Asian Innocence Manipulated Ch. 09


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"Come into the living room you two and listen to me. Did you enjoy last night?"

Yes they both nod affirming what he already knows. "Well if you liked so much my idea of sex and the Tantra belief in giving a woman many orgasms I am going to show you some more techniques of how..."

"Ooh this sounds exciting," Mandy gestures as she interrupts. "Will it involve your big fat cock again?"

"Eventually you must be knowing but my hands will do my bidding and I will bring you to good orgasms in a way....."

"I know!" Sherrie interrupts in her loud and sometimes childish voice, "you'll be fingering our pussies again."

Both girls giggle but he orders them to listen. "You pair are missing out. You need to feel the difference; neither of you have the patience but I will change that."

He spreads a white sheet on the floor and orders them to lie down and undress each other. "First, you will entertain me by kissing and fondling each other. I like to see how you play with each other when I'm not looking," he says, almost giving away the fact that he spies on them through the adjoining wall and has often seen them in sexual playtimes.

"All right, but first you must tell us some things," Mandy insists. "I want – we want to know how you could go for all such long time, maybe hours, with us last night and your cock could stay hard and did not cum but we had many orgasms. How you do that? You easy twice our age"

Mr Singh is such an 'Indian Giver' he doesn't mind explaining because what he gives them he takes back at the same time. "Asian girls are so cute," he starts and you Singaporeans are maybe the cutest with your brand of Singlish talk. So you really want to know why my cock, my Wand of Light, could make me feel as though it is five times longer when I make love with your beautiful bodies, the temples of your soul."

"Is it Viagra," Mandy asks. He feels insulted by the insinuation.

"That is as bad as me asking are your breasts that big because of plastic surgery," he retorts. "Young lady, I do not need drugs or enhancers to make my penis perform as long and hard as a woman can stand it – until she feels thoroughly sexually satisfied and totally nourished mentally, spiritually and physically; then and only then will I ejaculate on to her face where she wants it after such good times."

The two school girls look at him with amazed expressions. "You say you can decide when to cum?" Sherrie scratches her head. "What when you get very excited in pussy and can't stop? I am so young and sexy for man older as you that I make you cum too quickly for liking and then I miss out on more pleasure of cock.

"I know this happens to many. It was in Cleo Singapore magazine that much women are frustrated in intercourse because man cum too soon and they feel cheated."

Mr Singh is now even more satisfied. "Ah yes my young student, you now bring me to what I am already telling you. Indian men, not all of them of course, understand all that and the teachings of Tantra sex allows most Indian women to be fulfilled in the way they wish. I can demonstrate anytime you wish to knock on my door that I can give you multiple orgasms and I can stay inside you more much more than an hour if need be while you go through your thrills one after the other. Yes, I will have my orgasms but they will not make me cum inside you."

"I can't see how," Sherrie counters.

"I will show you more fully in tantric sex that instead of just your hot little pussies, your sexy bums and your nipples being the centre of your satisfaction your entire body can be a living, breathing erogenous zone for sexual gratification."

"Oooh that sounds exciting, does that mean I can rub my tummy and get an orgasm or maybe just my shoulders," Mandy asks with great sudden interest.

"No, you are taking me too literally," he says to the not so literate teenager. "It only works that way when your lover knows how to take command of your body as the temple of your soul. It is by his actions, not yours that in tantric sex you reach the total fulfilment of joy beyond ecstasy. It is a great and wonderful skill that must be acquired patiently but for the receivers of such astute lovemaking it can mean the woman receiving the equivalent joy of orgasms elsewhere in her body and even make her so intensely excited she can ejaculate beyond her orgasmic contractions."

"That sound too good to be true," Sherrie says limply. "I wish it were so."

"You will soon find out it can be so," the Indian replies without the need of rhetoric. Sherrie you are the younger one and think I am an old man by my age when man in his forties only old as the young woman he feels.

"I will show you soon and Mandy can watch to witness and count your orgasms while I hold myself back until you finally beg me to cum in your face.

"What you must know is that I learned a long time ago the techniques of relaxation, mind control and the transfer of sexual energy from my loins to all parts of my body and not just how to hold back cum but to set on fire the sexual goddess in every woman who wants to be truly liberated in her responses to pleasure. I will make Sherrie very turned on where normal but will assure that feeling can transfer from clitoral area up the nervous system in the spine to reach all parts of her body. It will seem like magic."

"It sounds too technical for me," says Mandy, "but if you say so I'll believe you and I'll sit back and count Sherrie's orgasms if you are going to fuck her. And if you're that good, how about me?"

"Do you not believe she deserved to be fucked good and proper?" he asks.

"Yes," Sherrie cuts in, "I deserve a good one so I'll let you do it and I dare you to keep going more than an hour."

"It will be my pleasure," says Mr Singh, "now you two will entertain me for maybe half an hour in some sex play while I sit back and watch you."

Both girls are feeling very randy from the aphrodisiac he gave them and just as Selena arrives at Filipino Meredith's apartment in Balmoral Crescent with their KFC chicken boxes, Sherrie and Mandy lie back on the sheet and start touching each other. Mr Singh sighs at the sight of two tight teenage bodies in such sexy underwear rolling at his feet on the floor. It will be a good half an hour's fun and he can't wait to add to the pleasure by taking the younger of the two to his bedroom for a marathon sex session with her.

Over at Balmoral Crescent Meredith parks her Toyota Corolla and she opens the door of her apartment for Selena to enter, each of them carrying their box of take-away hot chicken pieces. It doesn't take them long to tuck into the tasty food, both of them jesting about possibly putting some extra carbohydrates into their body to give them energy.

"I love roast chicken, it's so tasty," Selena chirps in the more casual frame of mind since her enlightening experience doing the seductive photo session for Jacques supposedly testing out a new camera. She's still not aware it was merely his ploy to get her to pose erotically following his instructions and giving her exotic underwear to pose in. The whole exercise which ended very erotically was to bring Selena closer to the edge of surrendering her virginity by making her accept that sex can (chapter 8).

Meredith proudly shows the young Singaporean her big aquarium containing no less than 25 different varieties of goldfish. She watches Selena's eyes sparkle and light up as she gazes almost mesmerised by the darting actions of the tiny fish.

"See that lovely one there, it's chasing that one," she says excitedly. "It must be a boy fish chasing a girl fish." Selena's taking it all in, glancing back over her shoulder at Meredith who's taking her in.

"Do you know that watching goldfish in an aquarium is one of the most relaxing things a person can do – almost like meditating," the Filipina says knowingly. "I am not surprised, they are so beautiful and graceful little fish," her young charge replies.

"You keep looking while I make us a cocktail." Meredith wants to keep Selena in a convivial mood and there's no better way than to serve up one of the world's most refreshing refreshers – a Singapore Sling.

Unlike the cocks tail drink based on goat's milk that her former landlord Mr Singh often gave her with his white seed mixed in, the adult drink Meredith is mixing is from the original recipe concocted at Raffles Hotel about 1905 by Chinese bartender Ngiam Tong Boon. Meredith goes behind the built in bar and after what seems a lot of preparation, returns and hands her younger company a cocktail that looks spectacular.

"Here Selena, this is the perfect refreshing cocktail for a sexy young woman on a sultry Singapore day," she says. "It's the nation's most famous drink, the Singapore Sling."

"Oh that looks really nice, what's in it?"

"Just about everything it seems, but I'll tell you now I know it off by heart, it's one and a half ounces gin, half-ounce cheery brandy, quarter Cointreau, quarter Benedictine, one-third grenadine, one-half lime juice, four of pineapple juice and a dash of bitters. Then I just shake it with ice and pour it into this sexy looking glass and top up with a cherry – thinking of you just now – and a slice of pineapple and there it is!"

"It seems a lot of trouble you did go to; I did not expect so much trouble for you just for me," the subservient one says in her typical apologetic manner.

"That's okay pet, it's your day off so you should let your hair down a bit," the older woman replies as they clink glasses and smile at each other. Selena' smile though is a partly nervous one, not being used to such strong cocktails. It's only after her third glass that Meredith becomes totally tantalised by the Singapore girl's naive mannerism and gentle though thoroughly innocent looks.

I'd like you to tell me about that wonderful looking man I saw you with outside the Viv-a-Vis restaurant; you said he was French and you work for him."

"Yes, Jacques is his name and he is my boss. He is very good to me."

"I'm not surprised," Meredith mumbles to herself, deciding next to show her the big Jacuzzi, her favourite showpiece of the apartment being big enough to easily accommodate four adults.

"Come and see the big Jacuzzi we have here, it's nearly big enough to have a private party in," she laughs and they go looking.

"I just love jacuzzi's so much, I could spend so much time in them; Jacques and Josette have two in their place and one is for the au pair – me, but it's much smaller than yours. Aren't they so much fun," Selena laughs, not realising she's literally put her foot in it.

"Well now that I know you love them so much it just so happens I've got this exciting new bubble bath that's like super bubbles; let's jump into the Jacuzzi and try it out. My husband won't be coming home until Monday so you needn't be afraid of being caught unawares."

Selena doesn't know what to do. She loves bubble baths and it's a great day for relaxing back and being spoiled but she's in another woman's apartment and her natural defences are up. "Do you should I should?" she asks meekly.

"Why not! Look, I'll go run the water now and gets the super suds set so it looks like a Hollywood film set. It can be really good fun with just our heads showing. I'll wash your back first with the scrubber, so you can't say no to that; it's just two girls cooling down on a hot day."

Meredith gets out of the room as quick as she can before Selena can say no and in just 10 minutes the Jacuzzi is ready. "Come on dear we'll get in together – in the altogether of course and you can tell me all about that sexy man you work for. He looked"

The young Asian is cornered and feels unsure about stripping off.

"I don't know Meredith; I'm not sure I can do this, but you can go ahead and I'll sit here and talk to you instead."

"Oh you needn't be shy," the older woman says in a placating tone. "Look, I'll undress first and show you I have nothing to hide, I'm not a shemale or anything." Selena doesn't know what a shemale is anyway so the word went over the virgin's head.

Meredith gets down to her bra and panties in her 38c-23-36 curvaceous figure. She's more buxom with a bigger bra cup size than Selena and growing up in a Western culture since a child she's not surprisingly a bit fuller in the figure. Firm fuller but not flabby fatty.

"Come on dearie, don't be shy, I won't bite you," she coaxes.

"Oh it's not that," says Selena. "I would not think you'd bite me but I just think I shouldn't see you undressed. It's your privacy, not mine I'm thinking of," she replies defensively and in doing so, counters her own argument.

"If that's all you are worried about don't be a silly girl and think I would be offended if you saw me undressed. Besides, we are getting into the Jacuzzi and we'll be instantly covered up under the bubbles."

"I....I suppose..but..."

"No buts now Selena, we are grown up ladies. Here, I'll pull the zip down for you." She puts Selena in a position to continue or act like a child and that's one thing Selena hates. She desperately wants to be seen and accepted as an adult after too many years of orphanage life where she was treated as a child taking orders all the time.

Meredith steps out of her panties, revealing a nicely shaped but cheeky rounded bum. Her breasts are quite firm being so buxom with wide areolas and stumpy fat nipples. Her breasts stand up well and project forwards in a well rounded shape with scrumptious tips that angle out slightly away from each other. Her pussy is neatly shaved so that only a small patch of cropped and trimmed black curly buff the size of a matchbox is evident on her well raised pubic bone. Her clitoris is well developed and sits prominently atop her party exposed innerlabia that's been suckled on countless times.

"You have a lovely figure," Selena comments, not really knowing what to say when a woman strips off in front of her, a woman she's never met until that very morning in a beauty salon at Raffles Place in the civic district. Selena suddenly can't believe where she is right now and decides to get into the soapy suds water as quick as she can to cover up. She feels she must not insult this woman's intelligence by refusing to join her; it would be like someone walking fully clothed on a nudist beach, taking in the view but giving nothing away.

There's a haunting mystique about Selena that catches Meredith's imagination and she can't quite put a finger on it. Perhaps she should. In a world, indeed a time and place in Asia where virgins are not what they used to be, the older woman wonders if Selena is chaste. Has she in fact been chased and caught in surrender by an older man perhaps after saying she has no boyfriend. She seems shy and inexperienced for someone just one day short of 20.

Meredith has a particular penchant for erotic situations being an avid reader of erotic stories and finds herself on the cusp of an erotic opportunity of her own that began the moment she first set eyes on Selena getting in the back seat of the Mercedes and by chance, again today at the beauty parlour. Was it a meeting meant to happen? What attracted Selena to her imagination? Was it her innocent face? Was it sexual chemistry? Was it idle curiosity? Was it lust for an opportune dabble in dalliance while her man is away? Was it an experimental thing she can't explain?

She knows she deliberately steered this young woman from the parlour to her place for a reason. Was it just physical, the desire to use her considerable experience to seduce this young woman because she's been bored lately? Was it one of the erotic stories she read by that author BeamMeUp in Australia, who made her wet once too often that stirred something deep within her to venture out for this casual encounter almost as if Selena owes it to her.

Whatever it was it's working. Meredith is not lesbian and doesn't regard herself as even bi-sexual. Despite her sexy life she's never had an affair with a woman but touching 40 years of age she's coming into those hot passionate years when a woman can take more than she's getting. Yes, maybe the sex is slightly slower or not as often but it's better because in the realm of her own senses she's become an archetype of the erotic woman. She's gone from wanting simple hard thrusting intercourse for orgasms to wanting her whole body act like a walking talking erogenous zone where orgasmic delights are not confined to her pelvic region.

So why is she with Selena and not a man, a stranger perhaps? Simple. It's because Selena, just being the kind of innocent somewhat stumbling naive but deliciously sexy young woman she is, has lit a spark that every woman holds deep in her bosom. It's the desire to explore the closeness of another female, the natural part of every woman that only takes a certain person to walk into their life to ignite a line so fine in the balance from straight orientation to bi-sexual and then back again.

Meredith can't help feel an unnerving anticipation for what lies ahead as her pulse quickens while she sits soaking in the suds up to her neck watching the lithe body of this pure teenager on her last day as a teen taking off her panties. She straightens up momentarily to brush back her hair and her breasts jiggle provocatively and for the first time Meredith can see full on her almost shiny satin finish bare pussy. Her body is immaculately balanced with her 36b cup breasts and solid pointy nipples on sex organs that stand out straight from her chest without dipping in the slightest. Her skin is smooth and unblemished, her pussy hairless and midsize with well developed outer labia and a clitoris that seems to be begging for love.

Selena carefully climbs into the bubble bath and immediately feels the power of the jet vents thrusting streams of luke warm water against her soft skin. "Ooh this is so nice," she purrs now there are two pussies in the Jacuzzi. Meredith's wet inside out from the shimmers of excitement she feels knowing she's just enticed a deliciously sexy innocent young woman to undress and hop in the spa bath with her, and her husband's away. It couldn't get any better. Or could it? The next thing is to somehow get Selena in a position so their bodies can touch.

They both laugh and joke about silly little things and the older women thinks it's best to get au pair Selena talking about her boss to divert attention from what's going to happen under the surface. So what's Meredith doing? She's reaching for the big soapy filled sponge to scrub Selena's back.

"You must tell me about this wonderful man, this Frenchman Jacques you work for," she says leaning over towards Selena as they face each other, just their heads and shoulders above the bubbles. "Oh he is such a nice man, I could talk all day about him," the young Asian replies.

"Frenchmen are very sexy, they are very sexy lovers and the best lovers for women," Meredith states without certainty in her voice but enough to make Selena think.

"I don't know," she answers, "but just these past days he did get me to wear some very tiny underwear items and pose for him trying out his new camera in his studio."

"Selena are you sure he was trying out the new camera or trying you out, his new au pair? French men are good seducers of women so perhaps he was finding out how far he could get you to expose yourself. You know, a man feels that if a woman will allow him to see her bare essentials the woman will allow him to make a move on her."

"Well it did get very sexy in the end, he had me touching myself so he could get pictures of my face while I was so turned on; he said a woman's face tells him so much."

"Yes I believe him," Meredith says holding up the oversize soapy sponge, gesticulating to Selena to turn around. "Turn around and put your back to me sweetie and come to the middle so I can scrub your back for you."