Aunt Vanessa's Seduction


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"Are you all right, Aunt Vanessa," he enquired.

"Oh, yes I'll be all right. I've just got a bit of a stiff neck from when Henry...from the way I was lying awkwardly in the night."

"Umm," he pondered. "Perhaps a bit of massage would help?"

"Maybe," she said. And then turned to look at him, "Is that something you can do?"

"Umm, well I've had a bit of practice; Mum sometimes gets problems. She really needs a new bed, but we can't afford it. So, when she gets a pain in her shoulder, I manage to ease it for her."

"Well, if you could do anything to help that would be really good. I've got a lot of housework to do today and this is going to hamper me."

"Umm, I'm not making any promises mind, but I'll do my best. If you sit down, I'll stand behind you."

Vanessa sat down on the wooden kitchen chair and Jake walked around behind her. She was wearing a flowered Summer dress, with a tight matching belt around her waist. The skirt flared out dramatically in wide pleats, but the bodice was simple and figure hugging with narrow straps tied at the shoulder. The neckline was respectably above her cleavage, but the back dropped as far as it dared without showing her brassiere strap.

Jake's hands felt cool and she tensed momentarily as he placed them on her shoulders. But she almost immediately relaxed as he began to use his thumbs and fingers to work on the muscles and tendons to relax them.

To Jake, this was like a dream come true; to be touching Vanessa felt wonderful. He was glad he was standing behind her as his, by now regular, erection had arisen.

"Mmmm," said Vanessa. "You're really good at this. It's starting to feel better already."

Jake's digits had moved in towards the base of Vanessa's neck and he was now manipulating the problem area. His hands moved back out and in again, then he slipped downwards, working on her upper spine, and wandering outwards to her shoulder blades. He returned to the tops of her shoulders, then moved to the areas beneath the collar bones to work on the pectoral muscles.

Vanessa was enjoying Jake's touch so much, that it was only when his fingers were in danger of slipping beneath the neckline of the dress that she came to her senses and stopped him.

She caught his hands and said, "Oh! That's much better now Jake. Thank you."

To Jake, she immediately seemed to be back to her brighter self. However, he now had the problem that he was standing behind her and if she got up and turned around his stiff cock would be entirely noticeable.

"Oh, good. Well, I need to get out for a walk, so I should probably get out of your way." With that, he turned away from her and quickly made his way outside, ensuring that he kept his back to the kitchen window until he was well out of sight (just in case she was looking out).

Jake knew he was close to touching Vanessa's breasts and he also instinctively knew that she knew it too. But she did not scold him or act offended. In fact, as he wandered along the footpath, he began to think that maybe, just maybe, she very nearly let him go there.


Later that evening, after dinner, Henry had gone to his study to read through some important paperwork. Although the weather had generally been warm of late, there had been a prolonged shower that afternoon and it had brought the temperature down. With no sun to warm things up again it had felt distinctly chilly and Henry had lit the fire in the lounge. It was not fierce, but it was just enough to take the edge off the coolness of the room.

Jake was sitting reading a book on the rug by the fire with his back leaning against an armchair. Vanessa was perusing a fashion magazine. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed movement and glanced up.

Vanessa, changing position to get more comfortable crossed her left leg over her right. Although the dress was a respectable length and puffed out by her petticoats, from this angle on the floor Jake was able to see quite a lot of his Aunt's thigh -- including the thick band at the top of her stocking. He pulled his eyes away quickly and pretended to carry on reading. But his eyes could not focus on the words as he found himself wishing that he had been able to see more.

After a few more minutes, Vanessa, clearly still not quite comfortable enough, uncrossed her legs and kicked off her high-heeled shoes. Moving the cushion from behind her, she pushed further back in the seat and lifted her legs up onto the wide armchair. All through this activity Jake had been watching over the top of his book. This time he saw not only a single stocking top, but both, plus suspender straps, creamy flesh above and silky knickers above that. All too quickly the dress covered everything again, but it was as if he now had series of photographs in his mind. His cock was rock hard once more.

A while later, Jake made his excuses and went to bed, where he masturbated -- as he had for many nights now. Long before coming to Henry and Vanessa's, like any healthy male, he had experimented with wanking, but he never felt the need to do it very often. Now, it was almost every day (sometimes more than once).


Henry had left for work as usual and Jake was helping with the washing up.

"So, where do you go walking then, Jake?" asked Vanessa.

"Oh, nowhere in particular. I just walk. Oh, except for when I go to the river for a swim."

"You go swimming? I didn't know that!" Another example of how uncommunicative Jake could be sometimes.

"Actually Jake, I could do with getting a bit of fresh air, perhaps we could go out for a walk together?"

Vanessa had decided that it was time to try and bring Jake out of his shell and see if she could get him talking a bit more. Jenny had said that he did not really mix with the others at school and seemed uneasy holding conversations with anybody except her.

So, later that morning they set off. Vanessa was wearing another Summer dress -- a Christian Dior, not that Jake would have known -- with a slightly more plunging (but still respectable) neckline and wider shoulder straps. The big difference was that she wore more sensible shoes. The ground was firm, but stilettos would have been useless on the rough pathways.

Jake helped Vanessa over that first stile and got a flash of thigh and stocking top. He just managed to keep his libido under control this time.

The sun shone down as they walked through the quiet fields, the only sounds being the gentle buzzing of insects and the grass moving in the light breeze. Vanessa marvelled at the fact that she had all of this on her doorstep, yet hardly ever got out to enjoy it.

Eventually, the pair arrived at the river and began to walk alongside it. Vanessa knew it was there and had seen it occasionally (usually from the car) but had never been to this section. The bridge was built of local stone and looked pretty ancient. The colours of the wildflowers and blue skies contrasted by the fluffy white clouds made it look like a chocolate box scene. She was delighted.

"Oh, my, Jake, this is so pretty. Why didn't you tell me about it before?"

"Umm. I guess I thought that you already knew about this place. I mean its only about half an hour's walk from where you live."

"Ah, well, maybe we're not as adventurous as you. But I'm so glad that you've brought me here now."

She thought for a moment, her brow furrowed, before asking, "So, when you go swimming...I mean, you don't take a towel or...anything with you, so how...?" She left the question unfinished.

"Umm. Well, I just strip down to my underpants and go in. It's been nice and warm each time, so I soon dry off afterwards."

"Ah," she said. "I just wondered." What she had been wondering was whether or not he stripped naked to go swimming.

"So, are you going to have a dip today, then?"

"Umm. If you don't mind waiting? Of course, you could always join me if you want?"

Jake had meant next time, so that Vanessa could be fully prepared with a swimming costume and towel etc. But, of course, what he meant and how his words could be interpreted were two different things.

Vanessa burst into giggles and said, "No, I don't think so! And I must say that was a pretty forward suggestion." She smiled to show she was not upset.

Too late, Jake realised what she thought he had been suggesting; that she should strip down to her underwear and join him. His face reddened with embarrassment.

"Oh! No! I didn't mean...I meant next time we come here."

Vanessa, fully realising what he had meant, teased him further, "Oh, so you intend to bring me here again, do you?"

Jake looked like he was so tongue-tied that would explode.

Vanessa took pity, she smiled and said, "Why don't you go for your swim?"

Happy to get away from the awkwardness of the conversation, Jake quickly stripped down to his underpants.

Vanessa sat down on the grass and watched Jake as he walked into the water. She was impressed with his physique; wide shoulders and a strong back narrowing down to his waist. His legs had fine brown hair -- much lighter than the hair on his head -- and it looked almost as if they were shaved. But it was his buttocks that grabbed all her attention; the muscled movement within the waist high underpants made her wish that he had, indeed, gone in naked. She licked her lips at the thought and found herself becoming aroused. She watched as he slowly immersed himself and then moved into the centre of the river. She was shocked at the effortless speed that he was able to maintain. He was certainly an exceptionally good swimmer and she began to wonder if she dared to come swimming with him on another day?

Jake emerged from the water and strode slowly through the shallows and onto the bank. Vanessa noticed immediately that the dark of his pubic hair was showing through the cotton material of his underpants. And she also couldn't help but notice that the cold water did not seem to have had any effect on the contents; it looked as though he was now well-proportioned in all departments. She looked away, feeling her face beginning to flush, pretending that she was watching butterflies dancing amongst the wildflowers. It did not help when Jake lay down next to her and closed his eyes, allowing the sun to get to work on drying his body.

Vanessa turned back and found herself fascinated by the beads of clear water sitting on the smooth, toned skin. Her eyes shifted downwards, to where his genitals seemed now to be even more pronounced. Once again, she licked her lips and found herself wondering what he would look like naked. She turned her eyes away just in time when Jake opened his eyes again, but she must have been staring for fifteen minutes.

Jake opened his eyes. Was it his imagination, or had Vanessa been looking at him? Or to be more precise, at his underpants?

Terrified that his cock was about to react, Jake quickly got to his feet and started to dress.

Afterwards, they made their way back through the woods and across the meadows to the house.

By the time they arrived, Vanessa was feeling a little tired. Not used to walking, her feet were aching badly, and she mentioned this to Jake.

"Umm. Would you like me to bathe and massage them? It might help," he asked.

Remembering how skilfully he had massaged her stiff neck, she agreed it would be nice, "Oh, would you? That would be so good!"

While Jake filled a bowl with warm water, Vanessa went to fetch a towel and some baby lotion. It was only when she returned that it occurred to her that she could have taken her stockings off while in the bathroom, but now would have to do it in front of Jake. Deciding it was no big deal, she slipped her hands under her skirt, reached up and unfastened each of the three suspender straps, before carefully rolling the stocking down her leg and taking it off.

"These cost a small fortune and the last thing I want to do is ladder them," she said., then repeated the process with the other leg. She sat down, leaving the skirt bunched around mid-thigh.

By now Jake had placed the bowl of water in front of where Vanessa was sitting and knelt down with his own knees either side of it. She lifted first one foot and then the other to place them in the warm liquid.

"Ahhhh!" she said and sat back with her eyes closed.

Jake got quite a large glimpse of thigh as she did this but turned his concentration to the task in hand. He took Vanessa's right foot and gently washed it using the bar of soap she had brought down with the towel and baby lotion. When he finished, he took the towel and carefully dried the foot ensuring that no moisture was left. Placing her foot down by the side of the bowl, he then began to wash the other foot. Again, when finished, he carefully dried it and placed it on the other side of the bowl. It was only at this point that he looked up and realised that he could see all the way up between her thighs to her pantie-clad crotch. He felt his cock growing rapidly.

Squeezing some baby lotion onto his right hand, Jake picked up Vanessa's right foot with the other hand and began massaging it. His eyes came up again and he saw that the raising of the foot gave him an even clearer view of Vanessa's underwear. He imagined that he could make out the curls pressing against the material - and maybe even the folds of her pussy.

Jake put the foot down and moved to left one. It was at this point that he glanced up at Vanessa. Her eyes were focussed elsewhere, at his crotch. He felt the blood surge even more fiercely. Then, she seemed to notice he was looking at her and she switched her attention to his face. Her lips parted,

and her nostrils flared. Embarrassed, he moved his attention back to the task in hand.

When Jake had finished massaging Vanessa's other foot, he replaced it back in its original position. He simply could not stop himself from taking another peek, which turned into a long stare. When he broke away and looked back up at her face, she was watching him -- and clearly knew that he had been looking up her skirt.

Vanessa broke the tension, "I...I need to go upstairs and...and sort myself out. I'll have to get the dinner ready soon."

Jake did not know what she meant by "sorting herself out", but assumed it meant putting her stockings back on. Twenty-five minutes later Vanessa returned. She seemed to be back to normal. Well, a type of normal; bright, bubbly smiling, talkative. She had re-touched her make-up and donned her stockings once more. She busied herself preparing the evening meal.


The next morning, Vanessa asked Jake if he could help with a task in the attic. Feeling that he owed the couple something for putting up with him for six weeks, he readily agreed. She explained that it was likely to be hot and dusty up there, so he might want to change before starting work.

Just outside Henry and Vanessa's bedroom, there was a small cupboard door -- or at least, what Jake had thought was a cupboard. In fact, it was a tiny spiral staircase - almost a ladder - leading up to the roof space.

Vanessa led the way and Jake enjoyed looking at her shapely calves as she clambered up in an ungainly fashion. Inside the roof space there was a single light. The rafters had all been boarded over to create storage space -- which had clearly been used for some time.

"Henry is thinking about converting the space up here. He wants to build a model train layout, would you believe? So, we need to take out everything that's rubbish and get it downstairs and outside, so it can be picked up. Anything we want to keep needs to be stacked neatly. And then...the whole place needs to be swept out and cleared of dust and debris. Are you sure you don't mind doing this?"

Jake whistled and said, "Well, it's a pretty big job, but I'm happy to do it. After all, you've been good enough to look after me during the holidays, so it's the least I can do."

"Oh, thank you Jake. Henry will be so pleased to get it done. He's been meaning to do it for ages. Now, if you get the stuff down, I will check through and see what we want to keep. To be honest, most of it will probably go."

Vanessa made her way to the stairs and then stopped. "Ah," she said. "I might need a little help getting down!"

This time Jake led the way and then turned round to help Vanessa down. She was wearing high heels and the steps were not very deep. Going up had been no problem as she had used the balls of her feet but coming down meant that she had to turn her toes outwards to get her heels and toes onto each plank. From below, Jake was able to get yet another pleasing view up his Aunt's skirt. He reached up and put his hands on her waist to help her balance as she descended.

"Thank you, Jake. I will be downstairs if you need me. Perhaps you can pile the stuff in the conservatory first and then I will have a look at it."

Jake nodded in agreement and then got started. By lunchtime he had managed to clear everything and move it downstairs. There had been nothing particularly large, but there were a lot of dusty boxes. He had just taken a dustpan and brush, broom, and bucket back up into the attic when he heard Vanessa's voice, "I thought you could do with some lunch, so I brought you a sandwich and something to drink."

When she emerged from the stairway, she was holding a small drinks tray in one hand and was using the other to hold onto the rail. Jake thanked her and immediately took a large swig of the orange juice -- it was very dry and dusty work. Then he took the tray and placed it on the ground. The sandwich was made with "doorstop" bread -- so called because it was cut very thick -- and contained cheese and ham.

"Well, I must say that I didn't think you'd get everything down as quickly as this. You've worked really hard."

"Umm. Thanks."

Vanessa tried to engage Jake in conversation, but it was extremely hard work. However, she persevered and eventually got him talking about his plans for college.

When it came time for Vanessa to go back down, Jake had to go down first again. She used the same technique, but this time she had the tray in one hand, so it was a bit more awkward. Jake had known that he was going to get another little "reward" and his cock had already started to swell at the thought. He was just about to reach up to steady Vanessa when she lost her footing. She came down fast, but Jake's reactions were excellent, and he caught her around the hips. His arms had automatically wrapped around her as she came down, collecting the skirt of her dress and petticoats. His right hand was on her pantie covered buttock, while his left hand was clutching the back of her thigh, above the line of her stocking.

The tray had fallen from Vanessa's hand as she fell and, as Jake caught her, she wrapped her arms around him. He slowly lowered her to ground until she was standing shakily on her own two feet.

That moment was a truly awkward one. Jake had his hands on Vanessa's body underneath her skirt -- which was bunched up around her waist -- and she was now pressed against Jake's erection.

Breathlessly, she said, "You can let go now, Jake. I think I'm safe, OK?"

Jake took his hands away and stepped back, shocked at what had just happened. Vanessa walked away quickly and went into the bathroom, where she turned on the tap in the basin.

Thinking it was probably best to get on with his work, Jake made his way back up into the attic. He walked across the floorboards, thinking that all he had to do now was sweep up. It was just then that he realised that there was an unboarded area just beyond the chimney. It was dark there and he had almost missed it. Of course, it was an area that was of little use because of the sloping roof and tight space, hence the lack of floorboards. He was just about to move away, when his eyes adjusted to the dim light there and he spotted what looked like a small hole. He carefully stepped across the rafters and bent down to see what it was.