Assisting the Bradys Ch. 01

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Husband and wife travel separately.
9.5k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/20/2023
Created 06/03/2023
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I got out of my car after another long day. I walked around the front of the car and paused for a moment at the sexy picture of my wife that I had framed and hung in the garage. I placed it so that every day I got out of my car, I would see it on the way to our kitchen door. No matter how bad a day I had, her picture blew it all away and lifted my heart. The picture was racy, to say the least, and would have been even more explicit if she had allowed it. For some obscure reason, she didn't want nude photos of herself hanging on the garage wall, especially when they showed her getting hammered with my cock. Women are picky about stuff sometimes.

Half an hour later, Anne walked in from the garage, dropped her purse and keys on the counter, and grabbed a wine glass. She walked past me without a word and grabbed a bottle of Chardonnay out of the wine fridge. She grabbed the corkscrew, took the bottle and the glass, and set the load down on the kitchen table. A few minutes work, and she was sitting at the table with her first glass of wine disappearing down her throat at a rapid rate. She poured her second glass and finally turned her full attention to me. "Sit down, Ben. We need to talk."

I couldn't help but think, OH FUCK! What the hell has happened? I freshened my single malt, fearing I would need it, and sat across from her. I looked at her expectantly and not a little fearfully. She took another long drink and set her glass down and fidgeted with centering it on the coaster. She looked at me. "First of all, we need to look each other in the eye while we talk. No looking down or away. Just honest and undivided attention. When I'm done talking, I will answer any question I possibly can truthfully. Do you agree?"

Fuck! Get on with it! "Yes."

She nodded. "Lance and Tera are taking their annual New York trip next week. I've told you about that, although you probably didn't care one way or the other. Normally that means he's constantly calling me instead of yelling from his office. It doesn't change what I do as Executive Secretary and VP of Admin. He's just more likely to call me after hours.

"The upside is that Tera is going with him, which means she won't be calling me to do stuff for her. They go yearly to celebrate their anniversary and shop for expensive shit rich people can only get in the big city. It has always been the same until this year. She stopped by my office this afternoon and asked me to follow her to Lance's office. After we walked in, she closed the door and locked it, which was more than a little weird, and we sat in the visitor chairs in front of Lance's desk. Lance, being Lance, got right to business. He wants me to go with him and Tera to New York as their personal assistant for the week. Tera said it was her idea, but Lance insisted that they had both come up with it.

"That's the first thing. Now for the second thing. The twins want to spend the week at the Jupiter house and Lance wants to move his car down there. He's getting a new seven series as soon as he gets back from New York, and it will save him from leasing a car for the Jupiter house. Trisha and Tess want to hire you to be the driver and bodyguard for the trip. Wherever they go, you would go. They'll pay you twenty thousand for the week and cover all expenses.

"Think about those two things for as long as you need to wrap your head around what I've said. Once you're ready, I'll continue."

I sat there dumbfounded. OK, OK, one thing at a time. First thing, New York. Lance and Tera wanted my wife to spend a week with them in New York as a personal assistant. Personal assistant seemed strange. Anne's annual salary ranged around a quarter mil a year, depending on bonuses. Being an assistant seemed well beneath her professional level.

The lightbulb lit, but I struggled to believe it. I knew Lance found Anne attractive because he had often told me so, without hesitation, in front of his wife and my own. Not that I hadn't had my flirtatious and innuendo-laced comments regarding Tera. All of which were honest, flattering, and way more serious than Tera ever suspected. She thought I was teasing, while I knew I meant every word and a whole lot more. She had no idea the thoughts that ran around my head regarding her and her sweet body. That was a well-kept secret shared with only one person.

Lance is a nice guy, but he occasionally comes across as a bit of a dick. He's so successful that he assumes everyone wants to hear what he says and will be thrilled at the privilege. I heartily enjoy taking him down a peg or two on occasion. Too many sycophants have spoiled him, and an occasional reality check is good for him.

He wasn't shy about expressing his opinion on many subjects, including my wife's attractiveness. He was, however, an honorable man. While he flirts shamelessly when we're together, he has never made a pass at Anne, touched her inappropriately, or tried to get her alone. He loves Tera passionately and would never have a love affair. One little caveat is that Anne thinks he may have a little strange pussy when he's out of town on business. She swears that he's extremely discrete, but as his executive secretary, she gets calls from women that make her wonder.

I have always thought I didn't really care about the details of their marriage, and even if I did, what they work out between them is none of my business. Now apparently, it was. The other shoe dropped, and I replaced the word 'assistant' with 'companion.' Anne's face was expressionless as she watched me. My face was twisting through expressions as I tried to wrap my head around what I was beginning to suspect.

I set that aside for a minute while pondering their second request. They want me to take a week of vacation, drive thirteen hours, and babysit their twin daughters. I suppose it would be an attractive gig if I needed the money. The thing is that I'm a well-paid professional, and we certainly don't need the money. Why the hell would he want me to spend a week with his twin daughters?

OH! No, it can't be. I didn't want to believe it. Lance and Tera want me to spend a week alone with their twin twenty-year-old, smoking-hot daughters while they spend a week with my smoking-hot wife!

I settled myself and raised an eyebrow. "OK, you almost had me. You're fucking with me, aren't you? This is right out of our fantasy playbook. It can't possibly be true."

The look on her face told me it damn well could be. "Anne, what the hell is going on?"

She looked into my eyes before she spoke. "Tera made it clear in Lance's office why they want me to go with them to New York. Not to put a fine point on it, but they want to have sex with me. The dinners, the Broadway shows, the shopping, the lavish parties, and the sex will all be shared.

"Tera also made it very clear that there is no one she would want to take care of her girls more than you. Trisha and Tess have had a crush on you for years, and you know it. The way they flirt with you, and you flirt back, a fool could see it. Tera knows her girls will have sex, and her hope is that they have it with you instead of some random pickup. She's certain Trisha and Tess would be very happy if you were more than a driver or bodyguard."

I think it is important at this moment to clarify a few things. Anne and I aren't much different from any other married couple. We share sexual fantasies probably much more than the average married couple, primarily because neither of us is afraid to share our innermost cravings. The swap fantasy is a popular one for us because it allows us to describe in detail how we would like to fuck someone we know, recently met, or saw walking down the street for that matter. It gives us an outlet for forbidden carnal desires and spices up our sex life in a great way.

Like most married couples, we thought that fantasy was as far as it would ever go simply because of the roadblocks. I'm sure many couples that were more than a little interested in giving sharing a shot never get around to it. Unlike what some erotic stories would have you believe; married folks are usually pretty shy of strangers. Sex is much more fun with someone you know and like, and that leads to the other roadblock. The last thing Anne and I wanted to do was to have a friendship blow up in our faces because we brought up swapping partners. Any friends we had that might be considering such a thing were surely as reticent as we were about outing themselves.

Neither of us thought there was any chance that something could happen. After meeting Lance and Tera, it didn't take us any time at all to agree that they were not only the prime candidates but the only ones we had ever seriously considered. Of course, we knew that it would never happen, but we did fill many evenings fucking each other's brains out while acting out various scenarios. If Tera's body had my dick sticking out of her as often as I've fantasized about putting it in her, she'd look like a porcupine.

I nodded, at a loss for words for the moment. I studied Anne's face trying to get some clue about what she was thinking. She wasn't giving anything away. I knew she was waiting for me to react. So I batted the ball right back at her. "What do you want, Anne?"

Her lips turned up as she fought a smile. She knew I had turned the tables on her. "Does the idea of spending a week having sex with two nubile young women excite you?"

"Does spending a week having sex with your boss, his wife, and who knows who else excite you?"

She grinned. "Hell, yes! And I suppose spending a week with twin hotties bores you?"

I sat there with my mouth hanging open." Are you kidding me? The only thing better would be if their mother went with us."

I got up and walked around the table. I pulled my beautiful wife to her feet, kissed her lips, and hugged her tight. "Don't you dare fall in love with him. You have to promise to call me as much as possible. No less than twice a day. I need to hear your voice and to know you're fine. Will you promise me that?"

She hugged me back. "I'll pester you to death. You know this is for fun. I have the 'I want to fuck him' feelings for Lance. Only you get the 'I love him' feelings."

I sighed. "Ok. We'll do it conditionally. I want to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Lance and Tera. I'll talk to them individually, then as a couple, if needed. I'll let you know after I talk with them... When does this kick-off anyway?"

"We fly out on the executive jet Friday afternoon."

I sat back. "Oh, so you need to know by tomorrow evening at the latest. I hope I can meet with them before then."

Anne smiled. "I don't think that's a problem. I knew you'd want to talk with them. You're meeting Tera this evening at their house. The girls aren't home from college until late tomorrow, and Lance won't be back until tomorrow morning. You have lunch with him scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

"Go take a shower and get ready. She's expecting you in less than an hour. I'm not the only one in this family that Tera wants to fuck. If you haven't noticed, she's got the hots for you something fierce. And no, before you ask, this isn't some lame attempt at bribing you with sex. Whatever happens tonight is up to you. I want you to ask your questions and hear what she has to say. Anything else is your decision.

"Know this, husband, I want you to be with her if that's what you want. I know you will come home to me. I believe in you, and I believe in us. I'll want details. Lots and lots of details."

I held Anne in my arms and kissed her with all the love I had in me, then went to take a shower. Anne had my clothes laid out for me when I walked into the bedroom. She'll often help me with matching colors due to my partial color blindness, but she never picks out my clothes.

She grinned at me. "I think you'll look really hot in this. Tera will take one look at you and lose half her IQ points. She'll be easy pickings for your questions."

I was puzzled as I held the skimpy spandex briefs. "Will I even fit in these?"

She giggled, "Until you start getting hard. Then I expect your cock will find freedom, and Tera will be like a bird after a particularly juicy worm!"

She helped me put them on, which was totally unnecessary but resulted in a massive erection on my part. My cock bulged obscenely and escaped the elastic waistband. Anne giggled, poked, and prodded, trying to get me situated. I finally pushed her onto the bed. "Stop helping, Woman, before you make me fuck you."

She lay there laughing while I arranged things enough to get my pants on. I'm a rather well-endowed guy, and the bulge in my pants was glaringly obvious. I hoped the short trip to the Brady residence would give me the time I needed to get it to go down. I kissed my wife thoroughly, got in my car, and drove the short distance it took to get to Brady's home and the hot little redhead that served as matriarch.

The geography of our day-to-day life is the oddest thing. Anne's office is exactly one mile from our house. Her boss's house is maybe half a mile in the other direction. My daily commute is nearly an hour each way, much of it in stop-and-go traffic. A tank of gas lasts her for more than a month, while I get a week if I'm lucky. She could walk to work and often has, although she usually needs her car for office-related business. She loves her Toyota SUV and has turned down Lance's offer of a leased BMW every year he's offered it. I look at her sideways on that one. I decided long ago not to attempt to understand a woman's relationship with her car. It's not a machine to her. It's a pet. It may be her beloved pet, but I'm the one responsible for keeping it alive.

What makes the situation odd is that Anne and I had married and had made a few career moves before she ended up where she is. We were totally unaware of Lance or his company until he called her and asked her to interview. Lance was looking for someone to run the admin side of his business and serve as his confidential secretary. Anne's boss at the time was the senior partner in the law firm that bore his name and was facing terminal cancer. His career was ending abruptly, and he wanted to ensure Anne moved on to something better.

It wasn't some good old boy pat on the back deal, either. Lance hired investigators to report on not just Anne but me as well. Anne never saw the reports, but she did see the invoices. Anne had to take a battery of tests covering IQ, personality, ethics, accounting, finance, and some stuff she could never explain. The testing process alone took two days, and she was a nervous wreck by the time she finished.

Ultimately, it took Lance two weeks to get back to Anne. He got the test results the day after she completed the last test. He spent the next ten days making sure she hadn't cheated. When he sat her down in his office to offer her the job, he looked a little pissed. "I pay people very well to manage my companies, and not a damn one of them scored as high as you have. I took a while to get back to you because I thought you had scammed the system. You didn't, and I want you working for me."

The rest, as they say, is history. Anne went to work for a domineering and driven business genius who could be screaming obscenities in one second and anonymously donating millions of dollars to charity the next. He wasn't a total asshole boss, but he didn't worry himself too much about offending the folks in his vicinity when his ire was up. In return for her amazing work and situational deafness, Anne was rewarded with an impressive salary and an annual bonus that nearly matched it.

I'll certainly never forget the first time I met Lance and his wife Tera. We have a framed picture of the four of us during an evening at the Country Club. Anne had been working for him for a week, and he'd invited Anne and me to have dinner with him and his wife. It's important to understand that Anne is fun but has her no-nonsense moments, and sometimes it's difficult to tell which Anne you're getting. Lance had introduced himself and his smoking hot wife, Tera. He motioned for someone before we could even begin to exchange pleasantries. A young man dressed in the Country Club's livery came over carrying an impressive camera.

Lance put his hands on Anne's shoulders and moved her to my right. He then stood to Anne's right while Tera stood to his right. He reached out to shake Anne's hand, and she raised an eyebrow. "Really, Lance? Going for the cliché? Should I have this look or this one?"

She proceeded to screw her face up in a crotchety stern look, then transitioned to adoring suck-up. Tera started giggling, and Lance shuffled his feet while he decided whether he was going to let his pride rule him or do the smart thing and admit defeat. "I need something for the newsletter. This is the way I always do it."

Anne shook her head. "Well, I'm sure you know best, Mr. Business Genius. I'm sure you always do things the same in business. Nothing could possibly be better than the way you've always done it."

He chuckled. "All right, according to your tests, you're super smart. At least your ass is. What do you suggest?"

Anne shrugged. "I don't know specifically, but generally, I'd say let's just enjoy the evening and let the guy take a picture when he sees us having fun. It might do your employees some good to see that you can actually smile. Just sayin'."

Tera had difficulty controlling herself and turned away so Lance couldn't see her laughing. The shaking of her shoulders clearly indicated she was either laughing or crying, and there was certainly nothing to cry about.

I remember the moment the picture was taken. I had just finished telling a dirty joke, and Anne gave me her 'I can't believe you just did that' look. The young photographer captured the moment perfectly. The four of us stood close so everyone could hear the joke while I kept my voice low. Anne looked amazing and so sexy. Her face was lit with humor, adding to her allure. Her curly brown hair hung just below her shoulders, her green eyes glittered with mirth, and her sensuous mouth curved sexily upward. Her dress was a bit formal but as revealing as the Country Club would allow. At five-eight, Anne's long legs seemed to go on and on until my eyes were drawn to her tight little ass. It was perfectly rounded and so wonderfully squeezable. The low-cut top of her dress revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her upturned 36C tits. Every time I see that picture, it makes me want her.

The revelation for me, though, was Tera. During the evening, I looked when I could get away with it, but it really hit home just how hot she is when I studied the picture yet again. Her four-inch shorter height should have made her look small and dainty next to Anne, but she was too damn sexy for that. Tera was forty-two, twelve years older than Anne. The only hint of her real age was the slight wrinkles at the corner of her eyes. She looked sophisticated, vital, and gorgeous. She immediately got my attention with her red hair, green eyes, and a rocking body that included some pretty impressive C-cups. Then, the details start to register. Her graceful neck begged to be kissed and nibbled on. Those full lips that look eminently kissable tug at my own, drawing me toward her. She had me hypnotized.

I remember reality catching up to me as I moved toward her, and I jerked myself to a halt. Anne, who never misses a thing, gave me the side eye and a smirk. I was so totally busted. That night was the beginning of a fantasy that Anne and I had continued to share and expand ever since.

While I was barely restraining my lust for Tera, Anne was experiencing her own. Comparing Lance and I was like comparing apples and oranges. I was thirty-two while he was forty-three. I stood right at six feet, and he was maybe five foot nine. I was broad-shouldered and heavily muscled due to my dedication to mixed martial arts. Lance loved to swim and had a swimmer's build to go with it. My hair is blonde, and my eyes are blue, while Lance has brown hair and hazel eyes. There is an intensity about the guy that speaks to Anne. Even though I could easily overpower him physically, I'd be in for a hell of a fight in a battle of wills.