? No one ever told me."

"Is that all they did Selena? Nothing else I hope?"

"Only to repay them for the nice feeling they were giving me I had to do the same to both of them, one at a time until they said they were satisfied. My face was always wet and sometimes the way they were screaming I got real frightened."

"Oh you poor child, that must have been fearful for you How long did this continue?"

Selena is too embarrassed to answer and sits silently, her head down. "Come on darling, you can tell me and the sooner you do the sooner you can get these bad memories to disappear. How long?"

"Until I was 16."

"Good god girl, that's seven years! You must be mistaken."

"No," she sobs.

"Why didn't you tell someone?"

"I didn't know any better. I was raised there from a baby. No one ever told me anything. The two women said when I get older I would need to do this properly when I had girl friends. I didn't mind because it always felt good but I just didn't know any better. They used me like a toy. They told me when they started that it was natural to do it as everyone does it and because they never hurt me, I never complained. "

"It stopped when you were 16? What happened to that woman? Was she arrested?"

"She lost her job but I don't know why. She just didn't turn up for work one day and a new woman replaced her. No one ever asked me about anything and I never said anything as I didn't want to get into trouble. I knew if I'm well behaved I'd be able to leave when I turned 18 and that's all that mattered to me."

"They didn't do anything kinky did they? Making you bend over and putting anything into you like a man does to a woman?"

"No, I don't know what you mean by that. As I got older, about 13, the other woman would sit on my face and make me lick her while the other one got down between her legs kissing her there. Then they took turns about. They would never stop until they gave me that feeling so they said I'd be satisfied. And it was good, but looking back now I'm totally ashamed to let anyone see my personal body as I trusted them. One weekend after they were doing it with me for most of the night they had a big fight. I could hear them rousing each other and talking very nasty. It was about me and I wanted to get out of there, but couldn't. I didn't even know where I was or where I could go. I was only 14"

"What were they fighting about Selina?"

"I don't know except that it was to do with me. The lady who took me home kept shouting no way, no way, don't do it, she's still just a kid. I didn't understand it but it seemed to me the other lady wanted to do something with me that was different. I heard a word like bonding but I'm not sure. I never saw the other woman after that weekend, it was always with just the lady who took me from the orphanage but then later, I was 15 then, she had a man friend who took pictures of me lying on the bed posing in all sorts of ways and then playing with myself. It was awful. By then I was frightened in case the man wanted something but I only saw him the once. He was always dressed in a suit but never took anything off. He just seemed to want pictures of me"

"Selena I can't believe you let it go on for so long. Wasn't there someone you could talk to?"

"Josette it wasn't that simple. Just after the man episode but he never touched me, on the way back to the orphanage the lady said In only had three years to go and when I'm 18 I can join the outside world, get a job and live happily ever after but I must not say anything to anyone about her because both of us would be in trouble and if I'm in any trouble I won't be able to leave when I'm 18 for my punishment."

"Those people are all despicable and deserve to be shot and no wonder you feel jumpy about me putting my hands on you. But this is different now, Jacques and I genuinely care for you and we make a beautiful ménage a trios as we say in France."

"What does it mean?

"It means a threesome. Remember when I first showed you through our bungalow and you saw the size of the master bed and you said it's big enough for four people and I said, no, that's one too many."

"Oh," the innocent young Asian girl replies.

"Selena you can trust me no can't you? Please undress for me and let me spoil you with this wonderfully warm body oils. This is how I want you to spoil Jacques in the morning."

She looks defeated. "If I do it, you won't tell Mr Pardie will you?"

"Of course not, now let me help you."

Finally after gentle coaxing thee French woman's got the sweet Asian delight out of her clothing and standing in front of her nude. Even for an experienced woman such as the former model, the sight of Selena completely naked is soul stirring and sexually stimulating. Josette thinks it's no wonder that the older woman sought her out and took her home from the orphanage when she was just a tweeny to pleasure on her pure body, but as soon as the thought crosses her mind, Josette slaps herself on the side of her face to admonish herself in a sense of guilt.

"What do you want me to do now?" asks the naive young virgin. Josette can only imagine how she was like putty in their hands in those lost weekends away from the orphanage. "Lie on this large towel here on your tummy and I'll start on your back. The massage is gentle and relaxing, squeezing out the tension in the lower part of her neck and shoulders. "It feels very nice," is the response. "It gets better," Josette tells her as she moves down her back and commences on the cheeks of her bum.

"You have a beautiful well rounded and tight derriere," cooes the French woman licking her lips for the day when she will do much more than this with such a pure nubile body to work out her fantasies with a younger person. She runs her hands right between the deep crack in her backside separating them as much as she can to induce the penetrating aphrodisiac properties of the massage oils into her private areas but leaving her genitals until she turns her over. She works down both legs, putting greater emphasis on the insides of her legs, separating them so she can see the young Asian's pristine pussy looking fat and delicious.

"You must do it this way for Jacques," she says as she continues rubbing up and down her thighs but when he's on his back that's when you need to do more work on his muscular thigh muscles, he turns me on so," says the older woman as she then turns the girl over and takes a deep breath at her innocence and beauty. Her breasts sit up firmly even when she's in this position, so well rounded and full and a perfect size for her young body, the cone shaped pointy nipples giving her breasts an erotic appearance. So far she hasn't touched any of the Asian's sex organs but as she moves to her breasts, Selena sits up suddenly, her legs still outstretched. "Oh Josette I didn't know you must do this to me, do you have to touch me here? Mr Pardie doesn't have tits like me to massage."

"No my sweet but you do, I have to do your chest, in fact, while you're sitting up now I'll do them how they look when you sitting, they are so supple and firm looking. "Now take our hands away Selena, we are both women and you need not be frightened, you're not nine or ten now when that other bad woman was feeling your body for a different reason, it's me, right here with you, showing how you must look after Mr Pardie tomorrow morning."

Selena, ever compliant, does as she's told. She's been that way as a child always doing as she's told by someone superior to her and at 19 plus she's little different. The French woman's hands glide all over her breasts making sure she massages well into the nipples and the sensitive sides of her breasts. The nipples quickly become erect, standing out quite outrageously and making Josette wish she could suck on them now. She knows it would break protocol with Jacques as he must be the first to taste her in his mouth. But as she continues to move down her abdomen the sexually stimulating effects of the aphrodisiac in the oil is warming Selena up and she's sighing appreciatively with a much more relaxed look on her tender face.

Working up from her ankles to the tops of her thighs it's an erotic image looking up between her legs at her well formed camel toe pussy curvaceously sweeping down between her thighs. The extra amounts of the arousal aphrodisiac she spreads in the close inner thighs and either side and across pubic swell will help, but not as much as what she's putting on her fingers now as she spreads them flat across the top of her clitoris and slowly, but with pressure slides her hand downward and then quickly back up over her vagina and clitoris and then quickly back down again, repeating the movement until the oil is well embedded into the folds of her outer and inner labia as well as around her clit glans. Selena, caught by surprise, yelps and her hips leave the bed for a moment but Josette quickly pushes her back down and continues to move three flat fingers in a slow circular manner over her clitoris with such immediate efficiency that the young Asian lies prone, emotions in a muddle and giving way to perfect pleasure

She feels the heat from the stimulants working into her and creating spicy tingling sensations inside her thighs and even more quickly in the soft and sensitive surfaces of her vagina and labia. The Pardie wealth makes it possible to procure only the ultimate in sexual stimulants worked into the body's strategic places.

Her clit is fully erect and she swoons as this unusual and new to her feeling makes it impossible for her conservative nature to escape being seduced. The French model looks glowingly at her as the young Asian au pair stares at her plaintively, moaning softly, her mouth open as if she wants to speak but words are frozen in the burning heat she feels in her sexual regions, her nipples, anus, inner thighs and whole vulva seem to be on fire. Her eyes, wide open looking fearful at first, turn to a dazed expression, then wide open again and she frowns before shutting her eyes and throwing her head right back moaning, "oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh" her chin pointing to the ceiling.

Josette continue to rub the massage oil around and around her engorged clit to bring on the impending orgasm, leaning across to squeeze her breasts with the free hand. "Oh oh oh oh oh oh the au pair pants quite loudly signally to Josette that she is on the way. Selena's eyes stay shut, transfixed in the heat of a burning passion, her right hand grabs for her hot button in an attempt to satisfy the lustful feeling burning in her loins. The French woman, beaming at the sight, moves her own hand away from the hairless pussy glistening in the dampness of the oil and watches with a playful look as her young charge masturbates furiously from the effects of the Spanish Fly and other arousal agents penetrating deep into her major erogenous zones.

The innocent maid is being driven into a torrent of sexual torment; rubbing her breasts with one hand and dazzling her clitoris with rapid circular stroking as the intensity increases. Josette uses both hands to caress inside the girl's upper thighs and Selena, seemingly unable to lift her head now tilted back even further, her eyes still shut, moans continuously in short, sharp jerky gasps as her pulse races, her heart beat pounds and her breathing is erratically fast. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! O! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! She gasps in loud puffing exclamations her left hand now driving her fingers into her vagina as her right hand's fingers swirl around her engorged clit. Josette massages her breasts knowing the orgasm will be quick and hard but it won't wait.

She comes with a loud cry as the raging sexual tension releases from within, her erect clit retracts into its hood in nature's way of protecting it from further exposure to touch due to its high sensitivity at this stage of arousal or she could pass out if continued to be stimulated. Her loud cry is heard by Jacques across the hallway and he smiles. It's a cry that sounds like she's in pain, but she's so deeply embedded in ecstatic pleasure her immature emotions can't cope. Her hips are thrusting rapidly as she throws her hand away from her clitoris during her orgasmic scream she but continues to plunge her fingers inside her vagina while the spasms consumes her sexual regions

Josette strokes Selena's forehead, her eyes still shut tight up with a strained expression of concern on it momentarily before she opens her eyes in a look of wonderment, breathing fast as the roller coaster ride inside her comes out of the last steep dive with its rushing speed and turns the last corner to ease up and stop. The heat hasn't gone out of her loins yet and will remain with her through the night making her wake up in the morning feeling sexy.

The French woman speaks first, softly. "Get your breath first darling, you had an orgasm and it must have been a good one," she purrs. "You look so serene right now, so beautiful and so sensuous I could eat you." The connotation of being eaten by the older woman goes over her head since she was forced to do this for more than a hundred times over seven years when captive to the orphanage staffer but in the maelstrom of orgasmic euphoria the remark goes past her ears.