At Her Command Ch. 02


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He had never had an ass so fuckable in his life. Taylor was amazed at how much she could take and how eager she was to give him such pleasure. He slipped in and out of her ass like it was the finest silk and the warm snugness of it made him shudder. Truly she was amazing. He felt her cock against his belly as he slammed in and out. Without thinking he grabbed it and began to stroke it. She let out a tortured cry as he did. She looked up at him through narrowed eyes and her mouth was making what looked like words, but under her groans and howls he couldn't tell. What he did know was she was urging him on. Her dirty talk was getting to him when he could hear it. Everything from "Fuck me!" to "Give me that baby boy!" he loved it. Without a thought he yanked out of her and stood up taking her legs with him. He repositioned himself so that her legs went over her head and the tips of her toes touched the floor and her ass was wide open. He stood over it and slid back in. she howled as he did. Jessi was on her shoulders with her neck tilted to the side to allow him to continue. Several deep violent plunges in and out made a garbled half screech come from her throat as he continued.

Jessi couldn't believe this was happening to her, but didn't care. She was lost in her animal lust and felt the inevitable beginning. Deep in her loins she felt her own explosion building and valiantly held on. Wanting to make him come first she frantically clenched her ass tight and made him howl in the process. Jessi felt him pump four more times then he yanked out. Opening her eyes she looked up as the huge load splattered her. Her open mouth caught some of it, but the rest splashed on her tits. She moaned loudly as it did and before she could say anything a hand gripped her cock. Lost in her own feelings she didn't recognize the hand and it stroked her softly. She was moaning and suddenly she tensed up and her own load splashed out of her and onto her mouth and neck. Jessi moaned loudly and came violently. It lasted for what seemed like hours and suddenly stopped. Her eyes opened and through the bleariness she saw the Goddess slowly stroking her spent member. She was shaking and breathing in ragged gasps as her legs were taken down and she was laid flat on her back. The Goddess let go of her member and she laid on her back wheezing.

Jessi looked up at the Goddess and in that moment she realized she wanted nothing more than to belong to this woman. Something in her eyes captured her soul and wouldn't let it go. Jessi got her breathing under control and the Goddess tapped one of the twins on his shoulder and he walked away. A few seconds went by and he came back with a wash cloth. He gently washed her skin clean of their lusts and after he was done they gently helped Jessi to her feet. She was held up as the Goddess walked softly towards her. The Goddess looked Jessi dead in her eyes and something in her eyes caught the Goddess' attention. A gentle smile came to her beautiful features as she spoke.

"I offer you a chance to become my daughter child. It is a generous offer that none refuse. I ask this of you because I see the greatness in your soul and I wish to nurture it to become stronger still. Do you accept my offer?" she asked as she softly stroked Jessi's cheek.

Tears came down Jessi's eyes as the answer was so obvious, "Yes my Goddess," she said through her tears.

The Goddess opened her arms to her and said, "Then show me your love for me my child."

Jessi stepped forward gingerly and into the loving arms of her Goddess. She felt like a child in her arms and sobbed in them. She didn't cry from anger or frustration, but of being accepted and an instant love. The warm arms of the Goddess seemed to envelop her and she held on like the woman was a life preserver. The Goddess smiled as her new daughter slumped in her arms and to her knees. She let her slip to her knees but remained standing. A soft touch of her hand to Jessi's face tilted her face up to meet her eyes.

"Now sweetie, I ask that you get dressed and tell this club you are no longer going to be a member. Then I wish for you to meet with Tyler and give him your personal information. In three days you will be met by Tyler and Taylor. You will do as they ask and then you will meet your sisters. I am sure they will be happy to meet you, sweetie," the Goddess said smiling.

"Yes Goddess," Jessi whispered softly.

The Goddess smiled and leaned down. Her full soft lips touched Jessi's and a sweet soft kiss made Jessi's eyes close. The Goddess only kissed her for a brief moment, but in that moment Jessi felt a fire build inside her. As she stood up the Goddess stroked her hair and walked out of the room. Jessi watched the Goddess walk from the room and her heart became full. An emptiness came over her briefly as she walked only to be replaced by a warm feeling as the strong arms of the bodyguards laid upon her. They helped her dress and she was taken by how gentle they were with her. As she zipped her boots on her feet she was pulled aside by Tyler as he kissed her passionately. She moaned and sighed into the kiss. As she opened her eyes after it ended, Taylor also got his. His kiss was hungry and involved a double handful of her ass making her squeak. She giggled after it and hugged them both. They dressed and walked out of her area. They walked down the hall and to the office of the club owners. When she said goodbye the man who owned it got to his feet only for the twins to appear at both sides of him and shove him to his seat.

"The Goddess says she is now hers. Know your place in this world and accept it or the consequences will be dire," Tyler hissed to him.

The man was a large man of six three and well muscled. He seemed larger than life, but against the two of them he seemed tiny. Jessi was amazed at how they went from calm and cool to dark and foreboding in a brief instant. The owner looked to her expecting her to say something but she said nothing as she turned on her heel and left. She hadn't even had a decent time involved with his club and for her it was no big loss. The twins had some more words with him as she left that she didn't hear, not that she cared. As she made it to her car they walked up to her.

"Your phone Mistress," Tyler politely asked.

She handed him her cell. He took out the SIM card and updated it into a hand held PDA. Once he had what he wanted he reset her phone and programmed a number into it. Handing it back to her he politely said.

"Friday evening we will be at your apartment at 8 AM. Dress comfortably and in simple clothes. You will be dressed by a tailor that works for the Goddess. Once the outfit is selected you will be taken to have your hair and makeup done. After all is done you will be dressed and taken to the Goddess' home. There you will have a surprise waiting for you," he explained.

"OK," was all she said.

They both gave her a curt nod and left. She watched them get into a limo nearby and as it drove by she saw the window was down and the Goddess waved to her as it drove off. Jessi got into her car and drove home. It was a wild night that she would never forget. She hoped that her new found Goddess would help her find herself in the world, but she had a certain optimism that she would. A smile played at her lips as she thought of the future and what it would hold.


Jessi put on a robe that went all the way to the floor. It hid the clothes she wore perfectly and she smiled at the thought of seeing Armand's eyes when she showed him what she had in mind. For all he was Armand was a sweet heart. He was a good man who loved his family very much. His wife had left him for another man saying he was a weakling, but in reality she had no idea how strong he was. Their two children lived with him as he won their custody in the divorce. At forty two he was not exactly a catch, but his kids loved him and he them. She was always there for him since the day they met. She wasn't exactly a marrying type, but she did care for him and she even counseled his children through the divorce. The kids loved their time with her, but not as much as he did.

Jessi heard the doorbell ring and walked to the door. As she opened the door he stood patiently outside.

"Armand! Hello sweetie!" she chirped to him.

"Hello Mistress. How are you this evening?" he asked politely.

"Very well sweetie. Come in, come in," she said happily to him.

Armand stood five foot seven and was not very muscular. He had black curly hair and brown eyes. His skin was a deep mahogany as he was Haitian and Dominican. He spoke Spanish very well, but English was his first tongue. He was often mistaken for African American, but he simply shook his head and corrected people when they made that mistake. He was proud of his heritage and it showed. His hair was thinning in spots, but was still there were it mattered. He had a warm smile on his as Jessi took his hand and led him to the stairs. She opened a door and they slowly descended into the basement.

The basement of her house was also her dungeon. Like all the sister's in Goddess Amber's circle, they all had an on premise dungeon. Her's was a simple, but efficient one. The horse in the middle as well as the rack and a few side tables. Her walls had various objects of sexual torture and pleasure lining them. Armand was nervous as they went downstairs and Jessi sensed it.

"Nervous baby boy?" she purred.

"Yes Mistress," he whispered.

"What's wrong sweetie?" she asked him.

"I think I met a woman Mistress. She is nice and likes the kids, but she doesn't know about my secrets. And I'm worried she won't like them," he explained.

"I can talk to her if you'd like Armand. I have no problem in it, especially if she is right for my baby boy," she said happily.

"I thank you Mistress," he said smiling.

Jessi smiled and pointed to his clothes. He took them off and got to his knees. He knew full well all about his Mistress and was ready to please. Jessi smiled as she sauntered up to him and walked around him. Her robe hid all her clothes and he had no clue of what she had on underneath.

'I suppose you have been a good boy. But I'm not certain. You see I have a second job you know. And I have been at it all day, I need a massage. Will you be so kind?" she purred

"Of course Mistress, anything you need," he replied.

Jessi let the robe drop and put a leg over his shoulder. He moaned softly as her nylon covered leg went over him. He looked up and saw the orange shorts and his eyes bulged. He had never seen such a beautiful sight in his life as she looked like a Hooter's Girl. His breathing became ragged as she drew the leg back up him. A soft whimper came from him as her waist met his back. She made sure her hips ground softly against him making a sigh come to his lips.

"Well? I'm waiting," she demanded.

He turned and took her shoe off and began to rub her feet. He was enjoying himself and Jessi also enjoyed it as well. His loving hands rubbed the soles of her feet so well it made her moan softly. She moved to her seat and put her foot up. Armand didn't miss a beat as he rubbed her foot and soon she put up the other. Jessi noted how stiff his cock was and smiled. He wasn't a huge man at maybe six inches, but he was a nice one. She got a delicious idea as he continued.

"So you have been very good so far. I suppose I should reward you yes?" she asked.

"If it pleases you Mistress," he said not stopping his massage.

"Then bring yourself here," she commanded.

Armand got to his feet and walked to his mistress. Jessi smiled as he came up and she grabbed his cock. She softly stroked it making him groan. His body went stiff, but he didn't move. She smiled as he held still and softly whimpered as she stroked his cock.

"A massage for massage after all," she purred.

Armand couldn't help the fact he was in such pleasure, but then he did something he shouldn't have done. Without asking permission he came. He was so aroused by the foot massage and the long time in between that he couldn't hold it. He cried out and came in buckets. Jessi sensed it and moved at the last second, but the ropes splashed on her thighs. She enjoyed the feeling of it, but she was miffed he didn't ask permission first. She waited for him to finish spurting before she gave him one hard long stroke. He fell to his knees after he did and shuddered violently on the floor. Jessi licked her fingers and savored the taste. He didn't taste half bad, but not as good as the man in her life. She sat back seeing him shake and the thoughts of her true love came into her mind.


The days went by quickly and then it was upon her. She heard a knock at her door and answered it. Outside was Tyler. He was stern faced as she answered her door in a pair of jeans and a t shirt. She was very nervous as he saw her clothes and a smile spread across his face. He held out his arm to her and she got her purse and took it. He let her lock the door and off they went to the waiting limo. The door opened for her from the inside and she was helped into it. As she sat in the seat in the back she saw Taylor in the limo already. She smiled to him and he took her hand and kissed it softly. She giggled at the gesture and sat back in the comfortable seat of the car. When Tyler got in and the door closed the driver started the car and drove out.

Jessi had only been in a limo once and it was with her mother. A bottle of good wine was uncorked and she was handed a glass. She took a sip of it and it was wonderful. They drove in silence, but Jessi was giddy the whole time. She fidgeted constantly as they drove and Tyler and Taylor smirked at it. They enjoyed the nervousness she had and finally Taylor took the lead. He snaked his hand out and yanked her to his lap. She shook as he softly massaged her neck and shoulders. She moaned loudly as he found all the right spots and slumped into his chest. Taylor kept up his ministrations as they drove to a place near a private airport. They got out of the limo as it approached the runway and Jessi was loaded onto a private jet. Once aboard she was ushered to a seat and handed a glass of wine. Tyler and Taylor sat across from her and the lane taxied off to the main runway. The rumble of the engines made her relax as the plane gracefully took off into the sky.

Jessi had never been on a private plane before and was amazed. She found a phone and computer as well as a fully stocked bar. The stewardess made her a second drink and she sat back. She was amazed as Taylor and Tyler seemed bored. They had a simple soda as they were on duty and couldn't drink. They enjoyed watching her amazement and kept it in check. They flew in silence as they didn't have much to say. She was curious to know what was going to happen, but remembered the Goddess' request of not asking questions. They landed in what looked like San Francisco a few minutes later and as they taxied to the hangar a limo was waiting. In they went and off they drove into the commerce district of the city.

The sights and sounds of the city amazed her as they drove in silence. She had only been to San Francisco once before and that was a long time ago. They drove to an out of the way boutique and stopped in front of it. She was ushered in and spent the next hours being primped and fawned over. In the end she was dressed in a stunning one piece gown that went down to her feet. It had a long slit along the leg and showed her stocking top. Her feet were graced by white five inch heels. Her lingerie was all white to match the dress. The bra was a strapless one that was very lacy. The boy shorts matched as did the garter belt. Her stockings were truly amazing in her eyes. They had thick white lacy tops, but the leg was ultra sheer. They were nearly nude and it was a stunning contrast. Her long auburn mane was done in tasteful curls that flowed down her back. Her brown eyes stood out in the gown and she was stunned at her reflection.

As soon as she was ready Tyler had made a call and made an affirmative comment as he held his hand out to her. She was led back to the limo and taken along the way. They drove about forty five minutes out of the city into Marin County and as they came to the entry way to the house Taylor and Tyler got out. They did a security check and were let in. Jessi was driven up to the front of the manor ad her eyes bulged. The manor was massive. It was four stories high and several rooms across. She was in awe as she was led into the grand entrance by the twins. She was walked along the main foyer and up the stairs. As she passed the top she saw a massive ball going on in the upper level. She had never seen such opulence in her life and suddenly was terrified.

She was taken down a long tunnel from the third floor and into a massive atrium. It was a large circle with a raised dais. In the center of the room stood six very sensual looking women. On a throne in the middle of them sat the Goddess. She was wearing a sensual black dress ad matching stockings. Her legs were crossed and she looked so at ease. The women all looked at her and she was soon feeling very small.

"Welcome to my home Jessi. I am so pleased you came," the Goddess purred standing up and opening her arms to her. "And look at you. You look stunning my child."

Jessi sheepishly smiled. The women all smiled at her and she was led to the center of them. One by one the women all came to her and introduced themselves. They all shared a very tender hug and kiss on the cheek. The last one to approach her was a tall woman with black hair that was cut short. It barely passed her ears and she had stunning green eyes. Her look was one that showed superiority.

"Greetings my sister. My name is Rayne and I am happy to accept you as my family," Rayne said smiling warmly.

"Thank you Rayne. I'm so glad to be here," Jessi said nearing tears.

"Don't cry sweetie. You are in the loving presence of your sisters and our Goddess," she said happily.

Jessi believed her and hugged her tightly. She spent a few moments in Rayne's arms and then released. After all the sisters had hugged the Goddess stood up and walked to her new daughter. Jessi wanted to drop to her knees, but she stopped her with an upraised hand. Jessi looked into her eyes and was stunned when the woman walked up to her and hugged her tight. Jessi's arms went around her back and she put her head lovingly on the woman's shoulder. The Goddess smiled at the show of affection and knew that her daughter was home. The Goddess smiled and patted her back releasing her. Jessi looked into the woman's eyes and was stunned when she spoke plainly to her.

"Amber is my name. Only my daughters may call me Amber alone, to everyone else it's Goddess or Goddess Amber. I have chosen you because I see your heart is a strong one and you are truly a mistress of good quality and qualities. In my loving arms you will find your life's ambitions reached and exceeded as well as your own skill in the arts to be increased tenfold. Embrace me as a daughter and without question and you will always know my love. Disobey me or betray me and your life will stop and go in an unexpected direction. Do you understand Jessi?" she said in a serious tone.

"Yes Amber I do," Jessi replied as she took her hand and kissed it.

"Good. Now enough of this heartwarming, we have a party to attend ladies! Enjoy the evening and my hospitality," Amber said mirthfully.

The women all laughed and clapped excitedly as they followed their Goddess in a single file. Jessi joined in at the back of the line and was amazed at how the feeling of Amber's power made her feel safer than any other time in her life. They walked down the tunnel and back to the party. Amber was announced and the crowd went silent as she descended the stairs. Her daughters followed her and the party began again. Jessi was lost in the sea of the powerful and influential. She had never been anywhere near this kind of money and it scared her a little bit. She walked to a side bar and ordered a drink. The bartender shocked her by bowing low to her after he made the drink. She smiled at him and turned around. As she did she bumped into what she thought was a wall. Upon craning her neck she saw in fact it was a man.