Asian Innocence Manipulated Ch. 08


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"This is what you called a facial?"

"Yes Selena it's so because my client asked for it of the model. He is a New Zealand businessman working in Tonga and this young lady -- she's a part-time model -- works as a bank teller where he does his banking. When he discovered she does part-time modelling he did an internet search for a credible photographer specialising in erotic art that he could get to help convince her to pose for something super erotic. He specifically wanted just pictures of her with a man's cum on her face but of course I don't go and do just that; the model gets paid a full day's pay and I take many pictures in different outfits, some completely nude but only in erotic poses, nothing explicit."

Selena seems mesmerised for a few moments, trying to imagine this 21 year-old bank teller in Tonga kneeling before Jacques as he splashes her face with his white cream.

"So you client got you to go to all that trouble just so that every time he goes to the bank and speaks to her she doesn't know that he's seen her with your man milk around her mouth?"

"In her mouth too, Selena, that image there is just one of several taken with a shutter than captures continuous motion images in freeze frame mode so my client actually has images of her lips around the head of my penis, then with her mouth open tongue out waiting for me to ejaculate, then several in sequence mode of that happening and finally with her licking the end of my penis dry."

"Oh my goodness!" Selena says shaking in her seat. "How could she do all that for this man?"

"She did it for me Selena, she doesn't know my client from a bar of soap. She was very well paid and appreciated the money and no other person knew about what she did apart from my client. He was so impressed with her beauty and her erotic nature he went to the bank soon after and offered her a job as his receptionist for twice the money she was earning at the bank."

"Did she go?"

"Oh yes indeed, young women like to earn as much money as they can while they are young. They know that beauty is on their side while they are younger so they should take opportunities when they can."

"Yes I understand," she replies.

Jacques flicks a range of the other images of the pretty Polynesian on the screen in sequence order of him ejaculating on her face but dwelling longer on the first one showing the young woman's mouth around the head of his shaft.

From the corner of his eye his eagle-eye he notices his au pair's tongue brushing along her top lip. "It seems so big in her mouth sir," she comments, her own nipples already erect.

"I could never do that, she must be very game and needing money so badly," the young Asian suggests as if to atone herself for looking so keenly at the images.

"Selena, let me tell you something, when a woman sees a man's penis and it's erect it sends an erotic impulse to her brain and she will adore it, want to feel it perhaps, want to suck it and as you just saw, want to offer her face for it."

"Why are you showing me this sir?"

"I never thought you'd ask. Because it's what many fathers like their daughters to understand as they grow up and get interested in the physical shape and development of their own bodies. It's natural for them to be inquisitive about the man's penis as they don't have one.

"I can't speak for Singapore but in Europe by the time they're eleven years of age six out of every ten girls -- that's more than half of them --- have some kind of experience with a man's penis whether it's just feeling it, sucking it or taking it into them."

"It never happened to me sir, I never saw one until last Saturday," she says defensively.

"Did it feel good in your hands when you were massaging me?" he asks, this time back on his feet and gently caressing the sides of both arms level with her breasts.

"Yes sir, I did not know anything about it, a man's thing. I never thought they were all as big as that. I could never imagine how women fit them inside them. It would frighten me."

He laughs and leans into her ear making her quiver again. "They are not all as big as mine Selena; you will walk a long way to find many young Asian men with a penis nine inches long. But penis size does not maketh the man, that's a fable not to be believed, what matters most is a man's understanding of what maketh the woman and how to please her more than just please himself. Women are such exotic creatures; the depth of their feelings runs deeper than the ocean itself.

"You must not confuse yourself with size and satisfaction. A man much smaller than mine can satisfy any woman sexually if he knows the way not just any way. And listen to me my little orchid; do not delude yourself that your pretty pussy can't gobble up a big penis. It is made so it can but if a woman is not interested yes it would not be as easy. A man is lucky in some way because it is so easy to make a woman wet down there. I tell you this as a father would tell his daughter, you understand don't you."

"Yes sir, I think so." She nods because anything he says is fine by her because he knows so much and she knows so little. She wants so much not to be such an amateur in the company of a professional. Inwardly as much as she wants to be all woman to him she somehow wants him to treat her like a prepubescent daughter willing to learn the 'hard' way about physical chemistry and what girls need to know and be good at so when they meet the love of their life later on they will be more confident in lovemaking.

He looks at Selena and his mind is always working well ahead. "I have a proposition for you Selena, when Josette gets back from shopping we will go to the Vis-a-Vis restaurant for lunch like when I first met you but this time for a proper lunch not just an entree. It will give you a break from the housework. You will like that I know."

"Oh yes, it must be so good to go there again, thank you sir. But surely I do not wear my bodysuit there."

Jacques squeezes her like any father would like to hug his teenage daughter with big firm 36-inch b cup breasts pressing in to his body if they were lucky enough to have them be on hand in a see-through sheer silk skin tight bodysuit promoting the erogenous nipples in their third dimensional delightful way.

"Of course not," he laughs. Your private beauty is for me alone to view and think about in the confines of my home. You can wear one of your short skirts or whatever. When we get back around 2 o'clock this afternoon Selena I want you to help me in my studio."

"Yes sir, of course, how can I possibly help you? I know nothing of photography."

"I am trying out a new camera and some lighting settings and I need you to pose in some underwear before I use the camera on a new model next week."

Selena's taken aback, not expecting this and for a moment is flabbergasted.

"Oh, oh I suppose...yes ..It's. do I have to be naked sir?"

"No of course not," he reassures, well aware of how female models become randy the longer they pose in front of a camera and are willing to show more. He intends to give her a facial so the experience will bring her yet a bit closer to one day wanting his cock inside her. It's a decision he will leave to her, knowing she may never allow it and his whole au pair mission would be in vain and yet...

She looks up at him, smiling, thankful for the fact she doesn't have to be naked even though by the time she gets into some of the outfits it hardly matters.

"Josette? What about Josette? She will be jealous I think?"

"Don't even think about that. Josette doesn't mind. She likes you to help me in any way you can. She is a very understanding woman."

"Yes sir, I believe so, she was so understanding with me the night before I had to massage you. I was so afraid and she was so helpful."

"Yes I know," he says knowingly. "Josette told me."

"She told you? She told you I massaged her with no clothes on to learn how to do it to you? "

"Yes Selena and she told me about your hang-up; about why you were so fearful of being touched sexually."

Selena's body freezes. "What? She told you that? About the orphanage?"

"Yes my little orchid, we have no secrets; we are now three and in threesome not two people and someone else. You are part of our life now and we share your fears and your joys. Do not feel upset; anyway I wanted to ask you something about it. As you know, being an erotic photographer I am erotic in the mind, you can tell that by how I ask you to dress for me in the house. Many women like the feeling of erotic jewellery in and around the lips of their vagina for the pleasure it gives when they move in certain ways and the jewels of my mind are the very thoughts of sexy things that happen, have happened or could happen. Do you know what I mean?"

"I think so, sir. What must I tell you?"

"I am fascinated by the passion of the female for another female such as my Josette now needs you to massage her this Saturday as you did to me last Saturday so tell me about the women who pleasured you when you were at the orphanage."

"Must I? It was so long ago and besides it didn't happen at the orphanage, it was...."

"Yes Selena you must not have secrets from me. I can only be strong when I have the strength of my own courage to be honest and you must be likewise," he replies. Jacques knows only little from Josette, but just enough to spark his imagination and in his erotic mind he must know more to keep gingering up his libido with anything to do with Selena.

"But it was three years ago when it ended, I tried to put it behind me," she replies, acting more coyly. He is not to be denied. "How old were you then?" he asks.

She shrugs her shoulders. "Just sixteen but it started one month before I turned ten."

"Who touched you? Josette said there were two women."

"Elsa, the woman who worked at the orphanage started taking me to her house on monthly escorted leave from the orphanage. Some staff members were allowed to do that if they'd worked there for more than five years and could be trusted. For a while it was just her and we had lots of outings together."

"Did you sleep with her?"

"Yes. She lived alone. There was only a double bed with a pillow on each side. She cuddled me at first and she taught me how to kiss properly."

"She used her tongue?"

"Yes sir, of course, she said that is how I should kiss."

"And you reciprocated?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean did you do the same for her?"

"Yes sir."

"What else?"

"She kissed me somewhere else...between my legs."

"What happened?"

"She kissed me there and kept kissing me and after a while my body shuddered."

"She gave you an orgasm?"

"I didn't know what it was except that it felt good and she did it three times the first night."

"Did you have to do that to her?"

"She showed me how to do it and put her hands behind my head to hold me there until she shuddered like me, only differently."

"There were two women Josette said. Where was this other woman?"

"She turned up for the first time after I turned 11 and was always there after that. She was Elsa's new friend that's all I knew."

"How old were they?"

"I don't know. I think about 35 or 40."

"What happened?"

"Her friend -- Eloise was quite bossy and said I was to sleep in the middle of the bed. She wanted to do things with me on her own a lot as Elsa watched and then I had to do things back to her."

"What sort of things?"

"The same as she did to me?"

"Kissing pussy she called it."

"You liked it though?"

"Yes sir, not so much doing it to her but her doing it to me was very nice. My little body shuddered a lot. They didn't harm me, everything was just playful and it felt nice but I did not like kissing them the same way. I had to do it or Elsa said there'd be no more weekend holidays away from the orphanage.

"How often did this happen, your visits to this woman's house?"

"Once a month so it must have been 12 times each year until I was 16."

"So Elsa took you to her house when you were just turning ten until after you were 16; that's seven years multiplied by 12 times a year. Selena, that's 84 times. Are you sure?"

"Yes sir, I would not make it up. It is true. It did happen."

"But you make out to me you are frightened of sex and now you admit to me that two women made you share their bed all that time? Was it just one overnight stay when you visited this Elsa's house?"

"No sir, it was Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights."

"My God Selena, that's more than 250 times they had you in their bed. How could you possibly now be afraid of sex or being touched?"

"Well sir, it's just.. Well after it stopped it didn't bother me as I was leaving the orphanage soon after and I never did complain as Elsa said if I did I might have to stay at the orphanage a whole year or longer as punishment for misbehaving. It's then I started thinking I must have been doing something wrong but I never did tell on her. When I finally left the orphanage I read in a women's magazine a story about things like this only different but it made me realise I was being used by those women and what I did was not what all girls do every day like they told me.

"I felt ashamed of myself for being manipulated for the things I did, even though I had to do what I was told to do being young. I did enjoy it and I think that's why I felt ashamed later to find what I was enjoying was breaking the law."

"No Selena, get it through your head, you didn't break any law, they did. You were not to know any different." He puts his arm around her shoulder and tells her to put it out of her mind.

"Selena my little orchid, it is not what you did yesterday or the day before, what's most important is what you're going to do today and tomorrow, always the future is what counts. You will pose for me this afternoon I know you will."

"Yes sir. I can feel like I'm important as your models then." They are interrupted by the telephone ringing. Selena answers it quickly. It's Josette calling to say she's on her way back.

"Who was it?"

"It was Josette to tell us she's on her way back."

"She never does that," he mutters. "Why would she ring now?"

Selena thinks about it too. Perhaps she wanted to see how long it took one of them to pick up the phone. Did Josette think, perhaps, if they were having it off behind her back the phone would ring a lot longer, or maybe not be answered at all?

Josette arrives back at the house just 15 minutes after her phone call without any hint of suspicion whether her lover was taking advantage of her being way from the house and having Selena all to himself. Half an hour later and Selena changed into street clothes they head off to his favourite haunt in Chun Tin Road.

It's a busy day and the place is packed but his favourite table has been reserved so they take their seats and look at the menu. He pats Selena on the knee under the table. "Come on Selena, you must eat up well today. You have looked after us very well with your cooking so don't settle for the onion soup today, get more adventurous, I need my new model to feel satisfied," he says , this time squeezing her gently above her knee under the overhanging white linen tablecloth.

Josette orders the house salad because she likes the combination of sweet cherry tomatoes, fresh baby spinach, melon cubes and crunchy Fuji apple while Jacques as usual starts with his aphrodisiac oysters, winking at Selena saying they are good for a man's sex drive. Selena's selected the house version of lobster salad -- a potpourri of lobster, avocado and tangy pink grapefruit tossed in basil infused olive oil and laced with a 40 year-old balsamic vinegar and horseradish cream. Jacques orders for his main the Carpaccio of beef Rossini.

"What is this about Selena being a model for you," Josette asks him. "You did not mention that earlier?" He pushes away the empty oyster plate and smiles.

"No my pretty one I didn't, it just came to me as I was showing Selena some of my work on the computer and she thought that Polynesian girl Ursula from Tonga was very sweet, the one with the closely cropped tight black curls.

"Yes I know the one," Josette says. "She was your last one that the New Zealand man wanted for his collection because he knows her as young bank teller in Tonga where he's got his business."

"Yes Josette that's right and he's a smart man to find out she does modelling part time and then to find me on the internet to see if I could entice her into my signature collection."

Selena's eyes dart quickly from Jacques to Josette once he mentions his signature collection now the young Asian knows what it means. "And will our sweet Selena pose for your signature on her face?" the French model asks.

"Oh Josette I couldn't imagine me doing that," she replies. "The model from Tonga had some much of it on her face I am amazed she did not complain to Mr Pardie." Jacques and Josette laugh and say something to each other in French that she doesn't understand.

He leans across the table and takes her hand in his, stroking her palm gently and making her suddenly feel very girlish and helpless. "I think Selena would like me to do a lovely portrait of her looking so beautiful and youthful and of course she would want me to provide my personal signature, isn't that true my little orchid?"

Selena looks at Josette but doesn't know why. Should she or should she not?

"Selena I am not asking you, I am telling you," Jacques says, squeezing her hand. "This is good for you. My personal gift could not be more personal and I know you will want it after you do the photo shoot."

"I don't know what to say sir; it's all so new to me. I've never posed for a real photographer before. The only time anyone ever took pictures of me was when Elsa's lady friend one night had a man come to the house in a suit and he took lots of pictures of me for about an hour but I never saw him again"

"How old were you then?" Josette asks. "I was fourteen."

"Well Selena, you're 19 now and you've filled out quite a lot and nicely so. You have perfect facial features for photography and a lovely figure with a perfect derriere. It will be good experience for you. So you say yes?"

Selena can't say no to him. She wants so much for him to regard her as a woman, not a teenage girl. "Sir, I will do this for you if it means much to you."

That pleases him immensely and as soon as they finish their coffee he is anxious to get back and get it under way. Is this as close as it will get, he wonders, his thoughts flashing ahead to how he will end the photo shoot session with Selena. She's thinking too, but about how she can possibly do a good job of posing in sexy underwear when she's so naturally shy and will her teenage looks make her seem a girlish comparison to the beautiful models he's used to working with in photo shoots.

Back at Barker Road he wastes no time setting up the lighting in his huge studio, asking Selena to get changed into just her white satin bathrobe while Josette fetched a selection of sexy things to try on when she returns to his studio.

The studio, adorned by many of his selected best works in erotica including the Polynesian model's cum covered face, is well set up having high 16ft ceilings to allow overhead strobe lights for effects and 30ft long by 25 feet wide. It abuts a small room where he digitally processes his work.

Selena arrives back in her knee length white robe wearing nothing but her black silk thong and matching half cup lace bra underneath. Despite her inferiority complex about posing for a man who's used to working with professional models she's inwardly excited about the opportunity of seeing his large penis again.

Ever since the first day she saw the bulge in his satin trunks when he came out of his small gym after a workout -- the day Josette made her parade her new silk bodysuit for him -- she's been fascinated by his manhood. Seeing how the pipe-like bulge went to an 11 o'clock angle when it suddenly became fatter in shape when he looked at her stunningly sexy outfit Selena has had the size and might of his penis on her mind.