At the Hands of a Beautiful Woman

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A long-denied fantasy comes true.
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At the Hands of a Beautiful Woman

A long-denied fantasy comes true.

Category: Fetish

Tags: surrender, naked, erection, CFNM, butt plug, fingering, spanking, male model, pre-cum, sensuous dome

Nervously checking the security of the mask covering his eyes yet again, Matt waited anxiously for Miss Victoria to come back into the room. The two mirrors hanging in the parlor where he stood reflected his nearly naked state.

Ever the inventor, Miss Victoria had fashioned a devilish alteration of something Matt had never heard of until she had him order several versions: a C-string. The undergarment — if that definition even applied to something not meant to cover but to expose — was a sort of plastic frame fashioned into a triangle, looking somewhat like the end of one of those contraptions used to dip fish from a home aquarium. The "handle," though, wasn't straight; it was curved into the shape of the letter "u," with the top of one side of the "u" being the end with the triangular mesh-like pouch.

C-strings were designed for the "handle" to snug between a man's asscheeks as the way for the fabric pouch on the end to encircle his genitals, framing them from the back of his scrotum up around his sac and flattening against his abdomen just above the base of his penis.

With the spring-like, cloth-encased plastic "handle" meant to thread across his asshole and up between his cheeks to the top of the cleft of his buttocks, C-strings were designed to give the illusion that the man wore nothing except the fabric pouch, somehow magically held against his genitals.

The first time he modeled one for Miss Victoria, turning slowly as her gaze traveled lasciviously up and down his nearly nude body, she was clearly dissatisfied. Directing him to stop turning and stand still for her facing away from her as she sat in a favorite chair in the parlor, Matt's "sexual provocateur" said, "I can see the top of that thong-like thing peeking out at the top of your asscrack, Mr. Holloway. It spoils the illusion."

Not knowing what to do, Matt waited.

"Bend over. Let me see how this thing is positioned."

Knowing better than to delay, Matt immediately leaned down.

"Spread your legs."

Would she like the job he had done removing the hair between his buttocks?

Miss Victoria approached and spent several minutes toying with the C-string and in the process finding exquisitely tortuous ways to brush against Matt's ass, to jiggle the garment in a way that pushed the fabric across his rapidly hardening penis.

"It seems this is poorly designed," she said, finally ceasing her ministrations to the C-string (and indirectly to Matt's cock, balls, and asshole). "I'm afraid this won't do when you model for me."

Miss Victoria walked out of the room. Over her shoulder she said, "Stand up and remove that unsatisfactory attire. We'll find something else. Masturbate while I'm gone. When I return, present your erection to me."

So it was going to be one of those nights. Tease, deny, tease, deny, tease . . . until he was crazy to come.

The last time it went on for over two hours.

Matt knew better than to get anywhere close to ejaculating. He didn't know what was more frustrating — starting to stroke his cock, or stopping himself from doing it as he edged closer to a satisfying release.

It would be so much easier simply not to touch himself at all.

But Miss Victoria wanted to see him completely nude with his cock stiff and upright.

The exciting thought that she would be sexually aroused by seeing him like that only added to the erection she had begun teasing while trying to adjust the C-string to her liking.

He quickly extricated the ridiculous garment, dropping it next to him, and began stroking his cock, thankful he was still blindfolded and not able to see himself in the parlor's mirrors.

The last session's two hours had included watching himself in one of the mirrors as Miss Victoria spanked him, barehanded, over her knee. After each swat she would fasten her gaze on his in the mirror and make some tortuously sexy comment:

"I love seeing that sexy flinch when I smack you, Matt. It's always a surprise, isn't it?"

"You must like this. Your cock is hard between my legs."

"It's okay — I like hearing the sounds you make when you're getting spanked. They turn me on"

"Mmmm, I like you in this position, over my knees, with your sexy, inviting, and naked ass so available to me. It excites me, Mr. Holloway. Do you like knowing that playing with you like this arouses me?"

"You know I'm going to soothe your cute little bottom with some lotion when your spanking is over, don't you, Matt? Maybe I'll rub some across your asshole and pet it for a few minutes. Would you like that?"

Matt almost spurted when she said that.

What seemed to Matt an eternity of denial might have been only — what? — five minutes of swats on his nude, upturned butt interspersed with dirty talk meant specifically to torture him with vivid descriptions of how she was toying with him, what she was going to do to him.

But finally Miss Victoria actually did it. She trailed one fingertip across his twitching asshole.

"So inviting, Mr. Holloway! Your lovely asshole is so pretty, so touchable, such a delicious, crinkled opening for me."

Replaying the scene in his head as he stood nude, blindfolded and masturbating, in the woman's parlor, was dangerous. In the days and nights since that initial session, he had stroked himself to orgasm multiple times thinking about the incredibly erotic scenario Miss Victoria had spun out that evening two weeks ago. Matt forced his hand away from his erection, which was pointed to the ceiling, stiff and throbbing.

Two times two is four, four times four is sixteen, sixteen times sixteen is . . . let's see sixteen times ten is one hundred sixty plus . . .

It was no use. Last session's erotic memories flooded his mind, short-circuiting the mental math he was doing in an attempt to back away from the edge of the abyss — Miss Victoria would be so disappointed if he came before she directed it. Still, that first experience was so sexually cathartic, so deeply seared into his memory . . . There was no way he could be here in this house again and not remember . . . not anticipate . . . not be erect at the mere whiff of her subtle perfume.

Cautiously, he wrapped his fist back around his cock, wanting to ensure maximum hardness when Miss Victoria came back into the parlor.

He hit "play" on the mental movie he had paused a few moments earlier, and resumed the fantasy-reality of his first time here, his first time naked in front of her:

Nude, his cheeks pink from her spanking, and his body ass-up across her lap, she had toyed with him for her own pleasure — he hoped — but just as importantly to help him abandon the sexual guilt and anxiety he had carried for years.

Another spank. Another dirty comment as she spread him open to her view: "Look at you, Mr. Holloway, exposed like this! You're showing me your asshole, shamelessly displaying it. I'm looking at your naked anus, and you're nude, ass-up over my lap, and there's not a millimeter of your nasty boy-hole that I cannot see. Do you show yourself like this to your girlfriends?"

Is that a question I'm supposed to answer? he had thought nervously. Or is it just rhetorical?

Looking into the mirror to try to get a clue from the woman's expression as her pretty face was reflected to his gaze, he could not interpret the look and the half-smile she was giving him.

But he did not have to ponder things even one more second.


"I asked a question, Mr. Holloway. Tell me the answer."

"N-no," Matt stammered.

"'No,' what?"

She would force him to talk about this.

"No. I do not show myself this way to my girlfriends."


"Let's do better than that, please. What way?"

Matt sagged into Miss Victoria's lap, chastened.

"No, Miss Victoria, I do not have my girlfriends spread wide the cheeks of my ass so I can present my naked asshole to their view."

The woman laid a palm on one of his cheeks, resting it there.

"There. That wasn't so difficult, was it? I expect quality answers to my questions, that's all."

Matt swallowed, then answered.

"Yes, ma'am."

"What would your girlfriends do if you requested a spanking while you were nude and over their laps?"

This is so humiliating! Matt thought.

Yet the conversation had his cock hard and throbbing.

"Um, Miss Victoria, I believe the women would be shocked."


She had drawn her hand away from his ass. It was a clear sign another swat would quickly land on his cheek if he was not completely forthcoming.

"And they would probably say something like, 'You're kidding, right?'" Matt said quickly, wanting to avoid more of Miss Victoria's open-handed swats.

"So these women you say are, or have been, your girlfriends — they've never spanked you?"

"No, ma'am."

Please don't ask me to explain this! Matt thought, alarmed.

It was a secret he had trouble admitting even to himself.

"Why not?"

He squirmed. He gritted his teeth. He swallowed — all to try to buy time to think of something — anything — to end this-


"Please, Miss Victoria. I'm trying to think of how to explain this to you."

"And you shall think of something quickly, won't you, Mr. Holloway?"


"I've never asked any of my girlfriends to spank me because I was ashamed of my pleasure in receiving spankings."

"Now we are getting somewhere, Mr. Holloway." Miss Victoria again rested her palm on one of Matt's cheeks. "Continue."

"Because I was ashamed, I never asked them to do this. I feared they would instantly dump me, maybe even slap me if I asked for this, and storm out calling me a pervert. Then they might even tell their friends."

He dropped his head, breaking the visual connection between them in the mirror, wanting to avert his gaze as she pulled his confession from him.

Miss Victoria was now sliding the palm of her hand across his naked butt, gently caressing.

"So you were afraid to risk that, even though it was important to you? Even though this simple act-"


"-is clearly something you enjoy sexually?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Why is this important?"

"May I rise and stand to talk about this? It would be easier-"


"No. I am quite enjoying you in this position. I can hear you very well. Continue, but look at me as you tell me."

Miss Victoria resumed her caress of his ass as she crooked one eyebrow at the reflection of his face when he lifted his head back up to look at her reflection in the mirror.

It was so embarrassing yet so exciting. His secret of sexual enjoyment hidden forever from the lovers he'd had in the past, all the girlfriends, his ex-wife.

Now here he was, living out the fantasy that had gripped him so powerfully for so many years, but with a woman whose services he had engaged in a strictly pay-for-pleasure arrangement. It had reached that point after his inner struggles finally overpowered the taboo of hiring a professional to sate his deep-seated longing for this kind of sexual play.

Matt surrendered and went all in:

"It's important to me that a woman takes sexual pleasure in using my body for her enjoyment. I find that very erotic, and it's a big reason I try to keep myself in shape. It's arousing to me to think of a woman eager for sex, eager for the sight of my naked body as the private sextoy she can use, knowing that I find her arousal so stimulating, so alluring, so very, very sexy."

Miss Victoria said nothing for several seconds, though she continued the soft caress of his ass.

Matt waited, worried.

What does she want now?

Then, he knew. Matt groaned involuntarily at the sensation produced two weeks earlier when the beautiful woman who had him over her knees grazed his pink opening with the pad of one finger.

"I like men who want me to use them for my pleasure," Miss Victoria said. "I very much enjoy toying with a male willing to do what you're doing right now."

Then, suddenly, another smack to his ass.

"Perhaps this spanking will help me make my point," she said, looking directly into the reflection of his eyes in the mirror. "It's a pity you haven't had the courage to ask for this from your lovers in the past, Matt. You should have done it with each of the women you've been intimate with. If they dump you, then you move on to find someone more sexually compatible."

He held her gaze, waiting. Embarrassed.

"The silly women you must have been with before this exploration of your hang-ups are not like me, Mr. Holloway. You see," she continued, stroking his ass, "I have no reservations in helping you understand how turned on I am by your surrender of your body to my pleasure."

She spread him wide open.

"I have no compunctions about requiring a nude male to expose himself totally. I like gazing at that part of a man that is always hidden. I like it because it means I know the man is willing to expose any part of him that I want to see, any part of him that I want to touch and toy with simply because it arouses me sexually."

Matt froze at that comment, but Miss Victoria seemed to take no notice.

"Mmmm, so lovely. I enjoy gazing at you spread open for me, Matt. Surrendering to me. I like this very much, especially as the sight is so fetching, with your pretty asshole framed by the pink cheeks of your naked butt after your spanking. Such a sexy sight, so nasty and arousing for me. You have no idea what I will imagine doing as I recall you in this position, exposed like this for my pleasure."

Miss Victoria knew how to push Matt's buttons, and her dirty talk about his abject exposure and surrender to whatever pleasures she wanted to take with his body was revving his libido into overdrive. His cock was dripping pre-cum, trapped as it was between her thighs as she pinioned him in place for his spanking and then the inevitable sexual torture of playing with his ass and asshole while she talked to him about what was yet to come.

Please! Just do it! Matt thought, being sure to keep his place across her lap. Please stop teasing me like this!

He squirmed, trying for a little bit of friction from her stockinged thighs against his throbbing dick. It earned him a forceful slap on one cheek.

"Stop it! Stop that this instant!" Miss Victoria said sharply. "I will not have my sextoy spurting in a position that means I won't get to see every jerk and twitch as you orgasm for me."

Matt knew this would happen. His tutor was practiced, very accomplished. Nothing slipped by her, least of all a naked male's attempt to rub himself for a bit of relief between her thighs. Everything he had learned about Miss Victoria in his investigations when he finally decided to go through with the idea of hiring a professional sex worker to lead him through this soul-satisfying sexual play told him she was very experienced at this.

Now, she was also displaying the expertise that undoubtedly connected to her degree in psychology.

She continued: "I do, however, enjoy feeling your erection between my thighs as we continue this lovely discussion. I have a suspicion, Mr. Holloway, that the discussion will keep you hard. It is my intent for our conversation to ensure your cock is stiff and plump and straining for relief. I want you hard, but you will not come."

Shit! he thought, now worried there was no way he would avoid spurting a rope of come in this position. Miss Victoria was a virtuoso at sexy talk, at mindblowingly erotic narrative. Matt knew that if she allowed it, he could sit facing her, hands firmly on the arms of the chair at the same time his cock was erect and pointing to the ceiling, and she could talk him to orgasm as she looked into his eyes and purred through one of her nasty scenarios about him and what she would take such sexual pleasure in doing to him.

He had learned quickly of her skill with dirty talk — her response to the third email he had sent to her as he worked to convince her that he was, indeed, willing to be her client and sextoy within the role-play scenarios he asked for. He was anxious, even scandalized, about doing such a thing, but if her skill with such "sensuous domination" scenarios as confirmed in the multiple client testimonials on the Reddit site where she posted such comments were accurate, he knew she would perfectly play the role.

And he hoped such expertise would finally make real the sex fantasy he'd had for years while at the same time ridding him of the terrible guilt of enjoying that fantasy.

Let me experience this to see if it's what I imagine — maybe that will give me the confidence to enjoy this, to ask for it from a woman I'm in a relationship with.

The third email also made clear he would be but one of her toys. As a professional sex worker specializing in what she advertised online as 'sensuous domination,' she had several clients and didn't know if taking on another would be possible.

But, two sentences later in the email, she agreed to take him on. He would, however, be required to send her a picture of himself. He was to be nude, well groomed, smiling into the camera, and completely erect.

"You are fortunate, Mr. Holloway, to have me work you in — and, no, that is not a double entrendre. You will not have your penis inside my vagina or my anus. Ever. We shall see whether you deserve the pleasure of my mouth."

My god! Matt thought. She must be pretty confident of herself to email this, even if it is within the role-play engagements I've asked for.

"But, to help you with the erection you will display in the picture I require to finalize my taking you on as a client, perhaps you would like to imagine the following:"

Thus began Matt's first clue to her sexy, dirty talk skills.

"Because you have explained your sexual desires and the scenarios that will address them, you should know that you will be naked in my home. When you enter the front door, you will always strip. You will make regular visits to a waxing salon to remove the hair on your penis, your scrotum, and between your asscheeks. Other body hair may remain. I will often blindfold you, and I will take pictures to memorialize your nakedness and for my own private pleasures after you leave.

"You will be spanked. Naughty boys always are. You will come to adore my open-palm swats, and I will thoroughly enjoy your pink bottom and your squirming through your punishment. Do spankings cause erections, Mr. Holloway? I hope so. You will have many erections when we play.

"I will, of course, require that you masturbate for my viewing pleasure and my own sexual arousal. Occasionally you will be allowed to masturbate to orgasm, but often, you will not. I like to extend the sessions when I sensuously dominate a bad boy who needs all manner of sexual correction.

"I enjoy butt plugs, Mr. Holloway. My own and slipping them inside naughty boy-holes. You will purchase the kind I like to watch slide inside the puckered opening of a naked man who has come to me for this kind of service."

So even before his first visit two weeks ago, Miss Victoria made clear her prowess as a woman who was infinitely adept at spinning tales to arouse the men she took on as clients.

And on that first visit, it was another 45 minutes after the spanking before she allowed Matt's orgasm, which she watched as he stood before her, spurting into a cup she provided for that purpose. Rising from her chair to take the cup from him, she set it aside, then wrapped her fist around his slowly deflating cock, sliding it upward to release him and gather up a dribble of his cum on one fingertip. She looked directly in his eyes and moved her finger to her mouth, pausing it only an inch away as she whispered to him.