Assisting the Bradys Ch. 03

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A little drama and a lot of fun.
7.3k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/20/2023
Created 06/03/2023
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I've never had such a long drive go by so fast, and it was all due to my companions on the trip. Tesa and Trish are a pure delight to be around. They're both very intelligent and full of youthful optimism. Add to that their sparkling personalities, their innuendo-filled comments, and their joyful exhibitionism. My mind was in constant fantasy mode as I anticipated our arrival and the bedroom gymnastics to come.

We arrived at the house in the early evening and I unloaded the car while the girls went through the house checking things out. The service had prepared for our arrival and within a few minutes I had put their suitcases in the master suite. I wandered down the hall and into the kitchen. I explored until I found what I needed and soon the sound of the blender running brought the girls to the kitchen.

Trisha walked over to me and pulled me into a steaming kiss. When our lips parted she hugged me tightly and rested her head on my chest. "Ben, where are our suitcases? We want to change into our bikinis."

I gave her tight little ass a squeeze. "They're in our bedroom. Why don't we have a drink and unwind from the trip a little before we go to the beach?"

Tess grinned. "Sounds good to me. Let's party!"

It was all I could do to keep their giddy asses still while we had our drink. They practically downed theirs. The only thing that slowed them down was the brain freeze brought on by the ice-cold drinks. I began trading kisses with them and that seemed to do the trick. Soon enough the first drink was gone and the girls ran off to the bedroom to change. I followed a few minutes later. They planned on changing and hanging out on the beach behind the house. I had a plan of my own.

I walked into the bedroom and was shocked at how quickly they had created chaos. Clothes were all over the place. In their hurry to get changed, they had given no thought to putting their clothes away and had tossed things aside as they delved deep to find their bikinis.

I put my hands on my hips and took in the sight. "Ok, ladies. This isn't going to work. You need to put your stuff away so we're not living in total chaos. We'll get to that in a bit though. Right now I have other plans for you. I grabbed Tess and pulled her into a steaming kiss. Moments later the three of us were on the bed and the twins were taking turns blowing me while I exercised my tongue on their sweet pussies. I got them both stirred up good, then abruptly stood. "OK, enough of that. Let's hit the beach!"

They looked at me in shock, then both arched their eyebrows and gave me stern looks. Tess was the first to speak. "You'd better be careful, Ben. We can play this game too you know."

I grinned at them. "Yeh, but I'm betting that I'm better at it."

I walked into the kitchen and got the blender going again. I made us a few sandwiches and packed the beach bag. I went looking for the girls but they were gone. Repeated yells got no response and I was about ready to shit myself. We were going to have an intense discussion about them leaving on their own. Just as soon as I found them.

I grabbed the beach bag, figuring that they had left without me to show some defiance. Out the back gate and onto the beach in moments I scanned the area for them. It didn't take long to spot them. Some hulk of a dude was hovering very close to them, accompanied by a couple of grinning followers.

I didn't like the looks of the apparent leader. He was obviously on the hunt and really didn't give a shit about anything else. I set the bag and jug of margaritas on the sand and stepped forward. "Trish, Tess, we need to talk. Now."

The hulking guy turned toward me, "They're fine, dude. Why don't you move along and do old-guy stuff? I'll make sure they're entertained."

"That's not going to happen."

Before I could say another word, he tried to hulk over me. He got as close as I decided to let him, and I held up a hand. "One step closer, and this gets a lot more painful. Leave us alone and we won't have a problem."

He smirked. "You just earned yourself an ass-kicking."

In his defense, he had some boxing training, and his punch was well executed. The problem for him was that I saw it coming. His fist, barely missed my chin when my knee met his own. He hit the ground like he was attached to it.

I spun toward his buddies, who had barely started to move, and they froze in their tracks. I had them pegged after that. They were followers. They were more than happy to ride their asshole friend's coattails but were never willing to put anything on the line. "Get this asshole and your asses off this beach. You're all on video and I'll be letting security know you're not allowed on the property. Get going before I have you all arrested for trespassing."

Hell, I didn't know if they were trespassing but I went with my gut. The way they scrambled to help their groggy friend to his feet told me that my gut was right on this one. They guided him to the fence between two houses further down the beach. I took a picture of them with my cell phone as they moved a loose fence panel and made their escape. Dumbasses.

The girls were looking at me in shock. Tess started to say something and I held up a finger while I dialed security. A short conversation later, the shift leader was standing next to me as I went over what had happened. I shared the pictures and he promised to correct things. I let him know that I would be checking personally to make sure that he did. He was chagrined when he left to deal with a mess that shouldn't have happened.

When he was gone I turned to the girls. "In the house, NOW!"

They walked clutching each other back into the house and stood in the kitchen, looking everywhere but at me. "You're both extremely intelligent so I'm pretty sure that you've figured out how you screwed up by now. I won't belabor that point.

"I think this is your first experience like this, and I hoped it has opened your eyes. As much as you may feel like normal people inside, you are not. You're wealthy, privileged, and prey for a lot of bad people. Some want what you have and some want to make you pay for having what they don't. We can talk about social injustice until the cows come home at a later date. This is about your safety.

"Don't you ever do that again. You will not leave this house without me by your side. You will not go off on your own. You will do what I say when it comes to your safety without question from now on.

"You'll do it not because I said so but because your mom and dad would be destroyed if something were to happen to you. You will do so because if anything were to happen to you it would kill me. I care for you both so very much and I don't want you to get hurt.

"It's time you accepted that your actions affect more than yourselves. You have money and privilege. There is an obligation to that if you have any moral character at all. It doesn't matter how you got where you are. What matters is how you use the power and responsibility you are given. And how you handle the downsides to that power. People will try to use you, hurt you, or even kill you and do it without a care about who you are as a person.

"Now, I'm going to pour myself a drink, sit by the pool, and try not to think about all of the ways that what just happened could have gone horribly wrong. I would appreciate it if you would think about what I've said. You were given the rare gift of a lesson in how the real world works without having to suffer the normal pain that goes with it. We'll talk when you're ready. Please know that I'm not angry and that I care for you both deeply."

I walked out the patio doors and plopped down on a teak chair under the umbrella. My hands trembled a bit as the worst cases kept storming through my head. I could never let anything happen to them. If it meant losing their friendship to do that, then that was a sacrifice I would have to make. I had myself pretty worked up thinking about losing the closeness we shared when I heard the patio door slide open.

Trish and Tess came over to me and silently pulled me to my feet. They snuggled up on either side of me and wrapped their arms around me. I pulled them close with my own and held them. I knew that they would talk when they were ready. While I waited I fully enjoyed holding them close.

Tess looked up at me and her sister followed her example. "We're very sorry about what happened. We thought we were having a bit of wicked fun. It never occurred to us that it could turn out badly. If you hadn't been there I'm scared to think what would have happened. That guy was crazy."

Trish nodded her agreement, then had her say. "Yeh, he said some pretty nasty things and was telling us we were going to party with him as if we didn't have a say in the matter. I promise you we won't do something like that again.

"Maybe, if you're not too mad, you can teach us the stuff to look out for and how to protect ourselves. We'll train hard and I promise the teacher's incentives will be worth it. Regardless, we'll do what you say from now on. No more games with our safety."

Tess grinned. "There will continue to be other, more fun, and less scary ones, though."

She had no sooner finished her sentence when Trish's hand began stroking my cock through my swim trunks. Tess pulled me into a hot kiss that caused my cock to jump in Trish's hand. Moments later, I was kissing Trish while Tess pulled my trunks down to my ankles. She pulled me into her perfect mouth and I groaned. Trish took that moment to drop to the deck next to her sister and soon they were trading off sucking my cock. Their tongues slid against each other's as much as against my rock-hard erection.

I was on the verge of grabbing the first one I could get my hands on and fucking her brains out when they both stopped, looked up at me, and grinned. They stood up, grabbed the beach gear, and started walking toward the beach. Tess smirked over her shoulder. "What are you waiting for? Let's get some sun."

I nodded my respect for their effort. They had thrown down the gauntlet and it was on. I promised myself I was going to make them both scream with need before I took them. It was going to be delicious fun. At the moment, I had to figure out how to stuff my aching cock into what now proved to be some very small swim trunks. I'll give the girls credit. They waited for me by the gate while I got things situated.

Considering the evening so far, it shouldn't have surprised me when we walked out the gate and I literally bumped into the next-door neighbor. She proved to be an extremely attractive blonde wearing the briefest approximation of a bikini. Her hard body was pressed up hard against mine as she stumbled into me. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her to steady her, inadvertently trapping her arms in front of her. Her arms weren't the issue, though. Her hands just so happened to be resting rather firmly on my raging erection.

I jumped back like I'd been scalded. "I am so sorry!"

Her eyes were glued to my glaringly obvious erection and a mischievous smile lit her face. "I'm not. Please feel free to bump into me anytime."

Trisha was laughing in glee, which left Tess to do the introductions. "Ben, I would like you to meet Mrs. Baxter. Mrs. Baxter, this is our friend, bodyguard, chauffeur, and all-around stud muffin Ben Gordon."

The woman gave me a wicked smile. "Mrs. Baxter seems rather formal, considering how close we've been already. Please call me Lynn."

I returned her smile and reached out to shake her hand. She brushed it away and pressed up against me. Her lips brushed my cheek and she whispered, "I want a whole lot more than a handshake from you."

I whispered back, "What would Mr. Baxter think of that?"

She kissed my neck, then nibbled my ear. "Mr. Baxter would want to watch if he could. Unfortunately for him, he's traveling on business. I guess he'll have to settle for a play-by-play when he gets home."

I gave her ear a nibble, just to even the playing field a little. "As wonderful as that sounds, I can't leave Tess and Trish unprotected."

She pulled back. "Oh, I have a solution to that. The three of you are coming to dinner at my house. We'll grill out by the pool. Give us an hour or so and come over."

She turned and walked back to her gate. The swaying of her amazing heart-shaped ass had my undivided attention. She looked over her shoulder and caught me staring. A grin lit up her face and she waived over her shoulder as she slipped through and closed the gate behind her. I turned to Trisha and Tess. "What the hell was that all about?"

Both managed to stop giggling long enough to explain. Trish took some glee in telling me. "We've known her for years and think she's awesome. Mom and Dad hang out with her a lot when they are down here. She has twin sons that we haven't seen for three years or so. Her husband is always working and she loves sex. He knows it and encourages her to have fun."

I looked at her speculatively. "And how do you know all that?"

Tess chuckled. "Because we heard her talking with Mom and Dad."

I waited for her to drop the other shoe, and it didn't take her long. "Trisha and I may or may not have hidden in Mom's closet while the three of them entertained each other."

Her face took on a serious expression. "Well, that changes our plans. No beach time right now. Let's go back to the house."

I looked at them curiously but didn't argue. We walked into the house and followed them as they walked briskly into the bedroom. Tess took it from there. "I'll be damned if I'll put the effort into heating you up just to let someone else reap the benefits. We want first dibs."

I was more than willing to comply. "You both seem pretty sure that something wild will happen tonight. That being the case, please take it easy on the old man. I wouldn't want to be rude to our hostess by showing up worn out and limp."

Trisha shook her head. "Nope. We're gonna fuck your brains out. You underestimate your studliness. We're sure you'll recover just fine."

Not long after that, they demonstrated their resolve and I enjoyed myself immensely. I hit the shower afterward and parked my butt in a chair on the deck, phone in hand. I dialed Anne and got lucky. She answered on the first ring.

We talked for as long as we could. I spent the first part of it just listening to her voice. I was a little choked up because I missed her so much. Sure, I was having a blast with the girls, but I really wanted her with me to share in the experience.

There was a pause in the conversation and I could tell that Anne was preparing herself to talk about something important. She finally got around to it. "Ben, I miss you and I wish that we were doing these things together. I think when this adventure is over that we need to do the fun sexy stuff together from now on...

"But, for now, I want to enjoy what we have and I want you to enjoy it too. I have something to ask you and I promise I won't be upset no matter what you decide."

She went on to tell me about the dinner party the night before and it didn't take me long to figure out what she wanted to ask. When she finally got around to it I gave her my enthusiastic permission. "I want you to have a wonderful experience. My only concern has ever been that something might come between us. It sounds like Tom and Scott understand their role in things, so they shouldn't be a problem in the future. I trust you to keep things in perspective.

"Now, I have a similar request for you."

I went on to explain the invitation to dinner next door and what that might entail. I told her to talk with Lance and Tera and to call me back if she had any concerns at all. Then I told her about the confrontation on the beach. She expressed her concerns about the twins cooperating and I reassured her that they now understood their situation fully. I expected them to get a call from their father shortly after Anne and I ended our call.

I could see Tess and Trisha moving around in the kitchen and it was time to end the call. "Anne, I love you with all my heart and I miss you desperately. I am having fun and I'm not obsessed about what you are doing, so there is no need to worry about me. You don't need to ask my permission to do what you want with whomever you want while you're with Lance and Tera. I trust you to make good decisions. Have fun, and don't worry about me."

Her response was immediate. "The same goes for you. I have the feeling tonight will run late and I'll call you tomorrow afternoon. Know that I love you with all my heart."

I didn't want to hang up the phone, but I knew it was time. "Please tell Lance that the girls have learned their lesson and won't be a problem from now on. I love you Babe, and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I reluctantly hung up and sat there feeling a little down. I wasn't upset about Anne having fun, but I did miss her more than I thought that I would. As much fun as we were having, I couldn't wait to have her in my arms again.

Tess and Trisha walked out onto the deck and Tess brought me a fresh margarita. She studied my face as she handed me the drink. "You look down, Ben. Is everything all right with Anne?"

I took the drink from her hand, "Yeh, I just miss her."

She straddled my lap and kissed me lightly on the lips. "You love her very much and that makes her the luckiest woman in the world. This week will fly by before you know it, and the two of you will be back together. Trisha and I will do our best to make you happy in the meanwhile."

I set my drink down and wrapped my arms around her slender body. "You both make me very happy. In my private moments, I miss Anne desperately. That doesn't change the fact that I love being with you. You are both amazing women and I consider myself blessed that you want to be with me."

The kiss that followed wasn't the heated lead-in to sex that had been our typical way during this trip. It was a loving and romantic kiss between two people that shared affection and desire for each other. It was just the thing I needed. Of course, Trisha needed a turn as well and I'm nothing if not fair. When she finally climbed off my lap I stood and my raging erection made it clear that I was fully recovered and more than ready for the adventure to continue.

Our arrival next door was met without fanfare. Trisha and Tess walked in like they owned the place and I followed them into the kitchen. Lynn was standing at the stove while two young men sat at the dining room table. They were obviously twins and it was also obvious that they had grown some since Trisha and Tess last saw them. I chuckled at the look on the girls' faces when they looked at the young men in shock.

Trisha, being Trisha, was the first to find her voice. "My, my, my. You two sure have grown up!"

I could see why she reacted the way she did. Both young men were blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and athletic. They stood a few inches shorter than me, which was a fact I determined when they both stood to shake my hand. "I'm Mike and this is my brother Matt. You must be Ben."

He turned toward Tess and hugged her. "You I will never forget, dear Tessa. I've loved you from afar for years."

His brother was a bit more reticent when he turned toward Trisha, but not because he didn't like her. He was the less brash and more thoughtful twin. Much like Trisha herself. "It's wonderful to see you, Trisha. You look very beautiful today."

Yep, I could definitely see the sparks flying between the twins. By the look on Lynn's face, she saw it too and she looked quite pleased by the state of affairs. I suspected that she had dreamed of her boys ending up with Trisha and Tess. They would be quite the prize, but Mike and Matt had better put their big boy pants on if they expected to get anywhere. Trisha and Tess deserved the best and wouldn't be settling for looks and money alone. I strongly suspected, based on my own experience, that money and status weren't motivators for either Trisha or Tess.