Audrey's New Complication

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Audrey meets a mysterious stranger who likes to take control.
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3,000 miles.

That's how far I have ran to put space between me and the demons that haunt me.

I pick up my glass from the bar and tip it back to take the last swig. It's slick from condensation, but the taste of tequila and salt is soothing. An unwanted figure pauses beside me at the bar and a ripple of frustration immediately spreads through my nerves. He looks me up and down, probably trying to figure out how badly he wants to get my dress off me tonight and I can just imagine exactly what he is seeing right now. Wavy Blonde, shoulder-length hair with streaks of light brown. Blue eyes and clear complexion with a touch of make-up. I'm wearing a black A-line dress that is just low cut enough to spark his imagination, complete with black heels. I know I look good. But I'm not dressed up for this fucker. Mama always said if you dress good then you feel good. And Lord knows I could use some good feelings right now.

The kind that comes from good music and even better alcohol. Not the kind that comes from a sweaty, over-zealous man rutting on top of me for a quick fuck. I'm not here to stroke anyone's ego tonight. I'm here to forget about my own problems for a while. The ones that I left 3,000 miles behind me. I just want to enjoy my life and work on my career without any... personal complications.

The figure whistles quietly as his gaze travels down my legs. I peer sideways and frown at his shaggy, blonde hair. His face and hands are dirty, his baggy t-shirt has seen too much sun, and his jeans are in dire need of a belt. "Hey babe, why don't you come join my friends? Gorgeous girl like you shouldn't be sitting alone. I have somewhere better you could be sitting," he winks his eye suggestively and his school boy grin makes me roll my eyes. "How charming, too bad I just enrolled in a convent." I turn back in my seat and ignore the man. I'm sure he'll mumble something about me being a bitch and walk away, looking for more gullible targets. I have better things to do- getting the bartender's attention so I can order a refill, for example.

A sweaty palm lands on my shoulder and I tense. The smell of cigarettes wafts over me, and sends waves of nausea rolling through my belly. I tighten my hand on my glass, and turn to glare at the blonde man. "Hey, look lady, you don't have to be a cunt about it alright? You're here to have a good time and I'm here to have a good time." I lean back in my chair, before slowly peeling his hand off my shoulder. "Listen jackass, maybe I wasn't clear enough before. Let me spell it out for you. What I meant to say is leave me the hell alone."

The man frowns and leans forward, and the fucker is bold enough to place his grimy hand on my thigh. My belly flutters but not in the good way. This creep has a lot of audacity, and his persistence is beginning to make me nervous. He sounds agitated now. "Listen babe, cut the crap. Don't play hard to get, ok? We both know why a beautiful woman like you is at the bar by herself. I'll buy you a few drinks and we'll take a few turns on the dance floor. Then we'll get a room and you can make it worth my time, hmm?" Anger floods my very being but an unfamiliar voice cuts in before I get the chance to reply.

"I think we can both agree that the lady has already given you her answer. I suggest you get goin' before she starts swinging."

The creep takes his hand off my thigh and whirls around to face the new stranger, and my own eyes dart over quickly to evaluate him. I am curious to see the owner of the deep, smooth accent that has come to my aide. An accent like that doesn't belong in Seattle. I would bet money that the man didn't grow up in America. American accents are never that velvety, smooth type of sexy. The man is tall, tanned, and has a head full of black hair. He wears a white button up shirt and navy trousers that do nothing to hide his bulging muscles. I almost gasp at his appearance, and maybe I would have if I wasn't still slightly worried about the creep in front of me. The creep whose face is growing red with anger. "Listen pal, why don't you mind your own? I wasn't talking to you, was I? I'm trying to have a good time with the beautiful lady and I got here first. If you wanted her then you should have got here before-"

Whatever else the creep intended on saying will forever remain a mystery because the dark-haired man quickly reels his arm back and lands a punch right across his jaw. A yelp escapes the creep and his body hits the floor like a sack of potatoes. I gasp in shock, my heart beat quickening, as I watch him slowly struggle to his feet. He cocks his fist back, and aims for the dark-haired man who is bristling with anger now. My rescuers face is tense, his eyes narrowed, and ready to fight. The quickly forming crowd around us clears as two security guards come bounding through. Both are dressed in black shirts and black pants. They talk quietly into their ear pieces as they look back and forth between the two men itching for a fight. One of the guards grabs the creep, quickly pinning his arms behind him and drags him away, hopefully towards the door. He struggles to get out of the guards grasp but the guard drags him along easily. The eyes of my rescuer captivate mine, searching my face thoroughly as if trying to read my thoughts. For some odd reason, this makes my heart flutter.

"Alright, big fella, you too. Don't make this harder than it has to be," orders the remaining guard. I watch in concern as he latches onto the arms of my rescuer and begins to lead him away. Instead of struggling like the creep had, my rescuer turns his head back towards the bar tender who has stopped to watch the commotion and nods in my direction. "Make sure the lady is ok." Guilt settles in my chest and I know I have to say something. The man was just trying to help me and now he's getting in trouble.

"Wait, sir," I call to the guard's retreating back. "That man was just trying to help me. He didn't mean to start a fight or cause trouble- the other guy was harassing me. Please, could you let him go?"

The guard pauses and turns to study my face before peering at the dark-haired man. Murmurs of agreement roll amongst the surrounding crowd and I hear the bar tender chime in behind me, "Ay, what she's saying is true. I was about to cut into the situation myself. I can vouch for him." The guard, apparently trusting the word of the bar tender, nods as he releases the man. Now I'm at a loss for words. I know I should express my gratitude to the man, but I find myself tongue tied. Maybe I should offer to buy him a drink? Or would he think that I was flirting?

The crowd begins to disperse again. Everyone returns to their dance, their drinks, and their lively conversations. But I find my eyes locked with my dark-haired rescuer. He strolls forward, casually but full of confidence. His dark eyes study my face and I feel a blush spreading across my cheeks. "Thanks for- um, thanks for the help," I sputter nervously. The man, grinning, takes the empty seat next to me. "Don't thank me yet, Miss.... what should I call you?"


"Don't thank me yet, Miss Audrey. I was only coming over to try my luck with the beautiful lady myself. As chance had it, I saw the perfect opportunity to jump in and impress you. Did it work?" There is a twinkle in his eye, and I don't know if the man is kidding or not. But I smile and feel my muscles loose some of their tension. Either way, his attitude puts me at ease. I smile. "And I thought you were just being chivalrous. Silly me. But I'm afraid I'm not that easy to impress, although it was a good start," I tease. The man's eye's grow dark and I swallow nervously. Do I just imagine that he is admiring my cleavage? I almost shiver.

"Good. Nothing really worth having is won without a fight and a little groveling."

Good looking and a smooth talker? My ovaries are in trouble tonight.

"Look, I appreciate the help. I truly do but, I didn't come here to pick up a man tonight. So, I'm afraid you're out of luck if those are your intentions."

The man smiles politely but ignores my statement for the time being. Instead, he motions to the bartender first. "Another whisky for me and add whatever the lady is drinking onto my tab as well." He turns to me. "Don't worry, Miss Audrey. I won't push my luck. I didn't exactly come here to pick up a lady myself. I hope you don't mind if I sit here though and give you some company? I have the feeling we both have something in common tonight." I arch my eyebrows. "What would that be?"

As the bar tender places our drinks before us, the man reaches out and takes a deep drink of his. "We're both running from our problems. Hoping to get lost in the alcohol and music, am I right?" His eyes twinkle mischievously and my stomach flips. A man doesn't have the right to look this attractive. And he certainly doesn't have the right to say all the right things. "Am I that easy to read, Mr.... what did you say your name is?"

"Augustin. Just Augustin will do. And not particularly, but you could say I've always been good at reading people. Perhaps if we stick together tonight then all the wolves in heat looking for a mate will leave us be." I chuckle at his words. "As long as there are no expectations, then I suppose I wouldn't mind some good conversation." The man grins like he just heard a joke. "No miss, I wouldn't dare to have any sort of expectations where you are concerned. I just watched you swat away several male suitors. You ate them like a gator catching a fly. I wouldn't dare push your buttons."

A genuine smile slips out at his teasing. "You are safe from me.... For now," I reply. He winks before responding, "I'll try not to displease you then. Tell me, what do you do for a living Miss Audrey?"

I frown because I am reluctant to give a stranger in a bar too much information. Besides, I am not in the mood to talk about myself. "I don't think you particularly care to know about what I do for a living and I don't especially care to know what you do either. We can skip the niceties if it's all the same to you, Augustin." Surprise flickers across his face and he takes another sip of his whisky. "A lady who doesn't like small talk. Refreshing. Then let me ask you this- do you come here very often, Miss Audrey?"

"No, and I actually just moved to the city. So, this is my first visit but I'm not typically a night-life type of person. Most nights I'm in bed reading a book, not bar hopping. But I'm new to the area and I wanted to see what the city had to offer. You?"

He studies me a long moment before answering. "I've had a shit year and I wanted to get out of the house tonight. The bars are not usually my scene either but tonight will have all been worth it because I saw a beautiful, breathe-taking gorgeous woman in a black dress sitting at the bar and she didn't tell me to get lost. Care for a dance, Miss Audrey?"

His compliment catches me off guard and I almost choke on my drink. His smooth words shoot a thrill up my spine and make me want to sit up taller. Part of me wants to be sensible and walk away, but I am drawn to him like a magnet. "I would like that," I reply. He stands and casually holds out his hand, as if sweeping women off their feet is an everyday activity for him. I place my hand in his open palm and I feel a quiet hitch in my breath. Something about the way his warm hand envelopes mine feels electrical. I try not to act nervous as he leads me to the center of the dance floor. His warms wrap around my waist and he pulls me in closer. The woodsy scent of his cologne sends goosebumps down my arms. He murmurs, "I hope you don't mind being in the middle of the dance floor, but it's not everyday that I get to hold a stunning woman in my arms and I kind of wanted to show you off." My heart kicks in its chest and I feel warmth spread across my cheeks. I want to groan at his words. I think my ovaries are drooling right now.

"Stop flirting with me and just dance," I order breathlessly. The man chuckles but pulls me in closer, and we swing our hips to the music. Every now and then he twirls me in a circle, and I am nearly out of breath by the end of the song. "Smooth talker and he knows how to dance. Refreshing," I tease. I feel his chest rumble with quiet laughter and I turn away to hide my stupid grin. This grown man really has me acting like a young girl with a crush.

I've always found it rather ironic how fast time passes when you are having fun. We dance through several songs together and he impresses me with his dancing abilities. Now if only I didn't have two left feet, but he's at least kind enough not to remark on that fact. He leads me through the dance steps, always so confident and sure of himself but not in a smug way. We talk about anything and everything as we dance. Anything from tonight's band, what kind of books we like to read, and some of our past travels.

The fast beat tempo finally changes to a slow song and it gives us a chance to catch our breathe. He pulls me into his arms as they wrap around my waist, and one palm rests on my lower back. I swallow at our proximity but I put my arms around his neck. I rest my face gently on his shoulder and try to forget how close our bodies are. How the feel of his skin warms mine. How the smell of his cologne makes my heart flutter. And most of all, I try to forget how the intimacy of the moment has me damp between my thighs. His palm begins rubbing soothing circles onto my lower back and I bite my lip to suppress a moan.

Augustin places three fingers under my chin and tilts my face to look at him. His eyes are dark, husky, and full of desire. His face lowers until it's mere inches from mine, our noses nearly touching. The scent of whisky and mint gum flows towards me. His rough thumb pad presses into my lower lip and skims across it. My eyelids flutter shut. My heartbeat gallops away and I know I am too weak to resist him anything.

"I'm going to kiss you now," he whispers. I don't reply but I tighten my hold around his shoulders and tip my face closer to his. His lips meet mine in a firm kiss. It is demanding, scorching, and possessive all at once. The dance floor blurs around me until it ceases to exist. I feel a surging tide of pleasure spreading through my body, and a gentle throbbing between my legs. The intensity of his kiss increases until I am clinging to his arms as his tongue demands entrance at my lips. I grant him entrance and lean further into his embrace. Has anybody ever kissed me so thoroughly as this stranger?

I am vaguely aware that the slow song ends and the band announces that they are taking a break. People ramble back to their tables, and an older couple coughs uncomfortably as they pass us. Reality interrupts our heated kiss and we part from each other. Augustin's expression is dark and unreadable, his lips swollen. "I had a good time tonight, Miss Audrey. I wish you well," he nods before releasing me from his arms and begins walking away.

Wait....what?? Just like that?

Sure, I told him not to have any expectations but how can he kiss me in a way that leaves me aching for more and then just walk away?

"Do you always kiss and dash," I question after his retreating figure. He pauses and turns back to me, he looks almost...sad? Regretful? He smiles wistfully.

"I'm afraid I misjudged myself, Miss Audrey. I thought I was a strong man but I am not. If I keep kissing you, I will take you by the hand, lead you to the hotel across the street, and stay between those pretty legs all night," he says. I gasp. The man has a way of being refreshingly bold without being crude. And then I surprise myself with my own reply.

"Would that be such a bad thing?"

Augustin takes in a sharp breath. He steps closer to me, leaning towards me until his lips are at my ears. One finger slowly strokes my cheek. His voice is gruff.

"I am not the gentleman you think I am, and I am not the type of man you deserve. You are used to vanilla men. Someone who just wants to touch you once underneath the sheets in the dark. I want nothing more than to rip your clothes off and sink in between your thighs. But I also want to tie your hands and ankles so you have to take whatever I give. I want to spank your ass until its red with my hand print. And then I want to fill you with my cock and ride you hard. But, I'm not sure if you are ready for that. In my bed, I'm in control. I run the show and take what I want. Your body and your pleasure at my mercy. Try to turn the tables or act out of line and there'll be punishment, I'll have to put you in your place. I'll use you and take what I want, Miss Audrey. When I fuck, I fuck until you forget your name. If you want someone who is going to be gentle and fuck you once in missionary, that is not me. I am trying to do the right thing here and leave you alone. Might I suggest you walk away now," he growls passionately into my ear.

There is a quiet hitch in my breathing as my heart begins to pitter patter. My world spins at his words, and I try to digest the meaning behind each sentence. How intriguing that his own personality clashes with itself. So gentle yet so rough. So giving, yet demanding. So rewarding, and yet, punishing.

He's right, I have only ever been with vanilla men. Not that I think anything is wrong with that. It has always been enough for me. Until now. He makes me want to bend over, beg him to strap me down, and let him ride me. I have the feeling that would only be the beginning of it. I shudder.

Can I handle a man like Augustin? Will it wake something up in me or will it turn me off? I don't know but right now my clit is throbbing and aching for his attention.

I hold Augustin's eyes with my own and rise up to the challenge.

"Show me then."

"I'm not going to hold back," he warns darkly.

"I'm woman enough to take it."

A deep moan rumbles from his chest and his eyes pierce my face. "Never thought a woman would be the death of me, darling." I smirk. My palms feel sweaty as Augustin links his arm through mine and we begin heading towards the hotel across the street. The breezy night air does nothing to cool down my overheated face as we walk. I can't believe I am doing this. I am not this kind of woman. I have never had a one-night stand with a stranger and I have most certainly never allowed a man to do the kind of things to me that Augustin speaks of. But, despite the warning bells that are going off in my head, my whole body trembles with lust. Does he know how badly I ache for him to touch me?

Augustin leaves me waiting by the elevators while he strides to the front desk and I see him whispering to the front desk attendant. I wait impatiently, tapping my heels and fiddling with the sleeves of my dress. He finally returns with a room key- to the top floor suite. I raise my eyebrows but, not wanting to sound rude, make no comment. That's pretty fancy for a one-night stand and makes me wonder what exactly he does for a living. Or how often he brings ladies here.

The elevator dings open and he follows me inside. The door closes and I smile politely at the elderly couple behind us. Augustin stands so closely behind me that I can feel his body heat. By the time the elderly couple exits the elevator, every nerve in my body is humming with awareness. I inhale sharply, and my belly tenses. Augustin's hand suddenly reaches out and presses the stop button in the silver panel. I'm pressed unexpectedly against the wall, Augustin's body crashing into me. His lips slam onto mine and I gasp when I feel his erection pressed against my quivering thighs. His hands grasp both sides of my face as his tongue slants over mine, winning in his battle for dominance.

I sink into his kiss, and bring a foot up to stroke the back of his calf. Our hands run over each other's body, both of us desperate to explore. My desire increases tenfold as his hands begin to touch me everywhere. They run down my back and cup my butt, they skim the delicate skin of my inner thigh, and then run up my hips. They travel up my stomach and cup my heavy breasts.